七年级英语Starter Unit3 Lesson 1 My famil

2021-06-14 教案


  The main content of this unit is to talk about “My family”. Students are interested in the topic. They want to communicate with others about their families .Although their speaking is poor,I believe they can try their best to do them well.



  1. To love our families and our family members.

  2. Make students help each other in groups and cooperate actively with others to complete learning tasks.


  Make students learn basic sentence patterns. At the same time, guide students to adopt the studying strategies of listening for the key words. With the studying strategy of Role-playing, get students to do pairwork to introduce their families.


  1.Word: year, photo, girl, tall, doctor,both,forty-two,elder,woman,

  live, same, flat, short,young,people,right,also,only,than,

  how many, seventy-five

  2.Sentences: How many people are there in your family?

  Your family is bigger than mine.


  1.Master the text and dialogues and talk about family members

  in English.

  2.The usage of comparatives of adjectives.

  3.The differences of “older” and “elder”.

  4.The usage of “mine”.

  5.Training students’ listening and speaking abilities.


  A tape-recorder

  A family photo of the teacher

  Family photos of the students



  1 1.导入新课

  The teacher shows a family photo to the students and tell them:

  Do you want to know my family members? Now, look at this photo of my family. This is … .Where am I ? (Can you guess?)…


  1.Listen and read

  1).Ask students to listen to the recording Look and say and

  answer the following question.

  How many people are there in Ben’s family?

  2).Students read the text by themselves for the first time and answer the following questions.

  How old is Ben’s sister?

  What are Ben’s father and mother?

  2.Read and say

  1).Ask students to read the text twice, and then ask students to close the books and say something about Ben’s family photo.

  2).Encourage some able students to describe their own family photos.


  Look and learn

  1).Ask two students to the front. One is tall and the other is short.

  2).Teach students‘tall, short’and how to use ‘taller, shorter’.

  Tell students the differences between older and elder.

  A is tall.    B is short.

  A is taller than B.   B is shorter than A.

  I am old.      A is young.

  I am older than A.  A is younger than I.

  The elder woman is our English teacher.


  1.Read and act

  1).Have students read the dialogue Read and act, helping them understand the difficult points.

  2).Ask some students to come to the front and role-play the dialogue.

  2.Look and say

  Ask students to work in pairs and talk about their family photos like the dialogue in Read and act.

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