六年级下册《What`s the matter》教案

2021-07-02 教案


  1.能听懂、会认、会读laugh, matter, mistake, wear,等单词。

  2.能口头运用What’s the matter?/Why are you laughing? 等语句询问原因。

  3.能口头运用Because I am very happy 这类语句来回答相关问题。


  1.能听懂、会认、会读laugh, matter, mistake, wear,等单词。

  2.能口头运用What’s the matter?/Why are you laughing? 等语句询问原因。

  3.能口头运用Because I am very happy 这类语句来回答相关问题。


  Step 1:Warm-up and show the learning aims

  1、 Sing an English song.

  2、T: Well, My kids, today I am very happy and Lingling is very happy ,too. What's the matter? Let’s have a look, OK? (板书课题并齐读) First ,please look at our learning aims.(出示本课学习目标,教师慢慢读,学生仔细看、认真听。)

  Step 2: Show the guides (指导自学)

  1.Show the pictures of module9,unit 1, Let students watch the pictures carefully and answer:

  Who are they?

  What are they doing?

  Why are they laughing?

  Encourage them answer in their words.

  2. Text: Play the tape, students listen and underline the words they can't understand.

  3. Learn the new words in pairs.

  4. Play the tape for students, and then let them listen and follow it.

  5. Let students read the text in groups and then act in front of the class.

  6、Act the dialogue in groups.


  Let students act in front of the class. When they're acting, other students should listen carefully. Then choose the best student and the best group and give the prize.

  Step 3: Explain the knowledge. (精讲点拨)


  Ship——sheep face——fish big——pig cap——cup

  Cat——kite hat——cat got——hot talk——walk

  2.why 的`用法。

  Step 4. Finish a task


  1. cat, kite

  (1) She is flying a _______.

  (2) The ______likes fish.

  2. sheep, ship

  (1) There are many _______ on the farm.

  (2) There is a ________ on the sea.

  3. bed, bird

  (1) I’m going to go to ________

  (2) A _____ is flying in the sky.

  4. hat, cat

  (1) She is wearing a _____.

  (2) The _____ is eating meat.


  例: laughing/ happy

  Why are you laughing?

  Because I’m happy.

  1. sleeping/ ill

  2. eating / hungry

  3. doing exercises/ fat


  Unit 1 What’s the matter?

  Why are you running? Why are you laughing?

  Because I’m afraid. Because I’m happy.

  A dog is running after me.

【六年级下册《What`s the matter》教案】相关文章:

《What’s the matter?》的说课稿06-07

第二单元What’s the matter教案08-29

《What’s the matter》教学反思11-29

《What’s the matter》教学反思11-02

《What’s the matter》说课稿范文07-19

《What’s the matter》教学反思范文11-11

What’s the matter说课设计08-25

英语《What’s the matter?》说课稿范文12-14

9年级英语下册课件:Unit 2 What’s the matter?03-22