



  1.能拼读单词:fox, wolf, hippo, lion, cow and duck.认读词汇:other animals, grass and make milk.

  2.能用句型:It has got…

  It eats…

  It can…


  教学重点:words and sentences.





  Step1.warm up:

  1. say the chant:

  Fly fly fly like a budgie Run run run like a rabbit Swim swim swim like a fish Eat eat eat like a hamster Sit sit sit like a dog Roar roar roar like a tiger

  2. Lead in:

  (通过动物的局部特征复习身体部位的单词,引出课题 “Animals” 并板书课题。)

  Do you like animals? What’s your favourite animal?


  Step2.Presentation and practice:

  1. 学习六个动物单词;

  a. Listen, What’s Lisa’s favourite animals?(通过听对话,引出单词“lion”),并且引出句子“It eats other animals”.

  b. 通过创设动物运动会情景,引出别的动物。看狐狸的尾巴,guess, What’s it?引出单词“fox”,听灰太狼“我一定会回来的”的声音引出“wolf”,Yes, the wolf is coming, too.再次说句子“It eats_____.”

  c. 图片引出单词“cow”引出句子“It eats grass, It can make milk”

  d. Hello, I’m a“ duck”,I’m white, I have got two legs, small eyes and a big mouth. I can swim. Do you like me? (以第一人称的口吻引出“duck”,为后面学生的Act做了很好的铺垫。)并且引出句子“ It can_____. It has got________.

  e. 播放动物“hippo”的一段视频,教师用夸张的语气和手势描述,即,It’s my favourite animal, It’s brown, It eats grass, It can swim, It has got small eyes, small ears and a big mouth. I like it very much. It’s a “hippo”.学习“hippo”,并引出句子“It eats_____. It can______ ..It has got__________.

  f. 以“hippo”为例呈现五个描述动物的基本句子并读两遍。

  2. work in groups:

  It’s a_____.

  It’s ______.

  It has got______.

  It eats _______.

  It can ________.

  3. check:

  Step3 Guess the animals:

  T: let’s play, guess the animal.如:It likes sheep, What animal?

  Step4 Talk about their favourite animals in pairs.

  T: My favourite animal is a hippo. It’s brown.It has got small eyes, small ears and a big mouth. It eats grass. It can swim. What about you?

  1. practise in pairs

  2. show us

  Step5.Act it out:

  T: then let’s act. First, look at me.

  1. 教师先戴动物头饰示范:I’m a snake, I’m green, I have got small eyes, a long body and has got no legs no feet, but I can run fast, I eat other animals.

  2. think it over and show us.

  T: Animals are our good friends, but,播放视频(情感渗透)Let’s love animals. Step6. Homework:

  1. Talk about your favourite animals with your friends.

  2. Make a newspaper for animals.

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