
2022-03-26 游记



  On Sunday, I took part in a one-day tour of the Yellow River organized by the TV station. Our first primary school and vocational middle school, Hechang middle school, the second primary school are divided into a team.


  After we gathered at the entrance of vocational middle school, we set out. I sat with the daughter of the Chinese teacher and a good friend of mine. As soon as I saw the car, I was surrounded by parents, and my mother was no exception. Some of the parents say goodbye to their children, some open their windows and say things like listen to the teacher, don't move around while they are on the boat. When the car was about to start, my mother repeatedly asked me to pay attention to safety, so I had to nod my head.


  The car started. Slowly, the parents disappeared from our sight. I'm very excited about the speed of the car. Because, this is the first time I left my parents to go out alone!


  After a while, the car drove down a straight slope, and I closed my eyes in fear. At this time, I heard the host say: "students, don't be afraid, just sing a song!" After listening, the students began to sing, and I followed them. I was not afraid at all.


  Unconsciously, the entrance of Sanjiao Yellow River arrived, but the students were still intoxicated in the singing, the instructor shouted twice before we heard. We got out of the car with our own things. We went to the toilet first. When we got back, we saw what some people were taking out of the room. I came closer and saw that it was a pile of life jackets! Those people sent one to us and tied the rope to us! As soon as I put on my life jacket, I heard someone shouting, "let's go!" I heard it and shouted.


  It's time to take a boat. We're in a big, old wooden boat. Listen to the instructor, this is a real wooden boat! When we were all seated, another female guide came. She said she would introduce the scenery here to us.


  The boat started, because the water was a little urgent at that time, the water splashed, splashed on me and every student, the students all shouted: "so comfortable!" The boat swam forward for a while, and the guide began to introduce us: "this is where Dayu used to control the water." Then he pointed to a mountain: "this mountain is called mother mountain. It's said that Dayu's wife has a child, but he hasn't come home for three years, and his child hasn't been born for three years." "Look at that mountain again. What does it look like?" The guide asked us. "Camel!" All of you answered together. "Yes." The guide said with a smile, "it's said that the camel was ridden by Dayu's wife at that time." After a while, the tour guide said: "you may not know that the Yellow River is the second largest river in the world, known as the mother river of the Chinese nation, with a total length of 54.65 million kilometers, spanning nine provinces, cities and autonomous regions Look, the opposite bank we see now is the original Liulin County, which is very shabby.


  With that, the ship arrived at its destination. At home carrying a bag to walk off the ship, one by one shouted "tired!" At this time, I saw a stone tablet with the words "mother of the Yellow River Scenic Area". Oh, it turns out that this is the Yellow River mother scenic spot! I'm happy to jump three feet high. There are also some small words beside. I read them. It says, "it's said that Yu Wang was in danger in flood control. Yu Wang's wife sat down to save her husband. In order to commemorate the achievements of Yu Wang and his wife, the mountain people after sitting are called the mother peak, and the river in danger is called the mother river of the Yellow River. " We also visited Tongxin stone, which is also the mascot, the stone Eagle known as the "divine eagle" and other scenic spots, such as "frog exploring the water".


  It's time to have lunch. Everyone sits in a circle on the grass beach. Then they open their backpacks, take out their food and taste each other. The food of the students is very rich. There are biscuits, snowcakes, bread, drinks, fruits, etc. They let me eat their snowcakes and biscuits, and I also let them eat my plain noodles and drink my drinks. Kiss like a family! At this time, I smell a smell of smoke and fragrance. I saw that it was the students of Hechang middle school who were making a fire and cooking on the spot! After a while, a classmate came with a big pot of rice and vegetables. The counselor picked it up and said, "come, let's taste the delicious and fragrant rice made by the classmate!" Just finished, the students rushed to eat. I had a good bite, too. "Wow, it's delicious!" Can't help but take another bite Don't say I'm greedy. Who makes rice so delicious?!


  After lunch, it's time for the show. The host took the lead and shouted, "let's give a little performance first, shall we?" "Good!" The students shouted. Although we have practiced for a long time, we are still a little embarrassed I didn't expect the host to shout again, "if you're asked to jump, you'll jump. It's not decent, it's not, it's not! One, two, three, four, five, we waited so hard, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, we waited so anxiously! " After listening to these words, we had to go out and perform. There are also secondary schools and other schools, which are all pulled out by us.


  After playing all afternoon, it's time to go. The staff of the TV station asked us to stand by the Yellow River for a souvenir. After listening, they rushed to take a precious photo with the teachers and the staff of the TV station like arrows.


  When we get on the boat and return, there are thousands of people in our hearts who don't want to go, but we can't help but obey the "order". On the way home, we sang our favorite songs again. We sang one song after another, but we couldn't sing enough. Until I lost my voice












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