
2024-02-23 其他类英语作文


  看花灯英语作文带翻译 1

  元宵节的晚上,我和几个小伙伴在妈妈和阿姨们的带领下去沁水河公园看花灯。到了那里,呵,人真多啊,热闹非凡。花灯一个比一个漂亮,有一个上面写着“蛇年大吉”,还有一个花灯是一个个小 房子,非常漂亮,还闪闪发光呢!晚上七点开始放烟花了,烟花五彩缤纷,在空中漫天飞舞,时而像个大火球,时而像盛开的花朵,别提有多漂亮了,看得我简直是眼花缭乱。在回去的`路上,我和几个 小伙伴每个人都买了一朵发光的花朵,这真是一个难忘的元宵节啊!

  On the night of the Lantern Festival,I went down to Qinshuihe park to watch the lanterns with my little friends under the guidance of my mother and aunts.When I got there,ah,there were so many people.It was very busy.The lanterns are more beautiful one by one.One of them says "good luck in the year of snake".The other is small houses.They are very beautiful and glittering!

  At seven oclock in the evening,the fireworks began to set off.They were colorful,flying all over the sky,sometimes like a big fireball,sometimes like blooming flowers.I was dazzled at the sight,not to mention how beautiful they were.On the way back,I and a few friends each bought a luminous flower,which is really an unforgettable Lantern Festival!

  看花灯英语作文带翻译 2


  The Lantern Festival is coming.The trees on both sides of the street are covered with colorful lights.The night suddenly becomes gorgeous.


  On the willow tree,there are small blue lanterns,one after another,hanging a lot.From a distance,it looks like a blue star falling on the tree.In the daytime,the naked willow tree becomes beautiful immediately!On the tree of Fatong,there are small white lanterns with vertical lines.The lanterns light up from the beginning to the end in turn,like a shining raindrop.Standing under the tree,it looks like a meteor shower!Shorter flowers The tree is hung with red and pink flower shaped lights.When the lights are on,they look like peach blossom and plum blossom full of trees.Its really beautiful!


  Walking and looking at it,I came to the square unconsciously.The holly trees in the square are also equipped with color lights.The ordinary looking holly trees,with flat trim and silver color lights,have become a winding and dazzling star river!The osmanthus trees have also changed.Many colorful small color lights have been installed.Besides,there are some basketball sized flower lights hanging among the branches,with snowflake shape Shape,flower shape,and pumpkin lamp,kitten lamp and so on,too much,I cant see it!


  After reading the lights,I came back home and lay on the bed.It seemed that there were still brilliant lights in front of me!

  看花灯英语作文带翻译 3


  Lantern Festival is the most grand festival in the town.Every year,after the 15th day of the first month,every village begins to prepare the details of the activity.The person in charge of the Lantern Festival is the village members who take turns to do it.In our hometown,it is called "zuozhou",which means the leader.


  First of all,go to every household to pay for the light,which is used to buy paper,paste,etc.


  Secondly,it is the food that the leader prepares to sacrifice the Buddha that night.The leader should prepare food on a board about 10 meters long and 6 meters wide.What must be prepared is that all kinds of paper-cut,a bowl of grains and flowers must be the flowers on the mountain,which are also five dishes; dozens of sweets of all kinds can be used freely,which is the most troublesome and innovative; another is the need for a pig head,which can be divided into one small piece for each household after the activity.


  Once again,set a date.Because in the first month of each year,it is the rainy season in the town,and it is often drizzled.My village in Yangzhong is the 21st day of the first month.On that day,the activities of the altar will not be affected by the weather.If there is rain at night,the lights will have to be rescheduled.


  The Lantern Festival is held to pray for good weather and good omen in the coming year,so every village will pay more attention to this activity.My village is the largest village in the town,so the activity is also the most eye-catching.It has several features.One is that at the end of the festival,there will be a "Taoist" to chant sutras.There are also dragon and lion dances.Of course,the biggest attraction of our village is more than 200 self-made lanterns.Each one is different.It has its own characteristics.Its colorful.Its all kinds of things.Its dazzling and memorable.


  Such a traditional festival,is growing up with me and slowly disappear,now has lost the previous kind of brilliant momentum,but it gave me countless happy childhood.

  看花灯英语作文带翻译 4


  Today,my father and I went to see lanterns in Shatin Park,Hong Kong.

  我们买了票,就沿着一条小路一直走,小路两旁,从上到下都是五彩缤纷,树上挂着一个个红彤彤的灯笼; 小草旁边,放着一条条美丽的彩灯,漂亮极了。

  When we bought tickets,we walked along a path.On both sides of the path,from top to bottom,there were colorful lanterns hanging on the trees.Beside the grass,there were beautiful lanterns.


  After a while,we came to the first scenic spot,"Nine Dragon Wall".This "Nine Dragon Wall" will shine brightly at night.The "dragon" on the "Nine Dragon Wall" will move.The claws of the nine dragons are very sharp.The head and claws swing at the same time.Its powerful!


  Looking at it,we came to the second scenic spot,which is even more beautiful.There are lakes on both sides.There are boats and boats on the lake,which are covered with colorful lights.It seems that we have entered the fairyland of the world.


  We also went to beautiful scenic spots such as "the world of light and fire",which are very good-looking and fun.

  看花灯英语作文带翻译 5


  Today,my father and my mother came to the Confucius Temple to watch the lantern.


  Entering from the north gate,I saw the lights on both sides of the street.I took my parents hand and ran forward.There are so many people coming to watch the lantern.Those who go south and North are like two swimming dragons.There are stalls selling lanterns on both sides of the street.Zhous lanterns,Kes lanterns and Lis lanterns


  We followed the flow of people and stopped at the stall of Yangs lantern.His lotus shaped lantern attracted me.Green leaves and big red petals form the shape of a big bowl.There is a gold shaped circle on the top,with red,yellow,green and pink flower bones on the edge.Looking inwards,a plastic lamp the size of a nail plate is placed in the middle to make a stamen.The person who sells the lantern turns on the switch.The lantern turns red,yellow and pink.The petals beside it look very beautiful against the light.


  "Come on,look here!" I was attracted by my mothers shouting.Ah,its a rabbit lantern.There are big rabbits and small rabbits.Their bodies are like boats.Their heads have round heads and long ears.Their bodies are made of sequins of various colors.They are very cute and glittering.Look up at the carp lantern again.Its body is made of bright silk cloth.Its tail looks like four petals.They are dressed in a string by the shopkeeper and hung on the shelf.When the wind blows,they shake slightly,as if the fish are swimming in the water.


  Goat lantern,horse lantern,champion lantern,basket Lantern I watched with relish,my mother took photos with her mobile phone,and my father was also excited.At last,we bought two lotus lanterns as souvenirs at my mothers suggestion.

  看花灯英语作文带翻译 6

  "Wow,such a beautiful lantern!","This years lantern is so beautiful!","Look!This lantern is really unique!" With a series of exclaiming voices,my dad,grandpa,and grandma walked into the stadium together to see the lantern.

  As soon as you enter the gate,the first thing that catches your eye is the lantern of Snow White and the seven dwarves.This lantern is very unique,and the dwarves are holding sickles and spinning around the princess,dancing and singing,vividly portraying themselves.Then,I saw a little white rabbit pulling out a radish lamp.There were seven or eight little white rabbits pulling out a huge radish.The little white rabbit grabbed the big leaves of the radish,making people really want to help it.Among them,there was a cute little rabbit.It grabbed its companions ear and fell to the ground,with all four feet facing the sky,slowly wanting to get up.

  As we continued to move forward,I saw a group of small animals shouting like a race.Upon closer inspection,it turned out to be a race between turtles and rabbits.The little turtle was running around a big tree,and under the tree was a silly and sleeping little white rabbit.The small animals cheered on the hardworking little turtle,while also feeling sorry for the proud little rabbit.Looking at the light,it reminded me to strive to discover the strengths of others and learn,Discovering ones own shortcomings and correcting them,humility leads to progress,and pride leads to backwardness.

  Walking inside again,I saw a flower lantern on the ice of the lake,which was particularly eye-catching.Below the lantern was a mountain,where Sun Wukong caused a commotion in the Heavenly Palace.At the foot of the mountain,there was the despicable White Bone Spirit,as well as the kind Tang Monk and the greedy Zhu Bajie.Sun Wukong raised his golden cudgel and hit the White Bone Demon.The White Bone Demon quickly hid in the cave,going back and forth several times.I estimate that if it were a real White Bone Demon,it would have made him feel dizzy.

  This years lantern is very unique,both the lamp and the characters inside are very vivid,which is truly admirable.






  看花灯英语作文带翻译 7

  That day,our school asked us to make lanterns,and we spent a long time at home before bringing them to school.On the road,there are also some adults who occasionally see our exquisitely made lanterns and admire them repeatedly!

  Due to the urgency of time,I couldnt help but run on the street leading to the school.I am both afraid of being late for school and afraid of running too fast and damaging the paper on the lantern.So I ran all the way to school.

  Sigh!Finally arrived at school,looking at the school watch,it was not too late.Im really surprised!

  After we arrived at school,everyone was decorating their lanterns.However,I am no exception,busy living on the table.

  Finally,we eagerly waited for the second class.Finally,our classs flower watching lamp was called out on the radio.The students ran out of the classroom with their notebooks in high spirits and stood in line,waiting for the order to leave.The teacher said "go".We followed the team and opened many lanterns,not feeling that they were clever and skillful.Can you make these flower lanterns bright and colorful!

  There was a lantern that caught my attention,it was like a palace lantern.There is both that diverse aura and that unique atmosphere.It is the most delicate,gorgeous,and unique lantern in my mind.

  On the corners around him,there were hooks and horns that looked like a curved moon,making us look at him with deep affection,like the flirtatious eyebrows of a girl.Everyone was discussing this mesmerizing lantern.I thought to myself,"This is a masterpiece of a genius!"

  Todays "Lantern Festival" allowed me to learn from a hundred different ways of making lanterns,and also made me realize that ancient culture is immeasurable!





  终于,我们迫不及待地等到第二节课。广播上终于喊到了我们班的观花灯,同学们兴高采烈的`拿着笔记本跑出教室站好队,等待着走的命令。老师说了一声“走”。我们便跟着队伍走,开了好多好多 灯笼,都不自觉得他们心灵手巧。能把这些花灯做得艳丽、丰富多彩!




  看花灯英语作文带翻译 8

  On the 15th day of the first lunar month,Yuanxiao(Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival),riddles and flower lanterns are very lively.This years Yuanxiao(Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival)Festival,I also learned to make lanterns!In the afternoon class,each of us received a beautiful piece of material.I looked at the instruction manual and thought to myself,"This is really too simple.Even a three-year-old child can do it,isnt it easy for me?"

  Firstly,I will use four prisms and eight small wooden sticks to build a rectangular lantern skeleton.I want to the small wooden stick into the small hole of the prism,but the remaining wooden thorns on the hole are against me.The stick cannot be ed due to the interference of the wooden thorns.I used my fingers to dig hard,but I didnt expect the wooden thorn to not take my move.After digging for a long time,there was no progress,but instead my fingers were hurt by the wooden thorn.What should we do? I tried changing the direction of the prism and didnt expect to succeed all of a sudden.Haha,this method is really useful.I first made two squares,and then connected them with four thin wooden sticks.This way,a rectangular lantern skeleton was completed.

  Then,I fixed the cardboard at the bottom of the lantern,glued the candle onto the cardboard strip,and made a handle.Finally,I pasted the lantern paper and it was done.This lantern is really beautiful!On each side,there is a lifelike little monkey.Some monkeys are scratching their ears and cheeks,some are picking fruits to eat,some are poking their heads out of their lucky bags,and there is also a Sun Wukong soaring in the clouds.

  After school,I couldnt wait to show the lantern to my grandparents.They all praised my lantern for being beautiful,and my heart was sweeter than honey.

  In the evening,watching the wonderful Yuanxiao(Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival)party,I seemed to see the orange flame beating and flickering through the thin light paper,the monkey on the light paper seemed to move under the light of the fire,sang around the lantern,and the song wore far,far……






  看花灯英语作文带翻译 9

  The annual Yuanxiao(Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival)is coming.After dinner,I came to Zongzhao Garden with my grandparents and brothers to see the lanterns.

  I only truly witnessed the crowds at Zongzhao Garden,and I was afraid that they would crush the buildings.We finally squeezed into the crowd,wow!The scene in front of me startled my chin.The lights here were really diverse,including puppy lights,rooster lights,tiger lights,lion lights,and whale lights-I couldnt wait to run to a lion light and carefully examine it.I saw a strange pattern on its head,its tail hanging low,and its base slowly rotating.The more I looked at it,the more I liked it.Unfortunately,this lantern had already been bought by a nearby sister.

  We continued to move forward,and my younger brother found a "singing" rabbit lamp that was being dragged by someone else.I approached and found a small sound system next to the rabbit lamp.Its eyes were made of red plastic,its body was covered with gauze on a bamboo frame,and there was a large opening on its back for candles to be placed.Its nose was tied with a rope and held in the hand of a cute little sister.

  I was feeling disappointed because I didnt have my own lantern when suddenly my gaze was caught by a red tiger lantern.I saw this tiger "jumping",with its front legs already in the air and its back legs upright.Its round eyes were wide open,its mouth wide open,revealing four sharp tiger teeth.It was extremely majestic!I quickly asked the boss about the price of this tiger lamp,its 35 yuan,its a bit expensive!But I really like it,and after some bargaining,I finally bought it for a high price of 30 yuan.

  Its getting late,and I reluctantly left this bustling and extraordinary park holding the majestic tiger lantern.






  看花灯英语作文带翻译 10

  Its Chinese New Year,and my parents and I went to the Tang Dynasty Never Nightly City to watch lanterns together.

  When we arrived at the Tang Dynasty Never Night City,it was in the evening,with a sea of people and crowded shoulders.Looking up,the trees in the city of Tang Dynasty are covered with pink and peach colored small lanterns,like beautiful fireflies.At this time,the small lanterns have already lit up,and there is a yellow light bulb inside the peach colored shell,like a naive big eye,which is extremely cute.

  As the crowd walked towards the city of Tang Dynasty,a lantern appeared in front of it.This lantern was a lion,with a huge colorful embroidered ball next to it.The background color of the embroidered ball is dark blue,covered with a five colored flower,and there are three colorful ribbons next to it.Under this lantern,there are many flowers.Although they are lamps,they compete for fragrance and form an ocean of flowers.

  Moving forward,you will see the city flower and lantern exhibitions in various cities.The brightly lit lantern not far away is the Shenyang rose,next to which is the elegant Nanjing plum blossom.A little further away,the yellow petals bloom in the green foliage,like the shy little girls Qingdao camellia.Next to the camellia,there are several green emerald birds spreading their wings and ready to fly.They have a pair of bright and lively eyes,as if looking at the pollen in the camellia.

  Not far away,the rose lanterns in Tianjin are blooming one after another.It has pink petals and white patterns all over its body,and the flower center is a lovely tender yellow,making people fall in love with it at first glance.

  The pure white Shanghai Magnolia is shyly spitting out its yellow flower petals.The fiery red pomegranate flowers in Xian are in full bloom,with a few small red pomegranates on top that also have a smiling face,which is very likable.

  This years lanterns have been a feast for my eyes.The bright and beautiful lanterns are like a colorful landscape,making people linger and indulge in it.








  看花灯英语作文带翻译 11

  The annual Yanshan Lantern Festival is here again.My parents took me and my sister to Yanshan Park to admire the lanterns.

  Arrived at the entrance of Yanshan Park.I saw two "golden chickens" standing at the door,with fiery red rooster crowns,covered in golden feathers,a pointed mouth,and a pair of earthy yellow claws.They look like two majestic generals guarding Yanshan Park.My mother said to us,"This year is the Year of the Rooster,and the Golden Rooster is here to welcome spring!" I think: even if the outside gate is decorated so beautifully,the inside must be even more beautiful!

  Along the path of Yanshan Park,there are various lanterns,including peony lanterns,dinosaur lanterns,Yuanxiao(Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival)lantern,Change moon lantern...The most impressive ones are peony lanterns and dinosaur lanterns.

  The peony lantern is pink and pink,appearing even more beautiful against the backdrop of tender green leaves.The petals of the peony lantern occasionally bloom and close.According to my mother,the peony symbolizes wealth and prosperity,and it embodies peoples longing for a better life.The lotus lamps in the lotus pond are diverse and varied!Some are still flower bones,looking as if they are about to bloom; Some have already unfolded two or three petals,like a graceful young girl dancing gracefully; Some of them have already fully bloomed,revealing tender yellow stamens that are so cute!The dinosaur lamp is lifelike: there are Tyrannosaurus Rex,Pterodactylosaurus,Diplodocus...Among them,Tyrannosaurus Rex impressed me the most.It was huge in size,with a large mouth and sharp teeth exposed,as if searching for its food.I looked at it and was immediately frightened and panicked,running away in despair.

  Going to Yanshan Park to admire flower lanterns not only enriches my extracurricular life,but also increases my knowledge.Its really killing two birds with one stone!






  看花灯英语作文带翻译 12

  Selling dumplings,selling dumplings,small dumplings are sweet and round...Everyone must know that the annual "No Night Festival" is coming!Now,let me take you to Egret Island to see the lanterns!

  In the evening,we had dumplings and our family went to watch lanterns on Egret Island.Along the way,the lanterns were flashing,the lights were flashing,and the flowers under the lights were getting brighter and brighter!

  At the end of Egret Island,from a distance,the lights are brightly lit,as if rows of magnificent palaces,with colorful lights shining brightly.

  Enter the gate of Egret Island.Wow,so many people!There are mountains and seas of people,almost no passageways.The lights flickered with a hazy glow,and I felt like I was in an ocean of light,a world of light

  Firstly,the Great Wall welcomes you."There are so many people walking the Great Wall!" I cant help but admire!Walking on the Great Wall,stepping on the "bricks" under our feet and holding onto the "stones" on the wall,I couldnt help but think of the "Great Wall" lesson we learned in the first semester of fourth grade.I naturally think of the ancient laboring people.Just look at the countless stones,each weighing two to three thousand pounds.At that time,there were no trains,no cars,no cranes.They used countless shoulders and hands to lift the steep mountain peaks step by step.The blood,sweat,and wisdom of many laboring people have condensed into the Great Wall without a head or tail.Such a magnificent project is a great miracle in world history.Thinking and thinking,the Great Wall unconsciously came to an end!It is true that monkeys on both sides of the Taiwan Strait cannot cry.The canoe has already passed through Mount Wanzhong!

  There are also tiger lanterns.There are two tigers,one holding a couplet.They have bright eyes and a solemn expression,as if greeting me again!

  Then,we went to see the music fountain.Fountains sometimes resemble deceased beauties; Sometimes like a warrior charging into battle; Sometimes like dazzling flowers; Sometimes its like playful children playing with tourists,with occasional bursts of laughter and laughter.

  We went to see the BRT again,the beautiful sheep lamp

  After watching the lantern,I reluctantly left.










  看花灯英语作文带翻译 13

  Today is the lantern festival on the 13th day of the first lunar month.

  As soon as I got home after school,my mother took out the paper tribute lamp that she had bought for me.It has a long and round body,with a bright red all over,as if wearing a big red T-shirt.It feels wrinkled to the touch,and there is a very eye-catching "fu" printed on the big red T-shirt,with the words "attracting wealth and treasures" written on both sides of the word.At the bottom of the lamp,there is a large tuft of long,golden "beard" hanging; At the top of the lamp,there is an arc-shaped ring made of thin steel wire,which is tied with a small bamboo strip for lifting.There is a large space inside the belly of the lamp,with a red candle fixed at the bottom.I really like this antique lamp,I cant put it down after looking at it again and again.

  After hastily finishing dinner,I urged my mother and eagerly arrived at Longchuan Square.The square was bustling with people,and every child had a lamp in their hand,becoming an ocean of lights.The lights also come in various shapes,including electric Wukong lanterns,paper-based lotus lanterns,plastic tiger lanterns,and flying Kongming lanterns in the air.The most eye-catching thing is a big rabbit lamp,which is snow-white all over and taller than a child.It makes a loud noise when pushed along,and its posture is really impressive!I quickly asked my mother to help me light the light and blend into the lively crowd.Suddenly,a child screamed,"My lamp has been burned!" A burst of laughter came from the crowd.My mother told me,"When the lamp is burned,there is also a beautiful name called Eating Lamp Meat."

  One lamp after another illuminated the sky of the square,turning it into a joyful ocean.





  看花灯英语作文带翻译 14

  Just a few days after the Spring Festival,the Yuanxiao(Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival)cant wait to "report".I ate Yuanxiao(Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival)in a hurry,put on my coat,eagerly pulled on my parents,and happily went to Furong Square to watch lanterns.

  "Mom and mom,look,how beautiful that tree is!" I pointed to a French wutong tree and said excitedly.This wutong is tall and straight,and its thick branches are full of bright colored lights.There are red,yellow,green...colorful and incredibly beautiful."Hehe,girl,this is not just on this tree,there are colorful lights on this row of trees!" Ah!I just noticed that these rows of trees are all adorned with colorful lights!At this moment,I am not walking on the road,like walking on a cobblestone path in a hundred gardens.There are plum blossoms that say "its not snow from afar,for there is a hidden fragrance",and willow trees that say "jade makes a tree high,and ten thousand green threads hang down"; There are apricot blossoms that say "the spring scenery fills the garden and cannot be closed,a red apricot tree comes out of the wall",as well as pear blossoms that say "suddenly like a nights spring breeze,thousands of trees and ten thousand pear blossoms bloom".The air seems to be filled with a refreshing fragrance,making one feel refreshed and happy.

  "Hey,girl,what are you thinking? Were at Furong Square!" I rubbed my eyes,wow!It seems like another world before me.Amidst the hustle and bustle of people,lanterns of various shapes stood before my eyes.One of the lanterns is like a small stage,decorated with many bar shaped colorful lights in the middle to create beautiful patterns.There are some slogans written on both sides,and some children climb up to ask their parents to take photos.There is also a flower lantern,which is made up of numerous rectangular colored lights bent into an arch shape,like a door.Entering is like entering a fairy tale world,extremely beautiful.




  看花灯英语作文带翻译 15

  After finishing lunch this afternoon,my mother decided to take me to see the lanterns.

  We drove to Egret Island,crossed the tall iron bridge hand in hand,and arrived around the lake.In the center of the lake,there is a lantern with the theme of carp leaping over the dragon gate.We continued to walk forward and arrived at a wide square.There was a big red lantern on the square,and there was also a dragon on the lantern,which was spectacular.The picture opposite the lantern records the modern development of Xiamen.We walked around the square and arrived at the front of the lantern,which read: Thirty years of glory.

  Then we left the square and arrived at Xingguang Avenue.It was already past six oclock and it was not yet dark.Brilliant lights had already lit up on Xingguang Avenue.After these visits,we now come to visit the lanterns.Only a few children entered our sight.They are playing excitedly.After walking for a while,some adult drinks-beer-appeared.They are advertising for Kinmen sorghum.Then,an Earth and a turtle appeared before our eyes one after another.Speaking of this,I must be surprised.This turtle is not black,but white.Do you know why? Its because he stacked bags of rice.Haha!

  As the sky gradually darkened,many animals lit up their lights and appeared on the lush green grass,truly lifelike.There is a large lantern at the gate of Egret Island.Above it is written the prosperity of China,and below it are eight small characters: Jade Rabbit Welcoming Spring,Strait Together.

  "This years lanterns are so diverse!I dont know what next years lanterns will be like," I thought as I walked home.






  看花灯英语作文带翻译 16

  After watching the fireworks yesterday,we went to the Qinshui River to enjoy the lanterns.

  I can see the flower lanterns of Humon from a long distance.It looks like a pavilion on top,with thick columns below and large pillars below.The two sides are fixed to the ground with ropes,making it very sturdy.From a distance,it looks like a burning flame stage,majestic and spectacular.

  As soon as you enter the square,you will see a lamp made up of countless lanterns,which is the flower lantern of China Unicom.They form a long passage,filled with a festive atmosphere.Suddenly,a pleasant wind chime rang in my ear.I looked up and saw that there were two wind chimes hanging under each square lamp.I couldnt help but admire them,"Mom,look at how creative they are.These wind chimes make people feel even more warm." "Yes,they are indeed very creative.This lamp looks both majestic and beautiful,and I think its the best among these lamps." Mom smiled and said.

  Walking past this lamp,I saw another lamp.In the middle of this lamp stood three big trees.The green trees reminded me of the dense forest.This lamp must be related to the environment,right!I rushed over and took a closer look,and it was indeed from the China Forestry Bureau.The two sides of the lamp are surrounded by colorful lights,sometimes purple and sometimes green,with various changes,making the entire lamp look dazzling and dazzling.

  I asked my mother,"Are these trees telling us to protect the environment?" My mother smiled slightly and said,"Yes,big trees can help us block the wind and sand.We cannot cut them down indiscriminately,otherwise it will damage the ecological balance."

  Look,there are two long dragons flying,and there is a fierce tiger descending the mountain.Its really like a dragon leaping and a tiger leaping; Look,there is also a pagoda here...All kinds of lights are overwhelming,making me dizzy.The park is filled with happy laughter everywhere.

  Lanterns make the Yuanxiao(Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival)Festival more joyful.What a happy Yuanxiao(Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival)Festival!








  看花灯英语作文带翻译 17

  Today,the Chenghuang Temple is really busy!After dinner,I didnt wait to urge my parents to go to Chenghuang Temple to enjoy the lights.

  Along the way,the bright lights lit up,with dazzling lights and bustling traffic.When I came to the Chenghuang Temple,I was shocked.This is not only the world of lights,but also the sea of people.Surrounded by water,there is no way out.Finally squeezed to the entrance.

  The first thing that caught the eye was the lamp of the "Golden Dragon Pan Jade Pillar",and the "Golden Dragon" was vividly displayed.With a majestic aura,like two gatekeepers.When you enter the Chenghuang Temple,there are a variety of lights.In the middle is a huge cornucopia lamp,which is filled with countless gold ingots,all of which are sparkling.A red carp above is eager to jump over the dragon gate.Beside them,there is a wonderful adventure of puppets,and they all hold their heads high and their chests high; There is a legend that the jade rabbit rises eastward,and the beautiful jade rabbit soars into the clouds and mist,soaring straight into the sky; A beautiful peacock opens its screen,its feathers are colorful,constantly changing in red,orange,yellow,green...as if competing with a beautiful girl.The dragon boat was even more exquisite and exquisite,with exquisite craftsmanship.Grandpa Rabbit stood on the back of the dragon,commanding the symphony with great force.The little white rabbits paddled their oars amidst the music,while Grandma Rabbit worked hard to beat the drums.

  What fascinates me the most are the twelve playful and cute zodiac lanterns,including sensitive mice,honest cows,cute rabbits,lively dragons,twisting snakes,galloping horses,gentle lambs,clever monkeys

  When I left the Chenghuang Temple and came to the Haohe River,the sky was already filled with Kongming lanterns,which made the night sky a little red,like a shy little girl.No matter whether someone else put Kongming lanterns or she put them on her own,as long as they fly into the sky,there will be bursts of cheers.

  The cheers echoed for a long time by the Haohe River……







  看花灯英语作文带翻译 18

  This evening,Miss Sun assigned us to go out to see the Yuanxiao(Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival)lanterns.

  When I finished pondering math problems,my parents took me to the vicinity of Baoying Park to see the lanterns.We parked our car near the park,and then our family of three got off and started shopping for lights.

  The first thing that caught my eye was a dragon slaying knife lying on top of a cardboard box,as if sleeping.On both sides of the alley,there are a dazzling array of goods that people cannot even see.As I walked,my dad saw a game of setting goldfish for 20 yuan in 5 circles.My dad was very skilled in his movements,but his hit rate was a bit low.However,I was so anxious as I watched from the sidelines.Finally,in the last circle,my dad set a box of red goldfish,which contained a few golden and a few black small fish that were particularly cute.We are quite lucky.Next,when my mother was bargaining with the vendor,she couldnt resist the vendors insistence.Mom had no choice but to give up.She said,"I will definitely lower the price if I sell it now.".Im puzzled,do you really think so? Is it possible that my mother doesnt even want to buy me toys.

  As we continued walking,we saw an old mans shop with a tiger lantern,a rabbit lantern,a mouse shaped lantern,and a scalper shaped lantern.Among them,the tiger lantern had a unique and unique drivers cab,and he had sharp teeth that were as sharp as real,as if biting people.It startled me,it was really a mix of real and fake.

  Finally,we arrived at the voluntary small commodity market,which had a wide variety that dazzled me.Coincidentally,we met our classmate Pan Ziyang,who was buying correction tapes in the stationery area.My mother saw my dad riding a bike to take us,so Pan Ziyang and I made a brief farewell and left.

  Looking back at the crowd that is still crowded and bustling,it is really a Yuanxiao(Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival)night that I cant bear to part with.







  看花灯英语作文带翻译 19

  On the night of the fifteenth day of the first lunar month,the sky was filled with stars,and a bright silver moon hung in the night sky like a jade plate.My dad and mom came to the square early to watch the lanterns.

  Due to coming earlier,the lanterns have not yet turned on.While waiting for the lanterns to light up,I asked my mother: Why do you want to make lanterns on Yuanxiao(Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival)? My mother told me,"It is said that a long time ago,a hunter accidentally shot and killed a divine bird.When the Heavenly Emperor found out,he was furious and ordered the Heavenly Soldier to set fire to humans,livestock,and finances on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.The Heavenly Emperors daughter couldnt bear to make innocent people suffer,so she asked the people to hang big red lights and set off fireworks in front of every household on the fourteenth,fifteenth,and sixteenth days of the first lunar month.When the Heavenly Soldier saw this,he thought that people had been burned to death and would not set fire again.".In order to thank the daughter of the Heavenly Emperor,every household will hang lanterns and set off firecrackers on these three days every year

  Speaking hard,dazzling lanterns lit up one after another,and the square immediately turned into a bright ocean.

  Flower lanterns come in a variety of colors,dazzling and dazzling!Look,the lovely rabbit lamp,with white body,long ears and a little pink on its round face,sways around in the breeze as if to say,"I wish you all a happy Yuanxiao(Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival)Festival and happy every day." There are carp lamps over there.Look at their red color,and the long fish must swing with the wind; That peach lamp,pink,just a little red on the peach tip,and the emerald green little leaves below the peach,although simple but beautiful and realistic against the backdrop of the light; And there are also the graceful lotus lanterns,the bright red pentagonal lanterns...Those lanterns are dazzling,each with its own unique beauty,making the entire square lively and extraordinary.

  Its getting late,and we happily returned home,but our thoughts are still immersed in the lively square,with endless memories.

  Im looking forward to the next Yuanxiao(Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival).







  看花灯英语作文带翻译 20

  Today is February 10th,my mother took me and my cousin Zhu Le to participate in an activity called "Making lanterns,guessing lantern riddles,and winning prizes."

  We arrived at the event venue,received the materials,and made a flower lantern.The finished product of this lantern is a small dog(it must be the leftover from last years event,dont ask how I found out),mainly fixed with split nails.I first picked up the cardboard that served as the outer shell of the lantern,folded it along the marks,folded it,and then cut out the holes marked with dotted lines on top."These are all fine,but how do I use split nails?" I asked Zhu Le.Zhu Le replied,"Its very simple.

  First,thread the nails through the two overlapping holes,then put your hand in and break open the two forks of the split nails inside the lantern.Press them flat and they will be fixed." After fixing all the nails,we took the battery and started to play the lantern riddle!The lantern riddles are all hung on the ceiling arrangement,with a total of thirteen arrangements.My mother and aunt had already talked a lot before,but now the only thing left is the lantern riddle at a higher place.My cousin is half a head shorter than me,sigh,I can only rely on her.I won the last three riddles with my height of 1.59 meters and strong jumping ability.Lets take the riddles and adults will answer the questions.In the end,we answered 20 questions correctly,and the number of people on site was already very high.However,Zhu Le and I had different opinions,and we had to split in half,with ten riddles per person.One can replace a piece of soap,two questions can replace a small backpack,three questions can replace a pair of pig baby dolls,five questions can replace a small sealed jar,and ten questions I forgot.Zhu Le changed to a bag,a sealed jar,and a piece of soap,while I changed to a pair of pigs,a bag,and a jar.

  This event was very enjoyable,and we all returned with a full load.




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spring festival英语作文带翻译08-25

