
2022-04-15 动物类英语作文


  描写大象的英语作文带翻译 篇1

  Elephant is the largest animal on land today. It weights some ninety kilograms and is about one metre high when born. When it is 12 years old it studs over three meters and does not grow any more.

  Elephant is usually grey in color having a long trunk with large ivory tusks protruding from each side of its mouth. Usually moving in groups and caring for each other Elephant is know to be a very and gentle creamre. For many years people have used the strength of these poweful animals to move trees and heavy logs. Elephant has been and is a vital tool for people to do many things that would normally be imposs-ible. Elephant is and will continue to be one of the greatest creatures man has ever come into contact with.

  Its size. beauty and power willforever be useful to man.





  描写大象的英语作文带翻译 篇2

  The Elephant lives in the forests of southeast Asia . It is langer and langer . It has a long nose . It move in groups . It feed on eat grass , leaves and fruit . And it like drinking milk and water . But the water is getting small and small . Now , In the end live to be about 60 years old . However , the eleplant is in danger . Frist ,the people cut down forests are getting smaller and smaller . Then , people killing them for their ivories . We should protect the animals .


  描写大象的英语作文带翻译 篇3

  In the beauty of nature,there are many cute little animal and animal,among them,I like elephants.An elephant's very large,even lions and tigers are afraid of it.Its limbs heavy,run slowly,but it has a long nose,and heavy things it can lift,the ear shout,like two huge fan,fan but cool,elephant legs like four long and big pillar,the tail of a bit rough,and like a thick the rope.Elephants can be interesting when sleeping,it is sleep standing up,this is because of its nose very delicate.It is most afraid of mosquitoes and other small insects into the nostrils,therefore,when it when sleeping,and always put the nose for HISTEP high,sometimes simply put the nose gently with.Elephants eat,first off a string of golden yellow from the bananas on the tree,and then into the mouth,slowly.The strange thing is:the elephant can drink water nose,how I want to see an elephant drinking water!I like elephants,more like nature,I hope to remain forever in the nature of beauty in the world.





  描写大象的`英语作文带翻译 篇4

  It also had the spring festival. This year our family went to Thailand for the new year. During my visit to Thailand, I was most impressed by the elephant riding. I had seen elephants in the zoo, but I never had a "close contact" with it. When I went to ride an elephant that day, I was excited and nervous. I saw in the tall elephant in Thailand, is really the heart of love -- it has four big pillar like legs, a gray, huge body, above three or four cm long hair, big head of a fan like ear, a pair of black eyes with a trace of can love, a long nose has been down to the ground.

  I would sit with my father on the high back of the elephant, with some fear. But curiosity triumphed over fear. I climbed up a small platform for tourists, and then sat down on the iron stool on the elephant's back. All the friends we came with were riding on the elephant, and a "elephant team" set off. First, the elephants are going to turn over a mountain. The mountain road on the uphill is really steep, like walking up and down, so that I and my father and the rhythm of its left swing right. This elephant we sit there is a problem -- some impatient temper. On the road, it is to speed up It is without rhyme or reason. run two step, but I can take it; and in the downhill on the mountain, it turned into a trot, whole body swinging, I feel my father and I almost fell down from the elephant's back, scared I couldn't help shouting "Wah Wah".

  Look at a few other elephants, but it is a step by step, walk in a leisurely manner. In this way, the Thailand "elephant team" with our help China tourists, the shuttle in the mountains of tropical forest. After about half an hour, the "elephant team" finally came out of the forest and came to a small river. Next to the elephant carrying our wading across the river. The river is green, clear, and the deepest place is not without the back of the elephant. Elephants seem very fond of water. They see that the water is very kind. Some use their nose to bathe themselves. Some of them use their noses to absorb water and spray everywhere, and some people's clothes are wet. But no one takes care of them, we are taking photos with each other, leaving this wonderful memory. I sat on an elephant, seeing the faint image and my shadow from the clear river, and the bright sunshine on the river. It was a good feeling. The elephant I sit ashore, he sneezed, the voice was deafening -- the first time I saw it like a sneeze! The elephant team's journey was over, and we returned the way. The elephant has been carrying us so long, very hard, so after riding the elephant, my father and I bought bananas and sugar cane to feed it. The elephant was very happy, rolled up with his nose, and then raised his nose after eating, as if to express gratitude to us.

  一转眼又要过春节了。今年我们全家去泰国过年。在泰国游玩的过程中,让我印象最深的是骑大象。 我曾经在动物园里看到过大象,但从没和它“亲密接触”过。那天我去骑大象时,心里又激动,又紧张。在我看见高大的泰国象时,心里真是喜欢——— 它有四个大柱子似的腿,有一个灰灰的、庞大的身体,上面有三四厘米长的汗毛,大大的头上有一对扇子似的耳朵,一双黑黑的眼睛里露出一丝可爱,长长的鼻子一直垂到地上。

  我要和爸爸一起坐到高高的象背上,心里不免有些恐惧。但好奇心还是战胜了恐惧,我爬上专为游人准备的一个小平台,然后小心翼翼地坐到了象背的铁凳子上,顿时感觉自己“高高在上”,好不威风。和我们一起来的朋友也都骑上了大象,一支“大象队”便出发了。 首先,大象们要翻过一座山。上坡的山路可真是陡,象走起来一摇一摆的,害得我和爸爸也和着它的节奏左摇右摆。我们坐的这头象有个毛病——— 脾气有些急躁。在平路上,它总是无缘无故地加快速度跑两步,不过这我还吃得消;而在下坡的山路上,它竟然小跑起来,整个身体摇来晃去,我感觉我和爸爸差点要从象背上掉下来,吓得我不禁 “哇哇”大叫。

  再看看其他的几头大象,却是一步一个脚印,走得慢条斯理。 就这样,这支泰国的 “大象队”驮着我们这帮中国游客,在山上的热带树林里穿梭。大约半个多小时后, “大象队”终于走出了山林,又来到了一条小河边。接下来大象要驮着我们涉水过河。河水是碧绿的,很清澈,最深的地方也不会没过大象的背。大象们好像很喜欢水,看见水很亲切,有的用鼻子给自己洗澡,有的用鼻子吸水到处乱喷,把有些人的衣服都淋湿了,但没有人顾上这些,我们都在互相拍照,留下这难得的美好记忆。我坐在大象身上,从清澈的河水里看见隐隐约约的象和我的影子,明媚的阳光洒在河面上,那感觉真是不错。我坐的那头象上岸后,竟打了个喷嚏,那声音真是震耳欲聋——— 我还是第一次见到象打喷嚏呢!“大象队”的旅途结束了,我们又原路返回。大象驮了我们这么久,非常辛苦,所以骑完大象后,我和爸爸买了香蕉和甘蔗喂它。大象很高兴,用鼻子卷着吃,吃完后还扬起鼻子,仿佛在向我们表示感谢。








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