


  Everybody is good! Welcome to the world cultural heritage, the Summer Palace. I am your tour guide, my name is Lin, you can call me Lin guides. It is my pleasure to service for you. Now I take my family go to visit the Summer Palace, you come with me!

  Dear visitors, here is the famous promenade, where more than seven hundred meters long, divided into 273. Please raise head, look! Each of the cross on the sill have colorful paintings, paintings, figures, flowers and plants, landscape, no two of the thousands of painting picture is the same. Everybody to enjoy!

  We go to now is the longevity hill. The mountain is the longevity hill show in front of you. Looking upward, and stood in the hillside of the anise three layers of pyramid building is the Buddha incense, it more than 38 meters high. The following rows of resplendent and magnificent palace, do you know what it is? I don't know 1 in fact that's cloud temple. Now we go to kunming lake, the lake covers an area of about 220 square meters. The city the marble seventeen-arch bridge which, because there are seventeen little tunnel in this stone bridge. You can take a walk to the bridge.

  Now you can free, but should pay attention to: 1, 2, not throwing garbage everywhere graffito of the scribble not 3, should pay attention to safety. Finally, I wish you all a pleasant journey.






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