人教第八模块第5单元Reading A visit to the Zhoukoudian caves(人教版 高三选修八)


简介: ppt制作 1. Information about Zhoukoudian Caves. 2. 3 topics that the archaeologist talked about. 3. Summary of the text.Read the text and fill in the blanks.. 上传者:guobao456 guobaohua456@163.com

相关课件人教第八模块第5单元Reading A visit to the Zhoukoudian caves

   简介: ppt制作 1. Information about Zhoukoudian Caves. 2. 3 topics that the archaeologist talked about. 3. Summary of the text.Read the text and fill in the blanks.. 上传者:guobao456 guobaohua456@163.com 「下载次数:522」

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