Unit 1 Task and some language points(译林牛津版 高二选修七)


简介: ppt制作 Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb,
Mary had a little lamb.
Its fleece was white as snow;
Everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went,
Everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go.
It followed her to school one day,
School one day, School one day,
It followed her to school one day.. 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com

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Unit 1 topic1 Nice to meet you!

   简介: ppt制作 七年级英语上册第一单元第一个话题的课件,适合用于复习,归纳详细。. 上传者:miskey 「下载次数:310」

Unit 1 Topic 3 What class are you in? Section D

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Unit 1 The Changing World Topic 2 Which country has the largest pulation? Section C

   简介: ppt制作 本课件为仁爱英语九年级上册Unit 1 Topic 2 Section C,课件设计注重学生阅读技巧及写作技巧的引导。. 上传者:Cristine 「下载次数:782」

中考复习研讨课之话题复习九年级Unit 1 Topic 1 Our country has developed rapidly.

   简介: ppt制作 根据高效课堂的要求制作的ppt,能很好的把握本节课的复习重难点,训练中考考点,达到高效复习的目的。. 上传者:xingdouyulu 「下载次数:677」

Module 11 Body language Unit 1 They touch noses

   简介: ppt制作 本课着重讲解各国肢体语言的含义及交往礼仪,旨在让学生掌握相关的词汇短语和交往礼仪。. 上传者:fairyhuang 「下载次数:1085」

Unit 1 Topic 1 Welcome to China

   简介: ppt制作 涵盖了第一个话题的知识点,清晰明了。知识点讲解完成后有练习,对知识点的理解和掌握有一个很好的巩固作用。. 上传者:TeacherIna 「下载次数:1266」

Unit 1 Topic 1 I am so happy Section B

   简介: ppt制作 Unit 1Feeling Excited

Topic 1 I am so happy

Section B . 上传者:pxm1959 「下载次数:1070」

Unit 1 Topic 1 I am so happy Section A

   简介: ppt制作 Unit 1 Feeling Excited Topic 1 I am so happy Section A . 上传者:pxm1959 「下载次数:897」

Unit 1 Topic 3 The world has changed for the better.

   简介: ppt制作 该课件有利于我们学习和教授这一话题,本话题向我们呈现了数词的读法和英语分数的表达. 上传者:zhangxianbiao 「下载次数:2104」

Unit 1 Topic 1 Welcome to China! Sction D

   简介: ppt制作 Unit 1 Topic 1 Sction D 仁爱版教学课件. 上传者:xiaocen2003 「下载次数:1181」

Unit 1 Tpoic 1 Welcome to china Section C

   简介: ppt制作 Unit 1 Topic 1 Section C 仁爱版教学课件. 上传者:xiaocen2003 「下载次数:1116」

Unit 1 Tpoic 1 Welcome to china Section B

   简介: ppt制作 Unit 1 Tpoic 1 Section B 仁爱版. 上传者:xiaocen2003 「下载次数:1074」

Unit 1 Topic 3 What class are you in? Section B

   简介: ppt制作 本课件是仁爱英语七年级上册第一单元第三话题的教学课件 希望能得到采纳. 上传者:1234567855 「下载次数:698」

Module 1 Nice to meet you Unit 1 The first English lesson

   简介: ppt制作 starter module 1 uint 1的课件,内容丰富,游戏有趣,生动。. . 上传者:jianghongyan 「下载次数:1050」

Module 1 Unit 1 The first English lesson 说课稿

   简介: ppt制作 内容不错,图文并茂,讲练结合,如果内容再丰富点就更好了。 . 上传者:jianghongyan 「下载次数:925」

Unit 1 The Changing World Topic 1 Great changes have taken place there

   简介:仁爱版九年级Unit1 The Changing World Topic 1 Great changes have taken place there 自己精心制作,有趣生动,紧扣考点,涵盖Topic1的单词短语和关键句型. 上传者:juan12891 「下载次数:745」

上 Unit 1 Topic 2 Where are you from? Section D

   简介: ppt制作 非常优秀。内容新颖,贴近课堂!解释详尽,可以帮到很多新手老师。. 上传者:janekam 「下载次数:1306」

Unit 1 This is me!

   简介: ppt制作 与教材紧密结合,教学环节安排紧凑,幻灯片优美,非常适合课堂教学. 上传者:liyun198728 「下载次数:1204」

相关文案 Unit 1 The summer holiday Unit 1 The Summer Holidays Period I Oral Pra Unit 1 The Summer Holidays Period II Reading Unit 1 The Summer Holidays Period III Gramma Unit 1 The Summer Holidays Period IV Languag Unit 1 The Summer Holidays Exercises Unit 1 The Summer Holidays SEFC Book 1A Unit 1 The summer holidays SEFC Book 1A Unit 1 The summer holidays SEFC Book 1A Unit 1 The summer holidays SEFC Book 1A Unit 1 The summer holidays Unit 1 The Summer Holidays NSEFC Unit 1 That must be a record(语言点) NSEFC 高三 Unit 1 That must be a record NSEFC Unit 1 That must be a record Unit 1 That must be a record-integratingskil 高三人教版Unit 1 That must be a record ! Unit 1 That must be a record! 人教版高三教学案一体化Unit 1 That must be a 人教版高三Unit 1 That must be a record Unit 1 That must be a record-integratingskil 人教版 高三 Unit 1 That must be a record (p 人教版 高三 Unit 1 That must be a record 教案 3模块Unit 1 The World of Our Senses (译林牛 译林牛津模块1 Unit 1 Task(1 & 2)(译林牛津版高 Unit 1 That must be a record!(人教版高三英语 Unit 1 The Changing World 教案教学设计(仁爱版 模块8 Unit 1 The written world (project教学 Module 6 Unit 1 Task学案教学案一体化(译林牛津 高一英语模块3 Unit 1 The world of our senses Unit 1 That must be a record 教案(人教版高三 Unit 1 That must be a record (phrases)(人教版 Unit 1 That must be a record语言点详解(人教版 Unit 1-15 全套教案学案(泰兴三中)Unit 1 That 人教版NSEFC-高三Unit 1 That must be a record Unit 1 That must be a recor(人教版高三英语上 Unit 1 That must be a record(人教版高三英语上 Unit 1 THE SUMMER HOLIDAY(新课标版高一英语教 Unit 1 Topic 1 Section B 教学案例(仁爱版英 Unit 1 Topic 1 Section C 教学案例(仁爱版英 Unit 1 Topic 1 Section D 教学案例(仁爱版英 Module 1 Unit 1 Try not to translate every w 仁爱英语八年级上Unit 1 Topic 2导学案 (仁爱版 仁爱英语八年级上Unit 1 Topic 3导学案 (仁爱 闽教第七册教案Unit 1 Talking about the Summe
上一篇:Unit 3 Back to the past word power下一篇:必修2 Unit 3 revision