
2022-03-16 好文



  -- I fell off my bike and hurt my legs

  A. How about youB. How come

  C. What happenedD. What can I do for you

  ---Mike hurt his arm badly the day before yesterday.


  A. I’m sorry to hear thatB. That’s all right

  C. I hope you’ll feel better soonD. That’s OK

  ---Dad , I want to have a rest. I want to do my homework tomorrow.

  --- Don’t __________ things you should do today.

  A. get offB. take offC. put offD. set off

  There’s rain on the road, so she should drive carefully.

  A. too muchB. too manyC. much tooD. many too

  Please pay attention to your words, or you’ll _______ her feelings.

  A. hitB. breakC. hurtD. injure

  —Do you think Brazil will beat Japan in the next match?

  —Yes, they have better players, so I _______ them to win

  A. hope B. except

  C. expect D. prefer

  ---We should _______ a time to have a talk.

  -- What about tomorrow? I’m too busy today.

  A. put upB. use up

  C. give upD. fix up

  ---Why didn’t you attend the meeting? It was very important.

  --- I ______ to, but I have a high fever.

  A. hopedB. wishedC. meantD. expected

  ---Their success is a wonder!

  --- Yes, you can’t _______ how they made it in that situation.

  A. waitB. stopC. imagineD. tell

  --- The business failed because of _______ management. (管理)

  A. sickB. illC. goodD. sickness

  ---_____________ the doctor, the little boy came back to life at last.

  A. Thanks ofB. Thanks forC. Thank toD. Thanks to

  The rescuers (救援者)looked all around the whole, but found no _______ of life.

  A. symbolB. signalC. messageD. sign

  The farmer ________ some chickens but most of them died last month.

  A. keepB. grewC. plannedD. raised

  --- What did your father say?

  -- He asked us _________ .

  A. how to fix up the bicycles

  B. why we fix up the bicycles

  C. that we fixed up the bicycles

  D. where did we fix up the bicycles



  It began a year ago, around Christmas. Every time I drove down our street, I _______ an old man sitting in his front yard. He was usually smoking or drinking, and looking very unhappy.

  One day, while I was driving past him with my _________, I decided to wave at him with a lot of excitement. __________, when he noticed me waving at him, he looked a bit surprised. Then, I saw his hand go up and he waved back.

  “___________ did you wave at him?” my daughter asked.

  I told her it’s just the act of kindness that doesn’t __________ anything. It gives both him and me a feeling of joy. My daughter replied that she felt a bit uncomfortable to wave to a __________, but next time she would try it as well.

  We lived close to the old man, __________ we saw him rather often. Whenever we drove by, both of us would start waving at him and, pretty soon, the old man started __________ at everyone who passed by his house.

  One time, my daughter’s friend came to visit and she told my daughter that she saw this strange old man near our home wave at her very__________. She mentioned that she waved back, although she didn’t know ___________, and it felt really good.

  As soon as my daughter heard this, she told her friend the __________ of how all the waving began. Her friend answered, “Tell your mom that’s really cool!”

  Other friends gave similar ________. This taught my daughter that an act of kindness can be natural and __________, if you really want to do it. It showed us how giving happiness can do good to __________ the giver and the receiver.

  Moved by the old man’s actions, we’re planning to give our waving neighbor a thank-you card to express our __________ for his exciting waves. We are really thankful for him sharing his simple joy with all who pass by his house.

  1.A. noticedB. feltC. heardD. kept

  2.A. husbandB. sonC. daughterD. friend

  3.A. Just nowB. On timeC. In the endD. At the beginning

  4.A. HowB. WhyC. WhenD. Where

  5.A. costB. buyC. hideD. guess

  6.A. driverB. friendC. classmateD. stranger

  7.A. butB. orC. yetD. so

  8.A. shoutingB. laughingC. wavingD. looking

  9.A. angrilyB. excitedlyC. loudlyD. carefully

  10.A. himB. meC. herD. us

  11.A. lessonB. accidentC. newsD. story

  12.A. giftsB. notesC. opinionsD. books

  13.A. funnyB. easyC. usualD. special

  14.A. pastB. betweenC. allD. both

  15.A. attentionB. thanksC. suggestionsD. interests


  1.The above is a(an)________ .

  A. art posterB. movie posterC. lecture posterD. music poster

  2.It can most probably be found __________.

  A. in a theaterB. in a schoolC. in a barD. in a club

  3.It is actually about_________.

  A. Social and ScienceB. International School

  C. English TeachingD. How to be a Professor

  4.The people who attend the lecture are possibly_________.

  A. college studentsB. teachers

  C. professorsD. Jodan Blen&Jill Kester

  5.Which of the followings is TRUE?_______.

  A. There are three topics in the lecture

  B. The lecture falls on weekend

  C. Room 316 is on the third floor

  D. Direct Method is a way to teach English

  The beautiful song My Heart Will Go On made Celine Dion popular all over the world. On Tuesday, the famous singer stood with Las Vegas victims(受害者). She held a concert and donate(捐献) all the money to the poor victims.

  On Saturday, October 1 st , a man shot(射击) hundreds of people at a country music concert in Las Vegas. 59 people lost their lives and more than 500 people were hurt. After the terrible event, many artists cancelled some of their coming shows to respect(尊重) the victims and their families. Celine Dion also thought about cancelling her concert at first. But later she found that the show would be a great time to show people’s love and care for the victims.

  “On Saturday we lost too many beautiful lives, and so many are still in hospital. But tonight we’re going to let these families know that we’re caring for them and that we’ll help them through their difficulties,”Dion said at her concert. She also told her fans that she would spend all the money from the show helping those in need.

  Dion wasn’t the only one to show her love. After the terrible shooting, doctors and nurses worked around the clock to save lives. And many people around the city waited in line in front of the hospitals to donate blood to the victims.

  1.When did the shooting happen?

  A. On October 1st, Tuesday.B. On October 1st, Saturday.

  C. On October 3rd, Tuesday.D. On October 3rd, Saturday.

  2.How many people died in the accident?

  A. 59B. 500C. 509D. 559

  3.The underline word “cancelling” means “ ________” in Chinese.

  A. 组织B. 赔偿C. 展示D. 取消

  4.The money from Celine Dion’s concert would be used to ________ .

  A. buy what she needed

  B. give back to the fans

  C. donate to the hospitals

  D. help those victims in need

  5.Which of the following is NOT true?

  A. Celine Dion planned to cancel her concert at first.

  B. Celine Dion had her concert on the fourth day after the event.

  C. Celine Dion showed people’s care to the victims through her concert.

  D. Doctors and nurses were very busy saving the victims’ lives.

  When the two brothers were old enough to marry, their father was not happy because their family wasn’t so rich that the brothers often argued with each other about some small interest and he really didn’t know how they would quarrel when they broke up the family and lived apart.

  One day, their father was sick,lying in bed and staring at nothing,when the elder son came over to wish him good health. His father said,” Ask your brothers to come here,and I have something to say.”

  The younger brother arrived. Their father sat up and said,”I don’t know how the disease(疾病)hit. I’m feeling terribly unwell.”The brothers persuaded(劝说)their father not to worry about it ,but he shook his head,”In fact I don’t worry about this disease because I manage it ,but if you are in discord with each other in the future, it will be our family’s ‘disease’ and no one can deal with it .”The brothers felt ashamed.

  The father got out of the bed,pointed to some chickens in the yard and said,”Look at them sitting there in peace with each other, isn’t it good?”Then their father brought out a bowl of corns,went quietly behind the house and spread most of them on the ground.Then he went back to the yard with only a few corns left and flung at (扔向)the chickens.As soon as they saw the corns,the chickens jumped up,quacked their wings and fought for it .The peaceful world was now filled with”smoke of gunpowder”for some coins.

  The brothers smiled and understood what their father was driving at .

  Their father added,”Both of you saw more corns are behind the house...”

  Actually,aren’t many troubles in life because God scattered(撒)some corns before us?

  1.What was the old man worried about ?

  A. The elder son would make trouble with the younger one .

  B. His family was too poor to leave them anything.

  C. The two sons would fight over some small things.

  D. The corns in his house was not enough for them to live on.

  2.How did the old man think of his illness?

  A. It was serious ,but he could go through it .

  B. It was serious ,he couldn’t live long.

  C. It was not serious ,and he thought it as nothing.

  D. It was serious,and he could hardly stand it .

  3.The underlined phrase”are in disorder”in paragraph 3 means_____here.

  A. agree with each otherB. get on badly with each other

  C. make friends with each otherD. are impolite to each other

  4.Why did the old man spread most of corns on the ground ?

  A. Because the chickens had already had enough.

  B. Because he wanted his sons to grow more corns next year.

  C. Because he wanted the chickens to found the rest.

  D. Because he wanted to show the terrible scene to his sons.

  5.What does the writer want to tell us ?

  A. We should fine new ways to deal with troubles in life .

  B. There are always bad things in our life which we should face.

  C. The disease of a family is more serious than the disease of a person.

  D. People should be hard-working and live peacefully together.



  Some girls of my age like TF boys, and boys are crazy about basketball players.They think heroes need to be handsome,strong,rich or very clever.But for me , a hero always helps others in t1. My hero is Uncle Bruce. His father is a worker. Uncle Bruce is the e2. son in his family and he has four younger brothers and sisters. He was not good at his school l3. He had to leave school at a very young age. He worked and gave all his money to his parents. When he was older , he found that he was good at r4. things. He was very interested in it,too. He collected b5. things and fixed them into good ones. Slowly, he could fix a6. everything that did not work. He worked hard and never gave up. Finally he o7. his own shop. It took him about 20 years to become a s8. shopkeeper, Now ,he is very rich and has another four shops. But Uncle Bruce never forgot the day when he had n9. .He gives money to poor families ,gives poor kids books to read and offers them free meals. He also encourages people to reuse things. As he always says," Make good use of what you have because we have only one e10.”




  提示词: volunteer, Chinese culture (中国文化),learn Chinese

  1. 申请竞选志愿者;

  2. 自己擅长与人打交道,非常了解中国文化;

  3. 乐于助人,经常参加一些志愿者活动;

  4. 谈谈学好中文的方法:交中国朋友,说中文,看书,听中文歌曲;

  5. 可适当发挥

  Dear Mr.Miller,

  I’m Li Ping from Wuhan NO.6 Middle School.








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