
2018-05-17 经典美文

  I was in the Santa Cruz Mountains not long ago, speaking and singing at a women's conference. We were focusing on the theme of loving others in practical ways through our gifts, and something in particular happened during one of the sessions that will remain imprinted in my memory as a beautiful illustration of this practice.


  A young Syrian woman ("Lilith") had been invited to the conference at the last minute, and everyone seemed surprised and delighted that she'd actually come. Just a few days earlier, Lilith had fled her country and found refuge with one of the women attending the conference. As an Orthodox Christian in Syria, she and her loved ones had become targets of violent atrocities from radical terrorist groups in the country's ongoing civil war.


  Lilith had witness target=_blank class=infotextkey>witnessed horrors no one her young age should ever see. Despite the further danger it presented, she'd decided to leave her home and her family to find safety here in America. Knowing some of her story, and seeing her sitting through the sessions at the retreat -- head covered in a scarf, face bowed toward the floor -- broke my heart.


  Lilith's story touched all of us, including Pam, an attendee who was a quilt maker. Pam had just finished a gorgeous, intricately-patterned quilt, and had brought it with her. She, along with a few of the leaders, decided to give it to Lilith as a symbol of their comfort and love. Lilith had left her own mother behind in her homeland, and I can't imagine how frightened and alone she felt. But in her absence I could see there were lots of "mamas" in this community of women who were more than ready to love on her.


  During our last session together Lilith was called forward and prayed over, hugged, and wrapped up in that beautiful quilt. I thought of the many hours Pam undoubtedly spent working on it, unaware of the horrendous events that would lead Lilith to this moment--literally surrounded by the beauty and love the quilt embodied. I wept. When they told her it was for her, she wept. We all wept, honking our noses and wiping our eyes.


  I thought about the words from 1 Peter 4:10: Serve one another with the particular gifts God has given each of you, as faithful dispensers of the magnificently varied grace of God. The words particular and varied suggest to me that there may be as many gifts as there are people and personalities. A quilt wrapped around a ravaged young woman is just one practical, loving act of service that demonstrates God's grace.


  It's the particular things we do that we sometimes think are too small or inconsequential compared to the overwhelming suffering we witness target=_blank class=infotextkey>witness. But to do nothing when we see an opportunity--to serve, to comfort, to ease another's pain--is to withhold whatever facet of God's magnificently varied grace our gift offers.






  1. 最后的晚餐中的13门徒

  Some Christian traditions have it that at the Last Supper, Judas, the disciple who betrayed Jesus, was the 13th to sit at the table.


  2. 北欧火神洛基的传说

  Triskaidekaphobia may have also affected the Vikings-it is believed that Loki in the Norse pantheon was the 13th god. More specifically, Loki was believed to have engineered the murder of Balder, and was the 13th guest to arrive at the funeral. This is perhaps related to the superstition that if thirteen people gather, one of them will die in the following year.

  在北欧神话中,火神洛基(Loki)是诸神中的第13位,他本身邪恶而狡诈。他欺骗并唆使黑暗盲神Hoder害死了自己的兄弟、光明之神 Balder,又成为葬礼上的第13位吊唁者。此后西方就有迷信:如果葬礼中有13个人出席,那么其中一人会在第二年死去。这也是“恐数字13症”的一种由来。

  3. 波斯黄道十二宫的传说

  Ancient Persians believed the twelve constellations in the Zodiac controlled the months of the year, and each ruled the earth for a thousand years at the end of which the sky and earth collapsed in chaos. Therefore, the thirteenth is identified with chaos and the reason Persians leave their houses to avoid bad luck on the thirteenth day of the Persian Calendar, a tradition called Sizdah Bedar.

  古代的波斯人相信天空中的黄道十二星座掌控着一年的十二个月,而每个星座会统治地球一千年。等到十二个轮回结束,天空和大地就会崩塌。因此,第十三就和混乱联系了起来。波斯人在波斯历上的第十三天会外出、以避免厄运,这个传统被称为“Sizdah Bedar”,意思是“十三户外”。

  However, the number 13 is not uniformly bad in the Judeo-Christian tradition. For example, the 13 attributes of God (also called the thirteen attributes of mercy) are enumerated in the Torah. Some modern Christian churches also use 13 attributes of God in sermons.

  除此以外,不吉利的13还有很多传闻,包括汉莫拉比法典(code of Hummurabi)的第13条法规、十字军东征时的13圆桌骑士以及Friday the 13th(十三号星期五)等等。不过,也不是所有基督教传统的国家都认为13是不吉利的,在某些基督教祭典中还有13信条的仪式。

  打造和谐办公环境 4步建立信任文化


  Do you know someone who doesn’t trust their company, or maybe their boss? Maybe they have good reasons. Perhaps promises were broken, or the company was deceptive or unethical.


  “Once bitten, twice shy,” is understandably a good explanation why some employees become skeptical. But the only way for a business relationship to work is if it’s based on a foundation of mutual trust.


  Here are five tips I have shared with colleagues and team members who find it difficult to trust others in the workplace.


  1.Don’t allow bias to come into play.

  1. 别让偏见蒙蔽了自己。

  Is your lack of trust for your current boss based on something a previous boss did? Leave undeserved negative thoughts behind and allow your new boss to earn your trust from a clean slate.


  2.Extend the first 'olive branch.'

  2. 伸出第一条“橄榄枝”

  At the beginning of relationships, each person starts at ground zero when it comes to trust. Why not be the one to make the first move? All it takes is shedding your protective guard to move past the neutral stage.


  Evaluating how and when trust has been violated goes a long way to restoring it. Handling the issue in a professional, non-confrontational manner means hearing the other person’s story. Calmly listening to both sides often prevents a simple misunderstanding from becoming an intolerable situation.


  3.Don’t overreact to the situation.

  3. 别做出过激的反应。

  If it’s the first time you’ve perceived a violation of trust, giving your co-worker the benefit of the doubt may be your best response. Isn’t this how you would like to be treated? If still in doubt, run it past someone outside of the company who can offer a fresh, unbiased perspective. It’s okay -- and sometimes smart -- to let certain issues blow over.


  4.Behave in a way that commands trust from your co-workers.

  4. 以一种要求信任的姿态与同事相处。

  If you find that mistrust is a consistent theme throughout your career, you may very well be a contributor. A solution: Always be mindful of how others may perceive your words and actions.





  This is a gripping and sometimes terrifying book that will make you look anew at your spouse, your parents, your children, your friends, your enemies, your fellow workers and - perhaps most pertinently - your reflection in the mirror.


  Narcissus was the youth in Greek mythology who was so handsome everyone fell in love with him instantly. But all this adoration hardened his heart, and he became as well-known for his indifference to others as for his beauty. Eventually, the gods placed a curse on him, so that he, too, would know the pain of unrequited love.Soon after, he happened to be passing a pond, caught sight of his own reflection and fell madly in love with it. So drawn was he to the reflection that he dived into the water to be with it and drowned.

  希腊神话里帅气的少年纳西索斯,人人都对他一见钟情。但人们的钦慕让他心生狠念,如同他秀丽的外表一样, 纳西索斯冷漠为人的态度也人尽皆知。最终,众神对他施以诅咒,让他饱尝单恋之苦。不久,纳西索斯路过一个池塘,看见自己的倒影,便深深地爱上了。他爱得深沉无法自拔,便投入水中,最终溺亡。

  In psychological terms, then, narcissism is one of the 'dark triad' of personality traits, along with Machiavellianism and psychopathy.Dr Craig Malkin, a clinical psychologist and instructor at Harvard Medical School, defines it simply as 'the drive to feel special'. In moderation, one might ask, what is wrong with that?


  If you are a nine or a ten on the Malkin scale, you're basically mentally ill. You have convinced yourself you're special, despite much evidence to the contrary. Whereas if you're a five, you have a good dose of what Dr Malkin calls 'healthy narcissism'. And if you are a zero or a one, you have a narcissism deficit. He then discusses where it all comes from - nurture rather than nature, for narcissist parents can wreak havoc on future generations. Most usefully of all, he gives five telltale signs to help you spot the narcissist in your midst.


  Sign one is Displaying Emotion Phobia. Human interaction poses a scary problem for narcissists who are, deep down, extraordinarily insecure people. They shore up their self-confidence by imagining they are perfectly self-sufficient and impervious to other people's feelings. Sign two is Playing Emotional Hot Potato. Narcissists avoid their own horrible feelings by passing them on to others. They actually coerce you into experiencing the emotions they're trying to ignore in the first place.


  Next is Exerting Stealth Control. Narcissists feel uneasy about asking for help. Much easier is to remain in charge, make all the decisions and impose them on others as faits accomplis. Fourth is Placing People On Pedestals. For narcissists the logic goes like this: if someone this special wants me, I must be pretty special, too. Watch out for the sycophants at work, or the boyfriend who says you're perfect and that he loves you before he's even got to know you.


  Finally, there's Fantasising You're Twins. You know those couples who tell you they're alike in every way and that it's like looking in the mirror? Moderate narcissists, says Dr Malkin, can be 'turned' with care and attention. For extreme narcissists, however, there's not usually any way back. It's a pathological condition - the damage runs too deep.




  Inspiration from a Drainpipe


  Mrs. John G. Lee


  I think the most profound influence in my life was my father. He was an inventor and a scientist with a most inquisitive mind. He loved and was greatly stimulated by the beauty and the design he found in nature.


  He believed in people and was himself a completely honest person. His sense of humor was keen though kindly and his energy was inexhaustible. Once he was asked how he got the idea for the Maxim Silencer.


  He answered, "By watching the way water behaved when it went down a drain." This simple statement opened up for me a whole realm of ideas which led to a firm belief that human intelligence need recognize no bounds; that through the use of our intelligence we will move progressively closer to an understanding of man and of the universe around us; that this knowledge will bring a closer harmony between man and his surroundings; and that this way lies the chance to make the world a better place to live in.


  Then I remember sitting with him on the deck of his boat one night in early September.


  We were anchored in a secluded cove. The breeze was light and very salty. We could hear across a little strip of land the pounding of the surf.


  The stars were brilliant and every now and then a shooting star would streak across the sky. He was deeply interested in astronomy and he led my mind into unforgettable population as we explored the grandeur of that night.


  I think from this I came to understand that there must be law and order in our universe. There is design. Man can observe, he can learn to understand, he can apply. The secret is to apply in the interests of the common good; not for one or for a few; not to destroy but to build for all peoples.


  My mother and father each had an acute social conscience. They believed that because good fortune had endowed them with better than average opportunity, they had a duty to perform in their communities.


  From this no doubt came my own conviction that I must give more than I receive and that a satisfactory life must be measured by its usefulness to others.


  I remember the excitement engendered by the conversation in our home. All kinds of ideas were explored; all sorts of prejudices were challenged; penetrating minds were brought to bear on every problem of the day.


  I learned that each one of us has a right to his own beliefs, that prejudice perverts truth and that violence in the long run gains us nothing. From this understanding I moved into the belief that people everywhere must learn how to work together for the common purpose of the betterment of mankind.


  I believe one of the greatest ideas of all times, one that is a compelling moral force, is the concept of the dignity and worth of the human individual. From this idea there develops a sense of devotion to the common good.


  I believe that if we pull these rather simple but fundamental things together and tie them up with honesty and truth, there are no visible limits to the heights to which mankind can rise.





  Matisse and the Music of Discontent


  By Andre Kostelanetz

  On Easter Sunday, 1945, the last year of the war, my wife and I were in Marseilles. We had just arrived for four days’ rest, after a tour of entertaining the troops in Burma. It was a wonderful morning, sparkling but not too warm. There were no tourists, of course, and we decided to drive along the Riviera to Vence and call on Matisse. We had never met the painter, but we knew well his son Pierre in New York.

  We found Matisse living in a small house, with a magnificent, sweeping view beyond his vegetable garden. In one room, there was a cage with a lot of fluttering birds. The place was covered with paintings, most of them obviously new ones. I marveled at his production, and I asked him, “What is your inspiration?”

  “I grow artichokes,” he said. His eyes smiled at my surprise and he went on to explain: “Every morning, I go into the garden and watch these plants. I see the play of light and shade on the leaves, and I discover new combinations of colors and fantastic patterns. I study them. They inspire me. Then I go back into the studio and paint.”

  This struck me forcefully. Here was perhaps the world’s most celebrated living painter. He was approaching 80, and I would have thought that he had seen every combination of light and shade imaginable. Yet every day he got fresh inspiration from the sunlight on an artichoke; it seemed to charge the delicate dynamo of his genius with an effervescent energy almost inexhaustible.

  I wondered what might have happened if Matisse had never taken that morning stroll in the garden. But such a withdrawal is not in his character. Sometimes a man builds a wall around himself, shutting out the light. Not Matisse. He goes out to meet the world, discovers it and seems to soak up the discoveries in his very pores.

  In such a process, man inhales the chemicals of inspiration, so to speak. As a musician, inspiration is vital to me, but I find it hard to define what it is. It is more than just drinking in a view or being in love. It is, I think, a sense of discovery, a keen appetite for something new. There goes with it a certain amount of discipline, of control, coupled with a reluctance to accept a rigid, preconceived pattern. Someone has described this whole feeling as a divine discontent.

  The source of this capacity for thrilling, explanatory wonder at life rests, I believe, above man himself in something supreme. I sense this in regarding nature, which stimulates me in all my creative work.

  There are a host of things about the universe which I do not clearly understand, any more than I can understand, for example, the technicalities of the process by which we can be heard and seen in this new dimension, the miraculous television screen.

  Such finite things as these inventions were inconceivable mysteries a few years ago. The reason for life may be obscure to me, but that is no cause to doubt that the reason is there. Like Matisse with his artichoke, I can regard the infinite number of lights and shades of a piece of music and know that this is true.




  Air ball: Sarcastic term to describe a shot that doesn't touch the rim.


  Alley-oop pass: A pass thrown to a player who is running toward the basket. The second player leaps. catches the ball in midair. and dunks it or lays it in before he lands.


  Assist: A pass that leads directly to a basket.


  Backcourt: A team's defensive half of the court. As it refers to players. a team's guards.


  Backdoor play: A fundamental basketball play in which one player passes to a teammate in the high post. and when the defenders follow the ball. another player cuts to the basket from the opposite side of the court to take a pass for an open shot.


  Bank shot: A shot that is aimed at a spot on the backboard so that it caroms. or "banks." into the basket.


  Baseline: The line at each end of the court. under each basket. Also: endline.


  Bench: Reserves.


  Bounce pass: A pass thrown by a player to a teammate that bounces on the floor.


  Box out: Use your body to stay between an opponent and the basket and thus get into better position for a rebound.


  Brick: A hard. errant shot that caroms wildly off the basket or backboard.


  Bunny: An open. uncontested shot. usually a layup or dunk. Also: snowbird.


  Bury: Sink (a shot). as in "bury a jumper."


  Charging: A violation in which an offensive player runs into a stationary opponent.


  Chucker: A player who never met a shot he didn't like.


  Coast-to-coast: From one end of the court to the other.


  Collective Bargaining Agreement: The agreement between the NBA and the Players Association that governs all terms and conditions of employment of NBA players by NBA teams.

  NBA劳资协议 :NBA和球员协会签订的协议,包括了所有的NBA球队中的NBA球员雇佣的条约和条件。

  Cut: A quick move by an offensive player, usually toward the basket, to get in position for a shot.


  Dead-ball foul: A foul committed while the clock is stopped and the ball is not in play.


  Deny the ball: Prevent an opponent from getting the ball by guarding him closely and staying between him and the player in possession of the ball.


  Double dribble: A violation in which a player dribbles the ball, stops, then begins to dribble again.


  Double-team: The defensive tactic of two players guarding one.


  Downtown: Far from the basket, often synonymous with beyond the three-point arc.


  Draft: The annual selection process by which NBA teams select players from the colleges and elsewhere. Dribble: Bounce the ball.


  Dunk: A shot thrown downward through the basket, with one or two hands. Also: slam, slam-dunk, jam.


  Fast break: A play in which a team gains possession and then pushes the ball downcourt quickly, hoping to get a good shot off before the other team has a chance to get back and set up on defense.


  Field goal: A basket, worth either two or three points, depending on whether it was taken from inside or outside the three-point line (set at 22 feet from the basket).


  Flagrant foul: Unnecessary and/or excessive contact committed against an opponent.


  Foul: A violation. Usually, illegal contact between two players.


  Foul trouble: When a player is nearing the limit for personal fouls before he is ejected from the game, or a team is nearing the limit in each period after which all fouls become shooting fouls.


  Free agent: A player not under contract to any NBA team because his contract has expired or was terminated by his team in accordance with NBA waiver procedures, or because he was eligible for an NBA Draft and was never signed to an NBA contract.


  Free throw: An uncontested shot from 15 feet, worth one point. A player who is fouled while in the act of shooting receives two free throws. Also: foul shot.


  Frontcourt: A team's offensive half of the court. As it refers to players, a team's center and forwards.


  Give-and-go: A fundamental play in which one player passes to a teammate, then cuts to the basket to receive a return pass for an open layupor dunk.


  Goaltending: A violation in which a player interferes with a shot while the ball is on its downward arc, pins it against the backboard or touches it while it is in an imaginary cylinder above the basket; may be committed by either an offensive or defensive player.


  Gunner: A frequent shooter.


  Hand-checking: A violation in which a defender uses his hand to impede a player's progress.


  Hang time: The amount of time a player can stay in the air while attempting a shot.


  High post: The area around the free throw circle.


  Hook shot: A shot taken with a sweeping, hooking motion. May be taken stationary or while running.


  Hoop: Basket or rim. Also slang for playing basketball.


  J: jump shot.


  Jump ball: When players from opposing teams gain simultaneous possession of the ball, the referee stops play. After the teams are realigned, he tosses the ball up between those two players, who attempt to tap it to a teammate.


  Jump hook: A hook shot taken while jumping, popular among big men because it is difficult to block.


  Jump shot: A shot taken after a player jumps in the air.


  Lane: The painted area between the end line and the free-throw line near each basket, outside which players line up for free throws. Also known as the key, because in the early years it was key-shaped. It was twice widened to its present rectangular shape.


  Loose-ball foul: A foul committed while neither team has possession of the ball, as while going for a rebound.


  Lottery: The process that determines the order of selection, among the non-playoff teams, in the first round of the draft.


  Low post: The area at the base of the foul lane to either side of the basket.

  篮网: 15-18英寸(约0.3 8-0.46米)长的细绳挂在篮筐架下面。

  Net: The cord, 15 to 18 inches long , that hangs from the rim of the basket.


  Outlet pass: A pass thrown by a player after getting a rebound to a teammate, generally near midcourt, to start a fast break.


  Over the limit: Beyond a given number of fouls. Each team is allowed four fouls per quarter for which no free throws are assessed (unless they are committed against players in the act of shooting ); after four fouls a team is said to be "over the limit" and free throws are assessed on all subsequent fouls.


  Overtime: A five-minute extra period that is played when the game is tied after four quarters. If a game remains tied following an overtime period, another is played and another until there is a winner.


  Palming: A violation in which a player moves his hand under the ball and scoops it while dribbling. Also: carrying the ball.


  Penalty situation: When a team has committed more than its allotted four fouls per quarter and thus each subsequent foul becomes a shooting foul. Also: Over the limit.


  Pick: When an offensive player frees a teammate for a shot by establishing a stationary position that prevents a defensive player from guarding the shooter. If the player who is "setting a pick" is not stationary and contact is made with a defender, it is an offensive foul and his team loses possession of the ball. Also: screen.


  Pivot: The area near the basket, generally where the center operates, or the act of changing directions, by keeping one foot planted on the ground while stepping in one or more directions with the other foot.


  Player-control foul: An offensive foul that is committed not when a player is shooting, but just when his team is in control of the ball.


  Point guard: Usually a team's primary ballhandler and the man who sets up the team's offense.


  Pump fake: A fake in which a player motions as if he is going to shoot the ball but holds back, hoping his defender will jump out of position.


  Quadruple-double: An extremely rare (it's only happened four times in NBA history) achievement in which a player accumulates doubles figures in four of the following categories in the same game: points, rebounds, assists, steals and blocked shots.


  Rejection: A blocked shot.


  Sag: A defensive tactic in which a player drops off his man to help double-team a player in the pivot.


  Salary Cap: Common term for Maximum Team Salary, the maximum amount each team may pay in salaries during an NBA season, as per teams of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.


  Set shot: A shot taken while a player has both feet on the floor in a set position. Common in basketball's early years, it is now all but extinct, having given way to the harder-to-block jump shot.


  Sixth man: A team' s primary reserve, the first substitute to enter a game.


  Sky-hook: A hook shot in which the ball is released while the shooter's hand is at the top of the arc; used most effectively by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, the NBA' s all-time career scoring leader.


  Skywalk: The ability to move laterally while in the air.


  Steal: To take the ball away from the opposing team, either off the dribble or by picking off a pass.


  Switch: When teammates exchange defensive assignments during play.


  Technical foul: The penalty for a violation of conduct, such as abusive language or fighting. Each technical foul awards a free throw to the opposing team and also means an automatic fine for the player who commits the violation.


  Three-point shot: A field goal worth three points, taken from beyond an arc that is 22 feet from the basket.


  Three-second violation: An offensive player may not stand in the lane for three seconds.


  360: To elude a defender by doing a complete spin, making a 360-degree turn.


  Tip-in: To tip a missed shot into the basket.


  Trailer: An offensive player who trails on a fast break but often is in good position to score after the first wave of defenders goes by.


  Transition: The movement from offense to defense, or vice versa, when the ball changes hands.


  Traveling: A violation in which a player takes too many steps without dribbling the ball. Also: walking.


  Triple-double: A relatively rare achievement in which a player accumulates double figures in three of the following categories in the same game: points, rebounds, assists, steals and blocked shots.


  Turnover: Loss of ball, either through an errant pass or dribble or an offensive foul.


  Veteran free agent: A player who completes his contractual obligation to his team and becomes free to sign with any NBA team, as per terms of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.


  Zone: A defensive tactic in which players guard areas of the court, rather than specific men. IIIegal in the NBA.







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