Unit2 It’s in the north of China教学设计

2021-11-16 教学设计

  作为一名教职工,可能需要进行教学设计编写工作,教学设计是对学业业绩问题的解决措施进行策划的过程。我们应该怎么写教学设计呢?下面是小编为大家整理的Unit2 It’s in the north of China教学设计,欢迎阅读与收藏。


  1.能听、说、读、写本课单词:parent, rode, horse, climb, holiday.

  2.能运用句子“Where did you go for your holiday?”来询问他人假期,并能用“I went to…”正确作答;运用“where is …?”询问某地的方位,并运用“It’s in the ….of …”来回答。




  1.教学重点:单词parent, rode, horse, climb, holiday;句型Where is…? It’s in the…ofChina.






  Step I.Warm-up

  1. Greetings

  2. Revision

  1)齐读Module 6单词(该班教师已教授);

  2)引出词组:climbed a mountain/mountains, rode a horse.

  3)句型:----What did you do yesterday/last weekend/for your holidays?

  ----I climbed mountains/did my homework/…(学生根据实际情况回答)


  StepⅡ. Presentation

  Today we are going to learn a new unit, unit 2 It’s in the north of China. Please open your book, turn to page 24.(板书标题并示意让学生打开课本24页)

  1) Listen and say

  Ok, look at these pictures(指着挂图), please tell me and guess.


  ① Who is the girl?

  ② Who are they?(指着玲玲的父母图像问学生).


  ① When did she go?

  ② Where did she go?

  ③ Who did she go with?

  ④ What did she do there?

  ⑤ Did she have a lovely time?

  2) Translation

  I say English, you say Chinese, Ok?


  3) Retelling


  4) Point, ask and answer

  Where did Lingling go for her holidays?

  She went to Xinjiang.

  Where is Xinjiang?(让学生看课本的中国地图回答)

  It’s in the west of China.



  Step Ⅲ. Summary


  Step Ⅳ.Exercise(学习指导P34)


  Step Ⅴ.板书设计

  Unit 2 It’s in the north of China


  ①When did she go?

  ②Where did she go?

  ③Who did she go with?

  ④What did she do there?

  ⑤Did she have a lovely time?

【Unit2 It’s in the north of China教学设计】相关文章:

1.关于五年级下unit2《Its in the north of china》教学反思

2.《Unit2, Let’s learn》的教学反思

3.Unit2 It’s raining说课稿

4.Unit2 My schoolbag A Let’s learn教学反思

5.Unit2 My schoolbag A Let’s learn教学反思

6.四年级英语下册Unit2 A Let’s talk 教学设计

7.《PEP BOOK1 UNIT2 A Let’s learn let’s do》课堂教学反思

8.z c s教学设计

上一篇:新的实验教学设计 下一篇:七嘴八舌说变化教学设计