三年级上册It`s a black dog优秀教学设计

2021-06-18 教学设计

  Teaching aims:


  a.会听colour song出示水彩笔。

  b.会唱colour song.

  2、 情感态度:通过说说唱唱,听歌出示水彩笔等活动,激发孩子学习英语的兴趣。

  3、 学习策略:通过小组实践的方式,培养学生合作学习的精神。

  Teaching focus:

  1、掌握It’s a blue cap. 等的`描述有颜色的物品的句式。

  2、会唱colour song.

  Difficult point:


  Aids: tape recorder,teaching pictures,colour cards ,colour pens.


  Teaching procedures:

  Step 1:Warm up


  2、Review the colours:师出示一张有各种各样颜色的张贴画:What colour? Ss: It’s green./black/blue/red/white/yellow.

  3、Play a game: Show me ……


  T:(出示一张彩虹的图片)What’s this?

  S: ………

  T: It’s a rainbow.(学生跟读几遍)


  Ss: Ok.

  T:Well!Let’s sing a song about rainbow.

  Step3: Sing and do the actions.

  a. show the rainbow

  T: There are many colrs. Can you tell you me what colors?

  Ss: It’s yellow

  S: It’s red.

  S: It’s pink

  T: Very good. It’s red and yellow and pink and green …



  It’s black and white.

  b. drill

  S: It’s …and…

  c. Play the song twice ,let the children be familiar with the melody.

  d. Learn to sing

  T: Let’s try to sing the song, ok?

  Ss: Ok.(Listen and repeat the colour song)

  Listen and hold up the colour pens you hear.

  Step 4:Fulfill the task

  T: Now we can sing the rainbow, lease draw your favorite rainbow down on the activity book.Then tell your classmates the colors of your rainbow.


  Step 6:Homework



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