
2022-08-26 教案



  技能目标Skill Goals

  Talk about different types of theme parks in different cultures

  Show people around a place and give directions

  Study word formation

  Write an introduction to a place with detailed explanations



  Expressions used to show people around a place

  We are happy to show you ...

  Over there is the ...

  Down the path you can see ...

  The main idea/ theme in the park is ...

  You will enjoy doing/ seeing ...

  Expressions used to ask the way and give directions

  Can/ Could you show me where ... is?

  Can/ Could you tell me the way to ... ?

  How can we get to ... ?

  How far is/ are the ...?

  You can reach ... by bus/ subway/ ...

  Go along/ down ... and turn left/ right at the ... crossing.

  It is just behind/ next to/ opposite the ... , you can’t miss it.

  It is about ... minutes’ walk/ bus ride.

  It is about ... meters away.



  theme, amusement, various, variety, rides, equipment, experiment, advance, advanced, technique, test, cloth, Brazil, jungle, creature, up-to-date, excitement, volunteer, jungle, sneaker, admission, outing, shuttle, brand, advanced


  roller coaster, fantasyland, imaginary, imagination, vary, Futuroscope, mysterious, T-Rex combination


  No wonder, in advance, get close to, come to life,

  结构Word Formation



  本单元以Theme parks为话题,旨在通过本单元的教学,使学生了解分散于世界各地的各种各样的主题公园,学会向别人介绍某个景点的大体情况,以及计划各项活动,同时培养学生对世界及生活的热爱。

  1.1 Warming up通过向学生呈现四个风格各异的世界著名主题公园,激发学生学习本单元的兴趣。

  1.2 Pre-reading通过学生对主题公园里活动的想象,交流了解主题公园的有关知识。

  1.3 Reading通过介绍世界各地形式各异的主题公园概况,使学生了解风格迥异的各国主题公园。

  1.4 Comprehending让学生从文章的标题及各段大意来整体理解课文。

  1.5 Learning about Language分词汇和语法两部分。

  Discovering useful words and expressions中的练习1是以给出意思写出相对应词汇的形式考查对文章中重要词汇及短语的理解。练习2是以短文填词完型的形式考查对练习1中词汇的运用。练习4则以完成句子的形式考查学生对get/ be closer to这一短语不同意义及用法的准确运用。

  Discovering useful structures是通过填表格的练习方式向学生呈现英语词汇不同的构词法(合成及派生)。

  1.6 Using Language分为四个部分练习听、说、读、写。

  1) Listening练习听力可配合Listening on P69 in Workbook及Listening Task on P73进行。

  2)Reading and speaking这是一篇泛读文章,介绍更新奇的主题公园(观察未来)。然后让学生练习朗读课文的.第二段,注意个别特殊的发音方式。接着把(观察未来)公园的各项活动性质归类及解释理由。然后根据自己对文章的理解为该主题公园绘制一张地图。最后分别说出(观察未来)主题公园会让你体验到的三种时间及空间的经历。





  2.1因本教材重点强调的是阅读能力,故将Warming-up, Reading, Comprehending合在一起设计成一节“精读课”。

  2.2 Learning about Language, Using Structures和Workbook中的Using words and expressions, Using structures合在一起,设计成一节“语法课”(既有词汇又有语法)。

  2.3将Using Language中的Listening, Workbook中的Listening和Listening task整合成一节“听力课”。

  2.4将Reading and speaking,Workbook中的Reading task整合为一节“泛读课”,旨在从整体上理解课文,作为对本单元话题“主题公园”的知识扩充。

  2.5将Speaking, Workbook中的Talking和Speaking task整合为一节“口语课”。

  2.6将Using Language中的Writing和Workbook中的Writing task整合成一节“写作课”。


  1st period Intensive Reading

  2nd period Language Study

  3rd period Listening

  4th period Extensive Reading

  5th period Speaking

  6th period Writing


  The First Period Intensive Reading

  Teaching goals 教学目标

  1. Target language目标语言


  theme park, provide ... with ... , amuse oneself, various, a variety of, shuttle, charge ... for, admission, make a profit, souvenir, base on, involve ... in, athletic, brand, equipment, sneakers, come to life, minority, fantasy, get close to, settlers, take an active part in, experiment, advanced, technique


  As you wander around the fantasy amusement park, you may see Snow White or Mickey Mouse in a parade or on the street.

  With all these attractions, no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland.

  2. Ability goals能力目标

  Enable the students to know something about the various theme parks all over the world, to understand the difference between a theme park and a traditional park and try to finish the comprehending exercises.

  3. Learning ability goals学能目标

  Learn how to generalize and compare the similarities and differences.

  4.Teaching important points教学重点

  To solve the questions in Comprehending, and let the students find out the main idea of each paragraph, give a summary of the text.

  5.Teaching difficult points 教学难点

  How to give a general instruction/ description of a place.

  6.Teaching methods教学方法





  7.Teaching aids教具准备

  A recorder and a computer.

  8.Teaching procedures && ways教学过程与方式

  Step I Revision

  T: Good morning/ afternoon, boys and girls! First let’s have a dictation about the words and phrases in Unit 4. Take out a piece of paper, please.

  major, local, represent, Columbia, introduce, approach, touch, strange, express, be likely to, general, avoid spoken, misunderstand, punish, at ease

  T: Now, hand in your paper please; I’ll check your work after class.

  Step II Warming up

  T: Let’s look at the pictures on P33. Try to match the names of the parks with the pictures. Can you guess which are parks and which are theme parks?

  T: Which one of these parks would you like to visit most if you have the chance?

  Sa: Of course I would go to Disneyland. I have watched so much about it on TV and I’ve been dreaming about shaking hands with those lovely cartoon characters and taking pictures with them.

  Sb: I would like to go to Waterpark, because I like swimming and I like to take part in the activities in water in this park.


  Step III Reading


  T: It’s interesting to listen to your ideas. Today we are going to study a passage about theme parks. The title is THEME PARKS—FUN AND MORE THAN FUN. I would like you to read the passage quickly for the first time to get a general idea of the passage. At the same time, please find out the topic sentence of each paragraph.

  (3 minutes later)

  T: Have you got the main idea of the passage? Who can tell me the topic sentences of six paragraphs?

  Topic sentences

  Paragraph 1. Different kinds of theme parks.

  Paragraph 2. Disneyland.

  Paragraph 3. Dollywood

  Paragraph 4. England’s Camelot Park


  T: After the first reading, we have all got a general idea of the passage. So I would like you to read it carefully again and try to find the answers to these detailed questions.

  Teacher shows the questions on the screen.

  1. What is the purpose of Dollywood? What kind of people do you think will visits this theme park?

  2. What do you know about ancient English stories? What other activities do you imagine there are at Camelot Park?

  3. Disneyland is a place to have fun. What will you do if you have a chance to visit Disneyland ?

  4. If you have a chance to visit one of these three parks, which will you visit ? Why?

  suggested answers

  1. The purpose of Dolly wood is to show and celebrate America’s traditional southeastern culture. Probably a lot of Americans will visit this theme park.

  2-4 students will give their own answers.

  Step V Discussion

  T: If you have enough time and money, would you like to go traveling to see the natural beauty of the country or go the theme parks to enjoy the exciting experiences? Give reasons for your choice.

  a) Teacher divides the class into groups of four. Each group tries to reach an agreement and to collect as many reasons as possible from the group members.

  b) After the discussion, the teacher asks a student from each of the groups to report the decision of their group and to give their reasons for the decision.

  Step VI Homework

  Remember all the new words and phrases in the reading passage.

  Write a summary of the reading passage using the new words.

  The second period Listening

  Teaching goals

  1. Target language

  cloth, Marine Land theme park, dolphins, polar bears, do tricks, a roller coaster, dugout

  2. Ability goals

  Enable the students to master the skill of listening for information.

  3. Learning ability goals

  Help the students learn how to get the skills of listening.

  Teaching important points

  Listen to the three materials about customs, Sea World and building a dugout boat and answer the questions correctly.

  Teaching difficult points

  Listen and get the needed information to complete the exercises.

  Teaching methods

  Listening and cooperative learning.

  Teaching aids I

  A recorder, a cassette tape and a computer.

  Teaching procedures & ways

  Step I Revision

  Check the students' homework.

  Step II Listening (Page37 and 38)

  Students are asked to read questions to find out the requirements first, and then listen to the tape three times to complete the matching exercises and answer the eight questions.

  T: Please open your books and turn to Page37. Before you listen to the tape, read the requirements and keep them in mind. Pay attention to the important information while listening and you'd better take some notes of it.

  T: Different countries have different cultures. Different na?tional groups have different customs too. In Part 1, we are going to hear about the customs of some national groups. Now let's listen to the recording and try to match each group to an example of its customs.

  Students listen to the recording for the first time.

  T: Have you got the answers? Let' s check.

  Check the answers together.

  T: Let's listen to the tape again and answer the questions in

  Part 2. You may listen to it twice. Students listen to the recording for another two times. Check the answers to the questions by asking some stu?dents to answer them.

  Step III Listening (Page69)

  T: Let's come to the Listening on Page 69. Here we are going to listen to David Evens and Ji Yang who are visiting the Sea World.

  T: Have you ever been to Sea World?

  Ss: Yes.

  T: What can you do in Sea World?

  Ss: We can feed the dolphins.

  We can play with the polar bears.

  We can watch sea animals do performances.

  We can go diving to see fish.

  We can see learn about the different kinds of fish and seaweed.

  We can go surfing on the sea.

  T: Good. Let' s listen to the recording about the Sea World in Australia. After listening, tick the item in the list of what people can do in this park. Are you ready? Let's go. Students listen to the recording for the first time and finish the exercise.

  T: Have you got the answers? Let's check. Teacher checks the answers with the whole class.

  T: Let' s listen to the tape again and try to answer the questions in Part 3. Please read the questions first.

  T: Ok. Let's keep these three questions in mind and try to find the answers while listening. Are you ready? Let's go! Play the tape again, and then check the answers to the questions by asking some students to answer them.

  Step IV Listening Task (Page73)

  T: Let's turn to Page 73 and go on to do the Listening Task here. For this task, we are going to learn how to build a dugout boat and how to make a house of palm leaves. Are you interested in making things by yourselves?

  Ss: Yes.

  T: Great! You will be able to do it after doing the listening.

  T: Let's find out how to build a dugout boat first. While listening, you need to pay attention to the materials you need, the steps, the method of making a person sit in it, and the method of making the boat easily go through the sea. Are you clear about what to do now? Let' s listen.

  Students listen to the recording for two or three times and fill in the table in Part 1.

  T: Have you got all this information? Let' s check.

  Teacher checks the answers by asking some students to read out their answers.

  T: Now, we come to the building of a house of palm leaves. While listening, we need to pay attention to the method of joining the palm leaves, the number of areas for sides, how to join the sides of the house together, the number of areas for the roof, and how to join the roof to walls. With this five questions in mind, let's begin listening.

  Students listen to the recording for two or three times and complete the chart in Part 2.

  T: Have you got the information to complete the second column of the chart? Let' s check the answers together.

  Teachers checks the answers with the whole class.

  Step V Homework

  Do the listening again after class.

  Preview Reading and speaking, Reading task.

  The third period Grammar



  (1) n+n

  air conditioner 空调

  blood pressure 血压

  income tax 所得税

  credit card 信用卡

  (2) adj + n

  central bank中央银行

  fast food快餐

  solar system 太阳系

  remote control 遥控

  (3) v-ing +另一词

  washing machine 洗衣机

  driving license 驾驶执照


  by-product 副产品

  editor-in-chief 主编



  absent-minded 心不在焉的

  grey-haired 头发灰白的


  long-suffering 长期受苦的

  far-reaching 深远的(影响)






  Derivation: add letters to the beginning or the end of a word.


  (1) dis-: disagree, dislike, disappear

  (2) in-(il-, im-, ir-): incorrect, impossible, irregular,

  (3) un-: unhappy, unable, unfit,

  (4) non-: nonstop, nonverbal (非语言的)

  (5) re-: rewrite, review


  (1)构成名词:-er, -ese, -ist, -ian, -ment, -tion, -ness, -th.

  buyer, Chinese, socialist, musician agreement, collection, illness, truth

  (2)构成形容词: -al, -an, -ful, -ing, -y, -less

  national, American, careful,

  exciting, cloudy, useless

  (3)构成动词: -fy, -is (z)e:

  beautify, realize

  (4)构成副词: -ly:


  (5)构成数词: -teen, -ty, -th

  thirteen, sixty, twelfth

  Conversion: change the part of speech of a word.










