


  1、名词: 可数


  ①直接在词尾 s(boys, pencils)

  ②以ch, sh, s, x结尾的 es(watches, buses)

  ③以“辅音字母 y”结尾的, 变y为i es(families, cities)

  ④以f, fe结尾的, 变f, fe为v es(knives, leaves)

  ⑤不规则变化(children, women, fish, tomatoes)

  注意①单复数同形的名词: sheep, Chinese, Japanese.

  ②只有复数形式的词: people, trousers, clothes, thanks.




  my mother's bag the dog's house the door of our classroom

  注意, 加's构成所有格时, 如果名词本身是以s结尾的则只加', 不加s。


  ①不可数名词没有复数形式, 且前边不能用不定冠词, 也不能用数词作定语。

  ②作主语时, 谓语动词用单数形式。


  a piece of news a cup of tea








  ④用在姓氏的复数形式前, 表示夫妇或一家人。










  反身代词在句中主要起强调作用, 词组有teach oneself, learn by oneself


  ①some——一些。常用于肯定句, 可修饰可数名词和不可数名词。

   any——一些, 任何。常用于任何否定句, 疑问句条件句中, 可修饰可数名词和不可数名词。

  注意与some或any组合生成的词(something, somebody, someone, anything, anybody, anyone), 其用法与some和any基本相同。

  ②each——可单独使用, 强调个体, 用于两者或两者以上的每个人或物, 可作名词和形容词使用。

   every——不可单独使用, 强调整体, 用于三者或以上的'情况, 只能作形容词用。

  ③both, all, neither, none, either, any, the other的区别。

  含义对象 都 都不 任何(一个) 每(一个) 另(一个)

  two both neither either each the other

  three all none any every another


  It's 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

  It's about 5 kilometres away.

  It's raining now.

  It's important to learn English well.

  You'll find it easy to make a kite.



  first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth, thirty-first one hundredth


  8, 231 eight thousand two hundred and thirty-one


  (on) August seventh, 1979; page 58; Unit25; Class Three Grade One; the No.168 Middle School


  hundreds of, thousands of, millions of, three hundred students



  ①原级: 没有比较用原级, 特定句型用原级(as…as, not as…as, not so…as)。

  ②比较级: 两者比较用比较级, 句中有"A or B"句型或than。

  ③最高级: 三者或三者以上比较用最高级, 句中有"A, B or C"句型或由in或of引出比较范围。

   ④其它表达法: 比较级 and 比较级表“越来越……”, The 比较级, the 比较级表“越……越……”

  eg: ①Mike is tall.

  This room is as big as that one.

  This lesson isn't as interesting as lesson Three.

  Tom doesn't run so fast as Jack.

  ②Which is better, this one or that one?

  My sister writes more carefully than my brother.

  ③Who is the tallest, Jack, John or Tom?

  He is the most careful in our class.

  Changjiang River is the longest river in China.

  ④Spring is coming. It's getting warmer and warmer.

  The barder he studied, the more knowledge he got.


  a、直接 er / est

  b、以e结尾的 er / est

  c、以辅音字母 y结尾的变y为i er / est

  d、重读闭音节以一个辅音字母结尾的, 双写 er / est


  f、多音节和少数双音节的词, 在词前加more或most


  ①already, 多用于肯定句, yet多用于否定句或疑问句中

  ②too, also, either都表示“也”

  too和also都用于肯定句中, too常放在句尾, also常放在句中, either用于否定句的句尾。


  (1)表示时间的介词in, on, at

  in——用于较长一段时间, 星期, 月份, 季节, 年, 朝代世纪或非特指的早、午、晚等。



  eg: in 1988, in the 21st century, in winter, in March, in the moring, on Saturday evening, on the May seventh, on a windy night, on the afternoon, of October 31st, at eight o'clock, at night, at noon, at the end of, at this moment, at this time, at the age of


  in——表示以现在为起点的“以后”, 常用于将来时态中。

  after——常用于一般过去时态中, 表示在过去某个时间之后。

  eg: We'll come back in two weeks.我们将在两周后回来。

  They came back after two weeks.两周以后, 他们回来了。


  ago——表示从现在算起的“以前”, 常常是“一段时间 ago”

  before——表示以过去为起点的“以前”时, 常常是“一段时间 before”, 如果是:”“before 一点时间”, 则只表示在某一点以前。

  eg: He went to the library 2 hours ago.

  He said he had gone to the library 2 hours before.

  They will start before eight o'clock tomorrow morning.

  I went to bed before nine yesterday evening.


  for 一段时间常表示“持续了一段时间”, 而during则表示在……期间

  eg: He has been in Beijing for 3 years.

  I was in Beijing during last summer.


  at——与小的地点连用, 有“在某一点”的含义。


  He was lost at the station.

  The twins were born in a big city.

  (6)over, above与on表示“在……上”的区别。

  over——指没有接触面的正上方, 反义词是under。

  above——指没有接触面的上方, 在高一些的位置, 反义词是below。

  on——指有接触面的, 在……的表面上。

  The plane is above the clouds.

  The bridge is over the river.

  The cup is on the table.

  (7)熟练掌握介词与动词、名词、形容词搭配构成的词组, 另外还要注意, 介词的后边要跟名词作它的宾语, 如果是动词, 则要变为动名词(doing)的形式。

  如: She is good at singing.

  I'm good at English.



  and(和, 并), but(但是), or(否则, 或者), so(所以, 于是), when(当……的时候), either…or(或者……或者, 不是……就是), neither…nor(既不……也不……), so…that(如此……以致于……)


  (1)熟练掌握动词的现在分词, 第三人称单数, 过去式, 和过去分词的构成。注意牢记不规则动词的过去式和过去分词。


  ①实义动词——分为及物和不及物两种, 在句中作谓语。

  ②连系动词——be, look, feel, get, turn, become, keep等, 在句中与表语一起构成相当于谓语部分的系表结构。

  ③助动词——帮助谓语动词构成不同的时态和否定句, 疑问句, 不能单独使用, 也无含义。

  ④情态动词——可以说是一种特殊的助动词, 情态动词没有人称和数的变化, 后边必须跟动词原形, 而且本身不但有含义而且可以直接构成否定句和疑问句。

  (3)非谓语动词的习惯用法, 一定要熟记

  1)begin to do sth 2)start to do sth

  3)decide to do sth 4)want to do sth

  5)(would) like to do sth 6)forget to do sth

  7)remember to do sth 8)love to do sth

  9)learn to do sth 10)need to do sth

  11)try to do sth 12)try not to do sth

  13)stop to do sth 14)ask sb.to do sth

  15)ask sb.not to do sth 16)like sb.to do sth

  17)teach sb.to do sth 18)tell sb.to do sth

  19)tell sb.to do sth 20)want sb.to do sth

  21)help sb.(to) do sth 22)let sb.do sth

  23)have sb.do sth 24)make sb.do sth

  25)had better do sth 26)had better not do sth

  27)feel / hear sb.do sth 28)watch / see sb.do sth

  29)why not do sth 30)be busy doing sth

  31)see / watch sb doing sth 32)feel / hear sb doing sth

  33)enjoy doing sth 34)finish doing sth

  35)keep (sb) doing sth 36)go on doing sth

  37)stop doing sth 38)like doing sth

  39)begin doing sth 40)start doing sth

  41)prevent sb from doing 42)stop sb / sth from doing sth

  43)spend时间 / 金钱(in) doing sth 44)It takes sb. some time to do sth.

  45)It is good (wrong, easy, difficult, important…) to do sth

  46)It is time (for sb.) to do sth 47)be used for doing sth

  48)will / would you please do sth 49)what about (doing) sth


  1)tell, say, speak, talk

  2)bring, take, carry

  3)lend, borrow, keep

  4)listen, listen to, hear, hear from, hear of

  5)look, look at, see, watch, notice

  6)reach, arrive(in / at), get to

  7)look for, look after, look at, look up

  8)put on, put up, put down, put away, put into

  9)look for, find, find out, found

  10)take off, take away, take down

  11)try on , put on, wear, dress, get dressed

  12)ask for, send for

  13)get back, give back, take back

  14)be made in, be made of, be made from, be made by

  15)get on, got off, get into, get out of

  16)get in, get up, get on…with

  17)go down, go on, go out

  18)look out, look out of

  19)turn on, turn off, turn up, turn down, turn to, turn over

  20)send out, sent to , send away, send up, send for

  21)fill…with… be full of… be filled with…

  22)get sb.sth give sb.sth, buy sb.sth

  23)be in, be out, be away, be over, be up

  24)wear out, sell out

  25)worry about the worried about

  26)cost, pay, spend, take


  瞬间动词有: join, buy, come, go, leave, arrive, begin, start, open, closed, become, borrow, lend, die, get等。

  记住: 瞬间动词(点动词)不能与表示持续一段时间的时间状语连用。










