
2021-09-17 重阳节


  This morning, I casually looked at the calendar. Eh, September 9th? Double Ninth Festival? My heart beat for a while, and grandma's figure flashed in my mind. I realized that I had to do something for grandma right now!


  Grandma sent me to school every day, rain or shine, whether it's summer or winter, never stop. Well, I must repay her well. But what can I give her? I scratched my ears and scratched my cheek. After thinking for a long time, I suddenly got a brainstorming. Otherwise, I would like to bless her. Do as you say, I am full of affection, and I don't hesitate to say to grandma, "grandma..." when I get to the mouth, I can't say anything. I feel very shy and don't want to say it again.


  Until dinner at night, I put the hidden in my heart, prepared for a long time to say that. "Grandma "


  "What is it?" She asked, puzzled.


  "I wish you a happy double ninth day, good health and a long life!"


  Thank you. Grandma froze for a moment and smiled happily.


  During the meal, grandma kept picking out the dishes for me. So grandma is very happy.


  When I went to bed at night, I didn't immediately fall asleep as usual. I vaguely heard my father and grandmother whispering in the living room: "this child is growing up and more sensible."


  It turns out that double ninth cake and flowers are not necessary gifts for Double Ninth Festival. Sometimes, to repay the kindness of parents and elders, a simple blessing is enough to make the heart connected.

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