
2021-07-02 知识



  As the old saying goes, education is the book of the century, the knowledge changes the destiny, the history of the river, which has the great achievements of the people, is through their own efforts and struggles, only has a result, such as; In The Three Kingdoms period, zhuge liang went to astronomy, and he knew that geography was the best way to help him. The great MAO automatic reading, leading the nation to change the fate of China, wrote the touching poem with knowledge...

  Only work hard, to practice, to acquire knowledge, to change destiny, get on, knowledge, must through the study, only by constantly learning, can have a bright future, we only keep learning can become a talent, to become a useful person to society, and a man of knowledge. A man of knowledge can change his own destiny. If there is a large group of people with knowledge, it can change the destiny of our country.

  Knowledge does not belong to the lazy person, only study can achieve the dream, only study, can change oneself only to learn grass can let other people change the opinion of oneself.


  Some people say that books are the ladder of human progress. But I think it is a world of knowledge, the ocean of learning. Since the beginning of the course, I have not only loved reading, but also many methods of reading and more active thinking, and there is a little story.

  One day the teacher came to the classroom with a tape recorder, and the students immediately said it. What does the teacher do? Everyone was puzzled. The teacher smiled and said, "everyone will tell the library in their hearts, no matter how strange it is, just start your own brain and think of it." The classroom immediately became silent, the students some frowned, some dragged their heads to concentrate on the thought. The students, using their clever brains, came up with strange schemes that surprised the teachers. It is because we love to read that we can have this strange and different thought. Read well, but do not stay read; apply to every corner of your life.

  I've learned how to read good books, read books and read books since the last class. When reading, not only should be careful, but also read and draw, write down the famous words, so as to accumulate vocabulary, later writing will not worry. The old saying goes: read a book and write a book.

  The nail was hammered in, and the time was squeezed out. I must study hard to master more knowledge wealth!


  The ancients cloud: "the book has the gold house". A good book can indeed benefit us.

  The knowledge in the book is inexhaustible. Wandering in the sea of books, let me know true, good, beautiful, beautiful, ugly, evil. It is the book that opens the door of my knowledge, broadens my horizon, enriches my life and edifies my sentiment. It is the book that makes me grow from childish to mature, and brings me to a vast world.

  A beautiful article, an allegory can make a person forget to eat and sleep, let a person forget oneself, with the protagonist in the book is sad and happy, feeling and deeply. A good composition can experience life, enlighten life, and enjoy the aesthetic feeling. Reading "little match girl" makes people cry and sympathize with the little girl's experience; Reading "the emperor's new clothes" is ridiculous for this stupid emperor; Reading "the proud little sparrow" is proud of the little sparrow's behavior; Read "childhood" and feel the earnest teachings and beautiful stories in it...

  "Book is the ladder of human progress", yes, remember I remember it was my first time to read a grade contact diary, see rows and rows of space, I do not know how to start and have no idea, east spell, west gather together a little, but the result is lack of clear, the statement is not smooth. I am a good little girl, see my composition write so bad, really want to sink down to cry, also once thought to give up. But under the encouragement of the teacher, I turned over to make a document, not only accumulated good words, but also learned how to construct, how to divide, how to read 10 each day. Sure enough, the second time it was written, the words became beautiful and clear. It was the book that helped me, and I really appreciate the help from the books.

  Books are like our friends. They lend a helping hand to you when we are in trouble. The book accompanies me to grow up, also let me experience the growth happiness!


  Reading a book about zheng he's voyages, I learned from his voyages that knowledge is power.

  Zheng he to tell direction, has begun to combine nautical astronomy positioning and navigation compass application, to improve the precision of the measurement of position, direction, if he has no maritime history, how to tell direction on the sea?

  Only those who have mastered all kinds of knowledge can become a proud generation. Once eat fish, because the fish is very good I eat quickly, more haste, less speed, I accidentally put a small piece of fish into the throat. I'm in a hurry. My brother, xuan xuan, said to me, "if you drink some vinegar, you should be able to pull the fish out." I hurried to drink a lot of vinegar, and sure enough, the fish bone pulled out at once. Later, I read the book to know that vinegar has the effect of softening the fish sting. I can't help admiring the xuan xuan.

  Knowledge is power, indeed. Life is full of knowledge, as long as we keep an eye on it, we will find it. We should not only find knowledge in life, but also learn the culture knowledge carefully in school, so that we can become a great person like zheng he. We must remember one sentence: "only those who win knowledge can win the future!"


  The world is wood, knowledge is also wood, wooden phase drill, there is a universal fire; The world is fire, knowledge is fire, fire and fire intersect, even water cannot stop; The world is water, knowledge is water, water and water are melted, and then there is the widest sea.

  Knowledge changed my character. When I was a child, I was very lonely and impetuous. I hardly talked to others. I was careless in what I did. However, I learned to read after I went to school, and found the charm of language and the happiness of communication from the brilliance of words, words, sentences, paragraphs and chapters. English has brought me to the ocean of ABC, and I am eager to embrace the world, eager to have a pair of wings to fly to every corner to show the elegant style of Chinese civilization. Mathematics taught me to be careful, and every time I became agitated, the addition and subtraction of the sign would calm me down, and I would ride in the ocean of mathematics with the square root and the equal sign. Therefore, my impetuous character greatly improved, I gradually became now cheerful and lively me.

  Whether past, present or future, whether yesterday, today or tomorrow, will never stop its steps of knowledge, it forever in Chinese reading, in the mathematical calculation, speak in English, in physical reasoning, in political thinking, remembered in the history, experience in geography, exploring in the biological...

  Whether in the past, present or future, knowledge will change me forever, whether yesterday, today or tomorrow.


  Since ancient times, knowledge has been regarded as a powerful weapon in many aspects such as thought and life, which is applied to any corner of the world. Therefore, we believe that knowledge is a key.

  In today's life, knowledge is both a key to a higher educational institution and a key to entrepreneurship, and, more importantly, a key to the advancement of science and technology.

  Not only learning, but also in entrepreneurship. Remember a famous person once said: "knowledge changes destiny." Indeed, in the hard way of starting a business, without a deep knowledge and foundation, it is hard to succeed. Recognized as the world's richest man bill? Gates, a business visionary, and other businesses such as amway are among those who do not have the wealth of knowledge and talent. Bill? Microsoft, founded by gates, has almost brought its software users around the world, making decisions in the company's operations that would have collapsed without a knowledgeable leader. There are many examples of successful start-ups like this one, and so is Mr Duan's gait. Duan yongping paid is master's birth, in the original position in the market, then the quality of the system, or after-sales service, business operation, the rich knowledge guide led from the mundane to the well-known, with its adhere to this copy of sureness, innovation of enterprise policy and unremitting enterprising, the brand promise of a politician in the Chinese families. Without such a decision maker, how could it have been today? Knowledge is the key to entrepreneurship.

  There was once a writer who said, "the progress of science and technology comes from the foundation of knowledge." This is the case with many scientific and technological achievements at home and abroad, and knowledge is also the key to the advancement of science and technology.

  In short, in our human life, knowledge is always the key to everything, and it is the tool to open every door in life. The composition


  What is wealth? Many people may blurt out, "it's money!" Yes, money is one of wealth, but wealth is not necessarily money. Take my cousin, and his wealth is... Read the following little story and you will know it.

  In the guest room, the cousin's daughter, tingting, was already waiting. She was about 20 years old, a metre and a half tall, wearing a T-shirt and a pair of jeans, her hair naturally draped over her shoulders, and her face wore no makeup. She looked very simple and young. Her cousin said she had been studying at sea salt, and although she had several cars at home, tingting still went to school and went home every day, still studying very hard. Junior high school grades also belongs to the medium, to the higher is the first, the class to all grades in senior 3 is the first, to attend the university entrance exam last year, third, in zhejiang province liberal arts scores into the highest institution of higher learning in Beijing university, the international finance! The more he talked, the more he told us that this was his greatest wealth.

  Now, you know what wealth is! Take this topic, I hope those students whose home economic conditions are favourable to like tingting sister, study hard and master the knowledge, later for the motherland and for the parents, to create more wealth for themselves!


  "Knowledge changes fate, habits make life." The vast ocean of knowledge is full of my memories of the past. The inscription is my reverie about the future, it makes me grow, it makes me smile. You taught me how to be grateful, you taught me how to be a man. A thousand words say: "knowledge doctor, thank you."

  Some people say that the fifteen-year-old sky is tender and charming. It is not only the potential knowledge that is brought to me by the doctor of knowledge, but also the new concept which brings me new life principles. It has written for me the music of youth, it opens the window of wisdom for me. It always inspires me and changes me... I really appreciate it.

  "Softly I go, just as I come gently." Nine-year obligation education is coming to an end, but our knowledge will not stop. "All roads lead to Rome" every life experience, every time the speech of life, will be in the notebook of knowledge in weaving fine paintings, maybe I am not a strongman of knowledge, but I am a vast knowledge of the ocean, I can with my progress, my struggle, create a new piece of the sky!

  Ah! It was knowledge that changed me, nurtured me, boiled me...









