1、The House of 1000 Mirrors
Long ago in a small, faraway village, there was a place known as the House of 1000 Mirrors. A small, happy little dog learned of this place and decided to visit. When he arrived, he bounced happily up the stairs to the doorway of the house. He looked through the doorway with his ears lifted high and his tail wagging as fast as it could. To his great surprise, he found himself staring at 1000 other happy little dogs with their tails wagging just as fast as his. He smiled a great smile, and was answered with 1000 great smiles just as warm and friendly. As he left the House, he thought to himself,“This is a wonderful place. I will come back and visit it often.” In this same village, another little dog, who was not quite as happy as the first one, decided to visit the house. He slowly climbed the stairs and hung his head low as he looked into the door. When he saw the 1000 unfriendly looking dogs staring back at him, he growled at them and was horrified to see 1000 little dogs growling back at him. As he left, he thought to himself,“That is a horrible place, and I will never go backthere again.” All the faces in the world are mirrors. What kinds of reflections do you see in the faces of the people you meet?
很久以前的一个很远的小村庄里,有一个以“千镜屋”而著名的地方。一只乐观的小狗听说了这个地方并决定去参观。当来到这个地方,他蹦蹦跳跳地上了台阶,来到房门口,高高地竖起耳朵,欢快地摇着尾巴,从门口往里张望,他惊奇地看到有1000只欢乐的小狗像他一样快地摇尾巴。他灿烂地微笑着,回报他的是1000张热情,友好的灿烂笑脸。离开时他心想:“这是一个精彩的地方,我一定要经常来参观。” 在这个村里还有另一只想参观“千镜屋”的小狗,他不及第一只小狗乐观,他慢吞吞地爬上台阶,然后耷拉着脑袋往屋子里看。一看到有1000只小狗不友好地盯着他,他便开始冲他们狂吠,镜中的1000只小狗也冲着他狂吠,把他给吓坏了,他在离开时心想:“这是一个恐怖的地方,我再也不会来了。” 世界上所有的脸都是镜子,在你所遇见的人的脸上你看到反射出来的是什么?
2、It happened that a Dog had got a piece of meat and was carrying it home in his mouth to eat it in peace. Now, on his way home he had to cross a plank lying across a running brook. As he crossed, he looked down and saw his own shadow reflected in the water beneath. Thinking it was another dog with another piece of meat, he made up his mind to have that also. So he made a snap at the shadow in the water, but as he opened his mouth the piece of meat fell out, dropped into the water and was never seen more.
Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.
3、An elephant said to a mouse ,"no doubt that you are the smallest znd most useless thing that Ihave e ver seen ."
"Pless ,say it again .Let me take it down ."the mouse said ."I will tell a flea what I know."
4、The perform master
Front some performs the master to go on stage, his disciple told him the shoelace to be loose. The master nods expresses thanks, squats down carefully is good. When after the disciple turns around, also squats down the shoelace solution pine. Has an observer to see all these, relentlessly asked: "The master, why do you have the shoelace solution pine?" The master replies: "Because I play am a tired travel, makes a long and wearisome journey lets his shoes matter pine open, may tired display him through this detail to be thin and pale." "Why then you not directly do tell you the disciple?" "He can carefully discover my shoelace has been loose, and warm-heartedly tells me, me certainly must preserve he this kind of warm initiative, promptly encourages for him, why as for has to untie the shoelace, future will be able to have more opportunities to teach him to perform, will be allowed next again to say."
this story told us that:Person time only can make a matter, understands grasps key, is the genuine talented person.