我喜欢的运动 My Fvorite Sports

2024-02-27 运动

我喜欢的运动 My Fvorite Sports1

  There are many kinds of interesting sports, such as basketball, football, swimming and running, but the most I like is swimming. When I was a little child, my father took me to the river which near my house to learn swimming. Then, I found it's really fun and cool when I swim in the water, especially in summer, It's the most exciting thing to do when summer comes, I like swimming. It's so wonderful.


我喜欢的运动 My Fvorite Sports2

  I like sport not only because it can help me to keep health, but also because it makes me relaxed. Study all day long makes me tired so that I often do sports with my classmates after class. We play basketball most, and sometimes play table tennis or badminton. In addition, I like running, especially when I'm upset, for I think it's the best way to let the depression off.


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