英语四级作文:爱玩游戏的大学生 Computer Games on Ca

2021-12-09 游戏

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  Today, many college students are absorbed in playing computer games. Maybe there is some truth in the statement that computer games are fun and will train ones reactivity, determination and attention.

  However, the merits of computer games can never compensate for the negative effects they have. First, it is very time-consuming to play computer games. The game fans have sacrificed almost all their time,thus they have no time to attend class, to take exercises, or even to date. Upon graduation many will regret that they have wasted the precious college time on nothing. Second, the game fans, who spend their time before the lifeless computers, usually overlook their relationship with others. They would find that they have some mental or psychic problems.

  In my opinion, I dont think we can benefit a lot from playing computer games. Study should always be given the first priority. Concerning the negative effects listed above, I do hope those game fans can step away from computer games.

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