
2023-11-25 英语演讲稿


  世界艾滋病日预防艾滋病英语演讲稿 1

  Hello, everyone.

  Today we will tall about AIDs, More media coverage is being paid to the HIV/AIDS situation in China. So, what is AIDs,or what dose AIDs means? AIDs means Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

  And it has yet to spread widely in the rest of the nation. And how to get AIDS? You dont actually "get" AIDS. You might get infected with HIV, and later you might develop AIDS. You can get infected with HIV from anyone whos infected, even if they dont look sick and even if they havent tested HIV-positive yet. The blood, vaginal fluid, semen, and breast milk of people infected with HIV has enough of the virus in it to infect other people. Most people get the HIV virus by having sex with an infected person.

  So, how do I know if I get AIDs? Of course, we should go to hospital to check our blood. HIV disease becomes AIDS when your immune system is seriously damaged. If you have less than 200 CD4 cells or if your CD4 percentage is less than 14%, you have AIDS.

  When you know you are infected, you may want to know is there a cure for AIDs? Of course no. So, what we can do is to love ourselves. Stay away from the way that you may be infected. Stay away from AIDs, Love our lives.

  世界艾滋病日预防艾滋病英语演讲稿 2

  Good afternoon, my best teacher and my honest friends. Today the title of my speech is AIDS.

  Maybe everybody wants to ask what is aids? Well, AIDS stands for ‘Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome’

  It is acknowledged that AIDS has three transmissions. At first, the most frequent mode of transmission of AIDS is through sexual contact with an infected person. And the second is via blood and blood products. Most of them used the same needle to take drugs. The last one is Mother to child. AIDS can be transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy, delivery, or through breast milk.

  Many people are afraid of AIDS patients since they think there is a risk of being infected. People with AIDS are normally lonely since many people are not willing to communicate with them.

  Actually this is a kind of misunderstanding since it is safe to talk to or shake hands with AIDS patients. People with AIDS need more care and support to help them overcome the difficulties. Therefore if we all set up the correct understanding and try to help the people with AIDS, our society is going to be more caring and beautiful.

  That’s all. Thank you!

  世界艾滋病日预防艾滋病英语演讲稿 3

  December 1, 20xx is the XTH World AIDS Day. In order to further promote the prevention and control of AIDS, fully implement the 13th Five-Year Plan of Action for the prevention and Control of AIDS in China, and create a good atmosphere for all people to participate in the prevention and control of AIDS.

  The State Council AIDS Prevention and Control Working Committee of the provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities are attached great importance to this virus, so we must actively let AIDS prevention and control.

  AIDS is one of the most feared diseases in the modern history of human medicine. The full name of AIDS is acquired immune deficiency syndrome. After the AIDS virus invades the human body, it destroys the immune function of the human body, causing a variety of infections and tumors that are difficult to cure, and eventually leads to death. Known as "super tumor" and "century killer" of AIDS, spread fast, high mortality, at present in the international medical community has no cure drugs and methods.

  There are three main ways of HIV infection: blood transmission, sexual transmission, and mother-to-child transmission. Therefore, although AIDS is terrible, its mode of transmission is clear. As long as we clean ourselves, correct bad behavior, scientific prevention, is completely can avoid AIDS.

  As young people, we should realize that the spread of AIDS has no national boundaries, China is the worlds most populous country, is a member of the international community, has the responsibility to work together with other countries in the world to control the spread of AIDS, learn the knowledge of AIDS prevention, not only so that young people can timely understand and control the knowledge of AIDS prevention, Enhance the awareness of self-protection and the ability to resist the attack of AIDS, and more importantly, cultivate the sense of social responsibility and mission of AIDS prevention.

  Young people are the future of societies and countries, and they are the main force in preventing AIDS worldwide. It is the responsibility of young people to be the most dynamic social forces in the fight against the rampant epidemic of AIDS in the twenty-first century.

  Students, in order to effectively prevent and control AIDS, it is necessary to accept the basic knowledge of AIDS prevention education from the youth, understand the existence of AIDS risk, cultivate good health habits and healthy concepts, and be alert to the occurrence of AIDS.

  Finally, I sincerely wish all students can be clean, consciously resist and prevent AIDS, let us act together, for themselves, for their families, for the community to build a strong line of defense, away from drugs, AIDS, cherish life. AIDS prevention starts with me.

  世界艾滋病日预防艾滋病英语演讲稿 4

  There is only one life, we should cherish it more, stay away from the virus, start from me, let us raise the sails of life, let the light of life stay forever. -- Rear view inscription

  Life, what a beautiful word, life is a shining shell on the beach; It is a dazzling pearl; Life is beautiful, but it is also fragile. It was as bright as a summer flower and as fragile as crystal. How many budding buds die before opening? How many lives have been lost to this world forever because of this terrible virus? So, let us cherish life, pay attention to anti-virus, walk with health, let the light of life forever!

  Saw the AIDS prevention video, heavy heart, have a sense of mission. AIDS is the focus of todays society.

  This incurable disease with a high mortality rate has become a cold-blooded killer that has taken peoples lives in recent years. It is like a powerful time bomb, hidden in peoples bodies, do not know how many peoples lives destroyed! How many happy families have been blown up! How many terrible tragedies have been caused! In this beautiful and colorful picture of life, HIV cruelly broke this quiet and happy society, and sounded the alarm for people to prevent AIDS.

  The reason why HIV spreads rapidly is that people do not have a correct understanding of AIDS, and they always feel far away from themselves in the subconscious. They never thought that they would one day contract AIDS, and they never seriously understood how it is transmitted and how to prevent it. In fact, in addition to people living in erosion, they are easily infected with AIDS and become carriers of HIV. There are many ways of transmission of AIDS, such as sexual transmission, blood transmission, mother-to-child transmission and so on. The reason why many children get AIDS is because they have already contracted HIV from their mothers.

  To avoid AIDS, it is important to know the correct prevention measures: do not use untested blood and blood products; Ear piercings or body piercings, tattoos, acupuncture, or any procedure that requires invasive skin piercings carry some risk of HIV transmission. Only by doing a good job in preventing AIDS can we prevent AIDS from taking advantage.

  Life is like music on the staff, graceful and beautiful; Life is as beautiful as a flower, as delicate as a flower. We are the flowers of the motherland, the future of the motherland, so we should know more about AIDS, prevent the virus, cherish life, start from their own, raise the sail of life, let the light of life forever!

  世界艾滋病日预防艾滋病英语演讲稿 5

  AIDS has become a to concern to people all over the world. How to prevent AIDS, it has become a topic of more concern.

  Perhaps you think that as long as you do not take drugs, not promiscuity will not get AIDS, in fact, there are many ways to contract AIDS, AIDS is not far away from us. Relatives, classmates, friends, seats on the train, strangers passing by, maybe there are HIV-infected people, they are around us. AIDS is not so terrible in the imagination, we do not need to talk about it, approach it, face it, it is not difficult to stay away from AIDS. As the English shorthand for AIDS says

  The literal meaning is also "aid".

  Many ways can make you infected with AIDS, such as irregular blood (plasma) collection, mother-to-child transmission, transmission within the family, sharing razors and toothbrushes with AIDS patients, as well as taking drugs, promiscuity and so on. Infection with AIDS at the beginning is only some common cold symptoms, and then the virus begins to incubation for several years. Once the full attack, there will be a series of concurrent symptoms, the patient is painful, can only watch the disease engulfing their own body. There is no effective treatment in the world, so the disaster brought by AIDS is incalculable!

  The epidemic trend of AIDS is very severe, and the serious loss and harm to human beings are shocking. Since 1983, more than 28 million lives have been lost to AIDS worldwide, and the number of people newly infected with the virus continues to increase by 4 to 5 million each year, half of which are young people aged 15 to 24. AIDS has become one of the three major international public hazards identified by the United Nations. Prevention of AIDS, urgent! Not only to grasp the knowledge of AIDS prevention, but also to widely publicize the knowledge of AIDS prevention in the society, not only to help people eliminate panic, enhance self-protection awareness, but also to drive other members of the society to eliminate discrimination, care for AIDS patients.

  Now let more and more people become red ribbon volunteers, so that they have a deeper understanding of AIDS knowledge, face the AIDS problem, eliminate discrimination against AIDS patients, pay attention to AIDS related vulnerable groups, enhance self-protection awareness, reduce the risk of HIV infection, so that they really participate in the prevention and care of AIDS this social theme. Become the main force in the fight against the spread of AIDS. Youth is beautiful, just like the flying butterfly, only to protect their wings, can fly farther, life is a beautiful robe, we must cherish it, care for it! Prevention of AIDS, you and I participate!

  世界艾滋病日预防艾滋病英语演讲稿 6

  The theme of our message is "Preventing AIDS and cherishing Life". Today, December 1st, marks the 27th World AIDS Day. The theme of this years World AIDS Day continues to be "Take action, Move towards Zero AIDS", emphasizing "uniting efforts to overcome difficulties and control AIDS". Since the first case of AIDS was discovered in the United States in 1981, the AIDS virus has spread at an alarming rate around the world. In order to raise public awareness of the harm of AIDS, the World Health Organization will be on December 1 every year as the worlds day to promote AIDS prevention and control, called World AIDS Day, calling on people all over the world to hold various activities on this day to publicize and popularize the knowledge of AIDS prevention.

  AIDS, the full name of the medical "acquired immune deficiency syndrome", it is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus, known as "super cancer" and "century killer", it spreads fast, high mortality, there is no cure in the international medical community and methods.

  There are three main ways of HIV infection: blood transmission, sexual transmission and mother-to-child transmission. Therefore, although AIDS is terrible, its mode of transmission is clear. As long as people clean themselves and correct bad behavior, it can be completely prevented. However, the current conditions for the spread and epidemic of AIDS still exist, and even intensified. Therefore, to effectively prevent and control AIDS, it is necessary to accept the basic knowledge of AIDS prevention education from the youth, understand the danger of AIDS does exist, and cultivate good health habits and health concepts, alert to the occurrence of AIDS.

  To this end, the Chinese youth AIDS prevention and control education project supported by the Chinese Childrens Mercy Society and the Chinese Education Society, referred to as the Youth Love project, in October 18, xx, also entered the xx. And our school, along with the green love project settled in xx, with legal education, adolescence education and psychological education three integrated youth home to become the green love project Jiangyin base school of green love. Since then, adolescent sex education and AIDS prevention education have entered the campus and been included in the classroom, so that every student in Cloud middle school has learned about adolescent knowledge and AIDS prevention knowledge.

  As a middle school student, we should do the following:

  First of all, learn to protect yourself, and stay away from the environment and places that can lead to sexual violence, such as not going to nightclubs and karaoke halls; Dont go out alone at night; Rest time in Internet cafes, game halls and other places can not play too late.

  Second, dont share toothbrushes, dont share electric razors, dont smoke drugs, dont get tattoos, dont get eyebrows, dont get lip lines and ear piercings, dont share needles and syringes.

  At the same time, we should also know that in addition to the three ways of transmission, ordinary contact, such as shaking hands, sharing meals, sharing school supplies, public telephones, sneezing, coughing, mosquito bites, swimming, etc., will not be infected with AIDS.

  Teachers and students, the school is the cradle of training builders and successors, and the palace of spreading science, culture and spiritual civilization. As a teenager, we should realize that the spread of AIDS knows no borders, and we have the responsibility to work together to control the spread of AIDS. Learning the knowledge of AIDS prevention not only enables oneself to timely understand and master the knowledge of AIDS prevention, enhance self-protection awareness and the ability to resist the attack of AIDS; It is more important to cultivate the sense of social responsibility and mission of AIDS prevention. Let us act together, for themselves, for their families, for the community to build a strong line of defense, away from drugs, AIDS, cherish life. Prevention of AIDS, start from me.

  My speech is finished, thank you!

  世界艾滋病日预防艾滋病英语演讲稿 7

  Hello everyone, I attend this symposium on behalf of xx College. I am Pan Chunlei, president of the Red Cross Society of xx College. The Red Cross Society of our college has been undertaking the AIDS publicity work of xx College.

  In the past years, my xx College Red Cross Society actively in the xx province Red Cross Society and xx city Red Cross Society, the Youth League committee of xx College and the logistics medical and management section of our hospital under the coordinated management, carried out a series of AIDS publicity activities, in addition to the annual World AIDS Prevention Day publicity activities will also carry out other types of activities, strive to popularize the prevention of AIDS knowledge in our school. Eliminate AIDS psychological discrimination.

  Among them, AIDS Day publicity activities are carried out on December 1 every year, including display boards, posters, leaflets, banners, questionnaires and other publicity methods, while issuing red ribbons, as well as 10,000 signature activities, poster design competitions on the theme of AIDS prevention and other participation activities.

  In addition, the Red Cross Society of our hospital actively maintains contact with the Red Cross Society of xx province in the prevention of AIDS publicity, and has become a member of the EU AIDS prevention project team of the Red Cross Society of xx Province, the other three colleges and universities are xx University, University of Technology, and xx Provincial Red Cross Health School. Project members maintain close contact with each other, under this project, we have held about 20 training courses on the prevention of AIDS youth peer education since 20xx, directly training 400 college students, knowledge popularization reached 4000 people, and won the recognition of xx province Red Cross and Youth League Committee.

  In 20xx, the Red Cross of our hospital actively organized to participate in the xx provincial Red Cross Society held in xx University to "in the name of love, against discrimination" knowledge competition, in the knowledge competition, our representatives realized and won the collective third place, was praised by the Youth League committee, but also for our publicity and prevention of AIDS knowledge work further affirmation.

  In this years "love to prevent AIDS, away from AIDS, action, to zero AIDS forward" under the theme of the call, our hospital Red Cross combined with their own actual situation to carry out the "AIDS prevention week" series of activities, the publicity project has been submitted to the xx provincial Red Cross Society, and the xx provincial Red Cross Society affirmed.

  It specifically includes three events, 1 held simultaneously in the North-South zone 12. 1 World AIDS Prevention Day publicity activities, including display boards, posters. Banners, flyers, and the issuance of red ribbons, tens of thousands of signatures, etc., accidental popularization of AIDS related knowledge.

  2, by the xx province Red Cross sponsored by the prevention of AIDS knowledge lecture, this lecture is by our hospital Red Cross invited xx province disease control expert Cheng, and Haiheng community health service center related professionals, as well as news TV media to the scene for students to explain the prevention of AIDS knowledge, and use the media Angle to expand publicity, increase the influence of activities.

  3. Hold a training course on peer education for youth, which has been held many times in our hospital with strong response, so we will continue to carry out it in the AIDS Prevention Awareness Week.

  The above is my big speech on behalf of xx College, thank xx district AIDS prevention and prevention working Committee and xx district Center for Disease Control and Prevention Center and xx College of Science and Technology can provide this exchange platform for xx district colleges and universities, I hope that the representatives can make full use of the symposium, strengthen exchanges, and support each other in the future activities. The theme of AIDS prevention in the xx district to carry forward, the activity "out" of the campus.

  My speech is finished, thank you!

  世界艾滋病日预防艾滋病英语演讲稿 8

  World AIDS Day is on December 1 every year. Do you know the origin of this day?

  The full medical name for AIDS is acquired immune deficiency syndrome, caused by the human immunodeficiency virus. The virus is life-long and can damage the bodys immune system, making people lose their ability to fight off various diseases. The transmission of HIV mainly includes blood, maternal and child genetics and sexual contact. At present, AIDS is still incurable disease. Cocktail therapy, or antiretroviral therapy, is one of the most effective ways to treat AIDS.

  Since 1981, when American researchers discovered the first case of AIDS in the world, AIDS has spread rapidly across the globe. In June 2001, the United Nations General Assembly special Session on AIDS adopted the Declaration of Commitment on AIDS, setting out unified goals and action plans for the international communitys response to AIDS, with a view to achieving the overall goal of halting and beginning to reverse the spread of AIDS by the end of 2015.

  Over the years, the international community has made unremitting efforts and achieved positive progress in the fight against AIDS. The UNAIDS Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic 2008, released on July 29 this year, pointed out that the global AIDS response in 2007 for the first time saw significant progress, the number of new HIV infections and deaths have declined. According to the report, 2.5 million people were newly infected with HIV in 2007, down from 3.2 million in 1998. Some 2m people died of AIDS in 2007, 200,000 fewer than in 2001. There are still 33.2 million people living with HIV worldwide, of which 22.5 million are in many sub-Saharan African countries.

  We also believe that with the strong leadership of the Party and the government and the active participation of the whole society, the AIDS prevention and control work will certainly make new and greater progress.

  世界艾滋病日预防艾滋病英语演讲稿 9

  Good evening, everyone! The topic of my speech today is "getting to zero, How to Build a Harmonious Campus". As we all know, December 1 this year is the 24th "World AIDS Day", the theme is "getting to zero", which can be translated into Chinese as "working towards zero". It can be further interpreted as "zero new hiv infections" (zero new HIV infections), "zero discrimination" (zero discrimination), "zero aids related deaths" (zero deaths). As a contemporary college student, you can actively participate in the prevention and treatment of AIDS, although you can do only some meager things, but I believe that we can through some practical actions can hold up a blue sky for AIDS patients, let their hearts more strong, let their faces more smile, life more hope!

  As things stand, AIDS continues to spread globally. The number of HIV infections in the world is approaching 40 million and the cumulative number in our country is over 180,000. Dai Zhicheng, president of the Chinese Association for the Prevention and Control of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS, pointed out that there are still five major problems in the prevention and control of AIDS in China, namely, "insufficient awareness of the harm of the AIDS epidemic, insufficient publicity, the implementation of relevant policies is unbalanced, the monitoring and testing system is not perfect, and it is difficult to eradicate the risk factors that cause the AIDS epidemic in a short time..." So, we can take specific action on the first and second points. To carry out some publicity on the knowledge of AIDS, deepen everyones understanding of AIDS.

  First of all, we should try our best to know more about AIDS. At this point, I would like to ask everyone here how much you know about AIDS. For example, the way of transmission, prevention measures, what is AIDS, what are the symptoms of AIDS and so on. People have not taken the initiative to learn this knowledge. In fact, its safe to say that most people still have a rudimentary understanding of this knowledge. So it is because of this ignorance that the panic and discrimination against AIDS is triggered. Even a smile, a simple greeting, and a hug dont dare give these people who need to be cared for. Prevention and treatment of AIDS is not only a matter for doctors and AIDS patients, but also the responsibility and obligation of each of us. To create a beautiful and healthy environment for the world we live in. So we act together, take the initiative to understand and learn AIDS knowledge, only when everyone clearly understand these knowledge. We can help others. At the same time to better protect the people around, away from AIDS, cherish life!

  Then, we should face, respect and care for them. They are also living beings in the world on an equal footing with us. They are just sick, we can not discriminate against them, give them psychological pressure, we have to care more about and respect those lonely people, the soul has been traumatized AIDS people, encourage them to overcome the disease, arouse their will to live well. Can not discriminate against AIDS because of panic and worry about being infected, do you know, for AIDS people, we discriminate against AIDS people, more terrible than HIV! Because of discrimination, many people living with HIV conceal their condition and become a risk factor hidden in healthy people. Because of discrimination, many people with high-risk behaviors refuse to get tested for HIV, not only increasing their own risk of HIV infection, but also endangering those they come into contact with. Because of discrimination, many HIV-infected people and patients do not get due help and treatment, difficult life, and once they lose their sources of living, they are easy to engage in the transmission of HIV occupation, some infected people may also have a retaliatory mentality.

  Discrimination not only does nothing to prevent AIDS, but also has become a major accomplice to the spread of HIV. To effectively prevent the spread of HIV, it is necessary to face up to people living with HIV. They also want to be respected and live with dignity as normal people, and do not want to see the cold, sympathetic eyes of the world. They should not live with the label "I am AIDS". They have already experienced the ravages of illness physically and the lack of security spiritually. So let us use a warm heart, for them to live an invincible wall of confidence, to overcome all difficulties and obstacles!

  We will always have a red ribbon in our hearts for people living with hiv, for continuing education for those who are not infected, for doing everything we can to find an effective cure, a vaccine, and for those who have lost loved ones to AIDS. People in life can lack anything, that is, can not lack hope, lack of love, especially in the most helpless time, even if you a affectionate greeting, a kind eyes, a smile, will bring others hope.

  Finally, I advocate that the whole school work together to get to zero! Correct understanding of AIDS, enhance the prevention of AIDS, self-protection awareness and ability, reduce discrimination, correct treatment and care for HIV and AIDS patients, actively participate in the prevention of AIDS publicity and education activities, advocate a healthy lifestyle. Do not go to the street shop to get your ears pierced, do not go to the street dentist without a doctors license to pull teeth, fill teeth, do not go to the clinic without disinfection methods to inject, stay away from drugs and so on.

  Establish an accurate world outlook, outlook on life and values, study hard, be proactive, participate in communicative activities, make good friends and read good books. Grasp their own words and deeds, do clean, so as not to be infected with AIDS. Curb the spread and spread of HIV/AIDS in universities. Create a harmonious, beautiful and healthy campus environment.

  My speech is finished, thank you!

  世界艾滋病日预防艾滋病英语演讲稿 10

  Hello, everyone! The topic of my speech today is "Prevention of AIDS, cherish my life".

  Since the first AIDS patient was discovered in the United States in June 1981, the disease has spread to all countries and regions in the world. At present, there is no country in the world, no person can not be affected by "AIDS" spread and impact. No matter what continent or land you live in, what kind of cultural background you have, what kind of living standard you have, you are affected by AIDS to varying degrees, and you are under the threat of AIDS. An even more heart-wrenching reality is that the AIDS epidemic is spreading to Asia, the worlds most populous and youngest region. Now, our neighbors India, Thailand and so on have become the "AIDS" disaster areas.

  There is no doubt that China is in a high-risk region, and the epidemic in neighboring countries and regions has formed a heavy pressure on us. With the rapid growth of Chinas social and economic level, the communication with foreign countries is more and more frequent, and China has entered a higher infection condition of AIDS. By the end of 2012, a total of 492,191 HIV-infected people and patients had been reported nationwide, with 49,845 deaths reported. The grim situation reminds us that we must sound the alarm to prevent AIDS.

  aids is an infectious disease that destroys the human immune system, the full name is "acquired immune deficiency syndrome", the English abbreviation is aids, mainly through blood, sexual behavior and mother-to-child transmission. AIDS is a social disease, and its spread is almost entirely related to the social environment and the way people behave. It cannot be controlled by medical methods alone; it requires concerted action by our whole society and our whole nation. The spread of AIDS generally begins with high-risk groups and quickly enters the general population.

  At present, the conditions for the spread and epidemic of AIDS still exist, and even have intensified. The sexual concept of adolescent students has undergone obvious changes: the number of drug users has increased, and the proportion of intravenous drug users has gradually increased; There is a general lack of knowledge about AIDS prevention and so on. If there is no strong AIDS prevention education as a guarantee, it is easy to be affected and invaded by bad social factors, and even become a victim of AIDS. Therefore, it is very important and necessary to carry out health education on AIDS prevention among adolescents.

  Although AIDS is terrible, its mode of transmission is clear. As long as people clean themselves and correct bad behavior, it can be completely prevented. And good health concepts and behaviors must be developed from adolescence. For the general population, the most important preventive measure is to "keep clean" and maintain a pure sexual relationship. Second, do not share needles, syringes, gauze, cotton and other utensils with others, especially intravenous drug users. People who use drugs by sharing syringes with others should stay away from drugs because of the risk of HIV infection. Try to avoid sharing utensils that may Pierce the skin, such as toothbrushes, ear piercing needles, tattoo needles, razor, pedicure knife, etc. Third, they do not readily accept blood transfusions and blood products. If you encounter a blood transfusion, you must ask the hospital to provide blood through the HIV blood test.

  AIDS spread no borders, China is the worlds largest population, is a member of the international community, has the responsibility to work together with other countries to control the spread of AIDS; To carry out the health education of AIDS prevention, not only enable our young people to understand and master the knowledge of AIDS prevention in time, but also enhance the students self-protection awareness and the ability to resist the attack of AIDS; It is more important to cultivate students social responsibility and sense of mission to prevent AIDS.

  Students, we young people are the future of society and the country, is the main force in the prevention of AIDS in the whole society. Young peoples participation in the prevention of AIDS health education activities is far-reaching, not only for their own survival and health, but also for the development of the whole society and mankind. It is the responsibility of young people to be the most dynamic social forces in the fight against the rampant epidemic of AIDS in the twenty-first century.

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世界艾滋病日英语作文 World AIDS Day01-30
