
2021-06-19 英语日记


英语日记作文 篇1



  1. 下午的数学考试你的成绩不佳, 心情一直不好。

  2. 晚上同学邀请你去KTV唱歌,这是你第一次去KTV。

  3. 大家唱得很高兴,而你一直当听众,你觉得你的歌唱的不好,不敢唱。

  4. 在大家的鼓励下,你终于拿起麦克风(microphone),唱了一首英文歌曲“I believe I can fly”。

  5. 现在你的`心情舒畅了;更重要的是:你找回了自信(self-confidence)。

  6. 你在日记中对自己说了这样一句话:“……”。

  注意:1. 词数:100左右。 2. 日记必须包括所有要点,但可以用不同的句式表达。 3. 日记的开头已写好。

  One possible version:

  Friday May 20, 20xx Sunny

  This evening I went to the KTV with some of my good friends.

  This was the first time that I had been to a KTV and at first I didn’t want to go. I had been in a bad mood the whole afternoon because I didn’t do well in the math exam. At the KTV, everybody sang his favorite songs very happily except me —I as only one of the audience . I dare not have a try because I was afraid that I couldn’t sing well. Encouraged by my classmates, I picked up the microphone and sang an English song entitled “I believe I can fly”.

  I have become cheerful now and above all I’ve regained self-confidence. I believe that the worst enemy in one’s life is oneself. I shouldn’t lose heart just because of one or two failures because I still have chances to try.

英语日记作文 篇2

  Today is Saturday . We had a school trip to the Park River to see the river and its bridges. We starded by bus at 6:40 am .The weather was fine and every one of us was very happy .We arrived there at ten to nine .We saw the great river and visted one of the bridges. How great it is!Then we played games ,sang songs and danced on the sand. We told stories and had a picnic under the trees . At the same time , we took a lot of photos there.We had a good time . We returned safely at half past five in the afternoon.


英语日记作文 篇3

  The Spring Festival I am looking forward to is coming. According to custom, every new year, watching TV, watching movies, setting off firecrackers, making dumplings, singing, dancing, playing chess, &hellip, &hellip, there are more contents. These games make us happy. But this year, dad wanted me to pay a new year to the teacher in order to exercise the language problem when I was talking to people.

  That night, I and my family all watched the Spring Festival Gala cheerfully. At this time, dad asked me Mr. Chen's mobile phone number: &ldquo, do you dare to call your teacher for a new year? ” “ yes, yes. You have one hundred and twenty hearts! ” looking at my father's suspicion of me, I did not hesitate to promise my father. So, I took my cell phone to the room and waited for teacher Chen's voice. “ beep - - toot - toot ” I wait carelessly. &ldquo: Hello, hello. Which one are you, please? ” there was a teacher's cordial voice. “ Mr. Chen, I'm your student Zhu Jiajing. I wish you a happy new year, good luck in everything, bullish. ” when I heard the teacher's answer, I also politely asked the teacher about … …

  I've been talking to the teacher for a long time, and I come out of the room. When dad saw me out, he quipped, “ how did it come out so long? Is it a new year with the teacher? Or the teacher's face? ” after listening to Dad's words, I gently put my hand in front of my mouth and said mysteriously, “ this is the secret between our teachers and students, and no one knows! ” after that, my father and I laughed. I'm grateful to Dad. It's dad who told me to be polite when communicating with people.

英语日记作文 篇4

  Today I went to the Science Museum with my best friend Lily. We went there on foot, because it is not far from our school. We saw many pictures! And we learned many things! There were many parents and their children in it! Most children were students. I think they learnt many things, too. After 2 hours, we left the museum. We got back by bus because we were tired. But we had a good time!

英语日记作文 篇5

  armed with two over-packed suitcases, we arrived at the airport just in time for my flight。 "well, here we are, the airport," my sister said with a sigh。 as i watched her unload my luggage, i could see the sadness in her eyes。 this was not easy on her either。

  we had both been dreading this moment for the past week。 one last hug and a final good-bye and i would be on my way to a new life abroad, leaving my beloved sister behind。all my life i had loved airports。 to me they were some kind of magic gateway to the world, a place from which to start great holidays and adventures。 but today it seemed like a cold and heartless place。

  as we made our way to the gate we passed through a busload of frustrated holiday goers and their screaming children。 i looked at my sister and even though her eyes were filled with tears, she was trying to keep a brave face。 "you better go or you'll miss your flight," she said。"i am just going to walk away and not look back," i said, "that would just be too hard。"

  as i held her one last time she whispered, "don't worry about me, i'll be just fine。" "i'll miss you," i replied, and with those last words i was off。 as promised, i did not look back, but by the time i reached the custom's office i was sobbing。 "cheer up, love," the tall customs officer said with a smile。 "it's not the end of the world, you know。" but to me it was the end of the world, as i had known it。while boarding the plane i was still crying。 i did not have the energy to put my bag in the overhead locker, so i stuffed it on the empty seat next to mine。 as i settled into my chair, a feeling of sadness overwhelmed me。 i felt like my best friend had just been taken away from me。

  growing up, my sister and i would do everything together。 born barely fifteen months apart we not only looked alike, we were alike。 we both had that same mix of curiosity and fear of all things unknown to us。one sunny summer day i was playing outside on the grass when she came up to me and said, "want to come to the attic?" we both knew that the answer to that question was always 'yes。'

  we were frightened of the attic but also fascinated by its smells and sounds。 whenever one of us needed something, the other one would come along。 together we would fight the life-size spiders and battle through the numerous boxes until we found what we needed。over time the visits to the attic became less scary。 eventually there came a time when we would go by ourselves, but my sister and i stayed as close as ever。 when the time came for us to go to college, what better way than for us to go together。

  my parents were pleased because that way we could 'keep an eye on each other' and of course report back on what the other one was up to。 but now that our college days were over and i was off to a foreign country, all i had left were my memories。

  the plane shook heavily and the bag that i had shoved onto the seat next to me fell on the floor。 my aspirin, hairbrush and a copy of the book i planned to read were spread on the floor。

  i bent over to gather them up when i saw an unfamiliar little book in the middle of my belongings。 it was not until i picked it up that i realized that it was a diary。 the key had been carefully placed in the lock so i opened it。

  immediately i recognized my sister's handwriting。 "hi sis, what a day it has been today。 first you let me know that you are moving abroad and then my boss。。。"

  only then did i realize that my sister had been keeping a diary for the past month and that she was now passing it on to me。 she had been scheming to start the diary for the past year but now the time seemed right。 i was to write in it for the next couple of months and then send it back to her。

  i spent the rest of the flight reading about my sister's comings and goings。 and even though a large ocean separated us, at some point it felt like she was actually there。 it was only when i thought that i had lost my best friend that i realized that she was going to be around forever。

英语日记作文 篇6

  Yesterday, I briefly introduced my small fish, today, I will write my small fish completely.

  One day, when I finished my homework, I had nothing to do. I thought about what I could do, and finally I thought of my little fish. I grabbed two small fish and put them in the bathtub to swim. As soon as the fish was thrown into the water, the two small fish swam quickly. The "little black" posture is like a piece of wood, moving steadily forward, while "little old man" is like a submarine, with a heavy head on the "S" step. Because of this, "small black" the first game station wins "little old man".

  One day, I saw two little fish swimming listlessly. I looked, thought, ah! No, I haven't fed them for five days. So, hurriedly ran past, took the fish to eat into the tank to throw, two small rain to you, I a bite, to grab the fish food. "Little black" a carp jump dragon gate, eat a lot of fish food; The "little old man" was not willing to show weakness, a dive took a lot of fish food. And every time I feed the little brown rock, it doesn't look at it, it's like nothing happens, it's not knowing when, it's stealing the fish.

  I really like my little fish, and I hope they live happily in my aquarium.

英语日记作文 篇7

  a diary of my birthday

  today is my nine-year-old birthday. i am very happy, because my father buys a big cake for me and my sister just comes to guangzhou . after dinner , my family celebrate my birthday .

  i make a wish and blow out the candles . do you want to know my wish ? let me tell you , i wish i can study harder and harder ,then get the no.1 in our class. then i cut the cake and my family share the cake with me . how nice today!!!










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