
2023-10-08 英语日记


  11 during the National Day, my mother and I to my grandmas to play in the country.

  My mother and I to my grandmas a yellow fluffy puppy ran to affectionately shake tail, elongation tongue lick my hand, ducks and geese are constantly quack ga cried, as if in welcome the arrival of the I.

  At noon, when I asked my grandfather to catch crabs. My grandfather said to wait in the evening, northwest wind blew up. I am a grain of salt.

  At night, I and grandpa, aunt and mother all wear thick clothes bring gloves, picked up the flashlight, carries a pail to catch crabs.

  Grandpa and aunt is a veteran, a moment to catch a lot of kung fu. Although its cold outside, but I dont feel cold at all. Suddenly, I saw a large crab, I immediately want to stretch hand to grasp, just want to run into it, didnt expect that the crabs raised two big crab pliers, like with me. I am one leng, just a bit hesitant, but at the thought of delicious crab, immediately summon up courage, quickly stepped on the foot of the crab, crab stepped on by me, dont move, I look at the crabs, psychological thought: see you this time where to run. I called mother, put on gloves, put crabs in the cylinder.

  Time passed quickly, the twinkling of an eye, we caught a bucket of crabs. We are confounded, watching trophy, I dont know how happy in my heart, this had a happy National Day!







  国庆英语日记带翻译 1

  10月6日我和爸爸妈妈出去玩,看到了各种各样的花,还看到了房子,好漂亮,我好羡慕 , 如果我能住进去那该多好啊。

  On October 6, my parents and I went out to play and saw all kinds of flowers and houses. They were beautiful and envious. If I could live in them, it would be nice.


  Also, on October 3, my parents and I went to the hospital to see my eyes. Finally, Pei arrived at the new glasses. I hope I can wear my new glasses to study hard and make progress day by day.

  国庆英语日记带翻译 2


  I like shopping in Dongmen, the most bustling place in Shenzhen. This is an old Dongmen street with a history of more than 300 years. After several years of thorough renovation, it has now been replaced by a modern commercial pedestrian street. Taking advantage of the long National Day holiday, my sister, father and mother made an appointment to go shopping in the east gate.

  上午十点钟,爸爸开车载着我们,来到了东门步行街。 走在街上,随处都可以看见,挂着五星红旗的柱子在街边矗立着,清凉的水从柱子上的`喷口里喷射出来。广播的声音、音乐的声音、人们交谈的声音混杂在一起,热闹非凡! 爸爸妈妈先带着我和妹妹来到了“童装批发城”,这是个由许许多多个卖童装的店铺构成的“小城”。

  At ten oclock in the morning, dad drove us to the East Gate pedestrian street. Walking in the street, you can see everywhere, the pillars with five-star red flag standing on the street, cool water from the spout on the pillars. The sound of radio, music and peoples conversation are mixed together. Its very lively! Mom and Dad first took my sister and I to "childrens clothing wholesale city", which is a "small city" composed of many childrens clothing shops.

  一件件多姿多彩的衣服在各种灯光下显得十分靓丽,看的我目不暇接。走过大大小小的店铺,妈妈分别给我和妹妹挑选了两条红白条纹的短裤和两件不同颜色、不同花纹的长袖衫…… 不知不觉中,已经到了将近一点。我们一行人来到麦当劳吃午餐。爸爸买了麦香鸡、薯条等食品,还买了四瓶可乐。这些食品的味道真让人回味无穷。但是妈妈却说这是高热量的油炸食品,要尽量少吃……

  Many colorful clothes are very beautiful under various lights. I cant see much. Walking through the shops, my mother selected two red and white striped shorts and two long sleeved shirts of different colors and patterns for my sister and me Unconsciously, its nearly one point. We came to McDonalds for lunch. Dad bought chicken and chips and four bottles of coke. The taste of these foods is really memorable. But my mother said its a high calorie fried food. Try to eat as little as possible.


  In the blink of an eye, its mid afternoon. We take the golden light of the sun that is about to set, and reluctantly leave the east gate that brings us relaxation and happiness.

  国庆英语日记带翻译 3


  On the first day, we went to Wuwei. On the way to Wuwei, we saw the loess slope.


  There are little cypresses planted on the loess slope, but the leaves of the little cypresses are a little yellow. My mother said its caused by less rain and water shortage. I think the next rain is good. The little cypresses can turn green.

  国庆英语日记带翻译 4


  National Day is a great day. It is the day when our mother country was founded. Many people have done a lot for national day.


  My familys National Day is very interesting. In the morning, my family put on the clothes that my mother specially made for the National Day on the Internet. The clothes are red like the national flag and have four five pointed stars on it. I look very proud in this dress because I think the national flag is the pride of every Chinese.


  Mom and dad get up in the morning and go out to buy vegetables, but I am tragically doing my homework here, my God! Shouldnt the national day be happy? Why do I have to do my homework? A: because I didnt finish my homework last night. Alas, the whole thing is a cup set! Ill finish my homework after my parents come back. Guess what I bought? Hee hee bought something to eat hot pot. Oh yeah! Its not a waste of our efforts in the morning. After eating hot pot, we had a lot of fun playing idioms, dragon guessing, riddles and many other games at home. In the evening, we went to shuisan to eat the old horse barbecue. Its a good taste one by one!


  What about? Is my National Day fun? Come and play!

  国庆英语日记带翻译 5


  On national day, I went to Beijing to play with my mother, bu Yishu, my mother, Yaya and my mother.


  In the morning, my mother and I got up at five oclock and set off for the airport at six oclock. On the plane, I saw Bu Yishu, Ya Ya Ya and their mother. I was very happy. We could play together again.

  国庆英语日记带翻译 6


  Speaking of national day, I am full of bitter water! My national day has never been out once! You must be thinking what Im doing, staying at home? Out of class? All wrong! Chinas national day to work back home! I didnt expect it!


  In fact, its a bit exaggerated. Its fun to come back home. Its not as miserable as what I said just now. You can play corn mountain back home. Its fun! Its just that a lot of corn piles up like a hill. Its so cool to slide down from the mountain. However, when you play, you need to change a pair of trousers. If they wear out, you will be beaten by your mother!


  Its also very interesting to pick up peanuts in the field. You will find many things that you cant see in the city. There are earthworms with thick chopsticks and two inch long. They are soft to touch. There are crickets with big thumbs jumping around in the field everywhere in the field. If you can catch them, it means you are extraordinary.


  Finish playing, say eating again! The meal of my hometown is also very attractive! Its all natural and pollution-free. There are lentils, loofah, cabbage Its very delicious. Fruits include pomegranate and persimmon


  Finish playing and finish eating. Lets talk about the work that I dont want to talk about. First, we peel corn, peel corn off the top and then break it off the head. Dont look at such a small thing. If you do too much, you wont be able to eat it. If you break 50 corn the first day, your fingertips will be swollen and painful the next day. Its easy to drop flowers. Take a bucket to separate the peanut stem from the peanut. Just beat it to the edge of the bucket.


  This is the life of our National Day holiday. Although it is the same note, it can also play the same music.

  国庆英语日记带翻译 7


  This morning, I went to the park with my grandfather to put birds. I saw a lot of people, some were dancing, some were exercising, and some were clapping their hands.


  Im looking at birds. Birds have long sharp mouths, round eyes, long wings, soft feathers. Feathers are the color of flowers. Birds are very cute. I like them very much.

  国庆英语日记带翻译 8


  Today is the first day of the National Day holiday. I got up early and went to Mount Yuntai with my father.


  Dad said: "climb to choose a difficult mountain road to exercise perseverance." So we chose to go from the back mountain path. The road up the mountain was not easy to walk at first. Within a few minutes, I was sweating. The more I went up the road, the steeper I was. Later, I really "climbed" with my limbs. I accidentally got a little hurt on my foot! Although very tired, but I still insist on down to the top of the mountain.


  Standing on the Yuntai Mountain, looking down, the long flowers and plants are beautiful. Among the green grass, there are colorful flowers. I lay on the soft grass exhausted, but I was very happy, because this time I chose the most difficult way to walk, and climbed up without rest. My father, who was so tired and sweaty, boasted that I was long, brave as an adult, and I was very beautiful in my heart!


  Today is really a happy National Day.

  国庆英语日记带翻译 9


  On October 1, my uncle, aunt and sister went to Fuzhou zoo together.


  After buying the ticket, we took a long-distance bus to Fuzhou. The scenery along the way was beautiful and pleasant: tall and straight bamboo stood like loyal warriors on the road; birds flew freely in the sky, and their mouths sang happily from time to time; white clouds in the sky were of different shapes, some like mighty lions; some like clever little monkeys; some like a group of sheep walking in the sky. Unconsciously, we got lunch time. After we got off, we went to McDonalds for dinner.


  After lunch, we came to Fuzhou zoo. "Look, the sea lion show is on!" I shouted. We managed to squeeze up a small hillside and stood watching. We cant help laughing when we see a sea lions lovely appearance.


  After watching the sea lion show, we went to the "Monkey Mountain" in the North District. We have been walking for a long time, but we havent arrived yet. "Why hasnt it arrived - ah!!" I cried impatiently. "Its almost there." My uncle said. After a long and long walk, we arrived at "Monkey Mountain". A monkey is shuttling between trees. In particular, the gibbon, holding the root of the tree in both hands and swinging forward with both feet, made a 360 degree circle in the air. When the pedestrians saw it, they clapped for it. It seemed to like this, and turned several circles in succession. We went down the "Monkey Mountain" and went to the beast arena. "Roar" a tiger leaps over the fire circle and wins the warm applause of the whole audience; the lion is hanging the circle with its tail; the monkey "three swordsmen" is cycling back and forth on their own bikes, and the antelope "Snow White" and "three swordsmen" boss "blowing snow" are walking steel wire in the air; the bear couple performed the bicycle chase race for us and won the applause of the whole audience. After watching the arena program, we reluctantly went home.


  Today, although I am very tired, I am very happy.

  国庆英语日记带翻译 10


  On national day, my mother and I went to Bayi Square.


  There are so many people in the square! We looked up and saw the monument to the peoples heroes. Under the monument, there are many adults, with their children, who are explaining the deeds of revolutionary heroes to them. Lets see the battlefield full of fire.


  Walking across the bridge, we saw some children flying kites, some blowing bubbles, and some taking photos in the flowers!


  National Day is really a busy day!

  国庆英语日记带翻译 11


  Looking up at the sky, the sun is shining, my mood is even more bright; looking down on the earth, I am full of life, my smile is even more vital; listening to birds, I cant help but feel happy! What a beautiful national day, what a happy National Day!


  Birds fly freely in the air, clouds float in the air; butterflies dance in the flowers, bees shuttle back and forth in the flowers. Everyone is celebrating the national day, everyone is preparing and dancing, cheering for the National Day: "dear motherland, happy birthday!"


  National Day, give a happy, festive feeling. Flowers are particularly beautiful on the national day, grass is particularly green on the national day, birds are particularly comfortable on the national day, and the city is particularly prosperous on the national day decoration, while we are particularly excited and happy on the National Day holiday!

  国庆英语日记带翻译 12


  Sometimes we think time goes too fast, sometimes we think it goes too slow, so time can not be satisfactory.


  -- inscription

  风轻轻的吹,吹落一地枯叶。 国庆的小长假让我整个人都十分懒散,不过这天我却起得很早,应我对自身锻炼的要求,我决定去爬山。

  The wind blows gently, blowing down a dead leaf. The National Day holiday made me very lazy, but I got up very early this day. I decided to climb the mountain in response to my request for exercise.

  背上包,穿好鞋,我出发了。 走着山间的小路上,脚边的草上还垂着水滴,不知是露水还是昨夜的雨水。走过树边,不经意的'碰到树干,便下起一阵“小雨”,滴滴答答的音律,伴着清晨的鸟鸣声,很是动听。

  Pack your bags and put on your shoes. Im off. Walking on the path between the mountains, there are still water drops on the grass at the foot, I dont know whether it is dew or last nights rain. Walking by the edge of the tree, I inadvertently met the trunk, and then there was a "light rain", a ticking tone, accompanied by the early morning birdsong, which was very pleasant.


  With such a beautiful voice, I unconsciously climbed to the top of the mountain.

  站在山顶的大石上,我惬意的眯着眼,享受着徐徐山风,顿感心情舒畅。 好像有雾气,朦胧了我的双眼,笼罩着脚下的山,也笼罩了山下的村庄。太阳拖着缓慢的步伐升了起来,照在雾上,空气中的水汽被照散,雾气渐渐散开,让我有一种天地开辟的错觉。

  Standing on the big rock at the top of the mountain, I squinted comfortably, enjoying the gentle mountain wind, and felt relaxed. It seems that there is a fog, misting my eyes, covering the mountain under my feet, and also covering the village under the mountain. The sun rose slowly, shining on the fog, and the water vapor in the air was scattered, and the fog gradually dispersed, which gave me an illusion that heaven and earth had opened up.


  Later, I went down the mountain, but the beautiful scenery still lingered in my mind. The half sunny and half foggy scene was a major contrast between hazy and clear, which made me suffer a strong visual impact, which I cant forget for a long time.

  国庆英语日记带翻译 13


  Last night, my parents, grandparents took me to play in Liaoning. As soon as I got on the train, I fell asleep. It was delicious and sweet, but I didnt expect to wake up at 6:40! There are two Chinese teachers in the lower bunk. Both of them are very kind. I have been sitting in Jinzhou, Liaoning Province for 22 hours. I am so excited

  国庆英语日记带翻译 14


  Many days have passed since the national day, but here, I also want to tell you that the National Day holiday is over. Dont let your heart still sway here. To enter the learning state, dont eat, drink and play all day like poor students, and dont learn at all. We must learn like good students, or that sentence: dont be ashamed to ask, youre a hero!

  国庆英语日记带翻译 15


  Today is national day, that is, the birthday of our mother. Our mother is 68 years old. I got up early to hang the national flag. I saluted the national flag and watched the five-star red flag flying. I was very happy.


  After breakfast, my mother sent me to the tutoring class. When I got to the tutoring class, the teacher didnt come yet, so I read for a while. The teacher came and we started our class. Before class, the teacher gave each of us a small flag and let us sing the National Anthem together.


  In the afternoon, my father took me to Longhu Park, because today is national day. There are many people in Longhu Park, several times as many as usual. Adults are joking and children are chasing after each other. Everyone is jubilant.


  Today is still a memorial day, because last year today I learned to ride a bicycle.

  国庆英语日记带翻译 16


  On National Day holiday, my parents and I went to Shanxi to play.


  I was curious and surprised to see the beautiful and fresh Mianshan mountain, the magnificent royal courtyard, the bustling ancient city of Pingyao, the tall and beautiful stork tower, the spacious Yellow River and the scenery I had never seen before.









