
2021-07-02 英语日记




  Christmas is coming。 Im going to make a Christmas present for my mother。 What to do? Just make a Christmas tree!


  On Saturday afternoon, I said to my mother, "I want to make you a gift。 Dont look at it!" I closed the door and drew, cut and pasted in the room。 I was very happy。 As I was doing it, I thought: this Christmas tree will be very beautiful, and my mother will like it very much! My heart is full of happiness! In this way, I struggled for more than two hours, and finally finished the Christmas tree。 The Christmas tree has a yellow and green matching skirt, with a pink star on the top, beautiful bows and sparkling diamonds on the skirt。 I think its very fulfilling!


  I held the Christmas tree in my hands and handed it to my mother, saying, "Mom, this is my Christmas present for you。 I hope you like it!" my mother took the tree, her eyes were wide open, and she said pleasantly, "thank you baby, this is the most beautiful Christmas tree I have ever seen!" my mother held me and kissed me gently on my forehead。 I also hold my mother, and my heart is as sweet as honey!


  Today is a wonderful Christmas Eve. A school, I was skipping going home with my classmates.

  Got home, my father told me that todays uncle and aunt went to the restaurant to eat outside, I have heard, more gung-ho jumped happily. But mother hasnt come back, so it have to wait for my mom to go home.

  After a while, mother came home, I will push the father took my mother go out. Along the way, I saw tonight pedestrians are permeated with smile on the face, give a person a kind of close and sweet feeling. Go to the door of the international building felt a warm current, glass outside the bitter, pushed the door and into the warm. Building of Santa Claus waved to us. The Christmas tree in the green branches thousand lamp hang above the light colorful lights. Flash blinking shiny eyes.

  One into the building, I was headed to the second floor, a western restaurant by a Christmas song, song, to make feel better. On the wall is a picture of kind of Santa Claus. Uncle aunt had first arrived, I went over to my father and mother, and they say "hello", and then sit down, everybody seems to be a big family.

  Not too long, the delicious food. Saw the delicious duck, I can control myself, Wolf down, etc. After I eat, naughty I and many children running around in the international building, run, run, for a while to see the kind of Santa Claus, a moment to look at the shining with colorful light of the Christmas tree, is really fun.

  I love Christmas!









  Its Christmas tomorrow. All the students in our class work together to prepare for Christmas. Some buy gifts for teachers, some buy Silver slices hanging on the windows, some buy Christmas trees, and some buy Santa Claus hanging on Christmas trees I bought spray colored ribbons and strips. We have an appointment to be in class at 7:20 tomorrow morning.


  I arrived in class on time the next day. They gave me the task of hanging balloons and silver chips, and I agreed. We also spray the windows with ribbons and ribbons. The preparations are finished immediately, and we are short of Liu Yuqis Christmas tree and Santa Claus.

  等到了第二节课,刘玉琪终于来了,这节课正好是班主任的课,她帮我们把圣诞树的灯插上了电,还挂上了圣诞老人。看着五彩缤纷的教室,我们不禁异口同声地欢呼:“( ⊙o⊙ )哇!”

  When the second class came, Liu Yuqi finally came. It happened to be the class teachers class. She helped us plug in the light of the Christmas tree and hang up Santa Claus. Looking at the colorful classroom, we couldnt help cheering: "Wow!"


  In the fourth art class, I didnt expect that the art teacher would take a stick to beat down all the ribbons, ribbons and silver pieces, explode the balloon and tear up the silver pieces. We were all stunned and at a loss. Looking at our painstakingly decorated classroom damaged in a moment, some female students cried angrily, some male students stood up angrily and argued with the teacher Finally, the art teacher called the head teacher and the vice principal, as the saying goes: "my own people will only help my own people.". Anyway, we were criticized in the end. The head teacher said: "today there is a composition called" happy Christmas ". It has become a" sad Christmas "


  Writing here, I think this article should be called "happy and sad Christmas".


  "Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells..." Christmas day coming, quick make to wish, Santa Claus will help you achieve.

  On this day, Santa Claus driving elk flying over the sky, he dont have a drivers license, also do not need a drivers license; Heaven no lights, because if there is a traffic light, gifts will delay time.

  Have you ever put your own socks hanging in the window or on the wall? If you didnt hang up, please immediately put the socks hang up immediately, but remember, dont hang a smelly socks, decades without washing. , in this case, the second day you will find in your next to the socks, there will be a faint in the ground, before you go past a look, originally you mother.

  Ah!!!!! Of course we know, there is no Santa Claus time, if you have, it is only your family. Have little desire, family will help you achieve, with great desire and could realize, you work hard, come on.






  Although Christmas is a Western holiday, but now there are many Chinese people love it, perhaps because in the day we can get many gifts, or perhaps because it is

  Interesting, but I love it, and more than that, but also because we are teachers and students together, happy, except that the red, green and white between teachers and students outside of deep love.

  Hope the stars, get the moon, and finally looked forward happy Christmas. On that day, I arrived gate, suddenly, I was shocked, and saw a Santa Claus holding a saxophone, where side-hop edge blowing, extremely beautiful and it is filled with gifts and lawn around the time I really well want to touch it, the way it should be a gift ah! Hey! A pity! It is simply impossible.

  Immediately, I saw two or three from Santa Claus face, hands, also took a number of things, but unfortunately do not see what is inside. Powerful sense of curiosity that I can not help to pour into the crowd, along for the ride. So is the candy ah! Although I rarely eat candy, but not today, I would have to carry on eating one meal, even if I lost half of the teeth.


  Although it is generally agreed that the Christmas tree in its current form came from Germany in the early 19th century, the tradition of decorating a tree to mark winter celebrations dates back hundreds of years to Roman times, when they used to decorate evergreen trees with small pieces of metal to celebrate Saturnalia.

  In medieval times the ‘Paradise Play‘ was performed every year on 24 December. This depicted the creation of Man and the fall of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden and always included an evergreen hung with apples which represented the apple tree of temptation.

  There is a legend that St Boniface, an English monk, came upon a group of pagans gathered around an oak tree who were preparing to sacrifice a child to the God Thor. In order to stop the sacrifice, and save the child‘s life, St Boniface is said to have felled the tree with one blow of his fist. Later on, a fir tree grew in place of the oak and this, St Boniface told the pagans, was the Tree of Life and represented the Christ Child.

  Legend also suggests that, in the late 16th century, Martin Luther (the founder of the Protestant religion) was the first to decorate an indoor tree with candles when he attempted to recreate the stars shining over a forest of evergreens.

  The first mention of decorated trees being taken indoors came in 1605 in Germany - a country with a long Christmas tree history! The trees were initially decorated with fruit and sweets together with hand made objects such as quilled snowflakes and stars. German Christmas Markets began to sell shaped gingerbreads and wax ornaments which people bought as souvenirs of the fair and took home to hang on their tree.

  Tinsel was also invented in Germany in about 1610. Up until fairly recently real silver was used, which was pulled into wafer thin strips by special machines. This was durable but tarnished quickly and mmany experiments took place to try and find an alternative - including a mix off lead.










