
2024-02-29 英语作文


  学习雷锋精神的英语作文 1

  We got a lot of people like Lei Feng, for example, cleaners, helped the old granny across the road, to respect students, dedication of people -- these people are worthy of respect, but I also want to respect my grandpa.

  My grandpa although long-winded and love of meddling, but he really find in helping others.

  I remember a time in summer, the neighbors water broke, from that after people full of water splash. But neighbor whom no matter. For several days, or no one to repair water pipes. The very next day, grandpa took the toolbox, came to the neighbors pipe it, step by step to fix up. After a while, the plumbing fixed, Grandpa stood and stretched, and squat to pick up the toolbox. Suddenly, I saw my face is water, my heart is soft down, I think my grandpa is really pitiful, so old also do such a thing.

  Also once, my yard flowers will die soon, because a few days ago father overtime, came back very late, so there are no plants. One day, grandpa in my yard after, see those die quickly if, he frowned, walked past, then carefully put all the flowers look again. Grandpa read after flowering and moved to the main entrance, but then stopped again, he asked are playing in the yard. I:" Lili, how these words are like this?" " Oh, my father this several day overtime, no time for the tweed!" I replied impatiently. " Oh". Grandpa should a, get out of my yard. The very next day early in the morning, I and my brother to the balcony to breathe the fresh air, I looked down, did not expect to see Grandpa, Grandpa how so long to come to my home? This is the sun were to rise in the west, so, we have to squat, secretly watch. Grandpa seems to help we water the flowers, grandpa took the shower, a basin of a basin cast with great care. My grandpa is actions touched, my grandfather is so bad, grandpa is still taking care of our flowers!

  There is a me the most impressive thing.

  I remember once, our village an old grandma is ill, my grandfather went to the street to pick out a piece of meat to the grandma, still take out two hundred dollars to her. Grandpa is really a good man.

  Grandpa is old, but his spirit is not old, his spirit, it is worth learning. I must find in helping others, such as the grandfather, silently.

  学习雷锋精神的英语作文 2


  On Friday March 2 everyone 6 3 Class mechanisms learned Lei Fengs activities and from the work to experience the happiness of serving the project for everyone


  That day the sky was foggy and the editor below seemed to be sadWe have to go downstairs to do hygiene so we can not only contribute to the college but also learn to train Uncle Lei Fengs good spirit and essence of helping others


  Our class arrived at the flower garden at the school gate and each of the six groups undertaken one area The four groups I belonged were in the announcement column The members of the members took out the rags and gradually cleaned up


  "Papapa Papa Papa" Everyone bought it with a lot of money finished the chair and looked at the rags evil really dirtyI can have a ragHowever when I saw the tidy chair environment I couldnt help but be happy Hey I was so satisfied with hygiene I finally learned why Uncle Lei Feng was so dirty but I could feel happyAfter wiping the chair I gradually wiped the frame of the announcement bar again


  Oh my god why is it so disgusting here


  The cobweb on the outer frame can often be seen A big spider hangs on the Internet leisurely swaying I cant help but get the chicken skin in my whole body It is my "spider phobia"


  "Otherwise let others wipe it" I think


  Isnt it possible that looks very timidTalking again Uncle Lei Feng is not easy to be timid because of this trivial matter Isnt it enough to see the search engine spider


  I closed my eyes and shivered my hand to the cobweb"Big spider dont climb to my hand" The rag "swept" in the past there was nothing I opened my eyes hey the search engine spider and its net cant see itLong live


  This cleaning I asked me to experience the painful hidden and fun of Uncle Lei Feng When I saw the colleges announcement columns so tidy my heart was as sweet as pure honeyLove this theme event

  学习雷锋精神的英语作文 3


  After school on Wednesday afternoon, Xiao Ming, Xiao Gang and several students swept the floor. Suddenly, a flash of lightning cut through the whole sky, followed by a shocking thunder, followed by heavy rain.


  After sweeping the floor, the students closed the doors and windows, put on their schoolbags, some wore raincoats with raincoats, some opened umbrellas with umbrellas, and all hurried home. But Xiao Ming didnt bring rain gear. He could not stand at the door of the class. He watched the heavy rain falling relentlessly from the sky to the ground. Xiaogang saw it, walked over to pat Xiaoming on the shoulder, smiled and said to him, "Xiaoming, lets go, Ill take you home!" Xiao Ming said sheepishly, "but you are different from me!" Xiaogang said enthusiastically, "it doesnt matter. Ill take you home first." Xiaoming listened and said gratefully, "OK! Thank you! " With that, they both went to Xiao Mings house with an umbrella.


  The rain is still "splashing" underground. The two students under the umbrella are close to each other, taking care of each other and not letting each other get wet. Unconsciously, when he arrived at Xiaomings house, he thanked Xiaogang and ran back.


  When Xiao Ming came home, his mother saw that Xiao Ming had not been caught in the rain, so she asked Xiao Ming in surprise, "son, its raining so hard outside. You havent brought rain gear. How come you havent been caught in the rain?" Xiaoming listened and laughed and said, "it was one of my classmates who sent me back. His name is Xiaogang." When my mother heard it, she said with a strong heart, "really! Xiaogang is really a good boy. He is really like "little Lei Feng". You should also learn his spirit of helping others! "


  Since then, Xiaoming has also learned Xiaogangs spirit of helping others, often taking the initiative to help others.

  学习雷锋精神的英语作文 4

  Learning lei feng in these days, I have a lot of experience, also has a lot of questions.

  Previously, whenever I hear more of lei feng is story, I will think he is stupid, somebody else from unknown to him, why did he help them? And clearly mere, why am I still so happy? I dont understand, until one day.

  I saw a little girl in pastry before the door, she pull a long face, do not know what difficulties, because today is her birthday, but she only 1 yuan money can buy a cake, next to her and a few friend, I think it is to accompany her birthday. At this moment, I found my pocket there a dollar money left for breakfast this morning, so I rushed forward, put the money into the hands of the little girl, the little girl smiled to smile toward me: "thank you sister." Say that finish, rushed into the pastry room with his friends hand, bought a small cake, sitting on the street chair, they smiled, somehow, I also follow to laugh, I revel in the course of a warm picture. At this time, I finally realized just how good to help others and how happy.

  Uncle lei feng. We want to learn from you! Learning that you give, selfless dedication of the great spirit! Your spirit is worth us declare!

  学习雷锋精神的英语作文 5

  This is a "lei feng" we both familiar and unfamiliar words. Someone said: "we each person has a" lei feng "." Then, around us, who is the "lei feng"? Im looking for the answer...

  That night, my mother and I drove to run an errand in town. But open to a half, the car suddenly, the mother will auto restart again again, but still doesnt work, here is very far away from home go home is impossible, in despair, mother suddenly remembered their garage downstairs uncle. She dialed the phone... "Hello?" The phone from the uncle lazy voice. Ah, it seems the uncle has slept, the only hope, my heart was filled with despair again. But, mother after a talk with uncle, uncle agreed! Ah! Finally go home!

  Uncle open the front cover, will be a variety of tools will be a variety of tools in discovering, our car finally light up her bright eyes.

  The excitement of my mother and I sit on the bus, to head home. On the verge of home, car suddenly "strike", also emit some smell and what must be burned. My mother and I really want to cry without asking, this bad luck, is really drank. Consult his teeth! In desperation, mom had to once again called the uncle...

  The next morning, mother came "mechanics", thanks to the uncle, and gave him a large sum of money, but was turned down by the uncle smile, only accept the money he deserved.

  Lei feng is who? As long as you help others, not to return, even if the road you are old man, also can become a living lei feng.

  学习雷锋精神的英语作文 6

  He is tall, with a strong physique, dark and shiny hair and big eyes shining with wisdom. Who is this man? oh Originally, he was my most admired person - cousin Lei Feng, who is handsome, smart and helpful!

  Do you want to understand why I admire my cousin? Do you want to understand why I call him "Lei Feng"? If you want, please listen to me slowly.

  I still remember one scorching noon when my cousin and I went to the park happily. We had a good time. We chased each other, fought and made noise, and soon we were out of breath, sweating and flushed. At this time, we suddenly saw a five-year-old boy swinging towards us, like a circus clown walking on a tightrope. But just listen to "pa!" The little boy fell heavily to the ground and burst into tears. I turned a blind eye and played with nothing, but without saying a word, my cousin rushed up with an arrow, gently picked up the little brother, patted off the ash on him with his hand, and said with concern: "little brother, dont cry, come on, my brother will give you sugar." With that, my cousin took a sugar from his pocket and took it to my little brother. The little brother took the sugar, broke his tears into a smile and said happily, "thank you, brother!" At this time, the little boys mother came and saw her cousin next to her little brother. She pointed at her cousin indiscriminately and yelled: "look at you, youre so old, youre still bullying children. Do you want to face that!" "Auntie, but..." Auntie didnt allow her cousin to explain, so she took the little boy away angrily. I couldnt wait to ask my cousin, "cousin, you know its easy to be misunderstood by others. Why do you have to ask for trouble?" My cousin looked at me and said with a smile, "whats this grievance? Didnt I help someone?" My cousins words made me blush and ashamed! Suddenly, I think my cousin has become taller!

  Dear friends, now you understand the "mystery"!

  学习雷锋精神的英语作文 7

  How can I help others Last month,our school hold an activity about" learn from uncle Lei feng".As we all known,Lei feng devoted his whole life to helping others.but he gets lots of respects. He give us a good example.we should learn from him to help others. We can feel good when we help others.

  How can I help others. I think I can do lots of things. For example,I can help my classmates with their study and other things. I can give my seat to the old people on bus. And I can sent money or clothes to help the poor children. I can also volunteer to take care of the old people on weekends.

  Everyone may have troubles in his life. Helping others is very important in our life. I think we can get much when we help the people around us.And our world will become more and more beautiful.

  学习雷锋精神的英语作文 8

  Comrade Lei Feng is a well-known model of serving the people wholeheartedly and a communist soldier in China. As an ordinary soldier of the Chinese peoples Liberation Army, he helped countless people in his short life. In order to achieve his goal, he sacrificed his young life of only 22 years old.

  Since 1961, Lei Feng has often been invited to give reports in other places. He has more opportunities to travel and serve the people. There is a popular saying: "Lei Feng travels a thousand miles and good deeds make a train".

  When Lei Feng went out to change trains at Shenyang station, he found a group of people looking around at a middle-aged woman with a child on her back. It turned out that the woman had lost her ticket and money when she went from Shandong to Jilin to see her husband. Lei Feng used his allowance to buy a train ticket to Jilin and stuffed it into his sister-in-laws hand. The sister-in-law said with tears, "brother, whats your name and which unit?" "Lei Feng said," my name is the peoples Liberation Army and I live in China. "

  Lei Feng is like this. He has done good deeds without leaving a name. He has been unknown to help people in trouble. It is precisely because Lei Feng is so helpful that after his death, so many people will visit him and learn from him. After reading Lei Fengs deeds, I felt deeply, so I decided to do good deeds, be a "little Lei Feng" and taste the taste of doing good deeds.

  Once, when I came home from school, I watched the pedestrians carefully. At this time, an aunt drove a battery car and came at a gallop. In the rear seat of the battery car, there was a rickety plastic bag containing vegetables. I dont know whether the battery car was driving too fast or the bag was placed unevenly. In a flash, the bag suddenly fell off the tailstock, but the aunt didnt know at all. At this time, some kind-hearted people on the side of the road shouted, "things are falling! Things are falling!" The aunt calmed down and looked back. Her face suddenly became nervous and helped the battery car back. I have a strong desire in my heart. Help this aunt pick up the bag! But my feet are like filled with lead. I cant move a step. Seeing that aunt is about to approach the bag, I have full confidence again. If I dont care, Ill help. Maybe I can get praise! I quickly ran over, bent over, picked up the bag, smiled and handed it to the aunt and said, "here you are, aunt!" "Thank you. Thank you so much, little girl." The aunt smiled sweetly, and her eyebrows looked like the moon in the sky. Im happy. Its like giving me the sweetest and most beautiful candy in the world.

  "Lei Feng spirit" inspires generation after generation to learn. Now this task has been entrusted to our generation. Then we should inherit Lei Feng spirit and make helping others a proud and amazing quality forever!

  学习雷锋精神的英语作文 9

  What is Lei Fengs spirit? Its love! Lei Feng is a man full of love in his heart. He loves his motherland, people, work and life. Loving life is the essence of Lei Fengs spirit In his true colors, he took his love for his post and dedication as the driving force, which achieved the value connotation of his love for the motherland and the people.

  People say Lei Fengs spirit is out of date, but its not. No matter how the times change, we are practicing the basic morality of being a man, such as helping each other, tolerance and humility, finding money, honesty and trustworthiness, and Lei Feng spirit has never disappeared. Watching Wuhans brother chase the vehicle, watching the most beautiful mother hold out her hands to hold the falling children, watching the "car swinging brother" stop the robbers... They are ordinary little people living around us. Although there are no earth shaking heroic deeds, they can stand up at the critical moment, and everyone has a Lei Feng in their heart.

  Learning from Lei Feng is not a form. Its not just helping grandma cross the road or going to the welfare home to send warmth to grandma and grandpa. Learning from Lei Fengs spirit is to learn from his dedication to selflessness and helping others; The spirit of hard study and self-improvement; The spirit of serving the people wholeheartedly. As middle school students in the new era, first of all, we should be good students in school, good children at home and good citizens in society. No matter where we are, we should do as much as we can. The so-called "giving roses to people has lingering fragrance in our hands". Secondly, we should learn from Lei Fengs "nail" spirit of hard study and self-improvement, Lei Feng wrote in his diary: "there is time to learn. The question is whether we are good at squeezing and willing to drill. There is no eye on a good board, but why can a nail be driven in? This is forced in by pressure and drilled in. From this point of view, nails have two advantages: squeezing and drilling." In our study, we should also promote this "nail" spirit and be good at "squeezing" and "drilling". I hope our league members can be like Lei Feng and drive the whole class to spare time and study hard.

  Now the scope of learning Lei Fengs spirit is broader, and it has evolved into a way of life of "love". Love is not only a mind, but also an action. Start with small things, start with your side, start from now on, see the old man fall and help him, take the initiative to queue up when waiting for the bus, get off first and then get on when taking the subway. "Dont do it because its small, and dont do it because its small.". Welcome every day with a positive attitude of sunshine, let the xiaoyueyue event never happen again tomorrow, and let the spring of learning from Lei Feng stay in the world forever!

  学习雷锋精神的英语作文 10

  Lei feng! When people hear the name, will be routed to produce a admiration of love in the heart, less than the age of 23 he was contributing to human life.

  Lei feng was born is the Anti-Japanese War, the people lived in hot water. LeiFengCeng down in a diary: "my family is very poor, grandma, grandpa, father, mother, brother, all die by the hand of the enemy and class enemies, this intense, I always remember in heart." Want to revenge for relatives, lei feng was found by the company commander asked a soldier in the peoples liberation army. The company commander didnt agree with, but to give him a pen. In 1950, when the childrens corps colonel, lei feng took an active part in land reform. In the same year summer, party branch secretary of the township government for him to read for free, in 1954 to join the Chinese young pioneers.

  Since 1961, lei feng often invited to a lecture, he to travel much, much more chances of serving the people are. People around the phrase: "lei feng travels on business, good do a train." One time lei feng egresses, transfer in the shenyang station, a wicket, he found a group of people around a middle-aged woman carrying a child. This woman from liaoning goes to jilin fromshandong to look at the husband, the ticket and the money lost. Lei feng hurriedly with his allowance bought a ticket to jilin the train ticketto to sister-in-law hand, eldest sister-in-law tears when ground to say: "brother, whats your name? Is which unit?" "My name is the peoples liberation army, home is in China." Lei feng is a never-ending, doing good deeds for the people heart and soul, no wonder people saw to do nice things for the people who I think of lei feng, because he is our good example!

  Lei feng to help people, deeply affected offspring, March 5, the day is "learning LeiFengRi", which is on this day, we will take to the streets clean, not only this day, people always wanting to contribute to mankind, whenever someone to borrow something, we will not hesitate to lend to. See who has difficulty, can do their own power to help him. Because every second lei fengs character affects us.

  Lei feng, a familiar but again the name of the heavy, written on our hearts forever!

  学习雷锋精神的英语作文 11

  Lei Feng is a well-known model in China who serves the people wholeheartedly. Although he did not fight in the battlefield and made great achievements, he helped countless people in his short life. With the most ordinary actions, he left an eternal spirit in his short life and influenced future generations.

  Some people say that Lei Feng left early. His spirit is outdated. Lei Feng is no longer needed in todays era. Does our era really not need Lei Feng spirit? In fact, it is not. On the contrary, todays society needs Lei Feng spirit more. No matter how fast the times change, everyone needs to inherit Lei Feng spirit.

  Lei Fengs spirit is to help others and serve the people. He often goes out to give reports. Lei Feng does good things wherever he goes. People have a saying; "Lei Feng went on a business trip for a thousand miles and made a good train."

  One day Lei Feng went to Shenyang and saw a group of people around a middle-aged woman with a child on her back at the exit. It turned out that she had lost her ticket. The middle-aged woman turned over and over, "sister-in-law, where are you going? How did you lose your ticket?" The woman said anxiously; "I came from Shandong and went to Jilin to see his father. I dont know when I lost my ticket. What can I do?" Lei Feng listened and said, "sister-in-law, come with me!" At the ticket office, Lei Feng bought a ticket to Jilin with his allowance and gave it to his sister-in-law; "Get in the car. The car is leaving." The sister-in-law was moved to tears. "Brother, whats your name? Which units comrade?" Lei Feng smiled and said, "sister-in-law, dont ask. My name is the peoples Liberation Army and my home is in China." Lei Feng wrote in his diary on April 23, 1961: "it is my duty to serve the people."

  Although Lei Feng has gone, his steps will never stop and will never be forgotten in our hearts! Hold out your hands and look at the robber; Seeing that "Wuhan little brother" bravely chases the accident vehicle... Although they are ordinary people living around us, they can stand up in times of crisis. Arent they the living Lei Feng in our life?

  As a primary school student, we should learn from Lei Fengs spirit, respect teachers and students in school, help each other, help the elderly cross the road when crossing the road, and give seats to people in need on the bus... Honesty and trustworthiness between people and tolerance and humility between ourselves and others are the embodiment of Lei Fengs spirit.

  Lei Feng spirit will always inspire us in the new era and new environment. Lets welcome the future with a vigorous heart and let Lei Feng spirit stay in the world forever!

  学习雷锋精神的英语作文 12

  Lei Feng, I think everyone has heard of it! We all dont know much about his deeds. Thats not true. Today I came to Lei Feng Memorial Hall in Wangcheng County.

  I walked into the memorial with joy. It introduces many touching stories of Lei Feng, including his helping the elderly and children pour tea and take newspapers on the train. Whether he works in the county, works as a worker in a factory or a soldier in the army, he works for everyone everywhere. In the county, he abides by discipline; In the factory, he changed a fuel consuming car into a fuel-efficient car: in the army, he abides by the partys discipline and never makes any mistakes.

  Do you know why! The answer can be found in his diary, which reads: "I was born in a very poor peasant family and suffered all the torture and pain in the old society. Under the continuous feeding and education of my kind mother, the Communist Party of China, I have become a national defense soldier and a glorious Communist. I should always be ready to sacrifice everything to my life for the interests of the party and class." This spirit is really worth learning from!

  学习雷锋精神的英语作文 13

  This morning we heard the talk given by our headmaster about Lei Feng.We were deeply moved by Lei Fengs deeds. We have made up our minds to do as Let Feng did.

  As there were no classes this afternoon, we decided to do some good deeds for people. Some of us went to the Station Square to repair bikes for people passing by, some went to a home for orphans nearby to help carry coal and wash their clothes, and others remained at school to clean the teachers office. We all worked very hard.

  It was not until six oclock that I returned home. Tired as I was, I was filled with joy and pride.

  学习雷锋精神的英语作文 14

  Lei Feng was a model soldier, On December 1 8,1940, he was born in a poor peasant family in a little mountain village of Hunan Province. He didnt go to school till 1950. At the age of 18, he worked as a steel worker. He was often praised for his good job. On January 8, 1960, he joined the army. In the same year, he joined the Communist Party. He loved the Party and the people, and constantly did good for others. As a result, he became a model soldier. After his death, Chairman Mao called on the people to "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng". The whole nation were moved by his deeds. Lei Fengs spirit will live in our hearts forever.

  学习雷锋精神的英语作文 15

  Leifeng was known as a pattern that offered help to others selflessly. He devoted all this life into his beloved career as well. I, myself, was totally shocked by his character.

  Such is human nature; people trace the good, water flows to low. Everyone should copy his sprit as our daily life goes instead of uttering a meaningless slogan “learn from Leifeng, our decent idol”, so that we could definitely see a lot more smiling faces rather than conflict.

  To help others is not a hard thing, however, what you need is to consist doing it. Take myself as an example. I am the representative of Math, to collect homework is my daily task, however, I would turn them to the right page for shorten the time for teachers when correcting them.

  I strongly propose that we shall see a better world if each of us treat Leifeng as our model and copy his spirit.

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