
2024-04-26 熊猫


  大熊猫的自述英语作文 1


  Hi! Hello everyone! My name is panda. Its Chinas national treasure. As early as more than 10 million years ago, I was on earth. There are only two colors on my body, black and white. I used to be called a panda, but people always call my name upside down.


  Im very rare on earth, so Im very popular. No matter which country I go to, there will be a panda fever. In an Olympic game, the athletes called me mascot. After the competition, China sent out several giant pandas and athletes to go wild!


  I like swimming very much. I always spend hours in the pond with my friends every day. I like to eat bamboo. I need to eat dozens of kilograms of bamboo every day. Sometimes, when you are interested, you will catch a mouse to eat meat.


  When I grow up, I should find a partner. I and another partner take a fancy to a female panda at the same time. In order to show my bravery, I fight with another panda. I pretended to hit her with my hands. When she didnt pay attention, I jumped up and bit him, and the blood flowed from his face. At last he covered his wound and fled.


  Now, I have not only a beautiful wife, but also two lovely pandas!

  大熊猫的自述英语作文 2







  Hello everyone! I am a white fat, hopeful and cocoa-loving giant panda. I am round, like a black and white fur ball, and I weigh 90 kilograms. At the heaviest, I can reach 180 kilograms. My coat is brown in the middle and yellow in the white, which is actually beneficial to hide in the dense forest trees and snow-covered ground and not be discovered by natural enemies.

  Our history goes back to ancient times, and we have lived on the earth for at least 8 million years. We are known as the living fossil and the national treasure of China. As early as the early days of writing, we recorded my various titles: Book of Scriptures, Mao Shi, Bai Yi, Li Shizhens compendium of materia medica, and so on.

  We are not afraid of cold and wet, never hibernate, and usually live in a dense bamboo forest at an altitude of 26,003,500 meters, where the air is thin all the year round, and there is food and drink, which is the best place for us to live. At home, I spend most of my time in my sleep except for the usual eating time, but even when I sleep, I still look cute. Occasionally, my friends and I roll around and climb trees to play, and life is very comfortable.

  I like bamboo very much. There are seven kinds of bamboo, such as Fargesia gigantea and Bambusa gigantea. Bamboo accounts for 99% of the food in the whole year, but when I have an opportunity, I will also have a meat meal to restore the nature of my ancestors. Where we live, there is a kind of rat called bamboo rat, which eats the root of arrow bamboo and makes it die. When we catch it, we find its cave, beat it hard at the mouth of the cave with our front paws, let it escape, and then hold it down with our front paws, and we can have a full meal.

  Now, our total number is only about 1000. Some populations have only a dozen. Because of the influence of human road construction and cultivated land, our living area is only 5900 square kilometers. Many pandas bred in zoos, most of them died young. In the past, many companions were captured by human beings, and only in recent years have they begun to pay attention to them.

  Please take good care of us. We dont want to live in peoples memories. Chinas national treasure should stay forever!

  大熊猫的自述英语作文 3






  Hi! I am a giant panda who is cute and cute. My family has lived on the earth for at least eight million years and is called a "living fossil".

  I look very cute. Look, Im wearing a black and white plush coat, two small ears like Oreo cookies, and two small eyes like sunglasses.

  Our sleeping position is also very special. Some people are sleepy when drinking water, and after two or three seconds, they fall asleep in the pool; Some have fallen asleep, but their feet are still shaking, just like an ADHD patient; Others, full of food and drink, yawned, pawed their heads, leaned over and fell asleep. We are really not "sleeping gods"!

  The way we eat bamboo is the most interesting. First, choose a satisfactory bamboo, adjust the sitting posture, and then "hiss" peel off the bamboo skin until the tender part is exposed, and then you can start eating. We like to eat bamboo, and so do crispy bamboo shoots.

  There are only more than 1000 giant pandas now, which are national first-class protected animals. So you humans must take good care of us!

  大熊猫的自述英语作文 4






  Hello, I am the national treasure of China-the giant panda. I mainly live in Sichuan, and sometimes we can be seen in Shaanxi. When we were young, we were pink and tender, with thin and white hair, like a little mouse, so cute. Our life span is only 20-25 years old.

  Although I am naive, I am cheerful! Polar bears and I are ancestors, so we have the same small eyes of mung beans, but the difference is that I have a pair of special dark circles. Children will get dark circles if they stay up late.

  I am chubby. When I grow up, I have black and white hair, so people often tease me that I cant take color photos. Its hard for you to see me in real life, but you can watch my peerless face on TV and mobile phones. Kung Fu Panda is an animated film specially made for us.

  I love fresh and tender bamboo, but my ancestors ate meat, and they had to eat bamboo because of environmental changes. Bamboo contains a lot of cellulose, which only we can digest.

  I just eat, drink and be merry every day, but without the protection of human beings, Im afraid we would have vanished long ago. Therefore, we must protect the environment and leave living space for all kinds of animals and plants.

  大熊猫的自述英语作文 5







  Hello, everyone, I am the national treasure of China-the giant panda. Today I will introduce myself.

  I have a chubby body, a chubby face, and Im wearing a pair of figure-eight glasses. Isnt it cool? Oh! By the way, I also have carbon black dark circles, which are particularly dazzling from a distance, beautiful and cool.

  Because I am greedy, I am very fat. Usually when I am hungry, I break bamboo into my mouth and chew it with relish. When you are thirsty, drink some mountain spring water. When you are full and drunk, you lie on the ground and bask in the sun lazily.

  Besides gluttony, we are also very playful, and our favorite game is tumbling. As long as we see the hillside, we will first shrink into a ball and roll down the hillside like a slide. Its very interesting!

  Of course, our ability to climb trees is not bragging. Usually, we can climb a tree more than ten meters, pick the fruit and then slide down from the tree. When we are happy, we will also chase each other in the open space.

  Do you know that?/You know what? Our family has a long history. As early as ancient times, we lived on land, so scientists called us "living fossils". Because it is not easy to breed, our number is getting smaller and smaller. Please protect us and dont let us disappear like dinosaurs!

  大熊猫的自述英语作文 6






  Hello everyone! I am a giant panda that everyone loves and flowers bloom. You must be familiar with me! I am a national treasure of China, and also a national first-class protected animal.

  I have a chubby body and a chubby belly, and Im wearing a black and white fur coat. Its so warm! The most special thing is that I was born with a pair of natural "sunglasses" on my face. Does it look cool? But some people always say that its my "dark circles", but I dont like staying up late! Dont look at the way I usually walk, Im slow and awkward, and you cant catch up when I climb a tree. Im a veritable "flexible fat man".

  I especially like eating bamboo. You see, Im biting off the bamboo, tearing off the bamboo branches one by one, and then tearing off the bamboo skin, leaving one bite on the left and the other on the right, which tastes particularly delicious.

  I am a mammal, and I can have one or two babies at a time. But when the baby was born, the weight was only one thousandth of the mothers weight, with an average of about 145 grams. It is conceivable how small a panda cub is. It is precisely because the reproductive capacity is too weak that there are only 1864 in China.

  This is me, a giant panda that everyone loves and flowers bloom.

  大熊猫的自述英语作文 7






  Hello, everyone, my name is Giant Panda, and I am a precious animal. I am the national treasure of China, and I am also called a "living fossil".

  I am 135 cm long and weigh about 85 kg. I am chubby and chubby. I also wear a black and white coat with dark eyes, like wearing a pair of glasses. My naive appearance is deeply loved by everyone.

  I usually live in bamboo forest areas such as China, Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu. I like eating bamboo and bamboo leaves best, because there are many nutrients and cellulose in bamboo. I also like drinking water. Whenever I drink enough water, I will stagger like an alcoholic and "lie drunk" by the river.

  I can be naughty. As soon as I have time, I will climb the spruce tree and start to "operate" on it. Everyone will feel very strange. How can a panda operate? In fact, I am peeling spruce trees, and before long, I will peel the spruce trees without leaving any skin.

  I love this wonderful life very much, but now people are destroying my living environment bit by bit, so I hope people can protect nature and let our panda family continue to live a healthy and happy life.

  大熊猫的自述英语作文 8







  I am a precious animal. I am chubby and chubby, with short limbs and slow movement. My furry face is embedded with a pair of shiny black eyes and I am wearing a black and white coat, which looks simple and lovely.

  My hometown is in Sichuan, Gansu, Shaanxi and other minority areas. About 100,000 years ago, my family was once brilliant, but as our living environment became worse and worse, our number became less and less today.

  My mother told me that my ancestors were carnivores. With the passage of time, bamboo has become our favorite. When I eat, I often sit cross-legged, holding bamboo leaves in my front paws and delivering them to my mouth. I like fresh and tender bamboo leaves and stems, as well as milk and eggs.

  When I sleep, my stomach is upside down and I pat my belly gently with my paws. Sometimes I turn over. Dont think Im awake, but Im still sleeping. When I wake up, I will get up, rub my eyes with my hands, and then take a walk to relieve boredom.

  Im still a star in the zoo, and I can perform various programs: playing erhu, swinging and somersaulting. My every move has brought joy to thousands of tourists.

  Do you know who I am? I am the national treasure-the giant panda.

  大熊猫的自述英语作文 9





  Hello, everyone. I used to be a carefree giant panda. I lived in a tree hole beside a stream in a bamboo forest every day. I can travel around. When you are hungry, chew a few bamboo leaves; If you are tired, go back to sleep; When you are thirsty, drink a few mouthfuls of spring water; If you are bored, go and play with your friends. How happy I am to live like this.

  Unfortunately, the good times didnt last long, and a war disturbed the quiet life. Countless fighters fly through the sky every day, making a "boom, boom" sound. I had to pick a few bamboos, hold a lot of water, hide in a cave, block a big stone in front of the cave, and tremble in it every day. I always wake up with the same nightmare at night. In the dream, a missile hit a tree.

  One day, the noise finally disappeared. I opened the stone and looked, oh, my God! Is this still the place I know? The once lush bamboo forest disappeared, and the black and rotten bamboo fell to the ground; The once crystal clear stream is muddy and green is invisible at all.

  Humans, why do you want to destroy my home and make me homeless and lose friends? Why cant it always be peaceful? Why start a war? What are the benefits of war? Please give me the answer.

  大熊猫的自述英语作文 10






  Hey! Hello, everyone, I am a clumsy and veritable "big fat man"-panda. I was born in Sichuan, where there are beautiful scenery and beautiful scenery, and it is a place of leisure and amusement that people yearn for.

  I look particularly cute, with a big head and a pair of black-rimmed glasses. Isnt that cool, hehe! I had this when I was in my mothers belly. My heavy body, white and big belly, and four thick calves support my heavy body.

  I love eating bamboo, so you will often see me holding bamboo and eating it with relish.

  I am a national treasure, which is very rare in nature, so people cherish me. I like somersaults and show myself in front of people. I remember once, when many guests came to visit Sichuan, I turned somersaults in front of the guests, turning over a dozen in succession, which made people laugh and praised me for my great skills! Hehe, I heard that my heart is sweeter than eating honey.

  Now do you think Im cute?

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