
2023-04-25 文明


  社会不文明现象的英语作文 1

  We can'not fail to notice that countless uncivilized behaviors exist in our daily lives, such as spitting, talking loudly, littering, saying nasty words in public places and so forth. All these are bad manners that we should not lose sight of. As an ancient land enjoying a splendid civilization spanning over 5,000 years, China is witnessing a surge in improper acts that every Chinese citizen should feel ashamed of. Uncivilized behaviors by a host of Chinese both at home and abroad have seriously affected China’s image, according to an editorial posted on People Daily’s official website.

  As Chinese, we should not get offended when others point out our weaknesses but should focus more attention on improving ourselves. We should strive to identify the causes of those improper behaviors and find ways to eliminate them. There are a host of causes, I would argue, behind this trend. To name only one: the lack of moral education. The government should wage a massive moral campaign to fight against this trend and we ourselves should endeavor to behave decently in our daily lives. As college students of the new age, we should take the leading role.



  社会不文明现象的英语作文 2

  "The society should be civilized and the environment should be hygienic." This is something that every citizen must respect, and it also needs everyone's joint efforts to do.

  However, there are still some people who have uncivilized behavior. They throw rubbish at will. Every time I walk in the small commodity market on our township street, I can see rubbish everywhere. Winter is better. In summer, all the flies are attracted, and the whole town is a "dirty, chaotic and poor" image, which has no beauty at all.

  I remember one time, I jogged with my mother and ran. I don't know which uncivilized and unqualified person threw a piece of watermelon skin, which made me step on it and fall to the ground. I broke my knee, which made me cry. When my mother heard my crying, she quickly turned to help me up and checked my injury, making sure I didn't have a broken bone before taking me home. When I got home, my mother cleaned my wound and applied medicine. It was really painful!

  Now I understand that littering will not only affect the beauty of the city, but also do some harm to human beings! Therefore, I hereby appeal to all of you, for the sake of a better environment and the healthy growth of mankind, let's be a civilized and public-spirited person together. I believe that as long as we work together, the city will become more and more beautiful and prosperous!





  社会不文明现象的英语作文 3

  Every morning when I go to school, I can always see my classmates standing on the edge of the fence having breakfast at the gate of the busy and crowded school. Some of them eat cakes, some eat eggs, some eat hot dogs ... In order to hurry, they always wolf down their food.

  As a result, some of them were too late, and some of them couldn't eat any more, so they were thrown to the stray dogs on the roadside to eat, so the stray dogs nearby also came to school to "report" every day. In the end, there will be garbage all over the floor, and grandparents who sweep the floor will have to work hard all morning. This is very uncivilized behavior.

  We can't litter in public places, but throw the rubbish into the trash can. We should also cherish food, because all the food is bought by farmers' uncles with hard sweat.




  社会不文明现象的英语作文 4

  Today, my mother and I saw many uncivilized phenomena on our way home, which is really unreasonable.

  As we were walking, suddenly a car passed us so fast that it almost hurt my mother and me. I told my mother that this is the sidewalk. How can I drive? My mother said that this shows that this person doesn't understand civilized driving. Then I found a person spitting everywhere and another person littering.

  I have seen a man holding flowers in his hand. I can see this uncivilized phenomenon of my mother everywhere. I want to be a civilized child. As I was talking, I saw a trash can lid being opened. I said it was ugly. There is a pile of dog shit in the distance, and an adult is playing on a tightrope with a child in his arms ... Ah, there are too many uncivilized phenomena in life. I sincerely appeal to everyone not to do this uncivilized thing. Then we went home.




  社会不文明现象的英语作文 5

  Speaking of urban psoriasis, everyone must be familiar with it, that is, illegal small advertisements posted on poles, walls, corridors, bus stop signs and billboards, which say, apply for a license, move, recruit, clear the sewer pipes, etc. They are just like stains and spots on new clothes, destroying the beautiful and clean appearance of our city.

  Urban psoriasis is disgusting to everyone. Not only because there are some false advertisements on urban psoriasis, some people will be deceived, but also it is difficult to remove, even if it is removed, it will leave deep traces and it will be difficult to recover.

  It is everyone's responsibility to eliminate urban psoriasis. The uncles and aunts of law enforcement should catch people who post urban psoriasis indiscriminately, and the uncles and aunts of telecommunication bureau can use the method of "calling you to death" to make the telephone on urban psoriasis invalid. For us, we should ask people around us not to believe the advertisements on urban psoriasis and let it be posted for nothing.




  社会不文明现象的英语作文 6

  Now in the street, schools can see people swearing and throwing garbage everywhere.

  Have you ever said rude words? Do you have fun playing tricks on people? Did you lie to the teacher before you finished your homework? Some students say no, but some honest students will say yes. Think about it, have you ever met someone smoking in a bus or public place, and everyone around you coughed and made the public place smoky? People breathe in unhealthy air, while smokers look like they are enjoying it? When you are a student on duty in the school playground, you clean the playground every morning, but at noon, the playground is dirty. The chief culprit of all this is those who are not hygienic and uncivilized.

  We should make our home a clean paradise, not a garbage dump full of dirty water and air! Let's say goodbye to uncivilized phenomenon.




  社会不文明现象的英语作文 7

  Persuade uncivilized tourists There are many uncivilized tourists in today's society, so we should persuade uncivilized tourists, especially naughty children.

  Today, I watched it under the Longde Temple Tower, and suddenly a little boy appeared. The little boy ran into the Longde Temple Tower like the wind, and I followed him. The little boy was about seven or eight years old and could write. The little boy picked up a goose soft stone from the ground and wrote "xxx, come here" on the wall of the Longde Temple Tower with that pebble. I thought, "Longde Temple Tower is a cultural relic, so it needs to be protected!" " So I said to the little boy, "Little brother, do you like the Longde Temple Tower?" The little boy replied, "Of course!" I asked again, "Will you be sad if the Longde Temple Tower is gone?" "Of course!" The little boy replied. I said, "Will you kill the Longde Temple Tower?" "No!" "But you are killing the Longde Temple Tower now!" "Why?" The little boy asked. "You write on the wall of Longde Temple Tower with pebbles, which is uncivilized behavior and affects the appearance!" I strike while the iron is hot, "all right! I will not' kill' the Longde Temple Tower. " The little boy put down the stone and said.



  社会不文明现象的英语作文 8

  In today's society, there are all kinds of news on the Internet. For example, some people litter at school, causing injuries to their classmates, and others litter at high speed, causing car accidents ... With the development of society, human beings are becoming more and more civilized, but there are always some discordant voices and things.

  I remember one day when school was over, my mother and I were going home. When we first arrived at the intersection, a blue car came and threw a bag of garbage out along the window. The car behind us quickly dodged and almost hit my aunt riding a battery car. Seeing this scene, I was frightened. When there was no car, I quickly picked up the bag and threw it into the trash can. This reminds me of the white pollution in science class-plastic pollution. I read in a book that a young whale that had just hunted died in the sea because of eating plastic by mistake. The mother whale saw the dead whale and refused to leave. I cried when I saw it.

  Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you. Only by doing ourselves well and doing everything well can we make the world a better place.

  Here, I appeal to all of you: "If the society wants to be civilized and the environment wants to be hygienic, we still need to work together. Caring for the environment starts with me"!





  社会不文明现象的英语作文 9

  Today is a sunny day, and it is also a day for our spring outing. Spring outing should be fun, but there is a very uncivilized phenomenon that makes our class angry.

  When selling the school newspaper, we ran around and couldn't find anyone for the charity sale. When Lou Zhen was selling the school newspaper, he finally found a fishing uncle and said, "Uncle, do you want a copy of our school newspaper?" But my uncle shook his head rudely and slammed the fish he had just caught on the ground. At this time, Lou Zhen quickly said, "It is wrong for you to do so!" "I want to eat!" The uncle said bitterly, "You are too young to know anything!" After that, he still picked up the fish that he had fallen half to death and put it back in the pond, and then left angrily.

  It is normal for people to eat fish, but that uncle is not only rude to our primary school students, but also uses the uncivilized word "fart" and cruel behavior towards fish, which makes us feel very angry. When we see this phenomenon in the future, we should bravely stop it and patiently make suggestions to these uncivilized people.




  社会不文明现象的英语作文 10

  "The earth is my home, and cleanliness depends on everyone." The earth is the home for human survival. Only by protecting the earth's environment can we live a better life!

  Today, with the rapid economic development, people's living standards have improved as a whole. They can eat well, wear warm clothes and live in high-rise buildings. However, there are some well-dressed people who are doing uncivilized things. Spitting, littering and posting small advertisements everywhere have made the living environment worse and worse.

  Once, after school, I walked by the garbage bin in front of my house, and I saw that there was a very smelly and horrible garbage outside the garbage bin. I guess it was the "good thing" done by the uncle who couldn't wait to throw garbage at home. This is not the first time. I walked past the dustbin, thought about it, and ran back. I held my breath to sort out the garbage, put it in front of his house intact, and quietly posted a note on it, "Civilization is just one step away." I hope that uncle can understand me!

  Although uncivilized behavior seems to be trivial, but "don't do it with small evil, don't do it with small good", let's start from small things, start from the side, bid farewell to uncivilized behavior, and make our living environment more civilized and better!



  有一次放学,我从家门口的垃圾箱走过,看到垃圾箱外面又洒着奇臭无比,惨不忍睹的垃圾,我猜又是那个恨不得,在家门口就抛垃圾的叔叔干的“好事”,这已经不是第一次了。我走过垃圾箱,想了想又跑了回去,我憋着气把垃圾整理好了,又原封不动地放到了他家门口,还悄悄地在上面贴了一张字条“文明就差一步” 。我希望那个叔叔能领会到我的意思!

  不文明行为尽管看起来都是小事,但“勿以恶小而为之 ,勿以善小而不为”让我们就从小事做起,从身边做起,告别不文明的行为,让我们的生活环境变得更文明,更美好吧!


英语作文:社会不文明现象On Uncivilized Behaviors01-28







