
2024-02-26 水果


  两个苹果英语作文 1


  Today, my mother bought two apples.


  Mother put the apple on the table, and brother knelt on the chair and stared at the two apples on the table. A big, a small, red flashing light, how greedy! My brother is drooling and licking his lips.


  Brother came, holding the small apple in his left hand and the big apple in his right hand. Brother handed the big apple to his brother and said, "brother, you can eat the big apple!" "Brother, youd better eat it!" he said


  The younger brother sat on the chair and ate big. The big apple is delicious. My brother took a bite. The little apple was not ripe. It was too bad. The younger brother quickly handed the big apple to the elder brother and said to him, "lets eat half of it alone." My brother was very happy and said, "my brother is really sensible!"

  两个苹果英语作文 2


  My hometown is in Zhengning County, Gansu Province, where to produce apples. Every April, apple blossom comes out, which is like a sea of snow. By the time of September, the apples will be ripe, like little red lanterns hanging on the trees.


  At this time, the apple is big and round. It tastes very sweet. At this time, you come to my hometown, a warm and hospitable fellow, and will surely pick the biggest and sweetest apple for you to eat. At this time, vendors come here to buy apples. They went from house to house in the orchard to choose the best apples.


  Then, they sorted the apples into different grades, packed them and transported them to the processing plants in the city to make all kinds of non-staple food for people to taste. Moreover, it has a high nutritional and medical value, and also has the purpose of eating and appetizing. It brings a lot of income to people in my hometown every year.


  This is my hometowns specialty - Apple.

  两个苹果英语作文 3


  My hometown is in Sanmenxia City, Henan Province. It is located in Funiu Mountain Area in the west of Henan Province. It has high altitude, mild climate and rich products. Famous specialties include: jujube, agaric, persimmon, apple, etc. The most famous one is Lingbaos apple.


  Lingbaos apple is mainly red Fuji, which is big and red after ripening, crisp and sweet to eat, rich in nutrition, and memorable after eating. Lingbao Apple has a large planting area, high output, and is popular at home and abroad. It is the best gift for relatives and friends.


  My hometown is famous for its outstanding people and beautiful environment. Welcome friends from all walks of life to visit Sanmenxia. The hospitable Sanmenxia villagers will surely bring the biggest and sweetest apples to entertain you.


  I love my hometown. I love my hometowns apple more.

  两个苹果英语作文 4

  Autumn is here, the apple on the tree is mature.

  Once, I took the car with my father, my mother and my sister, I went to my hometown to pick an apple.On the road, I feel that it is as good as the year!

  When I arrived at our hometown, I took the bus with my sister, and took the basket and ran to Apple.Apple trees in the apple garden are like a soldier, standing neatly.I took an apple, rushed, like a little girl shy face, I bite a bite, very sweet.I think, it is better to pick a few people to give my mom and dad! We take the apple home.

  My favorite fruit is Apple.

  两个苹果英语作文 5

  Its getting dark, and the night hangs over thousands of families.

  Gentle light is sprinkled on an ivory desk, and a little Jin Hui appears. There are two apples on the corner of the table, which are also shining with golden light. This is the color of love, right? I cant help thinking so.

  At that time, I asked my mother who was buried in her work, "Mom, are there any apples at home?" "I just finished eating yesterday."

  "Alas ..." I sighed regretfully and went back to my study to continue my homework.

  Time has feet, and it always slips away unconsciously.

  "Mom, I overfulfilled my task!"

  "Hey? Why didnt anyone answer me? "

  I looked around and there was only me in the room!

  "... wheres mom?"

  After waiting anxiously for more than ten minutes, my mother came back panting with a bag. It is the apple I just wanted to eat in the bag. I know, at this point, the convenience store downstairs has long been closed, and only the fruit shop a few blocks away can sell it! But the "soft girl" mother is usually afraid of the dark! As soon as it gets dark, I dare not go downstairs. And tonight ...

  My heart is trembling ...

  "There are apples to eat!" Mother washed the apples and put two on my desk.

  Gentle light sprinkled on the red apple, but also on the mothers forehead with sweat. The apple will be finished soon, but the love contained in the apple is eternal.

  I choked back my throat and picked up an apple: "Mom, you eat first!" "

  "How sweet!" Mom took a bite.

  I took a bite, too Yes, its so sweet!

  两个苹果英语作文 6

  The endurance of camels can be seen in the desolate desert, the loyalty of friendship can be seen in the experience of adversity, and the truly solid friendship is unbreakable.

  I once read a story about a pair of good friends who were trekking in the desert. God told them in a dream that there was an apple tree not far away. There were two apples, one big and one small, and the difference between them would affect the safety of their lives. When they woke up, they pushed each other to let their good friends eat the big one while eating the small one. They argued and fell asleep in extreme fatigue. A friend woke up and found that his friend had gone, leaving only a small apple on the tree. He couldnt help feeling disheartened for his friends rude feelings. After walking for a while, he saw his fallen friend and an apple in his hand, which was a whole circle smaller than his own ... I was shocked by the great power of this friendship. How touching their friendship is! There are such friends in the world! It takes a lot of courage to leave the hope of life to a friend and make such a decision. Only at that moment of farewell between life and death, do you hesitate to make a decision to sacrifice yourself, and you can be regarded as a true good friend and a true sincere friendship. If this happens to me, will I take the small apple and leave the big apple to my friends? Or do you choose to eat the big apple for yourself and leave it to your friends, but betray your conscience and your friendship? When you come to do or die, can you make a decisive decision, how will you face it and how will you solve it? Is this a difficult question to answer?

  Finally, I wish everyone a sincere friendship. Treasure your friendship!

  两个苹果英语作文 7

  The fiery red sun hurriedly "got off work", glancing at the office workers who hurried home from time to time, leaving only half of the afterglow for people to daydream after a while. As for me, Im sitting on my desk with those annoying homework, and my brother is watching cartoons in the living room at ease. How I want to look forward to my fathers return, because my stomach is beginning to "fight"!

  Suddenly, there was a clear knock at the door. It is my "savior" dad who is looking forward to the stars and the moon. He went straight to my study, and before I could speak, he grabbed a sentence: "Son, have you finished your homework? Are you hungry?" I was waiting for the last sentence, "hungry, very hungry, very hungry"! I shouted loudly. At this moment, my brother got into my room at some unknown time, shouted "Im hungry, too" and went out of the room like a ghost. At this time, my father pulled out two apples from his pocket, and a refreshing smell got into my nose. I saw the two apples, one big and one small, with red in color and yellow in color, round in shape, like a fist (small like my fist, big like my fathers fist) and like steamed bread. I really want to go up and have a bite. Dad said it was a red Fuji variety, and it was delicious. This sentence went straight to my heart. I looked at these two apples, then at my younger brother lying on the sofa, looked up at my smiling dad, and without thinking, I took a big apple and strode to my younger brother and threw it to him. The younger brother looked at the big apple, then at the small apple in his fathers hand. He thought for a while and smiled, and so did his father.

  At night, under the covers, I seem to smell the refreshing fragrance of red Fuji apples, which I cant forget for a long time!

  两个苹果英语作文 8

  I have a cousin who is not only cute and playful, but also very sensible and filial. Therefore, whether in the eyes of teachers or parents, he is a good baby and a good boy. I remember when he was four years old, his aunt was ill in hospital and needed an operation.

  On that day, the kindergarten teacher handed out apples to the children after dinner. After receiving the apples, the children all ate them with big mouths, but only the younger brother held the apples. After seeing it, the teacher went over and asked him, "Why dont you eat?" My brother said, "My mother is having an operation. Im going to leave the apples for my mother to eat." After listening to this, the teacher was moved to tears. She comforted her younger brother lovingly and said, "Baby, eat, there are many apples, and the teacher will bring them to you!" " After that, the teacher quickly went to get two apples, but my brother only ate the smallest one, and he said that he would take the rest to his mother. The teacher was even more moved, and wrote an article about it that night and submitted it to the newspaper. The next day, the newspaper also published this touching thing.

  This is just a small thing in life. If it flutters in the sky, it is just a dust that is too small to be seen by the naked eye. If it floats in the sea, it is just an unremarkable sand; But if this kind of action is available to people, then society will be better. A four-year-old child, his behavior, many adults cant do it. Why would he do that? Isnt this a persons quality? Now we are all little emperors and princesses at home, and we are always spoiled and moody. In fact, this is related to the doting of parents. When I was a child, my parents used to spoil me very much. I developed bad habits, and I knew how to lose my temper when things went wrong. Compared with my younger brother, I feel ashamed. I want to learn from him. Students, why cant we do what a four-year-old can do?

  两个苹果英语作文 9

  Late at night, the fruits in the fruit shop all entered a sweet dream. I can only vaguely hear the conversation between two apples.

  Wearing simple light red apples from the mountains, they have experienced wind and sun, and their appearance is not outstanding; The beautifully dressed and beautiful apples come from the suburbs. They were transported into the store at the same time, and they were all placed in the most conspicuous position, but the situation was completely different.

  "hey!" The light red apple sighed and said enviously, "You are so beautiful!" " The bright red apple saw his companions sad face and seemed to see through his mind. He said proudly, "Look! How beautiful and popular I am! Do you want to be like me? "

  The light red apple nodded again and again and said excitedly, "Yes! Yes! " You know, he was born a little ugly, and now he finally has a chance to be beautiful. With a sweet smile on his face, he fell asleep-in his dream, he became bright and shiny. All the customers rushed to take him home ...

  Early the next morning, the bright red apple was bought by the customer, while the light red apple remained standing in the same place, and no one cared. After a while, the customer came back and said angrily to the shopkeeper, "What kind of apple is this?"! When I eat it, it makes me vomit and diarrhea. Its really golden jade is outside, and its ruined! " So, the bright red apple was taken for inspection, and as a result, many additives such as reddening agent, flavoring agent and ripening agent were found in his body. The pale red apple gasped and thought: He is so beautiful, it turned out that he was artificially facelift! Seeing that his companion was finally mercilessly sent to the "hell"-the trash can, he was glad that he was still the same.

  The pale red apple was full of energy and said thoughtfully, "Dont be fooled by the gorgeous appearance of things, the inner quality is the most important!" "

  两个苹果英语作文 10

  "Dear children, if you still dont understand something, please ask your parents!" Listening to such teachings, so kind! Parents have traveled a longer way than we do. They are the precipitation of experience, but we are still inexperienced children who are reckless everywhere. What we lack is experience, which makes us grow up.

  "Dear parents, if you dont understand anything, please ask your children!" How do parents feel after hearing such words?

  Born in different times, it gave our parents different childhood from ours. Parents use glass balls to pop up their ideas, and we use computers to type our own ideas. Parents also need to "ask questions without shame" to us in some aspects. One day, my father, who is a driver, talked about the trouble of his car. I also said, "Is it good not to explode for a day?" Long live the environment! " Unconsciously, my father showed his majesty. I am busy: "the engine of a car is an explosion site. Am I wrong to use the force of gasoline explosion to push the car forward?" My father patted me on the head and said, "You are still smart!" I also laughed.

  There is a proverb that goes like this: "You have an apple, I have an apple, and you and I will exchange it or one apple per person." You have an idea, I have an idea, and you and I exchange two ideas for one person. "

  We have been loved by our parents since we were born, and we have been filial to our parents for many years. However, such a close relationship has not enriched our knowledge to the greatest extent. We have a sweet and crisp passion apple, and our parents have a full red and sweet experience apple. After exchanging with our parents, we have both enthusiasm and experience, and we both get what we get. These are two apples that can complement each other.

  Children, dont stand on this side of the generation gap, holding green apples and looking at parents red apples. Its hard to say anything.

  Parents, dont be embarrassed by their seniority and face, but they are speechless.

  Parents! As a younger generation, I have long held my own little green apple and stepped over the generation gap: when will you also hold the apple, so that we can exchange these two complementary apples?

  两个苹果英语作文 11

  There are four people in our family, my parents, my sister and me. But I am 12 years old, but I am not sensible, and I often make my parents angry. Unlike me, my sister is very reasonable and understands my parents. In order to reduce the burden on my parents, she often works overtime, and she only needs 40% of her salary as pocket money. Others pay for my schooling, so she is often praised by her parents. I am a little jealous of her. My parents love me very much and are afraid that I will get sick, so they often buy me calcium tablets for fear that I lack nutrition, but they never buy anything to replenish my body. But I often misunderstand their partiality-I only love my sister, but I dont love me.

  On a sunny Sunday, I do my homework at home. Suddenly, Aunt Zhang, a neighbor, came and saw two big red apples in her hand. It was said that it was for my sister and me to eat, but my mother refused again and again, but she still accepted the two big red apples. After a while, after Aunt Zhang left, I quickly put down my pen and asked my mother for apples. My mother meant to let me and my sister have one. I was a little reluctant at first, and wanted to have both apples for me. But under my mothers persuasion, I had to agree. At this moment, my sister came over to my mother and said, "My brother is still young, and it is the growth period. He should be nourished. Give him both apples!" I just wanted to be happy when I heard this. I seem to think of something. Yes, mom and dad work all day. They must need nutrition. These two apples should be given to them. I gave one apple to my father and one to my mother. And they all dont want it, they all want me to eat it myself.

  I immediately understood that the greatest love in the world is family love. No love can be greater than family love! I eat this apple with the greatest love in the world with tears in my eyes, and I seem to feel that I am the happiest person in the world!

  两个苹果英语作文 12

  Apple is a kind of familiar fruit. It has a chubby surface and a red harvest all over the body. It tastes sweet and crisp, and its origin is relatively extensive. This kind of fruit will be planted in many countries in the world, but as far as I know, it is the south, the north, Shandong, Shaanxi and so on. The nutritional value of apples is higher than that of bananas, because apples are rich in vitamins, including vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6 and vitamin C and vitamin E. No wonder apples are called "the king of fruits". Originally, apples are rich in vitamins, which makes people more nutritious and healthier.

  Apples have many uses, such as whitening skin, eating more apples, keeping skin tender and ruddy, and reducing bile in blood ... Eating apples is also good for sleep. In fact, apples have many uses, but these kinds are better.

  Apples are also called "fruit of wisdom" and "fruit of memory". At that time, people have long found that apples are beneficial to memory, because apples not only contain a variety of vitamins, but also contain nutrients necessary for the brain, such as fat, minerals and sugars, and fibers that are beneficial to childrens growth and development and zinc that can strengthen childrens memory.

  Look, apples have so many benefits that they deserve to be called "the king of fruits"!

  两个苹果英语作文 13

  I have eaten many fruits, including grapes called "Crystal Pearl". Watermelon with rich juice; There are sweet sugar cane to quench thirst ... but I still like the red apple best.

  Apple, I believe everyone is familiar with this fruit. It is round, with a concave hole on its head and bottom, like a little brothers red face. The skin of an apple is not very smooth, so it will never "run away" when washing the apple. Apples are blue when they are not ripe. Bite them sour, bitter and astringent, and they taste terrible. When it is ripe, there is a faint scent, so I want to swallow it in one gulp. The whole apple eaten in My Sweetie is crispy and delicious, and the pulp is delicious. There are tens of thousands of varieties of apples, which are called "fruit queens".

  Apples not only taste good, but also have many functions.

  Apple is the most common fruit, but its nutritional value can not be underestimated. Eating apples often can lower blood fat, lower blood pressure, prevent cancer, strengthen bones, maintain acid-base balance and lose weight. There is a proverb: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Chinese medicine believes that it can nourish the lungs, strengthen the spleen and stimulate appetite. Nutritionally, it is pointed out that apple contains a variety of fructose, organic acids, pectin and trace elements, cellulose, vitamins, minerals, polyphenols and flavonoids.

  There are many ways to eat apples, which can be processed into apple juice, made into fruit salad, and fried ...

  两个苹果英语作文 14

  Dear friends, today Im going to introduce a kind of fruit-apple. Everyone knows that apple is a sweet and delicious fruit, but you only know one, but you dont know the other.

  Its nutrition is very rich, and there are a lot of vitamins A and C in it. It also contains whitening element, which can make peoples skin white. It contains 50% of the human bodys needs, and it is really the "king of nutrition" in the fruit industry.

  Its color is as red as a small lantern, its shape is round, and there are small dimples of different sizes at the top and bottom, which can stand on the table smoothly, like a mighty general. This is his shape and color!

  Its taste is sweet and sour. Take a bite, and a sweet and delicious fragrance comes to the nose; Take two bites and you will be completely immersed in the world of fruit; Taking three bites is like being in a fairyland on earth. What a delicious fruit!

  He has many kinds. Such as: Huang Xiangjiao, Red Banana, Red Fuji, Gala …

  It can be eaten directly, or peeled, cut off piece by piece with a knife and savored …

  Such delicious fruit must be very expensive, right? No! Its very cheap. 3 yuan pays 2 Jin. If you buy it this week, you will get a gift. Come and snap it up! After a while, it will be completely sold out!

  两个苹果英语作文 15

  Hi, Im a green apple. I am a green apple. A handsome green apple. I sell 50% in the market because everyone likes me, and I have many features and functions. If you want to know, just keep reading!

  Red Apple and I are twins, but I am more handsome than him. Although people seldom eat green apples, our green apples are not bad! My meat is delicious. Eating my meat "walking around" with your little mouth is like eating sugar. My meat is sour, sweet and delicious, which makes people memorable!

  My hometown is in the north. Red apple is a hothead! Every time he tries to get familiar with him, he seems afraid to forget him! And then shipped to the market for sale; But we green apples are different, so wait patiently. Hanging on a tree, swinging around with a big braid, like swinging, is not as impatient as red apples, so our green apples are not sold much in the market. However, when you need me, I will show it to you at once.

  We are in some apple factories and will be transported to apple pie factories to make delicious apple pies. Of course, it is best to use green apples, because someone will buy apple pie, and then the use of green apples will come out!

  Our green apples can also be made into apple vinegar. Of course, you can use green apples to make it. The apple vinegar we make is sour and sweet. Apple vinegar made from red apples is sweet and not sour. The fruit acid in our body will be treated as apple vinegar. When people taste the fruits of our efforts, they will be moved by the fruits of our efforts. Of course, after drinking apple vinegar, people always touch their mouth, because my malic acid will make peoples mouth spicy and then it will swell red. Im not bragging. My body is full of treasures. Although I am not in the top three of the fruit family, I am also very useful. My meat can be eaten, my juice and malic acid can be made into apple vinegar, and my "baby"-seeds can grow brand-new apples. What, am I useful? Try it if you dont believe me!

  I am an ordinary green apple, but have you ever thought about it? Vitamin a in the body will make the brain smarter; I still have vitamin c in my body. Vitamin c can strengthen peoples physique and resist small viruses such as colds. Of course, you should eat it often. On the surface, I am a strange guy with a blue face. In fact, I am a versatile nutrition king, and I need vitamin A for the human body. C I have plenty!

  Do you like green apples better after listening to my introduction? Go to my "hiding place" and buy a few Jin if you want to eat.

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