

  Water is the “life blood” of our Earth .It is in every living thing .It is in the air .It runs through mountains and valleys .It forms lakes and sea .Nature has a great water system .Rainwater finds its way to rivers and lakes .River water runs into the sea .At the mouths of the rivers ,fresh water joins the salt water of the sea .

  Here at mouth of a river there is a lot of important plant and animal life .But pollution destroys the life .We have to clean our rivers .


  水是我们地球的 "生活血统" 。它在每个生物中。它在空气中。它跑过山和山谷。它形成湖和海洋。自然有一个很棒的.水系。雨水到它再到路河和湖。河水跑进海洋。在河的嘴,淡水掺加海洋的含盐甜水.



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英语作文:水是很重要的 Water Is Important09-08

停止污染水(Stop Polluting the Water)09-08