
2023-08-30 事件类英语作文


保护环境英语作文 篇1

  Our country has been reforming for sixty years, and the life is getting richer and richer. Our environment, however, has been devastated. Dust storms are frequent, desertification is serious, polluted water is polluted, air pollution, deforestation... All these things remind us of human beings. The earth is wordless, but the deterioration of the earth's environment brings retribution and punishment. In the face of all kinds of disaster, we have to admit that, in the face of nature, human beings are extremely small, when we are pursuing reason, tend to forget that this is what the consequences of environmental damage caused by our human. All the disasters are telling human beings that human beings are destroying the earth and destroying themselves. Humans have only one earth, we are unable to migrate to other planets, and respect for the earth is for his life, save the earth is to save the future, so, be kind to natural resources is to yourself. Therefore, I offer some Suggestions:

  Do not chop and chop, even if you need trees, you will plant trees, so that the balance will be balanced don't throw a grain of rice, white rice, is so sweet, we don't forget to eat them, each measuring meter is not easy, is a large pea sweat, won the good child must cherish it.

  You are not in the tree, you see, you are in the tree, the water is like a tear, the little tree is crying. a variety of trees, spring, I planted a small tree, I'll never forget it, because it is and I grew up together, it issued a yellow flowers, and take pictures with me, and more than this, please I also produce a sweet fruit taste, sweet and fragrant delicious! I plant a small sapling, but it pays off every year, so we need to plant more trees.

  Don't litter. Littering not only affects the market, but also pollutes the environment.

  If you need to drive at work, you might as well go out by bike. The bicycle saves money, doesn't pollute the air, and it can also exercise the body, improve the constitution and dust the long time save water. If there is no water in the world, the last drop of water is human tears, so we should save water.

  Conserve electricity. Without electricity, people would be living in a dark world at night, and with electricity, we could all work and study.

  Save wood. You probably know that wood is used for wood, and those who cut trees and not plant trees eventually make the trees cut down in large quantities.

  Flower grass. Flowers and plants can purify the air and beautify the environment.

  Protecting the environment is everyone's responsibility. Let's protect the earth. For our future, we must protect the earth.

保护环境英语作文 篇2


  Environmental problems are as big as not for individual country or individual people to address。 In other word, we have reached the stage that environmental problems be solved for international view。 To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  In recent years, many nations have bee more aware of the environmental issues each nation faces, such as air and water pollution。 The question is, are the environmental issues a national problem or an international problem? It is my belief that the environmental issues have grown to the point of being an international problem needing international cooperation to resolve。

  Because of the differences in environmental policies, resources and technology, international cooperation could provide quicker results and have a greater impact on bringing resolution to environmental problems for nations of differing environmental policies and of lesser resources and technology。 By pooling international resources and technology to address the environmental problems, the disadvantaged nations are provided the assistance needed。 Otherwise their environmental conditions deteriorate ultimately affecting the resources and environment of the world as a whole。

  One of the difficulities to an international resolution to environmental issues is the difference in individual nations view and policies toward environmental protection。 In order for international cooperation to occur and succeed, the nations of the world must submit themselved to international standards and supervision by an international mission elected by the participating nations of the world。 All members must agree to abide by the standards established。

  The environmental issues facing each country are not unrelated to the well being of the rest of the world。 The impact is long term and international in scope。 Without international cooperation and agreement to address such environmental issues as glacial melting at the South Pole, depletion of the ozone layer, water pollution, air polution, etc。, the environmental conditions of the world will deteriorate to the detriment of every nation, not just those that ignore or lack the resources and technology to resolve their individual environmental problems。

  As part of the same planet, it is the responsibility of each individual and nation to protect the global environment。 Only international cooperation will provide the timely solutions and the effectiveness needed to stop the deteriorating global environment。

保护环境英语作文 篇3

  Over 70% of the Earth’s surface is water; water is obviously the most precious natural resource that exists on our planet. Without water, life on Earth would be non-existent.

  Water is the lifeblood of the environment, essential to the survival of all living things-plants, animals, and human. Although we recognize this fact, we disregard it by polluting our rivers, lakes, and streams. Afterward, we are slowly but surely harming our planet to the point where organisms are dying at a very alarming rate, and our drinking water has become greatly affected. In order to fight against water pollution, we must understand the problems and become part of the solution; we also need to do everything possible to maintain its quality for today and the future.The government alone cannot solve the entire problem; it’s up to us when it comes to the problems we face with our water. In your home, correctly dispose dangerous household products. Keep paints, used oil, cleaning solvents, pool chemicals, and other dangerous household chemicals out of drains, sinks, and toilets because many of these products contain harmful substances. In your yard, recycle used motor oil. Avoid pouring waste oil and resist the temptation to dump wastes onto the ground.These are just a few of the many ways in which we, as human have the ability to combat water pollution.

  If these measures are not taken and water pollution continues, life on Earth will suffer severely.

保护环境英语作文 篇4

  Prtect Envirnent Treat the Earth Well

  As we all nw, there is nl ne earth. And the earth is ur he. I can’t iagine if the earth disappears, hw can huan exists.

  We can’t live withut the earth, s please treat the earth well.

  Nw the air is nt clean and fresh. The s is nt ver blue. But wh? Because an peple defrest and pllute the river. We can’t see anials pla in the frest and fish swi in the river.

  If we eep this scence fr a lng tie, the end f the wrld will be cing.

  S hw can we prtect envirnent? Let e give u se advice.

  First, we plant trees. Trees can give us the fresh air and absrb the carbn dixide.

  Secndl, we can tae buses t schl r wr, drive less. The exhaust gas fr cars will pllute the air, and it’s nt gd fr ur health. It’s bad fr the earth, t.

  This is advice.

  Tda is the Wrld Envirnent Da. Let’s prtect envirnent and treat the earth well tgether.

  保护环境 善待地球










保护环境英语作文 篇5


  Water pollution is a serious problem threatening the survival of human beings, plants and animals. It is urgent that some strong measures be adopted to deal with the problem.

  There has been a discussion recently on the issue in a newspaper. Write a letter to the newspaper based on the following outline:

  1. Present situation

  2. Suggested measures to be taken

  3. Future prospect

  Write an essay of about 200 words within 40 minutes on the ANSWER SHEET.




  至于未来的前景,我相信,在这一方面 会取得良好的成果.过去一度被工业废料污染的河流将会得到清理,几年以前鱼类不能长年的河流又会重见鱼群.总之,似乎很明显,只要人人各尽其责并努力去寻找控制污染的方法,明天将会变得更美好、更光明。

  如果需要对这个问题做进一步评论, 请不吝赐函。谢谢!

保护环境英语作文 篇6

  Throughout the ages, the earth mother with the sweet milk fed numerous generations of descendants. The original she was decorated by the junior was very clear and moving. However, now human beings for their own interests, tortured her innocent and dark. Mankind has only one earth; and the earth is facing a severe environmental crisis. "Save the Earth" has become the strongest voice of the people of the world.

  Humans are part of nature and are part of the world of life. Many lives constitute a coexistence and coexistence related to the reputation of large systems. Humans must treat nature, care for the environment, protect animals and plants, otherwise, will endanger their own survival.

  Once upon a time, people have been cut off, so that the ecological balance of nature has been destroyed. Dune swallowed the vast expanse of fertile land, the flood washed away the lovely home, the natural revenge of human embarrassment dumb. Mei Shui River once said that there is no natural, there is no human, this is the world a simple truth. Blindly plunder nature, conquer nature, will only destroy the ecosystem, blame themselves, so that human beings on the verge of difficulties. This sentence is not bad, people do not give natural face, of course, naturally will not give people behind the road, 98 floods, dust storms in 20xx, 08 earthquake, in fact, this is the nature of the warning issued to mankind. Environmental protection is not a new problem for us, and our government has long put forward clear governance objectives. As a real life in every ordinary people, although it is impossible to directly engage in environmental protection work, but we can start from small, start from me. We should establish environmental awareness and take practical action to implement environmental action. See the faucet in the toilet when the drip should be able to raise their hands. When the battery is used up after the collection should be collected instead of readily throw away. When shopping should consciously do not use ultra-thin plastic bags ... ... a small thing though very humble, but it shows how much we have a sense of environmental protection.

  Cherish resources, protect the environment. Let's make this city more beautiful!

  Remember, protect the earth is to protect yourself!

保护环境英语作文 篇7

  Today the quality of our natural environment has become an important issue. The world population is rising so quickly that the world has become too crowded. We are using up our natural resources and at the same time polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, life on earth cannot survive.

  Concerned people have made some progress in environmental protection. Governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air, forests and sea resources and to stop environmental pollution.

  Still more measures should be taken to solve environmental problems. People should be further educated to recognize the importance of the problems, to use modern methods of birth control, to conserve(保存) our natural resources and recycle our products. We are sure that we can have a better and cleaner place in the future.

保护环境英语作文 篇8

  假如你是李华,现任你们学校的学生会主席。你将代表学生会起草一份倡议书,号召全校同学行动起来,为环保运动做出自己的努力。同时下周六学校将组织同学 在全市进行环保宣传活动,征召志愿者到校学生会报名。

  注意:(1)短文应该包括以上所提供的主要信息,可适当发挥;(2)词数:120左右;(3)倡议书格式以提供,不计入总词数;(4)参考词汇:征召(新人) recruit。

  15 May, 20xx

  Dear brothers and sisters,_____________________________________________

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Hua

  University Students' Union

  【猜题理由】随着经济的高速发展,社会自然环境遭受严重污染。环保意识的`培养和环保工作的开展成为国人,乃至世人共同关注的热点和焦点。对环保问题而言,"只要人人献出一点爱,世界将 变成美好人间 !"此话题为学生熟知,与生的生活实际贴近,而且具有一定的开放性,使得每个学生都能够有话可说,符合新课标理念下的命题方向。



  15 May, 20xx

  Dear brothers and sisters,

  Oh behalf of the University Students' Union, I, the Chairman of the Union , am earnestly calling for yo ur active participation in our environmental protection campai gn. It is the duty of every global villager; man just can not sustain his glorious c i vilization without a rewarding environment, which will be possible only if man makes considerable efforts to protect the environment.

  Do you cherish precio us opportunities to volunteer in our joint efforts in environmental protection? Here is a great one not to be missed by any enthusiastic youth; Right next Saturday, our university is to run a publicity campaign to advocate environmental protection across the city. The University Students' Union will be in charge of recruitment of volunteers. Let's join our h ands and take action immediately.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Hua

保护环境英语作文 篇9

  Now, "environmental protection" has become a global focus. But to truly protect the environment, we must start from ourselves and start with the small things around us.

  One day, I went to play in the small river in the park. A little boy wanted to throw a fresh bottle into the river. I looked at it and said, "no matter what, I'm going to play. If I take care of him, I won't be able to play." But at this time, one is old man on a fishing trip saw the little boy's behavior quickly held out his hand to stop a small boy, and said to the boy: "child, don't throw rubbish into the river." The little boy listened and put down the bottle and said to the old man, "what's the big deal? Besides, this is a bottle, not a garbage." The old man listened and was not angry. Smiled and said to the boy, "son, you don't understand. You don't see it as a bottle, but it will also be like other garbage pollution water. We can't drink clean water. Moreover, the trash can is over there, a few steps away." The little boy was speechless to the old man. He said "thank you" to the old man and ran to the trash can.

  I listened to that thought, "that's right. When we want to throw fruit peel, tend to throw the rubbish casually into the trash can outside, and ignored. In fact, as long as you stretch out his hand, will be thrown into the trash can. Sometimes, you can throw some wrapping paper with a, then a walk it. Later, you said can't find the trash can. In fact, trash can in a few steps away." These little things can reflect a person's moral character and whether he loves the environment around him.

  Protect the environment. It's all about us. Everyone has to do their part. This will make our home more colorful!









英语作文 保护环境01-27

保护环境 英语作文01-28
