
2024-06-07 趣事

















  今年的暑假,我是在我舅妈家——慈溪度过的,那儿可好玩儿了!就让我给你们说一说我在慈溪发生的一件有趣的事情吧! 那天,我和小伙伴们一起在林中玩耍,突然觉得我脖子 上好像有一个硬硬的像刺一样的东西停在那,重重的。我一把把它抹了下来,一看,原来是一只小天牛呀!这时,我突然想到妈妈曾经说过:天牛是害虫,它是靠吸杨树上的树汁而生存的!我灵机一动:既然天牛是害虫,那么我们就一起来捉害虫呗!

  顿时,我玩心大起:“嗨,我们来捉天牛比赛吧!”我的建议一提出,就得到了大家的赞成。一场“捉天牛的比赛”就这样开始了! 瞧!我的弟弟拿来细竹竿子,站在树底下细心地观察每一根树枝上的.动静。一会儿,只见我的弟弟欣喜地拿着杆子往一根树枝上挪,对着那只一动不动的天牛轻轻地一顶,只听见“啪”的一声,那只天牛就掉下来了;有个比较胆小的女孩,她发现了一只天牛,自己又不敢去捉,急得站在那儿吊着嗓子喊:“妞妞姐姐,快来,快来,我这儿有一只天牛。”我急走过去,教她敞开方便袋口,拿了一根柳条往天牛的屁股底端一顶,天牛便稳稳当当地掉落在了她的方便袋里了;还有几个胆大的小伙伴,干脆就爬上树直接用手去捉天牛。只见他们大拇指和食指两指一捏,那天牛就成了他们的囊中之物了。别看我们捉得那么轻松,其实捉天牛也要懂得点技巧的,你乱捉的话,天牛的嘴巴和爪子可是会咬得你哇哇大叫的喔!


  最后,我们约定好了下次捉天牛的时间,才恋恋不舍地 离开了林子。这种既能除去害虫,又能让我们玩得开心·快乐的事情,我们何乐而不为呢!


  In this summer holiday, I did a lot of interesting things, but what I was most interested in was the table tennis match with my father.

  The game began. I kicked off first. I served the ball over the net with my signature "Kong Linghui" service. Dad also played his best game - chopping. I threw the ball back on the table. But the good times did not last long, and he was blocked by his father's powerful smash. Dad gets one point first. But I still followed my father closely. Before half-time, I was temporarily behind by 5:7. I thought: "I borrowed a subsidy from my father for his strong smash, but I can use a low ball to restrain my father's strong smash!" So I secretly rejoiced beside me and thought, "ha ha, your secret weapon will become a weapon for losing points." as expected, I scored three points in a row at the beginning of the second half. However, I was too proud, and finally I lost the first game with 9:11 During the rest time, I kept my feet steady and saw that the table was curved, so I thought, "the serve can make a corner, and the ball will bounce to the side. Then I can taste the taste of getting something for nothing." The second game began. The score of my father's two serves was 1:1. It was my turn to serve. I scored all the points after my two serves. However, my new bomber was not smooth sailing, and I also lost three points. The first half ended, and I scored 7:6. In the second half, I began to master my new bomber. The second game ended, and I won 11:8 In the third set, that is, the decisive set, I played like water and wind, and beat my father 11:6

  I was so happy that I danced and danced. At the same time, I also learned that as long as I use my mind, I can succeed!


  Summer life is like a colorful dream, like a string of shining pearls, which makes people miss and yearn for. There is one thing that has been deeply imprinted on my mind, and it will be fun to think of it now!

  Summer vacation is coming. I went back to Nanxiong and went to the countryside with my grandfather at 9:00 in the morning. I'm from the city and haven't been to the countryside yet! Walking into the countryside, there are also rice beside the road. When I arrived at my destination, it was very hot. The cicadas in the tree are crying as if saying: "it's hot, it's hot... I have nothing to do. Suddenly, I thought of a good idea. I went to my friends and said," go, buddy, let's go and catch the cicadas. " My opinion was unanimously adopted. With the tools for catching cicadas, we set off. We were walking along the roadside. Suddenly, I saw a cicada. My eyes were shining with gold. I held the net and shouted, "die!" Before I caught it with the "net of law", it had already escaped. I learned from this failure that we should be careful when catching cicadas and not act rashly. As the saying goes, "you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry." The second time, I learned the lesson of the last time. I crept to a tree, then netted it, but let it fly away. The third time, I caught a cicada, but when I put it into the box, I didn't catch it well and flew away. After three failures, I finally realized the skill of catching cicadas. I caught many cicadas one after another. My friends looked at me, and I returned home with a full load.

  This summer holiday is very interesting. It brings me a lot of laughter and happiness.













  During the summer vacation, I experienced many things, big and small, and learned a lot of things. I often helped my father, mother and grandmother.

  I remember that morning, after I got up, I pestered my grandmother to make dumplings for me to eat. My grandmother agreed. After a while, my grandmother took out the flour that had already been bought, called me, and started to make them together. Because this was the first time I could not do it, I watched my grandmother make them first. I saw my grandmother first make the dumplings into a circle, then press them in the middle for several times, and press them into a pot shape, then put a little sugar, press them together, and then rub them into a circle, In this way, a dumpling is made. I rubbed it like Grandma's, but the flour was relatively dry. In addition, I had no experience in it, and I didn't knead it for a long time. Because when I was about to knead it, there was a crack again. I muttered, "I'm really annoyed. How can the flour be so dry? Every time I knead it, it cracked." After listening to this, grandma told me: "when making Tangyuan, you should rub it slowly and calmly. You can't be too eager for success. Once you are too eager for success, you will not rub it well or it will be ugly and bad." After listening to grandma's words, I thought about it and rubbed it according to grandma's words. It was very smooth. There were 2, 3, 4, 5... 25 in the pot. There was only the last one. I rubbed the last one in a short time. "Yeah, it's done." I said happily. In a moment, the dumplings were cooked, and I ate them with relish

  This is one of many things in my summer vacation. It is because of these interesting and interesting things that I have a more colorful summer vacation.













  Summer life is like a kaleidoscope, colorful. What I did in the summer vacation has become a memory in a net. That net catches all kinds of things in life. One of them still haunts my mind, making me feel sweet and interesting at that time.

  One summer morning, I came to my sister's house and saw her holding a red egg. My sister said to me, "believe it or not, this egg can run." I smiled and said, "the devil believes what you say." My sister said, "if you don't believe it, look at it." then she put the egg on the concrete floor. Without any external force, the egg really rolled up. How can an egg roll? I was puzzled. I picked up the egg and put it in my ear. There was a rustling sound inside. The sound really surprised me! I asked my sister, "what's in it?" The elder sister said solemnly, "this is a divine egg. It was laid by my hen for 10 days and 10 nights. Maybe some immortal came down to earth and cast the wrong embryo." I was even more surprised. Is this myth true? I didn't believe it and asked, "no, come on, what's going on?" My sister smiled and said, "I'm worried about you. There's a bug in the head. As soon as the bug climbs, the egg rolls." "Can you make one for me, too?" I begged her. My sister said, "OK.". When I came to my house, I found an egg and caught an insect according to my sister's instructions. My sister dug a small hole in one end of the egg, poured the egg yolk and egg white into the bowl, washed the inside with water, and dried it with a hair dryer. Then, I put the insects in, paste the hole with a piece of paper, and then dye it red with red ink. The "go away" was made. Put it on the ground, and the egg really rolled up. The two eggs had to roll one after the other. It was so fun that even my father and mother came to join the fun

  From time to time, our family laughed happily


  In a twinkling of an eye, the summer vacation is almost over. During the holidays, I almost hid at home to read without going out of the gate. There were not many interesting things, but the false alarm made me have endless afterthoughts.

  Remember one day, I was at home alone. After I finished my homework, I went for a walk in the park opposite. Near noon, when I came to my house, I found that I had not taken the key with me. I was like an ant on a hot pot, turning round and round. My originally happy and smiling face suddenly changed from sunny to cloudy, as if a wonderful Sichuan opera had been performed. Hey, what should I do? The door can't be opened, I can't eat lunch, I have no place to sleep in the afternoon... Thinking about it, I feel more depressed.

  I knocked on the door of my neighbor's house and said to the uncle who opened the door: "uncle, I forgot to bring my key when I went out, and my mother is not at home. Could you lend me the phone and let me tell my mother..." I actually talked a lot about this phone borrowing. I pushed and knocked every word in a reasonable way. Now I think back, it was definitely an excellent oral composition. But the uncle was unmoved and coldly threw out the two words "not to borrow", and closed the door.

  When I faced the door of my house, I felt a sudden ecstasy. "Ah?" I was stunned. It turned out that the door was not locked. It was just a small lock at the bottom. Once the handle was turned, the door would open. I leaned against the door frame, angry and funny.

  It's interesting to think about it now. It also makes me understand: in fact, there is no absolute failure in this world. What fails is often our methods and attitudes towards problems. Most of the time, failure is just a frightening wooden bridge over the torrent of water. Go over it, and success is waiting for you.








  那里有一条小道上,地势非常低,每逢下雨天,就会出现很多小水洼,这就为青蛙构成了理想的繁殖场所。从小道经过时总会看到有许多青蛙在跳,平时我早就想捉只青蛙玩玩儿,可一直没有时间来实现这一愿望。 那天我早早地做完作业,正好闲来无事,我便动心了。带着有些兴奋的心情跑到那里,又看见一些青蛙在乱蹦乱跳。我蹑手蹑脚地走了过去,双手一下子猛地伸了出去,闪电般地捉住了一只青蛙。可谁知那只青蛙机灵得很,一下子又从我的手心中跳了出去,还在我的面前蹦来蹦去,好像是在嘲笑我。我气愤不已,使出了全身的.力气一下子扑了过去,这一扑可不得了,可怜我摔了个“嘴啃泥”。狼狈的样子把我自己都引笑了,幸好没人看到,要不我这滑稽的一幕岂不是要大白于天下了吗?哈!不多说了。来看接下来的吧! 这一跤并没有让我灰心,我抹了抹脸上的泥巴,继续开始捉青蛙。

  我小声嘀咕道:哼!这次再捉不住你,我就不姓董!为了再次抓到它我使出浑身解数,悄悄地靠近一只青蛙,尽量不发出声音,乘其不备猛地一罩,一只活蹦乱跳、身体肥胖、玲珑可爱、身上墨绿、肚皮雪白、讨人喜爱的青蛙就被我捉住了。我把它抓在手里走看右看仔细地观赏了一会儿,然后往我带来的瓶里一放,它就傻乎乎地游了起来,谁知瓶子太小,它四处碰壁,现在可就是我看它的狼狈样子了…… 嘿!我带着我的“战利品”一路上欢欢喜喜地回家了。




  有一天早上,妈妈急促的叫了我起床,我看了看闹钟说:“才六点,大暑假的你让我睡一会吧!”“今天我们要去香港,你想不想去呀?”我一听到香港这两个字,马上就连想到了大海。因为香港是靠我国最边缘的部分,一定有大海 ,还有迪士尼乐园 。我 马上(删除) 一骨碌爬起来,一切准备就绪。


  我在香港玩了五天,这五天里, 一定发生了很多有趣的事,可是令我印像 最深刻的是到海边,一到海边就看见了金灿灿的海面, 海浪一下一下的啪打着金色的'沙滩,不管是海里还是沙滩上,到处都有人们的欢笑声。 我忍不住了,拖下鞋就往水里跑去。妈妈说:“小心点,别被水沧着了。”还没等妈妈说完,我一下子往水里跳,因为我这很爱游泳,所以每一次游泳,我都会游两个小时。 这时我一不小心被一个滑滑的东西摔了一跤,我回头一看,原来是一条小鱼,我伸手去捉,就把它捉住了,我高兴极了。 游了两个小时后,当我想回岸时,突然踩到了一个硬壳,啊!原来是一个贝壳,两个壳紧紧地合闭着,我想里面一定有珍珠,我使劲一掰,一颗小小的珍珠掉在了金色的沙滩上,真是美丽极了! 最后,我还堆了个沙堡,我堆的是一个泡脚的盆子,做的方法很简单,就是先在沙滩上挖一个洞,把脚放在里面,再让海水流进来,这样就成了个洗脚盆了,真是好玩极了!
















