
2022-08-21 其他类英语作文


春节的英语作文 篇1

  When I opened the Lao she's article, "the Spring Festival in Beijing", I was secretly amazed that the Spring Festival in Beijing was so busy. But then again, we Yellowstone Spring Festival is not inferior! You don't believe me? Let me tell you something about it.

  We began to pickle meat and roast sausages in November. Wherever you go, you can smell bacon and sausage. Oh, that's hungry, don't mention it! And ah, the month of the month to be stocked up!

  The twelfth day of the twelfth lunar month has begun. Then there is the smell of Spring Festival. Families began to paste couplets. Grown-ups are busy: buying new clothes for the whole family and eating, drinking, and using for the New Year. This represents an of the weather. Children are also happy, as parents buy their own New Year's gifts and snacks. The most important thing is to buy firecrackers! The little year is the same as for us. We all set off firecrackers, all Shouting: "nian, run! Nian run!

  December 30 is New Year's eve. Every family began to prepare for the reunion dinner. All the people were dressed in new clothes, and the house was cleaned and everything changed. When you eat a reunion dinner, you should make a speech to your elders. After dinner, watch the party. This night, except for the children, no one else could sleep. To set off firecrackers at midnight, meaning to leave the old and welcome the new. The sound of firecrackers continued until noon the next day.

  On the first day of the first month, the whole family will visit relatives and wish them a happy New Year. At noon, we go to grandma's house for family reunion dinner, and the reunion dinner is very exquisite. There will always be hot pot on the reunion dinner. Hot pot boiling, steaming hot, warm and provocative, the future of the red fire. There is not only hot pot on the table, but also a fish. "Fish" and "yu" homophony, symbolizing "ji qing yu", also have the meaning of "year after year". Also, this fish can't eat, commonly known as "obedient fish". The fish is on the table listening to people talking about the year and the hopes of the New Year. In addition, radish is also a common dish on the table. The radish is commonly known as vegetable head, wish have good color head; Lobster abalone and other Fried foods, I wish the family prosperity such as "agnigan oil". There will be a dragon, or a cloud, or a cloud. It is said that drilling a dragon head can also be lucky in one year, every year blessed!

  The Lantern Festival is not only the climax of the Spring Festival, but also the last day of the Spring Festival. Many communities are hung with lanterns. The supermarket is full of people, too, to buy yuanxiao. After dinner, the whole family eat yuanxiao and watch the Lantern Festival. The little things on the TV made a big laugh, and the fat, sweet dumplings were memorable. There's a light show at night! When you first come to the palace of culture, you will find four lights here. There are all kinds of lights. The colorful lights are beautiful.

  What about the Spring Festival in Yellowstone?

春节的英语作文 篇2

  On this day, we have already put winter holiday, will welcome the Spring Festival, very happy! On this day people will to stick couplets on the Spring Festival, drink spiced sake, just like the song dynasty poet wang anshi wrote a poem: firecrackers in New Year's eve, the spring breeze gifts into toso, find eye pupil, always put the new peach in old character.

  And when we were one year older, we had better understand, help others, pay New Year's greetings to relatives, and they all praised the girl who was clever and clever, and how good the mood was at that time.

  Firecracker is the children's favorite, but the firecracker is sometimes very dangerous, must be at home long escort to play oh! Children must not set off firecrackers on their own!

  We will also eat reunion dinner, wear new clothes, aunt aunt and aunt are busy cooking, we are playing on the side, then the scene how busy!

  It is such a Spring Festival, let us full of how much happiness!

春节的英语作文 篇3

  When the Spring Festival arrived, I went to my home with my mom and dad - Qianxian County.

  To my home, my first thing is to go to the neighbourhood jade orchid home to play, this name is very strange, in fact, she is called Wang Xiaolan.

  The twelve day, I and the jade orchid snowballing in the courtyard, the jade orchid grabbed a piece of snow, knead a round snow ball, who hit me, of course, I also use a small piece of snow made small snowballs to her, ah! I forgot to bring my gloves. It's so cold. Well, not all right, when I look back, a snowball hit over, I get all the snow, I also took her to the gas, but I always missed, and she put a big snowman suck, she also laughed.

  After a while, she felt all covered with ice. Let's not tell her. Actually, I didn't smash her head. I smashed her body. After a while, I broke her into a big snowman. As I saw it, she was all over and down with snow, like it had been drilled out of the face, and I did not laugh.

  Well, the jade orchid lost his temper, run ah, she can't be nasty temper, a brick will you hit to the head, or you take a knife and chase you all over the yard run, the last time, tiaopijin without her, she took a brick to hit me fortunately, I run fast, or can not afford a big head no, look, she came again, I have to run, goodbye!

  The Spring Festival is happy and very fun.

春节的英语作文 篇4

  Spring Festival is the traditional holiday of China.It's one of the most grand festival of the whole year.

  People will get a half a month off,it's longer than the Yuandan holiday. It falls on the first day of the lular year.During Spring Festival,people in China will get together, mop the windows to make them bright,sweep the ceil,the walls,the floor,decorate their home with Chinese knot and Fus on the first day of the lular year.The long period before this Spring Festival of 20xx and prepare and have a big feast together.

  For the tradition,people will make a lot of dumplings, perpare some red envelopes, cook some traditional foods as well,for example, frieing tofus,eatting noodles to calculate good luck for the New Year.

春节的英语作文 篇5


  After the Spring Festival, we have to set off firecrackers, eat reunion rice, and eat lantern lantern. Put the word of firecrackers for boys must be very familiar. We want to play firecrackers during the Spring Festival because it means that next year, we hope that our family can be reunited, we can have a happy family, peace and security, as well as some other meanings such as financial luck.

  今年过年放鞭炮,使我知道了鞭炮的由来,今年过春节大家吃完团圆饭要放鞭炮。今年我和几个小伙伴们吃完团圆饭去放鞭炮,我们几个觉得这十分无聊,我们便开始在地上干坐着。其中一个小伙伴给我们说起了鞭炮的.起源:“相传,中国古时候有一种叫”年“的怪兽,头长触角,凶猛异常。”年“长年深居海底,每到除夕才爬上岸,吞食牲畜伤害人命。因此,每到除夕这天,村村寨寨的人们扶老携幼逃往深山,以躲避”年“兽的伤害。这年除夕,桃花村的人们正扶老携幼上山避难,从村外来了个乞讨的老人,只见他手拄拐杖,臂搭袋囊,银须飘逸,目若朗星。乡亲们有的封窗锁门,有的收拾行装,有的牵牛赶羊,到处人喊马嘶,一片匆忙恐慌景象。这时,谁还有心关照这位乞讨的老人。 只有村东头一位老婆婆给了老人些食物,并劝他快上山躲避”年“兽,那老人捋髯笑道:”婆婆若让我在家呆一夜,我一定把“年”兽撵走。 老婆婆惊目细看,见他鹤发童颜、精神矍铄,气宇不凡。可她仍然继续劝说,乞讨老人笑而不语……“当他讲完时我们都说他知识丰富。

  I know the origin of firecrackers in the Spring Festival this year. This year, after the Spring Festival, we have to set off firecrackers after the Spring Festival. This year, some of my friends and I finished the reunion dinner to set off firecrackers. We thought it was very boring and we began to sit on the ground. A small partner told us the origin of firecrackers: "according to legend, in ancient China, there was a monster named" year ", with long head antennae, fierce and unusual. "Years of hiding the sea, every new year's Eve just climbed out, devouring livestock harm human life. Therefore, every new year's Eve, people help the aged and the young stockaded village fled to the mountains to escape the "year" beast. This new year's Eve, peach blossom village people are help the aged and the young mountain refuge, from the village outside begging for the elderly, saw hiscrutches, arm take the bag, silver to be elegant, eye if Lang stars. Some villagers sealed windows locked, some packed up, some Thunbergia sheep, everywhere a hurried panic scene of men shouting and horses neighing. At this time, who has the heart to take care of the begging old man. Only village as an old woman gave the old man some food, and urged him to speed up the mountain to escape the "year" beast, the old man smiled stroking beard: "if her mother let me stay at home one night, I have the" year "beast out. Head scared the old lady look at, to see him healthy spirit, bearing extraordinary. But she still continued to persuade, begging the old man to laugh without saying... "When he finished, we all said he was rich in knowledge.


  This year's new year has really benefited me.

春节的英语作文 篇6

  The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China.People usually decorate the doors and windows with red papercuts.becouse red means good luck.People usually clean house too.becouse they want to sweep away bad luck.Children can get some new clothes or presents from their parents and grandparents.



春节的英语作文 篇7

  The happy spring festival spring festival is on the first day of the first lunar month.chinese people most like the spring festival.during spring festival,Chinese people like having meals with their families,playing fireworks in the open air.my sisters and iplayed fireworks on that day.We had many fireworks.they were very beautiful.

  they were running into the sky and breaking into pieces.they looked like flowers in the sky.we were very happy and excited.After that,I made awish.I hope that,we can have ahappy and healthy life next year and everyone in my family can be happy.I enjoy the festival very happy!

春节的英语作文 篇8

  Less in the snow and warm season, the Spring Festival imperceptible buried insipid life, had come.Looking at new calendar on the wall, counting the last Spring Festival near in the day of the century, how the years in a hurry, time is a calm and a busy year.

  Childhood years nearly, accumulate more or less good impression then faded, is no longer the firecrackers fireworks dumplings "lucky money" s, no longer look forward to their older, more knowledgeable and ten percent, rather than the Spring Festival is the most happy, let a person than a suddenly realized that the age of aging, responsibility for the major barrier.

  Broadly to congratulate once, say a few words of Old English words, write the nostalgia in the spring of the article, would have lost that day.As the host, say this year's event, feeling now, think about the future, but is to win the applause famous people compliment.Self-deception, I do not say, we may expect too much, the Spring Festival is just a ordinary day in 365 days a year, we injected about it too much cultural connotation and commercial hype, looks very heavy.Actually, let us with a common heart to stay, inhibit the expectations and agitation, eating and drinking, talking and laughing, to visit friends and relatives of the program, get some subtler satisfaction.

  Once upon a time, the Spring Festival to me a lot of beautiful and unforgettable memories.I think that today's children and I was always the same, feel the grand festival and holiday.However, different ages have different experience, may be my personality and interests, no matter how to render all kinds of media bombardment, my real feeling is always unsatisfactory, than usual days, how many of the helpless, the more tired tired and heavy.Parents have to go to there, also have to go to the relatives and friends there, meet colleagues have to, substance always nothing more than to eat and drink.Have a thriving and happy New Year and prosperous cliche said very uneasy but had to be repeated over and over again until.Parade is on shopping, guessing burn, a gift year after year heavy repeat endlessly.People like a gyroscope, be it flips the rotation, you don't know where is the centre of gravity.So overwhelmed festival, we have tried the excitement of childhood, watch the circulation of the party through the night, listen to belong to other people's laughter, feeling is his sleepy eyes, disappointment, to stomach.I'd rather like usual, simple fare, go to bed at ten o 'clock, temporary see book for a while, or make a circle with your friends.Always feel in the days of the universal huan, I don't have the slightest interest, even has a good appetite.

  Tradition, culture, history, customs, the original is the product of human, is our ancestors made it, from generation to generation we kept copy version, and the evolution of play to make it brilliant, more network propaganda let it fit variation, it ultimately restrain ourselves, violating the human nature of at least a little - one is the desire for freedom and happiness, the Spring Festival, is a most clear mirror, from which everybody can see, so tired of negative face, is the appearance of your childhood?Even the shadow of a moment of joy.

  Yes, we continue to old and feel nothing.This year's Spring Festival is the Spring Festival next year to copy, today's unhappy tomorrow is likely to evaporate, memory filtering made everyone heart shadow and sad, the rest may be may call it the beautiful things, but once?There is no our position, that is after a blur, virtual, knowing that is false we need to repeat, also written articles, coax coax people and children.

  Not old, afraid of only the innocence of childhood.

春节的英语作文 篇9

  In my eyes, the Spring Festival is a day of bustling and reunion. On the eve of the Spring Festival every year, even from home and far from home also wants to get home before the new year's Eve, the family reunion, to celebrate the festive season. People who worked hard for a year went to the airport and railway station with their bags. They had an undisguised smile on their faces. From their hurried footsteps, I felt the great attraction of their family and their love for their family. I seem to see the new year's Eve, every family sitting together to celebrate, with "Spring Festival, eat dumplings staying-up late on new year's Eve lively scene, laughter is permeated with the joy of the festive atmosphere.

  In my eyes, the Spring Festival is also a day of celebration and peace. Looking at it, streets and alleys, colorful flags and red lights are hanging up. Every family door is pasted with "Fu", Spring Festival couplets or New Year pictures, and praying for the happy life of the coming year. People are dressed in festival costumes, carrying all kinds of gifts, visiting friends and friends to visit each other, and passing a good new spring blessing to each other.

  In my eyes, the Spring Festival is still a day for children to enjoy their full enjoyment. Every Spring Festival, the children will wear for their parents to buy new clothes, get the elders give gift money, they can be in the new year's Eve and adults to be carrying the staying-up late on new year's Eve, brightly coloured lanterns to firecrackers and fireworks, can eat all kinds of delicious food, can also be used by adults go with a variety of distinctive temple. When the night comes, the beautiful fireworks in the sky, and the smiling faces of children side by side, formed a harmonious picture of the festival.

  In my eyes, the Spring Festival is a day to address the old. People have been cleaning up their houses and planting daffodils to make them blooming during the Spring Festival. "A suichu fireworks, energy-saving. Numerous households very bright day, the new peach old fu." People use the sound of the firecrackers to disperse the year's troubles and blunting. I heard my mother say, in some places there are "shoe evil" customs! When people say goodbye to the past year, with a new look and a happy mood looking forward to the future, out tomorrow, welcome the arrival of the new year, new life has been waving to them, all people with confidence in fine fig, to create a new future for their.

  Ah, Spring Festival, you let people smell the breath of spring, hear the footsteps of the spring. In my eyes, you are the messenger of spring, leading people into a good life!










