
2022-08-18 其他类英语作文


快乐的英语作文 篇1

  星期五早上七点四十五分我就到陆军总医院科技文化中心,为什么今天我没有回学校呢?因为我要在这里参加“let it go--放飞梦想”20xx东风西路小学英语节。


  这个英语节令我对英语更有兴趣了,在以后的英语课里,我会更加认真、更加努力的学习,希望我以后能像哥哥姐姐们一样, 能说出一口流利的英语。

快乐的英语作文 篇2

  With the wonderful melody for Alice, our happy middle school activity began.

  First of all, we do martial arts first. Only heard the loudspeaker loud voice: the students of martial arts The red sun rises in sky. now. With this powerful rhythm, the students are conscientiously punching and kicking, and they are vigorous and energetic.

  After doing martial arts, we went to a plastic runway, lined up and started our big class games. Our big class game is fun! Some classes are playing the relay, some are playing simultaneously walk, some playing kangaroo jump, and in class do push ups and roll forward...... And our class was playing games of two and three feet, and I was honored to be a teammate with my good friends. Let's make a knot with a red scarf, and then jump. When we started walking, there was no tacit agreement between the two people. I was so slow, I was slow, and I had a bad fall. When it was our turn to walk the second time, we were better than the last time, but no one was so fast, so good. So, we two decided to look for the trick. They are used; they have been shouting about, about, like this can not be wrong to go to the foot. We used this way, try not to three times, can Practice makes perfect., eighty. At this point, our collective dance began, and the students were hopping very much, as if a group of butterflies were dancing and dancing.

  The big break activities so happy over, the students had to return to the classroom, unable to part, waiting for the next big break activities coming. I'm sure the next big room will be more exciting.

快乐的英语作文 篇3

  昨天晚上吃饭的时候妈妈跟我说明天要带我和弟弟一起去游乐场玩,我听了很高兴,赶紧把这个好消息告诉了弟弟。今天早上我没有像以前周末的时候赖床,而是起得特别的早。早上八点,妈妈带着我们去了游乐场。游乐场里面人山人海,妈妈紧紧的拉着我们的手,生怕我们走丢。我们玩了好几个项目,比如过山车、旋转木马、碰碰车等。其中我最喜欢的就是过山车了,虽然有些令人害怕,但还是无比的惊险刺激。 快乐的时光转眼过去,到了傍晚,我们恋恋不舍的离开了游乐园!

  Last night at dinner, my mother told me to take my brother and me to the playground tomorrow. I was very happy to hear that. I told my brother the good news quickly. This morning I didn't lie in bed like I used to at the weekend, but got up very early. At eight in the morning, mom took us to the playground. The playground is full of people. My mother holds our hand tightly for fear that we will lose it. We played several projects, such as roller coaster, carousel, bumper car and so on. My favorite is the roller coaster. Although it's scary, it's thrilling. Happy time in the past, to the evening, we are reluctant to leave the amusement park!

快乐的.英语作文 篇4

  Happiness is a kind of enjoyment. I'm particularly happy, because I'm going to enjoy the Spring Festival this year! I didn't stay on the night before, and this year I gave my mother a proposal to watch the night. Beauty!

  We live at the top, and the people in the yard have fireworks, and we can all see it! Last year put the fireworks, our whole family stood on the balcony, suddenly, a fireworks put up, let us look, it is really big! We almost didn't smoke our windows! When it was just put up, my house was flickering, Jane was just so beautiful!

  We also eat dumplings in the new year, parents always call me to elders to speak blessings, the harm of my little beautiful face is red! Don't say it to others.

  I look forward to the new year every day.

  I love the happiness of the New Year!



  回族:年三十晚上包饺子,这一天要把素日里喜欢搬弄是非的小人的“嘴”捏上,端上热腾腾的饺子,打开预先做好的腊八醋,一家人团坐在桌前,欢声笑语,其乐融融!孩子们却对桌上摆的各种零食更感兴趣,果壳可以随便扔满一地,三十晚上不能扫,叫“踩碎(岁)”。 春节这天,噼噼啪啪的鞭炮声响彻云天,孩子们穿着崭新的衣服,初一中午年饭丰盛无比,但晚上要吃面条或是合子,象征新的一年和顺、团圆、美满。



快乐的英语作文 篇5


  One day of summer vacation, the weather is sunny. There are some white clouds floating in the blue sky. I came to the park with some children.


  WOW! What a beautiful park! Birds are singing happily on the branch, butterflies are dancing happily in the flowers, and a group of small fish are swimming freely in the stream.


  As soon as the children came, the park became lively. Look, some children are skipping rope, some are playing hide and seek, some are swinging, some are playing slide


  What about us? We play "forest adventure" in the woods. Ding Ding found a "Zhang eight snake spear", Dong Dong took a pair of "sun and moon double Swords", and I found a "green dragon Yan Moon knife". Play, play, empty came a group of bees, scared us to shit. We rushed out of the woods.


  What a happy day.

快乐的英语作文 篇6

  i'm the only child in my family, the apple of my parents' eyes. my mother and father take good care of my and give me a lot of support throughout my life.

  my father is the manager of a company and my mother is a teacher. they are both well educated and do well in their jobs. they know that knowledge is power. father often communicates with foreign friends and is good at english. i can learn a lot from him, especially english. his oninion on education is as advanced as that of my mother's. they often give me advice on my studies but never interfere in them. they seldom force me to do what i don't like to. they permit me to have different opinions. if something is good for me, they will persuade me to do it as they want. many people of our age say that there is a generation gap between their parents and them. however, it doesn't exist between us.

  my mother is a math teacher. she is very clever and good at teaching. she can work out a problem within 10 minutes which would cost me 2 hours. i envy and admire her. i want to be a math teacher like her.

  i'm lucky to have such enlightened parents. i'm lucky to have been brought up in such a happy family.

快乐的英语作文 篇7

  everyone has a family。 i have a family, too。 i name it “happy family”, because everyone in my family is happy.

  come and meet my family, please! my mother is kind。 i love her, and she loves me, too。 my mother is pretty。 she likes beautiful clothes。 i call her“dressy mum”。

  my father is a boss。 he is tall and thin。 he has a small head。 i give him a nickname“small head father”。 i am fat and lovely。 i have a big head。 i give myself a nickname“big head girl”。 i study hard。 i am a good student。

  we are happy every day!

快乐的英语作文 篇8

  The Happiness of Growing Up

  Since I go to middle school, I start to become independent. I am not a little girl anymore, and I can make my own decision. My parents always get used to do everything for me, but I tell them that I can do it myself. Then my parents are very happy. They no longer make every decision for me and they will ask my opinion. I feel being respected and it is so good for me. Growing up means taking the responsibility and being considerate of others. I try not be childish and think in a mature way. Now everybody respects me and they are willing to listen to my idea. This is the happiness of growing up.


快乐的英语作文 篇9

  Today is really a happy day, I can not help but to record this happy day.

  On the first weekend of school, I had a good sleep. I thought I would spend a day in the dormitory today. Because the weather is pretty good today, and I don't know who proposed to go out for a walk. Because H1N1 flu is prevalent recently, so I dare not go out. I think of the mountain behind the school. It's not far away. I haven't been to school for a year. I can't help but regret. So, I, ah four, three or five people started happily. Although it is difficult to go on the way to go, and have to endure the dust of flying everywhere, but we are still happy.

  Finally we came to the top mountain national Forest Park. Walk in, the mood is very good, we walk around and clap, play, enjoy it. See the lawn walk freely around the peacock peacock, see the kids around to see one family of contented and happy, deeply attached to each other to have a picnic, see the boat of the children looked at together barbecue classmates, see all the beautiful scene, we don't feel good in this blend.

  We are playing with those outdoor projects, playing hard, sitting on the swing and talking about the sky. The most happy is that we finally got on the dream together three people while riding a bicycle, singing, laughing and shouting, fully and delightfully writing belongs to our youth! Although riding tired, shouting dumb, but really happy, long time happiness, for a long time not like this. After that, we should go out more and feel that life gives us all the beauty.

  Finally, I and o four also made a meal and then go home, perfect and happy to spend a beautiful day.

  It turns out that happiness can be simple, simple life, simple to find our simple happiness.




快乐人生作文|快乐人生 英语作文09-27






