
2022-03-25 其他类英语作文


成长英语作文 篇1

  Thanks to my parents, I have been to many places. I feel so lucky to witness the scenery by my eyes. I love to travel since I was very small. I have made up my mind that I must continue my journey on my own. As I grow up, I have planned some trips and learned a lot.


  Travel helps me to be independent. For many people, they trend to travel by groups, which is very convenient. The companies plan everything for them, and they just need to follow the schedules. But as for me, I only enjoy traveling freely, so I will scan a lot of information and select the useful message. I learn the history and culture of the countries and get to know all kinds of applications.


  The most important thing of travel is to broaden my vision. When my friends talk about the beautiful places from the textbook, I will tell them that I have been there and can give them my opinion. The way I talk and the knowledge I offer to them make me stand out and I am so proud of myself.


成长英语作文 篇2


  We all want to grow up happily and healthily, and for this goal we must do several things.

  Firstly, we should develop a good attitude to life. Life consists of not only sunshine but also hard times. We should be brave in front of difficulties. Secondly, we must study hard because knowledge is power. If we have the power, we can help to build our country and enjoy life better. Lastly, in order to study well, we need to do sports so that we can keep fit. We can go running, play ball games or simply take a walk after a day's study. If we do those things well, we will be able to grow up happily and healthily.




成长英语作文 篇3

  Everyone's growth is happy, and everyone's growth is different. My growth is so lovely, so interesting...

  Growing up in kindergarten I was so overbearing, as long as someone who caused me, I would leave my tiger teeth on his arm. Not only that, I love to cry, but if it makes me cry, neighbors don't have to have a dream. Therefore, I am afraid I am afraid of three points. But I think it's interesting. However, I fell in love with my study in the sixth grade, and if there was a problem, I would ask the teacher and break the casserole. I especially love to write a composition, if write a composition to come, that is the pen if have god, not only so, I also have to go through the whole county composition second prize, the calendar is not strong? But I am not complacent. I am going to learn to go forward like a tiger.

  My classmates, I have grown up a lot, all kinds of, you?

成长英语作文 篇4

  When tomorrow becomes today become yesterday, eventually become a memory no longer important one day, we suddenly found himself in imperceptible in has been time pushing forward, it is not still in the train, and the adjacent train staggered, as if their along the illusion, but we in the growth of the real, became another yourself in this matter.

  When my sister came down from my mother's belly into this bustling world, I knew that my family would change...

  Sure enough, though god gave me an angelic sister, she also came with her demonic voice and heard, "wah, wah..." It is. This guy, he's crying every day and he wants to eat? Cry!!! Want to sleep? Cry!!! You want to go to the bathroom? Or cry! Crying all day, crying all day, she is not boring, I am very tired of death!

  Not, finally arrived at the weekend, tired for a week I wanted to have a good sleep, but this "radical" "devil" tore open voice to cry hard, and did not see the parents go out tourism, she cried even harder. Cry, cry, cry, and I will be cried. Just listen to me shout loudly: "you are not vexed? Noisy I! Prohibit to cry again!" When I finished, I felt that I had done a little too much: little kids! How do we know what they want without crying? Want to go, my dark enough to drop out of the water face immediately changed into a sunny smile, sunshine to the sister said: "lovely, lovely, lovely baby, don't cry, don't cry, we play games together, ok? Play peek-a-boo!"

  After listening to my "please" words, my sister, she also imitated me to put on a smiling face, she imitated me, the eyes narrowed to meet the general. Hey! I didn't think she was so cute! I laughed again, this time not to please smile, but from the heart smile...

  Growth needs process, children have children's good, simple, simple, innocent, romantic, rebellious... When a person grows up, these things are gone, even though these things are clearly etched in themselves. The time is really good, just so that the things that are clearly visible in oneself can be removed a little bit, until it is clean, a person just a little bit of growing up. Instead, it should be mature, tolerant, generous, selfless, giving...

成长英语作文 篇5

  In the spring of the past year, traveling abroad is certainly one of my heart's hearts. I still remember my travels in Guilin.

  Four years ago in the spring, I went to Guilin with my parents. It is the first time I came to the sightseeing resort landscape under heaven ". The view of Guilin is wonderful, green grass, green trees, and colourful flowers. The tourist attraction environment is also very good, on the ground spotless, the periphery also flutters the fresh air, gives the human to feel relaxed and happy. The uncles and aunts who came here to visit were also admiring the scenery and said, "the scenery here is wonderful."!" For a few spots we are tired, so they sat on the roadside rest on the bench, while enjoying the beautiful scenery, eating bring good food, comfortable ah! At this point, we noticed that most people could carry away their own food bags and peels and trash, while others threw litter on the floor. Seeing that someone had destroyed the beautiful scenery here, I really couldn't agree with it. So I went up and picked it up and threw it into the dustbin. My parents saw me and gave me a thumbs up and praised me for doing well!

  Now, all over the country to carry out learning "Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces" activities. Learning it starts with a little bit, starting with the little things around us. Remember the "news broadcast" has played such a news: Shenzhen "window of the world" amusement park in order to prevent workers who do not care for the environment of people littering, they followed those special cleaning them free to throw garbage on the ground, until those people feel ashamed, not littering the garbage so far. This is the way to make the window of the world more beautiful.

  If we want to love our motherland, we must protect its environment and make it more beautiful!





成长英语作文 篇6

  The ancients cloud: read ten thousand volumes, the lower pen is like having god. I grew up reading, and I was the mentor of my life.

  Once, when I am reading a book, fairy tale story deeply attracted me, so dad home I also didn't hear ring the doorbell, dad thought I didn't go home, hurry came close to going to the school to find me. Reading makes me crazy, and it makes me get into the habit of going to bed every day.

  I've made a lot of jokes about reading books too!

  Remember once came home from school, I just want to take the "treasure" in the books in the bookcase out of view, but my father stopped me and said: "after school, the first time to do the homework, finish to do other things!" I dare not go against the orders of "boss", so I have to do my homework. But I unwilling, bent on reading, hence I thought of a scheme to stay - dad, when I put the book hidden under operation, concentrate on doing his homework, after father left, I will take out your book, read with relish. I thought it would be stolen, but dad appeared chaos, was an unexpected turn, dad caught was scolded by the father, I never read a book like this, but I love reading habits remains.

  I love reading, reading and I have the pleasure of walking in the sea.












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