
2024-04-08 其他类英语作文


  清明节风俗英语作文 1

  Today is the Ching Ming Festival. The ancients said: Qingming season rain have. This is heavy overcast weather, we have a go Ta-Qing Chihu.

  On the way we are going to see that a strong grass and indomitable perseverance, with its staged to greet the spring, not to be outdone, it put on the new green clothes, green flowers in the movie, there is red, there is green, yellow has the ... ... we go for a road, came to a field, the eyes are a feast for the eyes everywhere in gold, stood the rape in high spirits, and for many pearl-like dew-like in the golden slip slide small rolling on ...... chee lake, willow willow braid a section on green leaves and shoots have decoration, is the first girl more than any jewelry would also like to look good.

  After Chihu cemetery, we can not help but go inside. Looking at the graves of martyrs and watched a wreath of small white flowers looked pure, my mind is not fluctuating. I think many, many: of us happy today, a better life for us by the revolutionary martyrs created, but also with their paid for in blood. So, my mind had an idea: the succession of martyrs want behest, studying strenuously strive to become the pillars of the national construction.

  Next, we went to the yellow folder Ao, the mountains are packed, everyones face is filled with nostalgic, looking at this picture, my mind, there has been some regret. I hope all my elders a long life and good health.

  The Qingming Festival Ta-Qing to my feelings more, and once again I know the nature of the mellow side, my great harvest ah well!

  清明节风俗英语作文 2

  Ching Ming Festival, the custom is to enrich interesting, in addition to pay attention to ban fire, grave, as well as hikers, swinging, Cuju, playing polo, Liu ed a series of custom sports. According to legend, this is because the Ching Ming Festival to Cold Food Observance ban fire, in order to prevent the Cold Food Observance buffet beverages, so we come to participate in some sports, in order to exercise. Therefore, this festival in both Jisaoxinfen Health Do not die from the acid tears of sorrow, another outing laughter of play, is a distinctive holiday.

  This was the custom of the ancient Ching Ming Festival. Swing, which means grabbing Leather Strap and migration. Its history is very ancient, the earliest known future generations, the latter in order to avoid the taboo, replaced by swing. The ancient swing multi-purpose tree Lindera sticks to frame, then bolt on the ribbons made of. Later, the progressive development of the pedal for the use of two Shengsuo Jia swing. Swing can not only play better health, but also can develop courage, so far as the people, especially loved by children.

  清明节风俗英语作文 3

  "During the Qingming Festival, there are many rains, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls." Du Mu thinks Qingming Festival is a very sad festival for mourning, but I dont think so.

  I think Qingming Festival is more about joy. Tomb-Sweeping Day has its name-"Qingming" because the scenery is clean and clear at this time of spring. There are many customs in Tomb-Sweeping Day, such as flying kites for an outing and eating Qingming dumplings. Of course, my favorite food is Qingming dumplings, but I have to make delicious food first. Making Qingming dumplings is like wrapping steamed buns, with jade-like skin wrapped around the stuffing.

  A round Qingming dumpling is ready. Finally, put it in the steamer for ten minutes, and it will be full of fragrance. It is even more delicious to taste it again. Secondly, when you go out for an outing, you can smell a faint fragrance of grass washed away by rain. All the way through the beautiful scenery of spring, the small trees along the road have just pulled out short buds. The weather is clear, and the flowers on the roadside are even more colorful, just like the palette in spring.

  There are many customs of Qingming Festival. While we pass down the customs of Qingming Festival, we also hope that more people can feel the happiness of spring, live up to the spring and enjoy it!

  清明节风俗英语作文 4

  Its Tomb-Sweeping Day today, and its the day to visit the grave for an outing. It is a festival of Chinese Han nationality in Tomb-Sweeping Day. It was also called March Festival in ancient times, and we also called Cold Food Festival, which has a history of more than 2,000 years. April 5th of the Gregorian calendar is the Tomb-Sweeping Day, which is one of the twenty-four solar terms.

  Among the twenty-four solar terms, only Qingming is a festival as well as a solar term. Grandma woke me up at first light in the morning. She said Tomb-Sweeping Day had to get up early. At breakfast, grandma brought steaming jiaozi, and I inexplicably asked, why jiaozi? Grandma said to visit the grave after dinner, and jiaozi worshipped his ancestors. I used to be poor at home, and I couldnt eat the last jiaozi for a year. I simply couldnt bear to eat. I just wanted to pay homage to my ancestors and the elderly at home, but others couldnt eat at all. There are eggs and onions on the table. Grandma said that Tomb-Sweeping Day wants to eat eggs and onions, so that children will be smarter. I want to be smarter.

  I ate a lot of eggs and onions. But my mother was laughing aside ... After dinner, we went to the mountain to sweep the grave, worship our ancestors and go for a walk for spring. Dad said that sweeping graves is popular in Tomb-Sweeping Day. Actually, sweeping graves was the content of the cold food festival in Tomb-Sweeping Day the day before, and then it gradually became Qingming sweeping graves. Today, I have learned a lot about Qingming. There are many national traditional festivals in China.

  清明节风俗英语作文 5

  Its another year in Tomb-Sweeping Day, and I cant go home to sweep the dusk on my relatives graves this year. What a pity! Every year before the Qingming Festival, my grandfather had to prepare something for the grave early, such as firecrackers, paper money and some dishes! I remember last year in Tomb-Sweeping Day, when it was drizzling, my grandfather and I took some things to visit my grandmothers grave, and the road was slippery. I walked carefully and said to my grandfather, "Grandpa, be careful, the road is slippery and be careful of wrestling. Grandpa said its okay, just be careful yourself."

  My grandfather and I came to the grave talking and laughing. Grandpa saw a long grass growing on my grandmothers grave. He pulled it out with his hand. I pulled out the bits and pieces of grass on the edge. The rain was getting bigger and bigger. After a while, all the grass on the grave was completely pulled out. We put the wine, rice and some side dishes in front of grandmas grave, set off firecrackers and ate three heads.

  I heard grandpa muttering something in his mouth. I said to grandma, are you okay in the sky? If you have a good life in the sky, remember to bless our family in peace and health. We will come to sweep the sunset with you every year. After that, we packed up the things on the ground and went home with grandpa.

  清明节风俗英语作文 6

  Qingming Festival has come, and somehow it will rain heavily at this time of year. This is just as Du Mu said, "There are many rains in Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls."

  On this day, everyone just went to worship their deceased relatives. When I came to Changguo Temple, everyone who was sweating looked at the next road, only to see the muddy winding mountain road, which looked very difficult to walk! But considering the purpose of coming here, everyone still mustered up confidence and walked forward carefully. Hey, the roads of mud and water, water and mud are really slippery!

  If you are not careful, you may become a "clay bodhisattva". After a period of hard walking, I finally arrived at my destination. Birds are singing and the air is fresh here. When I came to the grave, I saw my uncle take out the prepared food, set the chopsticks, then take out and light candles, incense and paper money, and then bow down one by one at the grave. When it was my turn, somehow I suddenly remembered the scenes when my grandmother was alive, and the space around my eyes was filled with tears. At this moment, I didnt know what it was to cherish after losing ...

  清明节风俗英语作文 7

  Another year is Tomb Sweeping Day, also known as grave sweeping day, which is the day when we pay tribute to our dead relatives and go to their graves.

  Today, I got up very early because I was going to the countryside to go to my grandfathers grave. My grandfathers grave was in a county next to us. It took about an hour to take the bus. It shook all the way and arrived unconsciously. As soon as I got off the bus, wow! There are so many people! The county and the countryside got together today. We first went to the street to buy some small paper works and went up the mountain. It is said that there was a lot of rain during the Qingming Festival. This years Qingming Festival is different. Its sunny. We can see the ancestral tombs on the mountain all the way. We first went to Grandpas grave. According to our custom here, we should first remove the weeds next to the grave, and then carry out the ancestor worship ceremony, This year, the government stipulated that incense burning paper could not be lit on the mountain to avoid fire, so we just pressed some paper money on the grave symbolically, and surrounded the grave with YINGSHANHONG picked by ourselves.

  After sweeping grandpas grave, we have to sweep grandpas grave again. After crossing a mountain, we arrive. Grandpa died of illness, so he is very young. On Grandpas grave, grandma remembered many of Grandpas past events and cried loudly. We all felt the same sadness when we pressed her down the mountain.

  The one-day tomb sweeping activity ended in this way. Although it was difficult to climb the mountain, I finished the activity smoothly with the team. I like Tomb Sweeping Day.

  清明节风俗英语作文 8

  "Qingming Festival rain in succession" this sentence was confirmed by the wonderful nature, yesterday, the rain of patter of patter, my heart is as heavy as a stone, because I want to give my master and old milk the tomb, before, I do not understand the true meaning of the Qingming Festival, until after the tomb, I know the true meaning of the Tomb Sweeping Day!

  At seven oclock in the morning, we are going to sweep the grave for the old man and the old milk. Its a new thing for me to go to the grave. We set out with tools.

  I cant wait to walk on the winding mountain road for about an hour. We came to the tomb of the old man and the old milk. After a year, the graves were full of barren grass. After the division of labor, we began to be busy. After all, we began to burn the paper money. With the curl of smoke, I seemed to look at the smoke. I seemed to look as if I would see the smoke curling up. To their shadow, they told me, "study hard and cherish life.

  Yes, a mans life is short and happy to live every day. To surpass self, transcend oneself, dream will come true; transcend self, dream into power; transcend self, create a beautiful life! I think life surpasses self and transcends dreams! On the mountain, the house of the city is full of eyes, the mountains are full and the mountains are full. The rape flower of golden golden light is deeply breathed, the faint fragrance and fresh air, and those flowers interpret the meaning of life with the force that cannot be resisted.

  清明节风俗英语作文 9

  Today,my father and I went to visit the grave,and I went to the mountain with my fathers car。 On the way,I looked out of the window。 The scenery outside the window is beautiful,flowers and trees,green trees shade。 "Its raining during the tomb—sweeping day。" We stepped on the muddy mountain road,and went to the mountain。 At last,we arrived at the tomb of tai—gong,the great—grandmother,and grandpa ordered a handful of incense,giving each of us three incense sticks,and we worshipped the tomb of the taichung。 When we had finished,we began to give to taigong,who burned the money and the gold and silver in the underworld。 When we had finished,we worshiped again and left。

  清明节风俗英语作文 10

  Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. My parents and I went back to our hometown to visit the grave. On the way to sweep the grave, our car passed all the flat and spacious roads. When we get to the cemetery, we see a sea of people there, all carrying forward the fine tradition of our Chinese nation - Tomb sweeping. When we got to my ancestral grave, I thought people were burning paper, but I didnt smell a cigarette. Again, it turns out that peoples is to a beautiful flower on the grave. After a while, the tomb sweeping was over. After saying goodbye to our grandparents, we returned to Yancheng. The first feeling after returning home is: the changes in the countryside are too great!

  In the past, my grandfathers generation walked on muddy roads and rode bicycles. When it rained, they were in trouble. They didnt ride bicycles with Ben, but "cyclists". Moreover, the agricultural smoke from burning paper during tomb sweeping is rolling. In our current term, it is white pollution. Now, I drive a car and take a flat road. When I sweep the grave, I flowers. And today, people still do not forget the fine traditions of our country, and everyone respects the old and loves the young.

  Today, although our living standards have improved, we should still not forget our fine traditions.

  清明节风俗英语作文 11

  In the twinkling of an eye, the annual Qingming Festival on April 5 came again.

  Today, my parents took me up the mountain to worship my grandfather. Soon we came to Grandpas grave. I only saw that the front of the tomb was covered with tall weeds. My mother quickly picked up the hoe to hoe the grass. Seeing my fathers seriousness in weeding, I can see how much my mother cares about my dead grandfather! After hoeing the grass, my mother put her hand on my shoulder and said, "hang, come and worship my grandfather and tell me your wishes."

  I came to the grave and knelt on my knees, Two hands in one: "Grandpa, even though you have been dead for many years, we still care about you. Grandma is very lonely and boring at home alone. But dont worry, we will take good care of her mother-in-law and make her eat well, dress well, sleep well, even tell stories and jokes to make her happy! Accompany her through her happy old age. Grandpa, you are in heaven, please bless our family safe and happy!Rest in peace! " Then, we lit incense and candles, hung paper money, and then Dad began to set off firecrackers... We reluctantly left.

  I will always remember this beautiful Qingming Festival!

  清明节风俗英语作文 12

  Qingming Festival is one of the 24 solar terms of the lunar calendar. The traditional Chinese Qingming Festival began in the Zhou Dynasty and has a history of more than 2500 years.

  Qingming Festival is not only a traditional festival in China, but also the most important sacrificial Festival. It is a day for ancestor worship and tomb sweeping. Tomb sweeping, commonly known as going to the grave, is an activity of offering sacrifices to the dead. The Tomb Sweeping Day reminds me of the poem "Tomb Sweeping Day" by Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty: "it rains in succession during the Tomb Sweeping Day, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls. Excuse me, where is the restaurant? The shepherd boy points to Xinghua village in the distance." This poem describes the special atmosphere of the Qingming Festival. The first two days of this years Qingming Festival, as described in the poem, had a few days of drizzle. On the Tomb Sweeping Day, God seemed to appreciate it. Instead of "rain after rain" in the past, it became sunny. I asked my grandfather, "shall we go to sweep the tombs of my grandparents?" Grandpa said, "because we went to sweep in the first month, we wont go to Qingming Festival."

  Although I didnt go to the Tomb Sweeping Day, I will cherish the memory of my great grandfather and mother-in-law, as well as the heroes who stood up in all kinds of life and death battlefields and disaster relief.

  清明节风俗英语作文 13

  "During the Qingming Festival, it rains one after another, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls." This poem was written by Du Mu, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty. This poem describes the scene of people going to sweep tombs and pay homage to their dead relatives on the day of Qingming Festival.

  There is a legend about the Qingming Festival: in the Jin Dynasty, there was a Chonger man who was in exile because he was persecuted. While fleeing, once he fainted from hunger. At this time, a man named Jie Zitui saw that he was so hungry, so he cut a piece of meat from his leg and baked it for him to eat. Later, Duke Jie wanted to help him govern the country. However, Jie Zitui didnt want to be an official and refused to see Duke Wen of Jin. So Duke Wen of Jin sent people to burn the mountain where he lived, leaving him only one exit to let him out. But Jie Zitui never came out. He died in the mountain behind his mothers back. In order to commemorate Jie Zitui, Duke Wen of Jin set the day of Jie Zituis death as Qingming Festival.

  Later, on the Tomb Sweeping Day, people went up the mountain with wreaths, or worshipped their relatives and friends in the mourning hall to express their thoughts for their dead relatives and friends.

  清明节风俗英语作文 14

  I had a long holiDay for May Day .I was very happy, because I could do anything I want.

  During those days. I enjoyed myself. At first, I went to the zoo to see lovely animals. And then. I went to the sea world to see beautiful fishes. That was very interesting. Secondly I went for a trip with my parents, we went to Linxia to visit my grandparents and to eat minority’s foods. We rode horse on the grassland and had a fun with local children. It was very exciting. After that, I held a party and invited some of my best friends to visit my house. My mother bought a lot of tasty foods for us, we also took many photos on the party.

  Today is April 5, ching Ming festival.

  My father and I went back to the countryside hometown for ancestors grave. We came to the ancestral grave, dad with his shovel the tombs to repair, and then put the tribute to the grave, took me to the ancestors on three head, got up and down a bowl of wine, spilled a circle around the tombs. In the grave, we walk in the mountains Youll also be able to contribute, on a mountain high, there are lush trees, there are green grass, there are clear lakes, beautiful!

  On the way home, winter jasmine, plum and cherry blossoms are scrambling to in full bloom, fragrance of flowers floating around, a lot of visitors to take photos in front of the flower, laughing faces as beautiful as flowers, how happy ah! Dad told me: tomb-sweeping day is our memory of martyrs, ancestor worship festival, festival is blooming, play for an outing. He told me the martyrs brave fight, fear no sacrifice revolutionary story. I listened to the very touched, it is our predecessors bloody sweat, hard working, just have our good life today, so we should cherish the happy life today, study hard, healthy growth, grow up contribution strength, serve the country!

  清明节风俗英语作文 15

  Its very hot this afternoon. At one oclock, my brother and I each grabbed a bag of paper flowers. My father took paper money and food. The three of us went up the mountain first. My mother and aunt were going to visit the tomb on the mountain later.

  There are two roads in front of us. We still chose the previous road. My mother and aunt rushed from behind for fear of being too late. The stones were uneven and the branches blocked everyones way. I almost fell.

  Relatives came to the grave of great grandfather, and they began to pull weeds together. After a while, the grave of great grandfather The tombstone is clean. At this time, paper flowers will come in handy. I thought to myself. My brother and I held paper lace and stuck it on it with double-sided tape. The colors of paper flowers are very diverse, including bright red, blue like the sea, and yellow like corn... The appearance of paper flowers is even more diverse. We all planted some incense in the soil and then worshipped. Suddenly, with a "bang", many small papers floated down from the sky, and the sound of firecrackers spread all over the whole mountain. We also went to sweep the grave of our great grandmother and burned all the paper money.

  清明节风俗英语作文 16

  Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. My mother and I went to grandmas house. Grandmas house lives in the suburbs. The air there is very fresh and the scenery is beautiful and pleasant, so I like to go to grandmas house very much.

  After lunch in the afternoon, my sister and I went to grandmas old house, where there was a vegetable garden. We went to the vegetable garden first to collect vegetables. The varieties of vegetables in the garden are really rich, such as green vegetables, coriander, garlic, leek, spinach... It seems that collecting vegetables is not an easy job! You see, my mother, my aunt, my sister, my grandfather and my grandmother are constantly collecting vegetables: my grandmother is collecting vegetables, while I am the only one with a small pair of scissors pulling vegetables and cutting vegetables. I first pull up the vegetables, and then cut the roots and soil. Because I cut too much, I cut many vegetable leaves. My sister said I wasted, but I couldnt cut them any more, so I had to give up, I took my sister to fly a kite on the ridge. There were golden rape flowers on both sides of the ridge. My sister and I ran and chased happily on the ridge. The smell of rape flowers came to our nostrils. We had a good time.

  Back to the old house, my sister and I fed the chickens under the chickens and brought vegetables and leaves to the chickens. Sure enough, many chickens gathered together to eat. Even the old hen squatting in the chicken nest came out to eat, "the old hen laid eggs!" Grandpa shouted at my sister and me and quickly took out two eggs from the chicken nest. You see, another one is double yellow! I didnt expect to learn some new knowledge when feeding chickens! splendid!

  In the twinkling of an eye, it was evening. It was time for me to go home. While sitting on the bus, I thought, "its good to go outing during the Qingming Festival. I must go outing more in the future!"

  清明节风俗英语作文 17

  Today is the annual Tomb Sweeping Day. We go to the grave with reverence.

  In the morning, I got up early and was very excited, but my family hadnt cooked the lunch yet. Finally, Im leaving. Im happy to visit the grave in my fathers car against the warm spring breeze. To the destination, there is no noise of the city, there is no car exhaust, there are green grass, colorful flowers, and clear water, swimming with lively and lovely fish.

  This is really a pollution-free holy land.

  We moved things into the small room. My mother took candles and Jiulong would go to the grave to worship. The paths in the mountains were full of green weeds and colorful wild flowers. Pine trees stood like soldiers defending. After a while, after the worship, we began to eat lunch. I couldnt wait to grab the drink, pour it into the cup and eat a lot of things, My stomach is never full. "Go back." At the command of my father, we sorted out our things and went back. I had to leave the mountain forest reluctantly.

  At this time, I sang the Qingming song on the road.

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