追寻作文|追寻 英语作文

2021-10-08 其他类英语作文

  在生活、工作和学习中,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,调节自己的心情。为了让您在写作文时更加简单方便,下面是小编整理的追寻作文|追寻 英语作文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。

  The journey of life will not always be walking in the dark, it has cracks, there will be sunshine. Whether you can see the light depends on whether you open your eyes or not.

  We should learn to cherish every day of our life. Because the beginning of each day will be the first day of the rest of our lives. A man should be able to bend and stretch. In adversity, difficulties and pressure force the body and mind. At this time, he should know the word “Qu”. In good times, luck and environment are good for me. At this time, I should know the word “extend”. If a person is too strong, he will ignore the consequences and be vulnerable to setbacks; if he is too weak, he will be indecisive and miss a good opportunity. If you want to use a soft rope to bind hard firewood, you will go further. If you turn flexibly, you will not be strangled.Life can not rely on the mood to live, but rely on the state of mind to live, low-key life, is to use a peaceful attitude to see everything in the world. The rafters that come out are rotten first, and then they will not fight for nothing. Do not be forced to do things, do a few more transposition thinking, change attitude, can change the problem. For a while, you won‘t be crushed. If you leave one step, you will not be crushed. If you are flexible and flexible, you will be a husband.

  Bending is not flattering or degrading your personality. When I am sick, I find health is the most important; when I am hungry, I find that food and clothing are the most important; when I die, I find that time is the most important. However, when I was not in the world, I found that everything was very important and nothing was important! “The disaster was caused by a moment’s intolerance.”. The purpose of “a good man would rather suffer from immediate losses” is to keep a green hill and gain other benefits by eating the immediate losses. What is the significance if he suffers great losses or disasters or even loses his life because he does not suffer from immediate losses?The turning point of life is often premeditated. When we are constantly looking for a beginning, in fact, it has already opened a small crack in the open door, waiting for you to see the sunshine. The sunshine shines in from the crevice of life, hoping to germinate is hope. It is the real strong that bends and stretches well. When I am sad, I find happiness is the most important; when I am lovelorn, I find love is the most important; when I am poor, I find money is the most important.

  Once the time is right, he will be able to rise like a submerged dragon, display his talents and create achievements. Therefore, the “immediate loss” is to avoid greater losses, to obtain longer-term interests and higher goals. It is a kind of Kung Fu to grasp the present in the favorable situation, and it is even more a kind of realm to live in the present in the adversity. It is stubborn and easy to enter the dead corner, resulting in psychological pressure and increasing physical and mental burden.He is a virtuous man. He who judges the time and measures the situation is a hero. Bending is a broad and tolerant mind. If you have more things than one heart, and if you have less, you should know that you can stop when you have enough. If you are wrong, you will be straight; if you are low, you will be rich. A saint with tolerance can face the reality with his broad mind, indomitable tenacity, and extraordinary mind. He abandons all selfish desires, and tolerates the intolerable things of ordinary people. It‘s not a fairy, it’s all of us.Bending is a sign of maturity, the more bent the bow, the farther you can shoot. Dare to bow your head is great courage, lower your posture, you will fly the highest. It is more effective to bend down to speak; only when the head is bowed can one look up, and only the full ears of grain will bow down to show a lower attitude. When you confirm the original intention of tolerance and understand the value of tolerance, you can bear hardships and stand hard, endure hunger, swallow one‘s breath, bear humiliation and bear heavy burdens, and eventually become a person with great achievements and a real person.“Fortune is the place where misfortune lies, and vice versa.” “When things are extremely strong, they will be reversed; when they are prosperous, they will decline.”.

  “When the water is full, it overflows; when the moon is full, it loses.” These ancient maxims contain profound philosophy of life. No matter how high your status is, you should always keep a low profile. This is the truth of the folk saying, “it’s no good to be mad.”. Be flexible and flexible. If you can bend and stretch, you can combine hardness with softness. If you are rigid, you will be flexible. If you bend and stretch, you will be a real strong person. It is often said that “there is a knife at the beginning of forbearance”. This knife can not only make you feel pain, but also make you learn from the pain. This knife can smooth your spirit and carve out your courage. As long as we are still in all kinds of calculations and struggles, some disputes will never end. Some people say that patience is a compromise. In fact, compromise is not a simple concession, but a consensus is reached on the basis of knowing yourself and the other.A wise man said: “the different results of life originate from different mentality.” Indeed, if the world becomes gray, it is your own heart is not bright enough. As long as reduce a desire, you will get a happiness. “If you can‘t bear what you can’t bear, you can‘t do it.” The man who seems to be a hero and has a high spirit is actually a man of no virtue; and the person who “swallow his anger and prefer to suffer the immediate loss” is a real hero. This kind of patience is not to yield, but to seek another enterprise in concession; it is not to be submissive and willing to be a slave, but to make small concessions and seek the whole. No matter in life or work, compromise is not only for the sake of “home and everything”, “stability and unity”, but also hides a kind of persistence, which is actually a firm determination. Flexibility is the art of bending, timely bending, elastic survival.

  If you want to go high, stay in the low place first, change angle, you will get unexpected harvest.Don’t be a duck on the shelf。

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