
2021-10-03 其他类英语作文


爱英语作文600字 篇1


  Dear father, Father’s Day is coming. I,d like to say something to you. You always work hard so that I can receive a better education and live a better life. You are strict with me in my study and help me with my homework. When I failed an exam, you encour-aged me to be confident and keep trying. When I had trouble in life, you always told me to be brave and smile at life. You have given me so much, not only in my study but also in my life. Thank you for your deep love. Thank you for all that you have done for me. I love you! I hope you will be healthy and happy forever! Happy Fathers Day! Yours, Li Hua


爱英语作文600字 篇2

  Who gives me birth? Who brings me up? Who dedicates his/her whole life to me? My parents.


  Who gives me food? Who gives me clothes? Who gives me care? My parents.


  My parents, they don't want to get any reward from me. Not only my parents, all the parents in the world don't charge anything from their children. They give us everything they can.


  They spend their whole life loving me, so I love my parents, too. Since I was given birth, I have started to love them even if I didn't realize it.


  It will be the time for my birthday soon. I want to say to my parents: I love you Mom and Dad.


爱英语作文600字 篇3

  All the people often say:"mother's love is the greatest in the world! "Yes, mother's love is very great.We mother give us very too much love. But a big number of us, don't know our mother give us too much love. Mothers are very tired. We don't realize that we should make them to rest. Mothers are thirsty. We don't realize that we should give them a cup of tea. When we beacome father or mother. We will know our parents have gave us much love .So,at this moment. We must reture a good grades to our parents.


爱英语作文600字 篇4


  人们经常赞美母爱的无私。其实,父爱同样是伟大的。他们把爱深藏在内心,而不轻易显露。我的父亲就是这样的。有一次高中优秀作文 原创分享 ,我病了,妈妈又不在家,爸爸又当爸又当妈。他下班回家的第一件事就是给我做晚饭。他喂我吃饭的样子让我想起了善良温柔的妈妈。他的眼中充满着爱怜和期待。彼时彼刻,我真的感受到了父爱。

  Father’s Love

  Mother’s love wins people’s praises for its selflessness. In fact, father’s love is as great as that. They bury their love in the deep bottom of their hearts and will never show it. My father is of this kind. I remembered once I felt ill. Mother wasn’t at home at that moment. Father acted as a father and as a mother as well. When he came home from work, he would cook dinner for me first. The way he fed me made me think of my kind and tender mother. His eyes were full of love and expectation. I did feel a father’s love at that time.











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