充分发挥我们的日子Make the most of our days

2021-09-08 其他类英语作文

  Make the most of our days充分发挥我们的日子

  As we all know, our living conditions are getting better and better. We have a lot of things to do every day. After class, we can watch TV, go to the net bar, go to the cinema and so on. But being a student, I think we should make the most of our days.

  One of my friends used to be an excellent student in our school.But he got used to be on line since last year. Whenever he has a chance, he would go to a net bar near our school. And he would stay there far into the night. Now he has lost interest in his study .

  So we can make a conclution that we should make the best of our days and be a good student.

  大家都知道,我们的生活条件越来越好. 我们有很多事要做,每天. 下课后,我们可以看电视,到酒吧网,去电影院等. 但作为学生,我认为我们应该充分发挥我们的日子.

  我的一位朋友曾经是一个很好的学生,他在我们school.But习惯是自去年上网. 每当他有机会,他就到学校附近的`酒吧净. 到目前,他将在那里过夜. 现在他已失去了他的研究兴趣.


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