
2021-07-09 其他类英语作文


家庭英语作文 篇1

  On Sunday, my mom and I played a brain swerve game.

  My mother had a brain teasers, is a rooster lay eggs in the house, the rooster lay eggs from which side fell to the house? I think: if the cock will not lay eggs! Then I said loudly: "the rooster lay eggs will not fall off from the house, because the cock this will not lay eggs. "The mother said," you are so smart, guess right. "At this moment, I burst with joy.

  Then, Dad came out again. The toad saw a few swans in the sky. Why did they croak? Mother said, "because the toad wants to make friends with the swan." "No," said the father. "But I saw it in a book, and I said," because the toad wants to eat a swan. "That's right," Dad said. "

  Finally, I came out, I came out of the word when people entered the door, and mom and dad said, "it's a flash." "Oh my God, you know it all!" I said.

  It was a really happy Sunday.

家庭英语作文 篇2

  every day, we are busy with our studies. our teachers often give us a lot of homework to do. after a day's hard work, we all feel tired. we want very much to have a rest. but when we get home, we still have to do a lot of homework. today i have to work out ten maths problems. i must write a chinese composition and recite twenty english new words. it is really a hard job. most of the students in our class become short-sighted. i hope we can have more spare time to do games.

家庭英语作文 篇3

  If I have a choice between studying at home using computers and television or studying in a traditional school setting, I’d choose the traditional setting . Maybe it’s just what I’m used to ,but I don’t think that technology can replace teachers and classrooms.

  After all, technology can fail. Computers go down and computer programs crash. Televisions break, and the electricity can suddenly go off. In those situations, who's going to teach me? If I'm at school, and the television or the computers stop functioning, there's a teacher to step in and change the lesson plan. Teachers can draw on their teaching experience and be creative. Computers and televisions can't.

  I'd also miss the chance to interact with other students if I weren't going to school. I think learning to play and work with other people is one of the most important lessons we learn in school. It prepares us for life, and for working with other people. Being with other people also helps us discover who we are.

  Another concern I have about studying at home is getting distracted. It's strange, but I think being home alone is more distracting than being at school with a lot of people. At school, we're all focused on the same subjects. At home, it would be so easy to turn off the computer or the television and go do something else. I might tell myself that it's okay to play a computer game now and make up the study hours later. Chances are, I'd never make up the study hours.

  I'm all in favor of using technology in the classroom. I think computers and television are great ways for students to have access to a lot of information. I just don't think they should be the only tools I have as a student. I also need teachers and other students to help me get a complete education.

家庭英语作文 篇4

  Family, Friends, Career 家庭,朋友,事业

  In a sense,the life of each of us is made up of family, friends and career. If any of them is lacking,our life is not intact and we may feel embarrassed, regretful, or even painful.


  One's family is his harhour where he can rest and relax himself when he sails home through winds and waves of the outside world. One's friends are his most trustworthy and most valuable companions. He and his friends will help and encourage each other on the long journey of life. One's career is the reflection of his talent and value which he offers society. So we can say that one's family, friends and career are just what support him in this world and make him feel happy, safe and important.


  Anyone who longs for a delightful life should cherish his family, take sincere care of friendship and devote himself to his career.


家庭英语作文 篇5

  My parents are very strict.Because I have so many family rules.

  For example,i can't go out with my friends at school nights.On weekends,i have to go home before nine p.m.It's strict,but i think it's necessary.

  And i must finish my homework in time.I can't play computer games.I have to wash clothes by myself.

  I have to get up at six o'clock every morning.And i have to be in bed by ten o'clock.

  Thanks to these rules.I can live health.But i think to be in bed by ten o'clock is unfair!Students need nine hours sleep!

  And i think play some computer games is not badly.Soi think the family rules can make some change.







家庭英语作文 篇6

  Family planning is the most effective way to solve the population problem the seriousness of which is often underestimated by us. Quite obviously family planning has so far made little progress here on this island. At a time when half of the world is suffering from starvation poor health and a deplorably low standard of living we simply cannot take lightly the population problem if we don't control the birth rate right now we’ll surely lead a miserable life in the near future. Illiteracy is perhaps the main enemy of family planning. Countries, which share the highest birth rate such as Brazil and India, are also those which share the highest illiteracy rate. People there don't even know what is "birth control." To me, the ignorance of family planning is a social problem. So we had better begin with social reforms through, say, legislation, etc. of course, we cannot deny the necessity of the medical approach and we should use it in conjunction with other methods. The answer to the question whether man can survive the three crises of the 20th century, namely, totalitarianism, population and pollution, is in our hands.

家庭英语作文 篇7

  该类别主要包括:家庭关系、 养老、 啃老。

  Young people are used to relying financially on their families

  The cartoon reveals a very thought-provoking scene. The artist purposefully exaggerates…… . This picture reveals the in-depth problem of…… .

  In fact,…… . There are two reasons for this. The first and perhaps most important is that…… . The other reason is more serious from a practical point of view.…… . It owes to…… .

  In my point of view, the trend goes quite against the genuine and original purpose of our…… . What I want to emphasize by the above analysis is that,…… . Therefore,…… I strongly contend that…… .

家庭英语作文 篇8

  On September 28, 20xx, a piece of news carried amiddle-school student’s letter written before his suicide. In his letter, the15-year-old boy earnestly begged his father to give up his bad behavior andrenew a cordial relationship with his mother. After reading the letter, myheart bled bitterly. Though suffering greatly from his troubled family, the boyhad a deep love for his young life, his lovely classmates and his respectableteachers. But to bring back his father’s moral and a happy family, he ended hislife by swallowing pesticide.


  Poor kid, why did you resort to such an unwise move?Since you dearly loved your parents, you could have done otherwise. You showedthe world with your pure, innocent and kind heart that you longed for abeautiful life and hated the evil. But you chose the wrong way to realize yourdesires and wishes.


  The tragedy exposed a grave social problem: domesticviolence and lack of family communication. Clearly, marriage break-ups do greatand inevitable harm to children. As we know, each family, as a cell of society,is concerned with social stability and happiness of its people, and moreimportantly, the future of a nation.


  People often say parents are the first teachers oftheir children. Parents’ behaviors greatly affect the growth and development oftheir children. A happy and harmonious family environment is essential tochildren’s healthy growth. Personally, this incident may serve as a warning toparents, who are expected to regulate their behaviors and set a good example tocreate a good environment for their children’s life and study. Let’s remember:harmony starts from home.


家庭英语作文 篇9

  Family education generally refers to the process of parents and their adult family education of the minor child. Their educational goals should be: before children enter socially acceptable collective education (kindergarten, school education) to ensure that children develop physical and mental health, to accept kindergarten, school education lay the foundation. In children park, into the school, with kindergartens, schools make it moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic, labor-round development aspects.

  (A) family of early sex education

  The family is the cradle of the lives of children, their education after the birth of the first place, that the first class of life; parents are the child's first teacher, that teacher of enlightenment. Therefore, parents of children with the best education facilities early sexual.

  (B) the continuity of family education

  The second feature is the family education continuity. After the child is born, from small to large, almost 2/3 of the time living in families, day and night, are accepted with parental education. Such education is the intentional and unintentional, planned and unplanned, consciously and unconsciously being carried out, no matter what way, at what time education, are the parents in their own words and deeds affect the education of children anywhere . Such education for children living habits, moral character, conversation and behavior so constantly giving impact and demonstrate its subtle effect is quite large, along with a person's life can be said to live to old to learn, so some Parent educator again called lifelong teachers.

  (C) The family education authority

  Family education is the authoritative parents and elders in their children embodied the power and might. The existence of family, kinship established between parents and children, dependency relationships, emotional relationships, children in terms of moral and material needs of life for parents and elders have a great dependence, consistency fundamental interests of family members, have decided Every parent their children have a greater role in the constraints. Parental education and obedience easily accepted by children, parents and rational use of this feature, the children form good character and behavior are very helpful.

  (D) Family Education infectious

  Natural and intimate, so that parents emotions kinship and relationship between parents and children on the child have a strong role in infection. Children of parents demeanor often hint to love through affection. When processing occurs around the people and things around relationships and problems, the attitude of the parents of the children held easily resonate.

  In short, the importance of family education of parents as to fully and consciously make the child's education, parental responsibility and obligation to do good for the country and qualified construction professionals.










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