
2021-07-08 其他类英语作文


friend英语作文 篇1





  怒发冲冠凭栏处,潇潇雨歇。抬望眼,仰天长啸,壮怀激烈。三十功名尘与土,八千里路云和月。莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切。 靖康耻,犹未雪,臣子恨,何时灭。驾长车踏破贺兰山缺,壮志饥餐胡虏肉,笑谈渴饮匈奴血。待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天阙。



friend英语作文 篇2

  Do you have any good friends? May is one of mine. She is ten years old. She is tall, and she has a round face, big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth, her hair is long and black. May and I are classmates, she sits behind me. We go home together every day when school is over. She does well in math while I'm good at Chinese. I often help her with her Chinese and she helps me with my math. We help each other and love each other, we're good friends.

friend英语作文 篇3

  I have a good friend.her name is lisa.she is 10 years old.she has two big eyes and a small nose.she is kind and pretty.she is a student.her favourite color is pink.her favourite food is sandwich.she likes cats very much.because it is very cute.she also likes dogs.she lives on a farm. she favourite place is Los Angeles.she also likes Malibu.she likes run very much.she likes art class.ahe is good at art. she goes to school by car.

  Ilove my friend.I wish our friendship forever.Do you have a friend.please, tell me.

friend英语作文 篇4

  In class, my best friend is Huang Wu nameplates, she, she is neither tall nor short, not fat or thin figure, round face has a pair of big eyes, small mouth like a cherry, her smile, will show two small dimples.

  Her English is very good, read an English book are all she knows, English teacher still let her take to read English!

  Performance in the class, she may not be the best of a man! Because sometimes I can also more than her (my math, Chinese and English are not very well) she is my best best best friends, although I have trouble with her several times, but, when she will come with me and finally, when I cry, she is always so sweet, ran over to comfort me; "What's the matter with you? Don't cry." Huang Wu nameplates, dasey composition of is me, a few times I see her the best, the composition of both the scenery, write, write, write free writing, she is to write very well.

  She is my best friend, I am very glad to be with her become good friends!





friend英语作文 篇5

  a girl named marry always remind me of the happy moment in my life in senior high school. several years passing by, however, i still remember the day on which we became desk-mates. she was in a blue dress with a sweaty smile when she comes to me, i felt that the smile beautify my world at the same moment.

  i had great difficulty in english study before we recognize each other. to my surprise, she made every effort to improve my english. what impressed me most is that she is quite patient to me. as a result, i made great progress in english learning. therefore, i was deeply moved by what she has done for me, but she holds the view that as friend of mine she is willing to do this for me.

  as the saying goes, true friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it is lost. i have not seen her for a long time, however, she is my best friend forever. in addition, i'm extremely appreciative of her support and help. to perceive a friend, therefore, is to perceive oneself. each can be said to provide a mirror in which the other may see myself. meanwhile, she gives me a lesson about friendship, virtuous friends should recognize each other's moral excellence, only in this way can we get along better and better.

friend英语作文 篇6

  Sally is my best friend. She is a girl. Both of us are good at English, so we often talk in English in our spare time. After school, we often do homework together. When we are playing, she runs so fast that I cannot catch up with her. She is an excellent student. She likes pop and classical music. Her dream is to become a teacher. I love my friend Sally.

friend英语作文 篇7

  I have many friend.Do you know who they are?Are they my pet?

  No.Are they my classmates?No.

  Let me tell you:they are my favourit book.

  I like books very much.I like reading science book,cartoonbook so on.

  Not only let me know how wonderful the word is but also teach me how to be a good person in the society,they give me great pleasure.

friend英语作文 篇8

  Hello,My name is Tom.This is my best friend Bob. He is a handsome boy, and he likes laugh very much. If youtell him a funny story, he will always laugh. Then youwill find thathe looks like a monkey.Playing chess is his hobby, And of course he plays chess very well. If you want to play chess with him, Iassure you that you will certainly lose. Can you tell me something about your friend?



2.A Friend英语作文





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