
2021-06-28 其他类英语作文


快乐的英语作文 篇1







快乐的英语作文 篇2

  Hua Mei Oxford Summer Camp is an interesting summer camp. I met many new friends here and studied together happily. The life in the Summer Camp is colourful and unforgetable.

  Richard is our teacher and he teaches us the history about Britain. From his class, we have learned many knowledges, such as King Henry has six wifes, a fire happened in 1666 and so so. Clair is another teacher . She is very lovely and patient. I lcve her very much. And Mattew、Robert, they are all good teachers. They teach us so many things. When I see them, I feel happy.

  Everyday, we have wonderful and diversity party at night. At the party, we can learn more sentences. I think it’s so good.

  In the Summer Camp, we study English、play with other pupils and communicate with teachers. I enjoy for everything about this Summer Camp. I hope I can go to HuaMei Summer Camo next year.

快乐的英语作文 篇3



  刚才,我又把这节课从头到尾在脑海里回顾了一遍,最让我满意的是:课堂上,孩子们那一张张洋溢着幸福的笑脸。他们自信地站起来朗读故事,他们勇敢地走上讲台做超级PK,宣传自己做的创意party的海报,还有他们无拘无束的表达,他们发自心底的笑声,他们偶尔幽默的调侃,他们高高举起的小手……看着看着,我不由自主地被他们的`童真感染,一次次忍俊不禁。有一组镜头特别可爱:当小Tom站起来告诉大家他最喜欢的礼物是一件连衣裙的时候,全班同学大笑起来,小男孩竟然会喜欢连衣裙!我不失时机的唱了一句同学们刚刚学会的Declan的歌曲Tell me why…调皮又聪明的Eric竟然大声唱起来:Tell mewhy .Why does Tom like a dress?全班同学一起附和。这时Tom从容地站起来回答说:I want thedress because I want to give it to my mother as apresent. My mother likesdresses.多有爱心的孩子啊!同学们把热烈的掌声送给了小Tom.







快乐的英语作文 篇4

  I went to the Summer Camp in HuaMei in this summer holiday. The life in Summer Camp is very interesting. I have studied many knowledges such as British English、food in the world、western holiday、spare time’s activities. I love the courses very much..

  I also learned how to live independently. Before I came to Summer Camp, I couldn’t wash my clothes. In here, I learned how to wash my clothes and set the beds. At the first few days, I felt homesick, but the colorful camp life let me feel happy. I enjoy the life here.

  I love the Summer Camp, because I have learned many knowledges and made many good friends.

快乐的英语作文 篇5


  Today, I prepared many delicious snacks because I am going camping with my good friends. On the way, we were a little hungry, so I ate something with you. Later, we arrived at the camp, set up the tent and laid the blanket. We had a good time talking and laughing while eating!


  In the past, I used to live at home and school, but this year I lived in the wild. This "61" is unforgettable!

快乐的英语作文 篇6

  this summer is evry surprised, because it is a special one,during the summer, i have beening done many work,for example,chinese work,math work,physics work and so on.i have made a big progress ,i feel very confdence and very happy.

  since august 8th,20xx,i watch many games on my computer evey day, sometimes watch the games at midnight.the olympic opening ceremony is very great. it make evryone chinese prond.even many foreigners feel surprising.we have got eight gold medals ,i am very happy and proud, i am chinese. i believe our players will win more gold medals.

快乐的英语作文 篇7

  Chinese new year is a chinese traditional festival. We also call it the spring festival. It is on lunar january 1st.

  On new year's eve, all the people sit around the desk and have a big family dinner. There are some vegetables, some fish, some meat, some fruits and some drink like juice, coke, pepsi and some nice wine. Overall, this is a good and delicious dinner. After dinner, we always watch TV new year progammes. We have a wonderful evening on new year’s eve.

快乐的英语作文 篇8

  Happiness is a kind of enjoyment. I'm particularly happy, because I'm going to enjoy the Spring Festival this year! I didn't stay on the night before, and this year I gave my mother a proposal to watch the night. Beauty!

  We live at the top, and the people in the yard have fireworks, and we can all see it! Last year put the fireworks, our whole family stood on the balcony, suddenly, a fireworks put up, let us look, it is really big! We almost didn't smoke our windows! When it was just put up, my house was flickering, Jane was just so beautiful!

  We also eat dumplings in the new year, parents always call me to elders to speak blessings, the harm of my little beautiful face is red! Don't say it to others.

  I look forward to the new year every day.

  I love the happiness of the New Year!



  回族:年三十晚上包饺子,这一天要把素日里喜欢搬弄是非的小人的“嘴”捏上,端上热腾腾的饺子,打开预先做好的腊八醋,一家人团坐在桌前,欢声笑语,其乐融融!孩子们却对桌上摆的各种零食更感兴趣,果壳可以随便扔满一地,三十晚上不能扫,叫“踩碎(岁)”。 春节这天,噼噼啪啪的鞭炮声响彻云天,孩子们穿着崭新的衣服,初一中午年饭丰盛无比,但晚上要吃面条或是合子,象征新的一年和顺、团圆、美满。



快乐的英语作文 篇9

  This summer, I move to a new city with my parents, and I transfer to a new school.

  I used to live in the countryside, so my new life is so different from before. The school is a little far from my home, so I go to school by bus. After school, I have many activities in school. Classmates are friendly to me. I learn English now. It’s so interesting that I like it very much. Besides, life in city is different. There are many interesting places to go. At weekends, my parents take me outside. We go to the park, the zoo or go shopping. But we are not so familiarwith our neighbors. I think we should build good relationship with them.











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