
2022-08-30 其他类英语作文


学英语作文 篇1

  we are all flowers , our families are our gardens. it is a place where we can get protected. as gardeners , our parents sacrifice a lot for us . no matter what happens to us, our families will stand in front of us . instead of blaming us , they give us a lot of help.they love us ,no matter what we do . when you fail to do something , your motion will be very low . then family will give us alot of happiness. our families also teach us a lot .

  It tells us how to become a outstanding person , how to do useful things to our homeland , how to live a happy life . in some way , our families are our first teachers in the world , weneed them for ever.

  Also we should do somethings for our families .in the future ,we should be their pride.

学英语作文 篇2


  One sunday afternoon whenI was learning to ride my bike,I fell down and hurt my arms badly. As soon as my parents heard this, they took me to the hospital at once.

  During my stay in bed, they took good care of me and cheered me up. Meanwhile, they helped me with my lessons. With their help,I caught up with my classmates. Now ill try my best to study well to repay my parents.





学英语作文 篇3


  Time: 3:00 p.m. on December 10, 20xx

  Place: multifunctional meeting room of the company


  1. Wang Ming, general manager

  2. Li Fei, sales manager

  3. Liu Li, production manager

  4. Zhang Hua, purchase manager

  5. Sun Yu, minutes keeper


  1. The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed and signed.

  2. The general manager heard the working report from the department managers.

  3. The general manager announced the dates of the company's holidays: 5th to 16th July.

  4. No further business. The meeting ended at 4:00 p.m.


  本文要求填制一份会议记录。会议记录一般包括会议时间、地点、出席人、缺席人、会议议程等等。就本题目而言,中文表达均已给出,考生只要将其合理地表达成英文即可。注意时间和地点的表达方式,另外还有个别单词或词组的翻译.如“听取汇报”为hear the report from…。

学英语作文 篇4

  in the bivouac of life

  be not like dumb driven cattle!

  be a hero in the strife!

  soft, calm, yet eloquent that that is her words.

  no one can avoid the inferiority comple before her, no one,im sure. for she is truly an achiever: the winner of 4 academy awards, including physics, mathematics. incidentally, her score last year stands at 4.0, beyond anyones wildest dream.

  not solely a scoring machine, jenny is a payer as well. unyielding, hard working, always energetic thats what her suecess is all about.

  imagine what challenges one has to conquer if born in a poor country. jenny has met all that obstacles head on. she is an un yielding girl, with uncanny instincts, thriving in adversity, she can always find a way. it is her fueled indestructible competitive desire that makes a difference. as the saying goes: when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. jenny is such kind of tough people with the burning desire that gets her there.

  mere desire does not help. if desire is the weed that later produces success and achievement, then her daily endeavor is surly the fertile soil in which the weed must grow. a workaholic,she is, indeed. always the first to get up and the last to sleep,she tries to grasp every precious minute and embodies their genuine merits. she is reading english aloud in the raw, bleak wind while others are dreaming satisfied in their warm, cozy bed; she is savoring the ecellent book in the library while others are gossiping a certain dress in the cafe; she is pursuing true knowledge while others is seeking real love in the charming moonlight.

  she delights in making love with the broad unknown world.

  every little ecellence of hers is achieved by sacrificing a great many, including friendship and entertainment, like edison, ford, einstein and freud.

  however, the failure of energy, in our eye, seems never disturb her. she is a fountain of vigor, the fountain that never dries up. while strength is usually bound in numbers, hers comes from within. without regular meals, without appropriate sleep, even without sincere love,but all above are not half so important as compared with the steps shes just made. that is absolutely enough.

  burning desire to win, relentless spirit, endless energy,these are something to savor, as we look forward to more spectacular quality from one of the schools most breathtaking competitor jenny. her tenacious performance earned her the best student of the year, the recognition she so richly deserved.

  yesterdays little feather is flying with the wind, becoming todays most captivating jenny. lets come fly with her.

学英语作文 篇5

  By the time children enter school, they’ll have spent up to one-third of their waking hours in front of TV. The enormous influence of television is just beginning to be realized. While many parents take television as an electronic baby-sitter, they neglect the fact that television may be more harmful than it is beneficial to children.

  Those who encourage small children to watch television claim that many programs for children on TV are helpful to develop children’s interest and enrich their knowledge. They also argue that preoccupied with TV programs, children are prevented from doing mischief. Although at a first glance these arguments sound true, the behavior of some children doesn’t seem to prove them.

  In the first place, programs for children are not always beneficial to them. One science fiction serial keeps telling about some supernatural beings who can fly and always fight against evildoers. After watching several episodes, a small child was so enchanted that he imitated the heroes and “flew” from his room on the second floor. There are also reports of children running away from home to the mountains to practice martial art. These incidents are naturally credited with TV programs for children.

  Further, being preoccupied with TV programs is not a good way for avoiding mischief. In the days before TV, parents used to gather together with their children, telling stories or reading poems to them. The communication between parents and children was thus better, so it was easier for children to understand what was good conduct.

  Those who approve of children’s watching TV neglect television’s bad effects on children. Firstly, children are surrounded and bombarded by commercials for toys and foods. They are tempted into becoming consumers. They earnestly ask their parents to buy things which they do not really need. As a result, the parents are in a financial dilemma, and the children themselves always become victims of bad products because of false advertising.

  Another bad effect of television is that children are over-exposed to violence. They watch hours of murders, fights, and crimes every week, with no adult around to tell them that life is not like that most of the time. The effect of the heavy dose of violence is to suggest to children that violence is an ordinary way of life, and that shooting and cheating are ways to success.

  Most serious of all, children who often watch TV are becoming passive. They just sit back and let things happen to them. Children are inventive; they have the ability to imagine a whole world of their own. But what happens when their imagination is not needed, when TV does all the imagination for them? Obviously, these children are not going to grow up as inventive and imaginative as their parents, for they have been robbed of creative impulses by television.

  To sum up, children’s indulgence in television is harmful. The problem, nevertheless, is not one of prohibition. Parents should supervise and guide their children’s watching TV instead of parking them in front of the tube, hoping it will act as a baby-sitter.

学英语作文 篇6





  The undergraduate, who is on his way to a job interview, is stunned after hearing a ridiculous condition: the position is only for the man born in the year of dog. More ironically, a dog is eager to try. Conspicuously, that is a horrible depiction concerning the discrimination in job market. Over the past years, all kinds of discriminations(改为discrimination,它是一个不可数名词) have (has) been condemned or made illegal, but one insidious form continue to thrive: some harsh conditions some employers imposed when recruit new,(句子成分不清,建议改为some harsh conditions are imposed on the employers when a company recruit new) ranging from height to household registration. So, what cause(改为causes) these problems? Firstly, thetremendous number of graduates- still mounting each year- make organizations powerless to screen out right candidates. (本句话说服力不够强) For which(改为this) reason, numerous bizarre approaches have come out to find “the right person”. Moreover, the current state of affairs may have been encouraged by lack of severe penalty and punishment to those arrogant organizations who(改为which) shrink the obligation of selecting eligible staff. A good case in point is one of my roommates, with excellent performance in the job interview, failed to obtain the occupation(本句话可改为who performs excellently in the job interview, but fails to obtain the occupation,若要按作者的写法,应该在failed之前加but,用来连接两个简单句,且将failed改为fail) as a consequence of inadequate height.The clear message is that we should get moving to launch a war against those irresponsible companies. Just as rejecting those duty-shrinking corporations, making complaint to administrator as long as we meet this situation.(整句话没有谓语动词,且administrator使用不当,本句话可改为:To reject the duty-shrinking corporations, we should report the situation to the relevant authorities) More significantly, the authorities should charge with the obligation of laying down associate-effective discipline which seems appropriate in the light of current situation. By these methods, we will surely get through this tough period before long.




学英语作文 篇7

  Mid-autumn festival is one of the most important day for Chinese people. The families ill get together and enjoy the reunion. Mooncake is the typical food. People ill have it hile appreciate the full moon.

  At this time, the old generation like to tell the story of Hou Yi and his ife, hich is the ing of this festival. Hou Yi is a man ith great strength. He shot don nine suns and left only one. hile his ife as so curious to taste the pill hich Hou Yi told her to keep it for him. Then his ife flied to the moon and left Hou Yi forever.

  It is said that the ife lives in the moon. So hen e look at moon, she is atching us.

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