
2022-12-13 美丽


  美丽是什么英语作文带翻译 篇1

  There is a saying," The desire to look attractive is universal." I believe everyone long for beautiful.Actually,what is beautiful?Different people hold different opinions.Some people think beautiful means the appearance,but some insist a beautiful heart is more important.As far as I am concerned,a beautiful heart is more significant than a good looking.


  On the one hand,I don't know whether you have heard the sentence," The beauty of the mind is the true beauty." No matter what a person looks,beautiful or ugly,if he has a beautiful heart,he is beautiful.In the daily life,there are always some people who don't have a good looking,but they are liked and admired by all of us.The truth is that they have a kind hearted.They won't hurt others,instead of helping them.It is no wonder that they build a beautiful image in others' heart.


  On the other hand,if a beautiful looking person has a heart as malicious as snakes and scorpions,how can other people treat them as beautiful?No matter what a person looks,if he often do the thing that hurts others or break the line of morality,no one will think he is beautiful.For example,a beautiful lady who sees an old lady fall on the ground,she blames her in the way instead of helping her to stand up.She will be looked down upon by the common people in the end.


  In a word,beautiful has no business about appearance,but the inside heart.The people have a kind hearted must be beautiful.


  美丽是什么英语作文带翻译 篇2

  Beauty is everywhere.Beauty,is unusual,it is rare.Sometimes,she can inadvertently appeared in front of you; Sometimes,she needs you to capture.In life,need you to be found.

  I discovered the beauty in life,on the bottom of the creek is permeated with the laughter of children,is a kind of happiness; A rough sea is a vast beauty; At home,my mother send me to school every day is the beauty of a kind of happiness...

  In march of the spring,the earth regained consciousness,niaoyuhuaxiang,everything was born in the spring.Even the bees and butterflies out exercise.You see,the sun is rising,will engaging to connect,you are quick to raise both hands to embrace this beautiful spring! Summer,red sun hanging in the sky,farmers uncle "facing the loess back" cultivates the hard work,is the beauty of a kind of selfless dedication.In autumn,the fruit of good harvest in filled with the sweet beauty.In winter,children in the snow to a snowball fight,is a cheerful.I couldn't help but see,is what touch me?Is beauty,the beauty of life,the beauty of spirit.




  美丽是什么英语作文带翻译 篇3

  Beauty usually refers to what appeals to the eye.A nice and well built girl is regarded as beautiful.A bunch of vigorous flowers are also considered as beautiful.A splendid waterfall coming down from a mountain is as well looked on as beautiful.

  Beauty also refers to what appeals to the mind.The virtue of the Chinese nation industry and bravery are taken as beautiful,because it helped to produce such a magnificent culture in the world.Einstein‘s theory of relativity is also perceived as beautiful,for it explains many natural phenomena so perfectly.

  Beauty is around us.If you keep an eye or pay some attention,it is never difficult to find something beautiful somewhere about you.Wonderful natural spots,historical relics,fine arts,splendid buildings,and kind people are just a few inches away.





  美丽是什么英语作文带翻译 篇4

  In fact,such as durian,although the appearance of ugly and cruel,but opened it,there are delicious fruit has attracted many people; so too,see things or people do not just look outside the United States,because it is likely that this is a hoax,a famous appearance only,more important is the inner beauty can see the best quality.

  I am a young odd appearance,everybody avoided the durian.From the day I was born,I complained why was so ugly,so I did not face in front of a public occasion,see......But the mother said to me,"to give yourself confidence,if you try hard to get others to accept your understanding of the meaning of your existence,then you don't need to annoy your ugly appearance.I do not know if this is a kind of extravagant,at least to the present,the fact is in front of the eyes,only to see you dare to put into action.

  The road ahead is too long,I cringed.Because my body is always wearing a spiked clothes,not only daunting,but also bring harm to people,if stab injury,do not leave a scar so ugly,the more people hate......What should I do?I have tried to improve their taste,hoping to arouse people's attention,slowly,I found it in vain,because standing while watching people is very small,makes me sad is,they laughed at me "meteor hammer box (a weapon),painfully I closed my eyes,silently sobbed,dreams are virtual,it is not a sense of security and a sense of utter despair,shouting in front of me,confused by gray haze shrouded,rainbow has disappeared Not the least trace was found.It turned out that I had no position and worthless in the minds of people!

  I gradually mature,through the years in my new China and did not walk through...I came to a very busy,crowded place - the market,the supermarket,the market.I began to cheered and cheered.Occasionally,there was an alluring smell in my body.This is my personal charm,and I began to have the activity and passion of returning to the brook.So I waited confidently for the lucky landing of the confidant.My director has sent me to the home of a bosom friend by money trading.

  In their warm harbor,the family didn't discriminate against me,and it was better than I imagined.The little owner volunteered to touch my cold and cruel thorn.I have never had a happy heart ripples,echoed sweetly; until one day,those who bravely dig my tough shell,came home in a stir,I also a collection of gold bulging flesh,and color,aroma,taste,which made the neighborhood drool with envy.

  Finally,after that,more people pay attention to me,they no longer mind the uneven and ugly appearance of my appearance,but to know how to cherish my inner beauty! My descendants are more able to lift their heads and raise their breasts with good intentions to benefit mankind.

  Durian is not simple,although it is ugly,but the table has a pure and against the heart,its good quality in Liufang bes; so,the external beauty is important,but the lack of the inner beauty of the support,to have good quality.

  I believe you own inner beauty's success in life!









  美丽是什么英语作文带翻译 篇5

  When summer holiday comes,I always go back to my hometown and spend the time with my grandparents.I like the life there,it is so simple and happy.Living in the countryside,I feel the peace in my heart.It seems the days become longer.In the morning,I hear the cock make out the sound,as if it is singing,then I wake up.Sometimes I will go to the mountain and I can hear some birds singing.I enjoy listening to these birds' sound.I am so close to the nature.I love everything that the nature brings.The green tree,the colorful flower,the clean water even the fresh air.I find its beauty.


  美丽是什么英语作文带翻译 篇6

  People who are in successful,and often neglect the beauty of the process,but the beauty of butterflies,often being defined as the color of color,and more beautiful,should be the process of breaking into butterfly creation.I often listen to my father say that people's ideals and wish changes with age,changes in the environment.I remember that my parents took the box bag in the trading market,winter,very cold,and the time to refrigerate in them,my mother often chant: "It is about to warm next year." In the evening,after the meal,they always count money: "Today sold more than 100 yuan,probably earn more than 35 yuan,and I will buy a hamburger tomorrow." At that time,I didn't interested in them every day.I only said; "Tomorrow's dad watch the store,my mother is lunch,my father is difficult to eat." At home,our family's economic conditions are still not good,and parents earn money can only keep life.

  After the speech,the students talk about the topic of online chat,playing games,I can only stand on the side or hurry away.Sometimes I also get angry to my parents: "I am fooling,earning money too little,can't afford computer." Now think about it,my parents are not easy.In the past few months,I will step into the middle school era.I have to hurry to do my homework and strive to take the ideal school.So,pursue beauty about the ending,thinking is unlimited in the sunset.And I have a big trim with their views.Is there a beautiful rainbow in the sky,is there more than the beauty of the rainbow?Every step in life should be serious.The beauty of life,but he uses his own eyes on the road,catching the scenery.When you seriously walk every step of your feet,you will harvest unforeseen beauty.Every step is enough to achieve a beautiful,every step is also beautiful,seriously gone,will not regret at the end.As we pay attention to the beauty of the results,we will miss many charming landscapes.And what he can achieve,the top more is the height foreseen of narrow thinking,never board the peak foresee by numerous beauty.I don't miss the beauty of the pursuit of the results,you can't miss it.The beauty of the process,you will understand that failure is not the beginning of the luck,the success is not the end of the beautiful.



  美丽是什么英语作文带翻译 篇7

  Autumn wind,a leaf dyed into a colorful,I know autumn is coming.

  Autumn is red.Persimmon red,hung on the branch like a small red lantern,attracted passers-by to stop and admire it! The apple is bright red,like the shy cheek of a little girl,and her head is lowered with embarrassment.The red maple leaves dyed the whole hillside red,and looked like a large fire cloud from afar.

  Autumn is white.Chrysanthemum and jasmine have a strong fragrance.Their unique fragrance is particularly attractive.White cotton feels soft,just like marshmallow,I really want to lick it! The white clouds in the sky look so comfortable.I really want to pick them back when the scarf is around my neck.

  Autumn is yellow.The leaves of ginkgo tree are light yellow,like a small fan; the yellow orange,a ball of hanging all over the branches,looks like a small ball from afar.In the field,the rice rolled with golden waves seems to spread a golden carpet on the earth.

  Autumn is colorful.The strings of Amethyst grapes glistened in the sun.In the green vegetable field,the fat and tender leaves are glistening with dew.

  I like this gorgeous and brilliant autumn color.It gives the earth a beautiful picture and brings people the joy of harvest.







  美丽是什么英语作文带翻译 篇8


  Spring is coming,the mountain is green,the ground is green,colorful flowers are blooming.In my small courtyard,the camellia tree is full of flowers,which are like a spring girl calling for it; peach blossom is pink and pink,which is like a girl's red face; Magnolia is sending out fragrance,which tells us the smell of spring.


  "Sand and sand,sand and sand",what's the matter?It turned out that the spring rain princess fell on the grass,some trees have grown luxuriant leaves,and some trees just sent out light green shoots.There is a bird making a nest on the big tree.In the flowers,the bees are picking the nectar happily.


  Spring is coming,everything is reviving,how beautiful everything is!

  美丽是什么英语作文带翻译 篇9


  The voice is the most beautiful.


  Boom boom,boom boom,this momentum is tired of the sound of thunder,just like a band playing drums playing in the sky,it rained,"tick.".Ticking "this beautiful rain always reminds people of beautiful memories.I feel like I am in a quiet,my own space,and I will listen to the rain quietly.How gentle it is! I heard it in a world full of perfect rhymes.


  Sitting under the tree,a fresh wind blows,the tree can always "rustle" singing,each leaf has its own unique voice,as if a large orchestra is only singing for you.That sound will come to your mind.You just need to close your eyes and listen carefully,you can unconsciously drive away the worries in your heart,and you no longer feel that you are insignificant.


  The cook's voice is even more peculiar when cooking,"Dong Dong..." This is the beginning of the chef's performance.The best match between the pot and the shovel is too much.These sounds are like the ringing of the bell.When the dishes are fried,the music is over.


  The musicians among the insects - I know,their performance is absolutely beyond doubt,and the sound can be called first-class.In the sun,musicians "creak" under the shade of trees.Creak ",I don't know how happy it is,which makes people itch in their hearts.I also want to use the instrument to play a song with the insect gate.


  Applause is the respect every city needs.Understanding and encouragement,applause,is a kind of sound that makes people feel balanced in their hearts,which is always so deeply rooted in people's hearts.When others are misinterpreted,give them your heartfelt applause,which is the applause of understanding; when others are satirized and insulted,give them civilized applause,which is the applause of respect; when others are frustrated,give them the most enthusiastic applause,give them the greatest encouragement.


  Sound can purify people's hearts,and more beautiful music can remind people of good memories.If the world loses sound,people's hearts cannot be enriched.

  美丽是什么英语作文带翻译 篇10

  There must be many regrets in a person‘s life.If something is lost,it will never be found again.However,instead of sighing that time can't be turned back and the pain is unbearable,it‘s better to take good care of everything in your hands and don't let them become the next regret.

  Helen Keller is intelligent and studious,but God didn‘t give him a healthy body,which is not only a pity,but also a tragedy.However,with his strong willpower,he did what ordinary people couldn't do.It‘s the philosophical imperfection that inspires her to strive for success.

  Sometimes,the loss of something will make you cherish what you have now more.It's not terrible to have regrets.You can‘t let go of those terrible things and always indulge in the past sorrow.unable to get up after a fall.As long as you look open,you will understand that God has closed one door for you,and will open another door for you.Only by coming out of regret can we prevent it from happening again.

  It's a pity to lose,but it‘s also a pity to have something you can't get for a while.If not dredged in time,it will become a kind of depression.If you don‘t get rid of the pain in time,you will be burned by the fire of pain.In this case,the best way is to turn this regret into a power.Let him be the driving force for the next goal.Make your new dream come true.

  For a long time,many of us regard regret as a tragic tragedy.But who would have thought that regret would produce a special power?It would even become a stepping stone to success.A young man who is determined to take part in the postgraduate examination of the people's Bank of China,the three major parts of “the history of Chinese finance" are almost rotten.It‘s a pity that he failed in the exam many times.But he didn't go down.He always believed that if we lose something,we will gain something.During this period,some friends kept asking for advice from him.At first,he explained it carefully.Later,when there were more people asking,he wrote a book called notes on Chinese coins.Once it was published,it became a sensation all over the country and became famous at one stroke.

  It‘s a pity that the unreachable dream can't be realized.It‘s a pity to make irreparable mistakes.It's a kind of legacy to miss a rare opportunity.However,it‘s usually nine out of ten that the life is inferior to the life.As long as you go forward bravely,miss the scenery here and the scenery elsewhere.Tagore has a famous saying: when you cry for missing the sun,you will also miss the stars.

  Looking at regret from another angle,regret is also a kind of beauty.It's just that beauty is beautiful and desolate.Like Venus with broken arms.If everything in the world is perfect,there is no real perfection.It is these imperfections that can set off other perfections.What‘s more,regret will give birth to an upward force.Can't we say that regret is also a kind of beauty.

  Turn a corner,the world will be bigger,give up - a regret,will certainly create a more brilliant than meet regret.









  美丽是什么英语作文带翻译 篇11


  People borrow flowers to spread love and flowers borrow to reproduce.A gust of wind,through the window is a kind of wet will rain.In such a hot and dry summer,how many seeds have taken root in this land with the birds migrating from the north.This is how nature endures: the fruit is the bird's food,and the bird is the seed's wing.


  The carpenter made a short tribute to the wood,the stonemason to make a raised stone pier.It not only saved the carpenter's life,but also increased the beauty of Chinese architecture.


  Under the education of mother nature,human beings have learned a kind of harmonious and beautiful truth - win-win.


  Taking the length of the ruler shows the dexterity of the inch,and taking the short of the inch praises the length of the ruler,so the dimension cooperation makes the tools of the work more efficient and the work better.


  Confucius's "don't do to others what you don't want to do to others" is a win-win situation in the spiritual sense,which eliminates the pressure of forcing others to do so and reduces the pain of being forced to do so by others; "Jiang Taigong fishing" is a win-win situation in action,which avoids the anxiety of fishermen when they sit and beg for fish,and also reduces the anxiety of fish when they play in the pool.Two do not hurt,seeking is a silence,is a promise and waiting.So sage Kong became famous,so Jiang Ziya waited for his bole.


  Zheng He,a navigator,set out with a mighty fleet.He took the imperial edict with him.Wherever he went,he sent ceramics,silk and tea.He sent the culture of an ancient oriental country,at the same time,he also received foreign culture,more praise and worship.He is the "rite" of the East and the wisdom of the East.When Columbus brought his discovery abroad and became the bright light for the western colonists to travel on the sea,he was just a pioneer of the colonists,coming for the gold in the East and the silk in the East.Wherever they went,they brought disaster to the Aboriginal people,took away the wealth of vehicles and left the complaints of crying blood on the colony.Therefore,Zheng He's navigation history is golden,full of human glory brought by "win-win" everywhere; so Columbus's navigation history is bloody,full of evil brought by greed everywhere.


  Win win is a kind of wisdom beauty of human relations,which originates from the people who are polite.The harmony pursued by successive dynasties,just as the Buddhist language says,"misfortune brings blessings.".It's a kind of benevolence and a kind of wisdom.


  Win win is a kind of wisdom thought and beauty that comes from nature and gathers in social ethics.

  美丽是什么英语作文带翻译 篇12

  It is not a lack of beauty in life,but lacks some eyes to discover beauty.As long as you go fine to taste life,you will catch the beauty in many lives.I caught: the way to go to school,so beautiful!

  Everyone in school has gone,how many times,but how many people go fine to experience this beautiful moment?Spring is coming,adding a few points to the path of school.The tree and the green field next to the green oil are also familiar,how beautiful they are! Walk along the road,a row of trees next to the road,cast a pretty shadow.The fields have a cluster of wild flowers in the field,like a colorful garland to put the fields in the fields.

  I caught: night sky,so beautiful! On the night sky,I feel so beautiful! In summer night,I sat in the yard and looked at the sky of the lacrimet.Looking at it,I feel that the stars are full of feelings to me,like naughty children,look at the people in the naughty,persistently,as if telling the bright scorpion to tell a beautiful moving myth.I caught: maple leaf,so beautiful! Autumn wind bursts,deciduous dance,the green palm on the maple has become a red.Suddenly a leaf falls in my hand,wakes my thoughts from the long river of memory.what!

  Maple leaf,so beautiful! I caught: snowflake,so beautiful! The winter season is snowing.Snowflakes,you are a group of flourishing jade butterfly; snowflakes,you are an angel from God,put white sprinkle to the world; snow,you are a bright star on the blue sky; snowflakes,you are jumping out for winter A dancer of a dance.I extended my hands and took a snowflake and wanted to observe fine.But don't know how?Snowflakes like I am afraid of me,one falls into my hand,there is no trace of no trace immediately,and I can't find it.

  Look outside the window,it is still dancing,really beautiful! Beauty is everywhere.Friends,please let your eyes discover more beautiful for this world! Maybe,there is a stone's trip to you,but you can't find it! Capture the beauty in life,life will be more colors!














