初中英语作文:妈妈,原来您也有犯错误的时候-Mom, I Thought

2022-08-09 妈妈

  在我们平凡的日常里,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?下面是小编为大家整理的初中英语作文:妈妈,原来您也有犯错误的时候-Mom, I Thought You Were Always,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。


  mom, i thought you were always right

  mom was always right in my eyes before. this is what mom implanted into my mind. every sentence she said to me was correct. so i got used to following her words. then there came one thing lately, which made mom herself admit that she was wrong. the fact goes like this. although mom loves me, she doesnt like girls. so she wanted all along to have a boy. but what she did violated the birth control policy of china. she was seriously condemned. it seemed that moms dream of having a boy had come to nothing. mom, i really thought you were right at the beginning, but i was wrong.

【初中英语作文:妈妈,原来您也有犯错误的时候-Mom, I Thought】相关文章:

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