
2024-06-14 旅游


  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 1


  Today, the teacher took us to visit animals in the Three Gorges Wildlife Park. We happily got on the bus and the bus wanted to drive to the destination.


  After arriving at the zoo, we first went to see the South China Tiger, whose color is khaki. There are some black stripes on his body and his beard is white. According to the tour guide, tigers can eat dozens of pounds of meat a day, and this kind of tiger can swim. This is the first time Ive heard of it. Its amazing.


  We followed the tour guide to the place where Peacock lives unconsciously. Peacock is my favorite animal, because Peacock has colorful feathers, especially when I was in proud as a peacock, it seemed to be more beautiful than my classmates, which forced us to like it more.


  Finally, we watched the tigers predation performance: an uncle tied a chicken to a stick and asked the tiger to catch it. At first, the tiger jumped for a long time but didnt catch the chicken, so. The tiger waited quietly below, and when the chicken was closest to its mouth, it jumped suddenly, bit off the chicken at once and had a delicious meal.


  At three oclock in the afternoon, the teacher reluctantly left the zoo.

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 2


  Today, the school organized us to visit Wenzhou Zoo.


  There are so many animals in the zoo. As soon as I entered the door, I heard a crisp and pleasant cry. I looked inside. Oh, there are all kinds of beautiful birds by the road! Especially the proud parrot, dressed in colorful clothes, with music and dance steps, can be proud!


  And the giraffe, it turned out to be so tall; A toucans mouth is bigger than its body; The color of the golden python is really beautiful, and I want to wear a golden armor; The little squirrel is so clever and small ...


  We looked all the way, chirping and marveling all the way.


  Then, we came to the performance hall. It was packed. I think the animal show must be wonderful!


  The first program is a slide show by the lion and tiger on the same stage. The tigers were full of energy and slid down skillfully. Two tigers scrambled to slide down the slide, and everyone cheered and clapped their hands. The lion behind him was afraid. The lion was mighty, but he was also timid. Haha, its really "all that glitters is not gold".


  Later, we watched the sea lion show. The lovely sea lion was very skilled and happily held the ball. Hey, its a pity that I didnt take a photo with them!


  Visiting the zoo is really a happy and knowledgeable thing!

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 3


  On Thursday morning, the teacher took us for an autumn outing. We came to Wanghe Farm in a neat line with a happy smile. When we got there, we saw a golden sand pile, and then the teacher told us to rest there. My classmates and I all jumped into the sand pile. We piled up the Great Wall of Wan Li, and several other students piled up the cannon city, and our Great Wall leads to them. I looked up at other students, some piled a mountain, some piled a beautiful island, and some piled a winding path. I am also very happy to see all my classmates smiling happily.


  How time flies! The teacher told us to gather and go back. We left Wanghe Farm with reluctance. I looked back and said to him in my heart, "Goodbye Wang He Farm."

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 4


  On Saturday, the school organized the teachers and students of the whole school to go on an autumn outing, and the destination was Fenghuanggou, Huang Ma. Ive heard of this place for a long time. In my imagination, the Phoenix Valley should be full of trees, flowers and beautiful scenery. With such expectation, I finally arrived at my destination.


  Huang Ma Fenghuanggou, Im coming!


  I cant wait to get out of the car, eager to know what the Phoenix Valley is like. The first thing I saw was a few lush trees and green grass. Under the guidance of our teacher, we came to Sakura Valley.


  Originally, we thought that Sakura Valley should be full of cherry blossoms, which is a pink world. But when we really got there, there was no cherry blossom in front of us, only many neat rows of bare branches and trees, which felt very desolate. We all wondered why there were no cherry blossoms in the Sakura Valley. Later, we heard that there were only cherry blossoms in spring, so thats it.


  With regret, we left Fenghuanggou.

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 5


  On the morning of October 19th, our school organized fourth-grade students to go on an autumn outing. Our autumn outing place is Guangzhou Botanical Garden. During the journey, I was looking forward to it, and I kept thinking: what will the botanical garden be like?


  We arrived at our destination. I visited many museums, including greenhouse and ice museum ... There are many plants in the museum, and some of them are strange. There are "cakes" with thorns, watermelons growing on trees called iron watermelons, and iron papaya ... After going through many pavilions, we went to eat.


  At noon, we will play mobile games. After playing for a while, we have enough time to go back to school by bus. I felt a little souvenir when I left.


  Guangzhou Botanical Garden, what fun!

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 6


  Last week, the teacher took us to the park to play.


  Along the way, we heard birds singing in the branches, and the tree stood upright as if welcoming us.


  At the zoo, we saw naughty monkeys, fierce tigers and beautiful peacocks ...


  Then, on the way to the pirate ship, we saw the clear river, the green grass and the willows with long braids.


  When I got to the pirate ship, I sat on it, and I was very scared. The pirate ship started, it went up and down for a while, and my heart was about to jump out, and my classmates screamed with fear.


  Later, we visited the goldfish pond. Finally, I played the forest host and the windmill paradise.


  This is really a happy outing.

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 7


  I have held tourism activities in this happy school. In these many trips, the last semester of the fifth grade made me still remember what happened at that time.


  The students in our school are divided into two groups: the 1351 group and the 2461 group. It was our first day and we were very excited. The tour guide sisters took the mighty "army" on the more than forty luxury buses. The students are singing and reciting poems in the car ... They are so happy. In the past, a timid classmate in our class became bold in the car. After more than two hours, we arrived.


  We came to the Pearl Paradise, which was very spacious. We were divided into seven groups. The students in the group were going to play with the scooter, but one of the players got lost. The students immediately searched like radar. After several turns, we finally found him. Fortunately, she didnt go very far. My classmates and I are all relieved.


  I benefited a lot from this campus activity. I have learned that unity and friendship are a kind of strength. As long as we unite, nothing can stop us. Just like looking for a classmate this time, we will find it one day as long as we look for it wholeheartedly. As long as we relax our minds and learn to be tolerant, we will be able to unite as one, and nothing can stop us from moving forward.


  This is really a campus tour that I will never forget! !

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 8


  Today we are very happy because the school organized a spring outing. After getting on the bus, the students were discussing with great interest. Finally arrived at the destination Yuan Ye Villa, and the students scrambled to get off the bus. Looking around, I saw Yuan Ye Villa looks like a green sea, but it is actually made up of many green trees. The trees there are shady and green, which is simply a green ocean. The fallen leaves are like a dancing little girl, jumping around and floating around. Floating all over the floor, floating on our heads, as if welcoming our arrival.

  我们先去玩铁索桥,铁索桥长长的。桥下面是一条河,估计有两三米深。到我走时我的脚直发抖,头上不停地冒出冷汗。我不停地安慰自己不要怕,我定了定神小心翼翼地往前走。可是有些同学不停地在上边跳,把桥震得摆来摆去,把我吓得像一只小老鼠,直想赶快走过去。这时我看了看下面的河,每想到这一看把我吓得险些掉进河里。终于我走了过去,才松了一口气,我们还 玩了许多游戏,其中最让我高兴的是捉泥鳅。我们马上换了衣服,下了水池。水池里人山人海,人们都注视着水面。

  Lets go to play the cable bridge first. The cable bridge is long. Below the bridge is a river, which is estimated to be two or three meters deep. When I left, my feet trembled and my head kept sweating. I kept comforting myself not to be afraid. After a pause, I walked forward carefully. However, some students kept jumping on it, shaking the bridge from side to side, scaring me like a little mouse, and I wanted to walk over it quickly. Then I looked at the river below, and every time I thought about it, I almost fell into the river. Finally, I walked over and breathed a sigh of relief. We also played many games, among which catching loach was the most enjoyable thing for me. We immediately changed our clothes and got into the pool. There was a sea of people in the pool, and people were staring at the water.


  Suddenly a little loach passed by me. How can you miss a good opportunity? I thought to myself, "thats great!" Only success, not failure. " I followed it softly, and suddenly a fish pocket caught it. Its a pity that someone else caught it first! I searched for it for a while, and a big loach swam to me after being chased by many people.


  I dont care about the willy-nilly. I covered it with a fish pocket. Ha, ha, I caught it. I am very excited, while others are depressed.


  The burning sun barbecued the earth, and all the students were sweating. But if you play, you are not afraid of the heat. Time passed quickly, and the teacher told us to get on the bus and go back to school soon. The students reluctantly left Yuan Ye Villa.


  On the way back, I thought, "How nice a spring outing is! It would be nice to go for a few more spring trips. "

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 9


  When spring came, the teacher led us to the farm for a spring outing, and the students were very happy. We arrived at our destination by bus, where there are many beautiful flowers, including red roses, violets and yellow chrysanthemums ... Colorful ones are really beautiful, and tropical plants, including cactus, rubber trees and banana trees ...


  We also went to the greenhouse, and the staff taught us how to plant flowers. Different flowers have different living habits. Some flowers like watering, some like more sunshine, some like being in the shade, and they need different fertilizers to grow and grow. It turns out that flower cultivation is also a university question!


  Through this spring outing, we not only had a good time, but also learned a lot about flower cultivation.

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 10


  On Friday morning, it was sunny and sunny. The school organized us to walk to Mount Piyun for a spring outing.


  At about 7: 30, we set off. Along the way, the spring breeze brushed my face, just like my mothers hand stroking me. A few days ago, the spring rain rained several times. There were still a few drops of dew on the petals and among the green leaves, flashing and the air was very refreshing.


  Looking up at the sky, the little swallow wearing a black tuxedo passed over our heads and announced in the sky: "Spring is coming, spring is coming!" " In the field, the plow is rumbling, and several egrets are pacing in the newly turned rice fields, looking down for delicious food; In the grass, in the fields, near Shui Bo, crickets and grasshoppers are playing spring sonatas for dancing butterflies, which reduces our fatigue on the way to "March" and makes us feel extremely relaxed and happy.

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 11


  Today is Saturday, and the teacher took us for a spring outing, with the purpose of floating mountains.


  We started from the station next to Jin e vegetable market, and after about 10 minutes ride, Fushan arrived.


  When I first climbed Fushan, the road was relatively gentle, but after walking for a while, the road was not so easy, very steep, and I would fall off the top of the use value if I didnt pay attention. Fortunately, no one fell in front of us, but I dont know if anyone fell behind. I tell you, I am a "pioneer" in the spring outing. There are other people here: Jing Weiyu, Zhang Mengyin, Pan Zhihang, Ma Yuanfeng, Wang Zhiqiang and Miss Yangs daughter. Because we are always at the forefront, we are called "vanguard". However, according to the rank of wartime, Pan Zhihang can be regarded as the captain of the "vanguard", because he always leads, who told him that he didnt have a backpack!

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 12


  Today, the teacher took us to the underwater world for a spring outing. When I entered the underwater world, I was immediately attracted by the underwater animals. First of all, I saw all kinds of marine fish, long, colorful, transparent and luminous. Different shapes and colors; There are many marine animals that I havent seen and cant be named, which has opened my eyes.


  However, what impressed me most during this visit was that when I entered a subsea tunnel, when I looked up, a big, flat marine fish swam over me, and I found that its belly showed a smiling face, which was very cute.


  This spring outing has taught me a lot. It turns out that the bottom of the sea is also a lively world!

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 13


  This morning, our school organized students of Grade One, Grade Two and Grade Three to visit shenzhen safari park.


  In the ostrich area, there are five little ostriches and a very old ostrich. They live in a wide prairie. Some are running; Some are playing; Some are sleeping; Others are walking.

  走过了鸵鸟区,我们来到了孔雀区。母孔雀的尾巴两面都是灰色的,没有图案。而公孔雀尾巴两面有五彩缤纷的图案。 那里有两只公孔雀开频了,可漂亮了!

  After passing the ostrich area, we came to the peacock area. The peacocks tail is gray on both sides and has no pattern. The male peacock has colorful patterns on both sides of its tail. There are two male peacocks there, which are beautiful!


  After passing the peacock area, we came to the goldfish area. There are colorful goldfish with different patterns, and some fish are covered with colorful stripes; Some fish have only one color; Others are the same color, but the shades are different.


  The animal world is really wonderful, and there are many things worth exploring and learning!

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 14


  Yesterday, Teacher Zhang informed me that we would have a spring outing tomorrow. I was very excited. After school, I hurried to the supermarket to buy delicious food for the spring outing. My mother bought me a lot, including chocolate, jelly, fruit and drinks. In the evening, I finish my homework early and tidy up what I want to bring tomorrow. This morning, I arrived at school earlier than usual, and took the bus with my classmates to "Hangzhou Garden".


  When we got there, there was a sea of people, and there were many people everywhere. There are many big brothers and sisters and many tourists. As we walked, we looked at the scenery. The green grass was full of grass with tender buds. We also saw: Magnolia, Magnolia and Camellia, all of which were in full bloom and beautiful. There are many unknown trees, swaying their new leaves in the wind, as if to tell me that spring is everywhere here.


  The fly in the ointment is that I stepped on chewing gum and stuck to the soles of my shoes, making it difficult to walk. I thought to myself: How can you spit gum anywhere in such a beautiful place? I really hope that everyone will consciously care for the environment and create a beautiful home.

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 15

  在一个阳光灿烂的日子里, 我和同学们排着队去黄岩九峰公园玩。

  On a sunny day, my classmates and I lined up to play in Huangyan Jiu Feng Park.


  Sixty people in our class are divided into two groups: 50 students follow Mr. Wu, and 10 students follow Mr. Zhou on the bus of Class 2〈7〉. I am among them, Liang Hanwen is the leader and I am the deputy leader. We set off happily, sitting in the big car and watching the small car as if we were going to Lilliput. After 30 minutes, we got together with the classmates in front. We were happy when we saw the words "Huangyan Jiu Feng Park".


  Lets play monkey climbing first: click a button to go up, and click another button to go down. The second one is a dragon car. When I go down, I feel like my heart will fall off soon. At noon, the teacher took us to a small park with a fitness machine. We sat on the ground in groups and ate snacks separately. I brought a lot of snacks and gave them to everyone. Ill sing first, and then Ill play the game of the eagle catching the chicken. We had such a good time that we didnt want to go home.


  In the afternoon, we played two more projects: bumper cars and teapot cups. Feng Yuting and I are in the same car, and I feel that the head-to-head collision is the most fun. Then, we sat in a cup like a teapot, which turned us around. Finally, we all went home happily.

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 16


  On Wednesday, the school organized our students to go on an autumn outing at Wanghe Farm. The students are very happy to come to school early, some are playing and a little talking. Teacher Dong said: Students can get on the bus. We lined up to get on the bus. In the car, the students talked and laughed, and soon they arrived at their destination. The students got off the bus under the guidance of the teacher. Next time, we will see the big four-word "Wanghe Farm" and here we are. After crossing the archway, we went to the rest place. My classmates and I played with sand and climbed the Great Wall. At lunch, I ate potato chips, drinks, bread and milk.


  After lunch, I played for a while. The teacher said: We went back to school. Under the guidance of the teacher, I got on the bus, and when I got to school, my grandmother waited. I said to my grandmother: Wanghe Farm has a beautiful scenery and has a good time. Grandma said: Lets go home! The autumn outing is over.

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 17


  This morning, there was no cloud in Wan Li, and the spring breeze was blowing. All the teachers and students of our school went for a spring outing together.


  Along the way, the students were talking and laughing on the bus, but they were happy! In the blink of an eye, I arrived at my destination-Ningbo Bridge Ecological Farm. Walking into the farm, wow! A hundred flowers are blooming, and the flowers are red and green, as if they are welcoming us!


  Uncle guide showed us around the botanical garden, which is so big! There are so many flowers and trees! There are banyan trees, carambola, and all kinds of flowers and trees that I cant name. Its really everything. Later, the teacher told us to find a stone table for lunch, but there were not many stone tables, so I had to take out the tablecloth for lunch myself. Ha, have lunch! The tour guide uncle led us to visit the cactus, the ruler, the overlord tree and so on.


  Having ended our close contact with nature so quickly, we reluctantly left the ecological farm. This spring outing is so happy! What a pleasure!

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 18


  On Sunday, our teachers from Class 4, Grade 2 organized us to take us to the zoo. The weather was fine that day. We were very happy when we first set out. Spring has arrived. The grass and small trees on the roadside have sprouted yellow and green, and there are pink peach blossoms. Because the weather is very hot, the students are very tired when they walk. Finally, we finally arrived at the zoo. There are tigers, lions, leopards, wolves and many more in the zoo.


  By the way, they are still fighting cocks. Its two wolves. Grandpa catches a chicken, takes a stick, ties the chicken to the stick, and lets the two wolves take the chicken. There are also monkeys, who also perform. They are two rockeries, far away, with a swinging staircase in the middle, and hot wheels, a seesaw, and a little monkey on the moving staircase. They also perform programs. Its wonderful, and the students are all in.

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 19


  Unconsciously, spring came, and the teacher led us to go for an outing.


  Walking into Wusheng Garden, I was deeply attracted by the beautiful scenery in front of me. On the clear river, several ducks are swimming quietly, and the river is shining with golden light. Under the wind, the river is rippling and flowing faster and faster, just like a thin silver line; On the slopes on both sides, pink peach blossoms are in clusters, reflecting the earth like clouds. On both sides of the river bank are rows of green willows, slender and long, swaying in the wind; Birds singing in the blue sky broke the silence here.


  We walked along a small bridge on the river. The warm sunshine shone on us, and the warm spring breeze touched us. It was very comfortable, and everyone was intoxicated by the beautiful scenery.

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 20


  Saturday, October 12th, was my first outing in primary school. I was very excited.


  At 7: 50 in the morning, my mother sent me to school, and the teacher sent us a youth newspaper.


  At 8: 15, the teacher informed us to get on the bus, and we lined up and got on the school bus in turn. The car entered the Third Ring Road through Happy Valley and arrived at the destination in one hour.


  After getting off the bus, I saw many tour guides. One of the tour guides took us to visit Lingquan Temple. The teacher said that there were two wells in it that were amazing-it was sunny in the east and it was going to rain in the west. Next, we went to the tomb of Princess Zhao, and heard from the tour guides aunt that the tomb was deeply buried, and we only went halfway to the entrance of the tomb before returning. Next, we came to the mother-in-law tree. The teacher said that this tree is over 600 years old. We also made a wish under the tree, which will bless our wish to come true. Oh! We also went to the tortoise tablet pavilion. Finally, the teacher took us to dig sweet potatoes. Because it was the first time to dig, there was no result. It wont happen next time! By the way, on the way to Lingquan Temple, my uncle sent us Disciples Rules. At noon, the teacher took us to have lunch on the mountain, and we went back to school.


  Today is really a happy day, I am very happy!

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 21


  On a bright spring morning, organized by the school, we came to Jinjiang Paradise for a spring outing with great interest.


  In Jinjiang Paradise, we took the ups and downs of the double-decker wooden horse, visited the fairyland-like happy world, experienced the thrilling "octopus", and manipulated the air fighter that soared into the sky ... The most fun and exciting thing was drifting in the canyon. Six of us got on the "boat"-a round plate, and went down the river, experienced the great cycle and double S-shaped bends, and came to the "super whirlpool" with fast-flowing water. Although separated by a fence, our boat was sucked by a huge whirlpool, and several female students screamed with fear. We reminded each other to hold on to the handle. I dont know how much the ship hit and who saw how much it came up before leaving this dangerous water.


  At lunch, we took out delicious food prepared by ourselves, and we exchanged delicious food and shared the happiness of Class Five (5).


  This outing made me experience a lot of fun.

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 22


  In the morning, there was no cloud in Wan Li. Teacher Yuan announced that he would wear a red scarf, a small yellow hat and a school uniform in the afternoon. We chattered like birds.


  We finally looked forward to the afternoon. When I first came to the classroom, the teacher said, "Be careful when you leave." After that, we stood in line as fast as an arrow. When we walked into the garden, half of the grass had a small green head. The flowers were really colorful! I listened attentively, and it turned out that they were competing for beauty!


  Go! Go! We were all too tired to stand up. The teacher said, "Lets have a rest."


  The little willow tree on the roadside seems to say, "welcome, welcome, warm welcome!" " The banana tree seems to say to Miss Chun, "Thank you for dyeing me green. Its so beautiful!" Peach blossom is embarrassed to laugh! What is that thing? Oh, its the Birds Nest! I said, "is this a little big enough for a bird?" If you cant live, it must look better. Is the bird in the shabby house willing to live? " We run farther and farther, ah! Those beautiful lights are not turned on, and we also know that they are beautiful. Magnolia gives off a strong fragrance.


  Ah! Back to the classroom, we reluctantly left, and our legs were a little sore. However, the scenery of Xitang River is really beautiful!

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 23


  Today, the school organized a spring outing.


  The students arrived at the school early, and under the guidance of the teacher, they lined up and set off.


  Along the way, the classmates talked and laughed, and soon arrived at the destination - the Old Longan Ecological Park. Wow! The scenery here is so beautiful! Green grass, dense trees, and fresh air. Occasionally, there are a few small flowers on the roadside, pink, red, and white - which make me dizzy and unsure where to look. Not far away, there are lush green mountains undulating endlessly.


  We stopped at a green grassland, and our classmates divided into several groups. Each group sat in a circle on the grassland and entered the game section. Some groups played word relay, some played riddles, and some played lost handkerchiefs. The game was very intense, and laughter kept coming and going. Look, how happy we are playing!


  Time has passed quickly, and our spring outing has come to an end. I really want to go on spring outings every day.

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 24


  Spring has arrived, and the teacher has already prepared for this spring outing season. This week, they will organize students to go on a spring outing together. We have lined up and are waiting


  As we walked, we arrived at the safety education base, and then the male and female students in our class took separate elevators in different directions to the same floor. We girls first arrived at the sixth floor, we quickly finished listening, then went to the third floor, and finally reached the fourth and fifth floors.


  Later, my class arrived at Rose Beach, ah! The sea is really boundless! The teacher asked us to play sand sculpture and there are many fun games.


  When my classmates and I were having fun, I saw Teacher Xu, Teacher Cai, and Teacher Hou all wet their pants with the waves.


  The classmates all laughed happily and played like this for a long time. Unconsciously, the sky slightly darkened, and the teacher blew the whistle to gather everyone. We reluctantly left this beautiful place.

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 25


  Saturday arrived, it was sunny and the teacher took us for a spring outing in the park. The park is so beautiful!


  The plants in the park have all revived, and we can hear birds chirping on the trees as if welcoming us. The scenery here is very beautiful. Look at those fragrant flowers, they are blooming so beautifully! Free time has arrived, and Xiaoli said, "I want to go to the lawn to read a book." Xiaoming stood by the lawn singing, Xiaomei went to catch butterflies, and Xiaogang ran desperately on the lawn. I am looking at the scenery in the river. The big white goose in the small river flapped its wings as if saying to us, "Spring is here." The little duck swam back and forth on the water, it was so fun. We all find spring outings very interesting. If there is a chance in the future, we will definitely come again.


  We were playing and unconsciously it was time to leave. We had to leave reluctantly.

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 26


  Today, the school organized us to go on a spring outing. The weather today is really bad, sometimes it rains, sometimes its sunny, but none of this stops us from enjoying our spring outing! We took the bus at 8:30 and arrived at "Xiangyuan" in about half an hour.


  The classmates cheered loudly, "Here we are, here we are!" At this moment, it was still drizzling, and we rode the warm spring breeze into the beautiful "countryside". The scenery of the countryside garden is so beautiful! The small trees have sprouted, the grass has turned green, and the water in the small pool has become clearer. After enjoying the scenery here, we all have fun while eating. You have a chicken leg, I have a hamburger, everyone is enjoying it. At this moment, Grandpa Sun came out, and the classmates were playing games, throwing sandbags, and playing hide and seek happily in the sunshine! The whole "rural garden" is full of laughter and joy! This spring outing is truly unforgettable and enjoyable!

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 27


  Today, I arrived at school early in the morning. Because were going on a spring outing! We lined up and, under the guidance of our teacher, got on the bus and set off in a grand manner.


  Along the way, we sang and laughed happily, and after forty minutes, we finally arrived at our destination. Firstly, we arrived at the Fan Museum. I saw all kinds of beautiful fans. For example, there are panda fans, small fish fans, and fans of Change flying to the moon... I am dazzled by the sight. Later, we went to the Scissors Museum again, where the scissors were in strange shapes, some big and long, some small and flat... It was time for dinner, and we found a piece of open space where we shared delicious food together. We ate, laughed, played, and unknowingly returned to school in the afternoon. We had to leave reluctantly.


  This spring outing has taught me about history and culture.

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 28


  On April 26th, the school organized a spring outing for us to Suzhou Amusement Park. At 9 oclock, we set off on time to the park.


  When we arrived at the amusement park, the first thing we played was the circular train, which carried us around the entire park. Then we played other games such as the carousel, pirate ship, carousel, and so on. Not long after playing, it was already lunchtime and everyone was sitting cross legged on the green lawn, enjoying themselves!


  In the afternoon, we continued to play Frog Jump, Flying Island, Little World, Deluxe Waves... Among them, my favorite is Deluxe Waves because playing with it can exercise our courage, enhance our courage, and is also very exciting, so I like it.


  Soon, the spring outing will come to an end. Today is really a happy day!

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 29


  Today, the sun is shining brightly, and the teacher takes us on a spring outing to Wanxiang Flowers. We are like happy birds, singing and happily queuing up to get on the bus. Our classmates are all extremely happy.


  We got on the car and soon arrived at the Wanxiang Flower Countryside Leisure Club. As soon as I entered the door, I saw many roses. Looking ahead, there were greenhouses one by one, and we walked into them. There are colorful flowers inside, including morning glory, roses... There are many fun things, such as single and double bicycles, rabbits, parrots, etc. I love playing bridge crossing the most. Its so much fun! You can also fish there, catch fish in clear water, and plant flowers, its so fun!


  Just as I was about to return, I didnt even want to leave, reluctant to part ways.


  Wanxiang flowers are so fun, do you also want to come and play? Then come on! What are you waiting for?

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 30


  Today is sunny and sunny. We arrived at the school early to gather and prepare for a spring outing. My friends and I were so happy that our eyes curved with laughter.


  As soon as I entered the park, I saw large patches of peach blossoms, pink and extremely beautiful. A gentle breeze blew, and petals fluttered down from the tree like feathers, feeling like they were in a fairyland on earth. We closely observed and found fine stamens inside the petals, as well as the peach trees good friends, little bees and butterflies, dancing up and down.


  We chose an open space to sit down, and the grass was lush green, like a thick carpet. Sitting on it felt soft and comfortable. We are eating snacks, smelling the fragrance of flowers, and chatting and laughing happily!


  As the sun set in the west, the happy spring outing came to an end. We packed up our things and left the park reluctantly. Today is really a happy day!

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 31


  On the morning of Monday, April 18th, all the teachers and students of our primary school came to Zengcheng Cultural Village for a spring outing in high spirits.


  When we arrived at our destination and got off, a huge Ferris wheel appeared in front of us. We couldnt help but cheer. The first activity in our class is surfing. When we boarded the ship, we were all worried about getting our clothes wet in the future. When we think of this, the ship has slowly climbed up the steep slope. Our emotions are getting more and more excited. The ship quickly climbed up the mountain slope, and before we could get nervous, the ship rushed down. After a while, the waves splashed higher and higher, and we couldnt help but scream. Its too exciting! When the small boat slowly "landed" on the flat ground, we all laughed.


  Then, we also played "Frog Jump", "bumper car", and "Pirate Ship".


  This spring outing was thrilling, tense, and exciting, it really made me unforgettable!

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 32


  Today, our school organized an activity.


  We started to set off, wearing green and white school uniforms, lined up in a straight line. From a distance, it looked like a long colorful dragon.


  On the road, I saw willow trees sprouting tender buds, and a gentle breeze blew, as if a spring girl was dancing.


  After a while, we saw patches of rapeseed blooming, golden and yellow, as if laying one yellow garment after another on the earth. I also saw more than a dozen mature dandelions. When the wind blew, they were like parachutes searching for their homes in the air.


  After a while, we arrived at the Luobinwang Park. Our groups selected their locations and started activities, some playing games, some eating, and some enjoying the scenery.


  How happy and meaningful todays spring outing is!

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 33


  Today, the school organized a spring outing activity, and the students were all very happy, let alone me. Of course, I was just as excited as them!


  On Thursday morning, the teacher led us, a group of "naughty kids", to set off. Along the way, flowers waved to us and grass smiled at us, adding a lot of joy to our mood.


  Finally, we arrived at our destination and our classmates sat on the grass, taking out their delicious snacks and enjoying them together. Look, all the students in our class are in high spirits, chasing and fighting, not to mention how happy they are!


  Later, the English teacher also led us to play a game - throwing handkerchiefs. The beautiful waves of singing intoxicated us all.


  Until now, I still remember vividly, this will be my happiest day!

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 34


  Once, when the teacher walked from the office to our classroom, he looked very happy. As expected, the teacher announced a major piece of good news: "Classmates, lets go on an outing to the fishing village tomorrow." Suddenly, the originally calm classroom exploded like a pan.


  The classroom was filled with laughter and cheers from classmates: some danced happily and shouted, "Oh, we can go for an outing tomorrow!" Some shouted for this outing, while the girls were discussing what delicious food to bring tomorrow, and the boys were discussing exciting Ferris wheel rides, bumper cars, pirate ships to play tomorrow... The mischievous children couldnt believe it was true, so they bit their fingers and said, "Oh, it hurts! It turns out this is not a dream."


  The teacher looked at us happily and smiled happily.

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 35


  Spring has arrived, and the teacher takes us on a spring outing. We are singing team songs and marching in a long line towards the park.


  Entering the park, the first thing that catches your eye is a bridge. Under the bridge, the lake water is clear and you can even see small fish! We continued walking inside and saw a pavilion where we rested. The willow girl next to the pavilion is dancing beautifully, and when the breeze blows, she looks particularly beautiful.


  After resting for a moment, the teacher asked us to move freely. Some of us jump rubber bands, some kick shuttlecocks, some throw sandbags, and some are playing hide and seek. I ran to the riverbank, and the water was rippling with blue waves. A frog was crouching on a lotus leaf, croaking, adding a touch of joy to us. In the pond, little tadpoles have just hatched, groups of them seem to be looking for their mothers


  Spring brings radiance to all things and adds color to nature.

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 36


  Today, the school organized a spring outing for us, and we happily got on the school bus.


  In the car, we chattered non-stop. Have we arrived yet? How much longer is there? We all feel that the school bus is driving too slowly, like ants crawling. I really wish I could have a pair of wings and fly over in one go. After arriving at the destination, we started playing. I think the most exciting thing is aerial cable car. It is said to be a cable car, but it is actually a simple iron frame with two wooden boards placed on it, which can be considered as a chair, suspended in the air by a pair of hooks. I sat up trembling, closing my eyes tightly and not daring to move. Suddenly, I felt the car start moving, and my classmate next to me excitedly said, "Look at it." I couldnt help but open my eyes. Wow, below is the clear river water, and next to it is a mountain with green grass and colorful flowers... Its really beautiful!


  In no time, we arrived at the shore. Its really fun.

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 37


  On Friday morning, the school organized students to go on a spring outing together. Our tour guide sister took us by car. As we passed by the Yangtze River Bridge, I saw cars coming and going on the bridge, and many large boats sailing under the bridge. We were very happy all the way! We quickly arrived at Yuhuatai, and our tour guide sister took us out of the car, lined us up, and then took us to visit the Martyrs Cemetery. Inside, we saw statues of martyrs and also heard many advanced deeds about revolutionary martyrs. I think they are really great!


  After visiting the Martyrs Cemetery, our tour guide sister took us to the Insect and Insect Story to play. Its really fun there! There was a rowing game between the red and green teams, and our red team won! Later, the tour guide sister took us to watch a movie, and the happy day came to an end. I feel that today is really meaningful!

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 38


  Today, I walked into the campus happily and eagerly, because today is our spring outing day!


  Todays destination is Gankeng Town, and I am very excited. The most impressive thing for me was drawing a straw hat. I drew a circle of watermelons on the straw hat because seeing watermelons reminded people of summer. I like the feeling of summer! A classmate kicked over my water bottle, and my straw hat got wet from the water. So I put the straw hat on the grass, and in no time, Grandpa Sun gave me a new hat.


  I also made bookmarks, which I created using my own imagination. I put hay and flowers in the bookmark, and there is also a tassel in the upper left corner. The pattern on the bookmark looks like a painting! I think the world in bookmarks is really beautiful, like a whole summer!

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 39


  At 8:30 this morning, our classmates went for a spring outing to Bailuzhou Park.


  At the beginning, we visited the Mathematics Hall of Fame and learned about the stories of Gu Chaohao, Luo Feng, and others.


  Next, we will take a group photo under the observation deck. We smiled and finished taking a group photo. As soon as the teacher finished speaking, the students ran towards the food like hungry zebras.


  Then, we go to eat on the green lawn. Not long after, a drizzle began to fall in the park. The surrounding scenery is hazy, like a fairyland in a fairy tale. The teacher asked us to take out our rain gear and leave here for the door. At this point, this becomes an ocean of wind and a world of rain. We are waiting for the parents here.


  The spring outing ended like this.

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 40


  Today, the school organized us to visit Yushan Park and Haixing Island in Changshu. We departed by double decker bus at 9 oclock in the morning. Along the way, I saw the beautiful the Taihu Lake Lake. The water of the Taihu Lake Lake sparkled in the sunshine!


  In no time, we arrived at the park and our classmates were extremely excited. In the park, I saw green lawns, beautiful rockeries, and winding small bridges. We had a picnic on the lawn and enjoyed the spring sunshine to our hearts content. In the afternoon, we will sit down


  I took a double decker bus to Haixing Island, where I played pirate boats, carousels, small trains, air balloons, penguin fights, and even watched a dolphin performance.


  I had a great time on this spring outing and it was really fun!

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 41


  In the spring when the grass grows and the birds fly and the flowers bloom, all of our second grade teachers and students take a bus to Nanjing for a spring outing.


  Our first stop is at Underwater World. As soon as we got off the car, we lined up and the teacher led us to visit the underwater world. There are various types of fish inside. There are elephant fish, colorful small fish, turtles, and so on. Playing until noon, the students all took out the food they brought and shared it together.


  In the afternoon, we took a car to Hongshan Zoo again. There are many animals in the Hongshan Zoo, among which the Northeast Tiger, White Tiger, Monkey, and Bear are performing very well. There are still many animals that we have not seen in Yangzhou. Unconsciously, we had already played until over 4 oclock.


  On the bus back to school, I thought: Today I saw a lot of things outside, gained a lot of knowledge, and understood that humans and animals are good friends.

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 42


  In spring, all things on the earth revive. Peach blossoms, willows, and apricot blossoms have all grown green tender buds. In this beautiful spring scenery, the school organized us to go on a spring outing to Liyuan.


  The charming and colorful willow tree girl by the lake fluttered her tender green hair and danced gracefully, gently brushing peoples shoulders. The willow stick extends into the clear river, as if washing its beautiful hair.


  The blooming peach blossoms look like a brilliant morning glow from a distance. The bouquets of peach blossoms are loved by everyone. Walking into the flower bushes, a refreshing fragrance wafted in, and many petals scattered on the ground. A gust of wind blew, as if it was raining red.


  The scenery of spring is truly peach blossom and willow green, so on rest days, people come to Liyuan to seek the breath of spring. Liyuan has become a joyful ocean!

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 43


  Today, I am particularly excited because the school organized a spring outing for over 1000 second grade students to Baihe Park.


  Stepping out of the school gate, the students chattered incessantly like newly released birds. Everyone happily exchanged ideas about the upcoming picnic.


  The White Crane Park in spring is really beautiful! The green branches of the willow tree, like the long braids of Uyghur girls, are dotted with wild flowers everywhere. The sleeping grass on both sides of the steps has been awakened by the spring breeze, and now it is welcoming our arrival.


  Seeing this scenery, the students posed in various strange poses on the roadside to take photos. At the top of the mountain, I shared the food I brought with other classmates. We also held singing competitions, poetry recitations


  This grand spring outing is truly unforgettable to me!

  愉快的学校旅行英语作文 44


  Last Thursday, our school organized a spring outing for us. We are very happy. Early in the morning, under the guidance of our teacher, we lined up neatly and set off for the destination of Nansha Binhai Park in Panyu, Guangzhou.


  Finally arrived at the seaside amusement park. The first thing that catches my eye is a great paradise. Everywhere are flowers and trees, butterflies dancing on the flowers as if welcoming us. The teacher took us into the park to play various fun mobile games. Of course, my favorite is still the Samsung swivel chair. Sitting on the Samsung swivel chair, I feel very excited. The machine started to run slowly, and I followed the rhythm and flew slowly! Closing my eyes, I feel like a little bird, flying freely in the air. Wow, its so fun! I cant bear to return to the ground.


  Then, I also went to play aerial bikes, rocking chairs, bumper cars, Ferris wheels


  Time flies so fast, its time to go home soon, so I had to endure the pain and leave the seaside amusement park. I really had a lot of fun this day.


  愉快的旅行英语作文 1

  Classmates had a good time yesterday because they all went to chimelong paradise . All the students got up early. They took many things from their home such as drinks, bread, milk and money. I didn’t go to chimelong paradise, because i think it is boring. I don’t like going there with classmates . But i like going there with my family.


  I heard from my friends that chimelong paradise is a very interesting and exiting place. There are many intense rides there. In the north, there are happy kingdom, kids’ land and children’s world! In the west, you can see the 10-inversion roller coaster. Many people like riding it. But many people don’t want to ride it again because it’s too scary. After the ride, people are usually filled with apprehension. Next, my friends went to whirlwind island. There, many rides are turning, turning, turning, so people who ride them feel dizzy. The last place is water world. You can “take a shower”There. People who rode this ride looked cool because they were all wet. All the people could enjoy themselves.


  My classmates were very happy because they had a good time in chimelong paradise. They want to go there again this summer vacation, and so do i.


  愉快的旅行英语作文 2

  I am going to visit Jiuzhaigouwith my father and mother during the Summer vacation. My fater is very strong and he leads us to Huanglong Mountain. We are standing at the top of the Mountian. We see a wonderful scenery. The water is running down the mountain,and on the hillside of the mountain there are about two hundred and more water pools. In the sunshine,the waters in the pools twinkle just like the twinkling stars in the sky.Really what a beautiful scene I have ever seen. It is really an unfortable trip I have had.


  愉快的旅行英语作文 3

  I went to Beijing with my family. We went there by train. The train was comfortable.


  We spent five days visiting Beijing. On the first day, we went to Tianan Men Square, It is so big. and there were lots of people taking photos. Then we went to the Palace Museum. We saw thousands of houses. Kings lived there before. I felt interesting.


  The second day was cloudy, so we went to the museums. We saw many old things. On teh third day we went to the Great Wall. It was so great! We were tired.


  愉快的旅行英语作文 4

  Now National Day is coming.


  I have made a plan for it .I am going to Beijing with my parents.Because there are many places of interest .First we want to visit the Great Wall ,which is considered one of the seven wonders in the world. Second we want to visit the summer palace ,where lived many emperors during the hot days. Then we want to visit the Water Cube,where many important events are held .Finally we want to visit hutong to get a knowledge of the culture of old Beijing .I think this trip must be very interesting and we will have a good time.


  愉快的旅行英语作文 5

  I like traveling on foot With my brother in holidays. At the very beginning, I felt very tired. I got out of breath so easily. Then my brother started to tell me some interesting stories. We walked and walked while he didnt stop telling stories. We walked a long way without knowing. Then my brother asked me, "Are you still feeling tired?" The feelings of tiredness were already out of my mind.


  愉快的旅行英语作文 6

  I went hiking to a mountain with my friends last summer.It was a good trip at the beginning but something unexpected happened on the half way. One of my friends suddenly felt a terrible pain in his stomach and he couldnt move any further. Nobody knew what to do.One girl tried to call her mum with her mobile phone but there was no signal in the mountain area. Luckily we brought a tent with us. We put it up and let him rest in it. He took some medicine. Then he drank some water and ate some food. After a while he felt much better and we walked on. We all enjoyed ourselves on the top of the mountain.


  愉快的旅行英语作文 7

  Summer holidday is coming.I have a good plan for it.My best friend Tony who is from Britain will spend the holiday with mw.Tom is 17 years old ,he like China very much.One week ago,I wrote him a letter,inviting him to come to Dalian for the holidays.Tony has accepted my invitation and will fly to Dalian next week.I will go to the airport to pick him up.Then well show him around the city.Well go to the beach to watch the sea first.Then well visit some insteresing places.Tony will live in my house during the holiday.I hope well have a good time.


  愉快的旅行英语作文 8

  Remember the last month I and my parents went to the zoo to play, very happy, we looked at the lion tiger and horse, also feed the panda, panda plump and lovely, we all like it very much. Out of the zoo, we also went to the playground, play a lot of games, eat delicious ice cream,Until the play home very late, after the home we were all very tired, but very happy, I wish I could often wish parents together.


  愉快的`旅行英语作文 9

  I am going to take advantage of my holiday to have a tour around the town.I have two hundred yuan in my below is my plan for the travel.


  I plan to go there by train and (go)back by bus,this will cost me fifty des,I will stay there for about three days,in other words,I need to live in the hotel for two will cost me forty I need to pay about forty-five yuan for my own meal. After knocking out all these fees,I still have about seventy yuan left.I am going to buy some presents for my parents.


  Well,that is my travel plan.


  愉快的旅行英语作文 10

  I often make a trip by trains because its both cheap and comfortable. Last winter holidays I traveled in a car for the first time in my life. At first I didnt feel well. But this kind of feeling didnt last long. the trip was exciting. While travelling in a car, we could stop at any time if we wanted to enjoy the view


  outside. the fields, the mountains and rivers were really very nice. On the way we visited many places of interest and took a lot of photos. It was an unforgettable experience for me.


  愉快的旅行英语作文 11

  Ast summer vacation I went to Beijing with my family . First day,we went go the Great Wall because it is the pride of our Chinese and a wonder in the world.Then we went to the summer palace We saw many beautiful sceneries there.


  The next day we went to the Tiananmen square ,and we tasted Beijing duck. In the afternoon we went to the birds nest and the water cube.Though we were tired we were very happy.I learned much knowledge that I cant learn in the textbooks so I will never forget this interesting trip.


  愉快的旅行英语作文 12

  In last summer vacation ,I went to Beijing with my family.


  First ,we went to the Great Wall,where we met a lot of foreigners and we also took a lot of photos. They all like our culture and beautiful senery. Second.we went to the summer palace ,where the previous emporers spent summer in the old days.Third, we went to the Forbidden City .Finally ,we went to Wangfujing Street where we tasted much delicious food. In a word, we had a great time during the vacation and we leanred a lot from this tour.


  愉快的旅行英语作文 13

  In my winter vacation,I was pleased to pay a visit with my parents to Beijing,the capital city of China.


  I have to that Beijing is very cold for it kept snowing all the time,but we enjoyed ourselves very much.


  First of all,we visited the the Great Wall at Badaling which made me sigh that the chinese people are so great.


  Besides,we visited the Tiananmen Square and watched the flagraising ceremony.And we have visited many other places like the Great Hall of the People and so on.After a week of visit,we went back home.


  I thought that the trip was very interesting and unforgettable.


  愉快的旅行英语作文 14

  Im happy to have such a good summer holiday.because I will have much time to visit some places of intrest.Im going to Beijing tomorrow,so now I feel very happy.I will go there by plane and stay there for 10 days.This is my first time to go to Beijing,not only the Olympic Games is coming,but also I can learn more knowledges about the Olympic Games.And it is a great chance for me to communicate with foreigners,so I wont miss it.Therefore,now I want to say:Beijing,Im coming!


  愉快的旅行英语作文 15

  I came back from shanghai yesterday morning. I feel very tired but very happy .During these days I had also been to hangzhou ,suzhou and somewhere near shanghai. I sat in the boat and enjoy the beautiful view around xihu.I tried to boat by myself and it is really difficult because I havent got enough strength. Then we went to a restaurant called "lou wai lou" . We ate some local food there, I like the chicken. After the lunch we carried on our journey in spite of we got very tired.


  愉快的旅行英语作文 16

  Last year, i visited beijing.


  Ialways looked forward to visiting there. so I was so excited that I couldn’t fall asleep on the night before i started. I got up early and packed my backpack for the journey. In my pack, i put a camera, some clothes,a cell phone and so on. It took me 35 hours to go there by train. I visited some places of interest in beijing, such as the great wall, the ming tombs and so on . They are very beautiful?i enjoyed myself. I felt tired but excited because I have learned a lot about the history of the city.


  As soon as i arrived home, i phoned my classmates and told them about me.


  愉快的旅行英语作文 17

  Today, we went to the forest park.

  We sat storage battery up and see the custom, the hani are dancing, singing, playing games and so on.

  Later we saw the peacock dance. A peacock flying towards us. The peacock we buy some food to eat. Brother in feed the peacock, the peacock beautiful jumped up. Brother in the hands of food. And then flew away. Too happy.




  愉快的旅行英语作文 18

  I went to Hong Kong for the first time this summer holiday.It is a modern city with many skyscrapers and highly-developed transportation system.It is always said that Hong Kong is the shoppers paradise for lower prices of internationally-known cosmetics and clothes brands.During my stay in Hong KongI took a visit to the Marine Park and Disneyland as well.I really enjoyed myself there and it is an unforgettable experience for me.


  愉快的旅行英语作文 19

  I like my holiday very much.Though its very short,I can enjoy the Spring Festival.I can watch cartoon every day.I neednt go to school .


  Sometimes I can go to play with my friend outside.With the festival coming,I can play all the time.I can play video game with my brother.


  I am good at playing PC game.Then more and more relatives came to my home.We had dinner together.Its so lively that Im very happy.


  But I still have to do my homework.During the holiday,I learned a lot.I love my holiday.


  愉快的旅行英语作文 20

  Beijing has a long history . There are lots of places of interest .Every year lots of travellers go sightseeing . Last summer holiday , I went on a trip to Beijing with my parents .


  It took us two hours to go there by plane .As soon as we arrived there ,we went to visit the Palace Museum and Tian’an men Square . The next day we went to the Summer Palace . The view there was very beautiful .


  We tasted many famous delicious Beijing foods . such as Beijing Duck .I also bought some souvenirs for my friends .Although we felt very tired ,we enjoyed ourselves very much . I hope to visit Beijing again very soon.


  愉快的旅行英语作文 21

  I went on my first travel when I was about seven years old with my mom.That was a weekend.We went to climb a mountain not far from our city.It was sunny that day but just because we traveled in spring so it was comfortable that day.


  We went there by bus then we took a taxi there.The mountains we climbed were very tall and there was a temple on the way to the top so we took a rest there.


  When we finally climbed up to the top we were all very tired.The scenery we saw from the top was very beautiful,the air was fresh,the wind was clena.We both had a wonderful time during our trip.


  愉快的旅行英语作文 22

  Summer vacation, my parents and I went to the fun city - dalian! Dalian sea water is blue very clean, my favorite thing is swimming in the sea! Sea water is cool, although at first I thought my teeth are chattering, but I still insist on living, more swim more happy! Rows of waves coming, I and my father in the surf! Smile! Dont mention how wonderful! And Im from the bottom up many small stones, white, flower, can be beautiful!


  If you also like me like to swim in the sea, then also go to dalian to play!


  愉快的旅行英语作文 23

  I am planing to travel to Suzhou a city called Eastern Venice.I wan to see the beautiful rivers with different kinds of bridges across it ,Then most attracting scene is the Lining Park ,i will be excited once i hear the name .The beautiful and ancient house with the green trees arounded will make the visit very comfortable .The other reason of my choosing Suzhou as my travel place is that it is quite close to my place ,i can save a lot money while enjoy my fabulous life .To make a short trip to Suzhou would not make me tired and i can also enjoy the life ,why not go there?


  愉快的旅行英语作文 24

  I think nearly everyone likes traveling. Sometimes we will travel with our friends or families, but sometimes we will travel alone. I believe different ways for traveling will have different feelings. And I prefer travelling alone. Travelling alone is more excited. Just imagine, you go to a beautiful place, but you have never gone there before, so you have to deal all the things by yourself. It is very adventure, right? In addition, travelling alone can avoid many conflicts that will have when travelling in group. Last, watching the same scenery by yourself or with many people will have different feelings. Therefore, sometimes you can think about traveling alone. It is good.


  愉快的旅行英语作文 25

  Last summer I went to Vietnam with my parents. We stayed at a small village outside Saigon. The air and water was very clean and there were many kids playing in the mud along with water buffalos. Though it’s a very poor country, the kids seem to be happy. They live with their farmer parents in little houses built with dirt and straw and help out a lot in the rice field during the day. They don’t have TVs or Internet, but they enjoy a lot playing outside. It was a very memorable trip that I will never forget.


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