
2021-09-18 老师

  My Writing Teacher

  English writing was always easy for me, but that changed on the first day I walked into Mrs. Johnson’s class. Before that, I’d heard rumors from former students. They said she was strict and her class was hard to pass. So I was very nervous. The first time we met, Mrs. Johnson told us her class would be difficult, but she would give us new “tools” and guide us through. She explained that her grading system was different, and that we would not see high scores soon. “Everything you do in class matters,” she said. “As writing is an art, it takes a long time to perfect.” Mrs. Johnson scared me. I was afraid of what she would say if I asked a question. So in class I kept silent most of the time and couldn’t follow her. When I got my first essay back, my grade was terrible. I was annoyed with Mrs. Johnson. I disliked going to her class. Then I realized I needed to find out what I could do to improve my grade and how to use the “tools” in my writing. As I still didn’t dare to talk to Mrs. Johnson in person, I e-mailed her. In this way, she and I worked together to improve my writing. By and by, I could talk to her both online and in person. She walked me through every step to understand how to write an essay. Together we saw improvement in my work. From this I discovered that asking for help could actually work. Behind everything Mrs. Johnson was saying, she actually cared about me and where I would be in the future. She knocked me down so that I could climb back stronger.


  英语写作对我来说总是很容易的,但是当我走进约翰逊太太的课的第一天,情况就改变了。在此之前,我听说过以前的学生的传闻。他们说她很严格,上课很难及格。所以我很紧张。我们第一次见面时,约翰逊夫人告诉我们,上课很困难,但她会给我们提供新的“工具”并指导我们完成学习。她解释说,她的评分系统有所不同,我们很快不会看到高分。她说:“您在课堂上所做的.一切都很重要。” “由于写作是一门艺术,因此需要很长时间才能完善。”约翰逊太太吓到我了。如果我问一个问题,我很害怕她会说些什么。因此,在课堂上,我大部分时间保持沉默,无法跟随她。当我收到第一篇论文时,我的成绩很糟糕。我对约翰逊太太感到恼火。我不喜欢上她的课。然后,我意识到我需要找出可以提高自己成绩的方法,以及如何在写作中使用“工具”。由于我仍然不敢亲自与约翰逊夫人交谈,因此给她发送了电子邮件。这样,她和我一起努力提高了写作水平。渐渐地,我可以和她在网上和亲自交谈。她带领我走过了每一步,以了解如何撰写论文。我们在一起看到了我工作的进步。由此我发现寻求帮助实际上是可行的。在约翰逊夫人所说的一切背后,她实际上关心着我以及我将来的生活。她把我撞倒了,以便我可以爬回来更牢固。









