
2021-07-02 节日类英语作文




  In March 5th, although I wanted to go to school, I had a happy Lantern Festival.

  上午,吃完早餐,我走在繁忙的街道上 空气是那么清新 天空是那么明亮,我和同学一起上学放学。

  In the morning, after breakfast, I walk on the busy street and the air is so fresh, the sky is so bright, I go to school with my classmates.

  中午家里来了好多客人 ,有:姐姐 姑妈,哥哥 ,小冉。吃饭的时候,桌子上增加了一道食品,那就——汤圆。我喂了小冉几口饭菜 小冉开心地笑了 她好可爱。

  At noon, there were many guests at home. There were: sister and aunt, brother, Xiao ran. When eating, a food is added to the table, that is, tangyuan. I fed little ran, a few meals, and laughed happily, and she was so cute.

  中途 我们干杯说了祝福话,过的热闹快乐 。晚上我写完作业 和爸爸看了会元宵晚会。晚上我们听到了家家户户传来的鞭炮声 这是我们的传统习俗。

  In the middle of the way we said the blessings and had a happy life. In the evening, I finished my homework with my father and watched the Lantern Festival party. We heard the sound of firecrackers coming from every family at night. It's our traditional custom.


  I think the small ran very cute, white skin, bright eyes, wearing a blue hat. We had a happy Lantern Festival!



  Tomorrow is the fifteen Lantern Festival, on this day, all have held a grand festival, lantern riddles, eating lantern, lamp, kids playing lanterns, can be happy. I look up the history of the Lantern Festival and learn from all of you. I wish you a happy holiday!


  The Lantern Festival has two thousand years of history in Chinese, also known as the "Lantern Festival", also known as the "Lantern Festival" or "Dengxi". According to Chinese ancient custom, "Yuan" means the moon circle, a year in the so-called "three yuan" -- the fifteen known as the "spring" in July fifteen, known as the "ghost", in October fifteen called "Yuan"; the fifteen is the year the first full moon night, is also one yuan the return of the night, Spring returns to the earth, people have to celebrate and celebrate the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival, also known as the "spring festival". "The night" is also the night, so the Lantern Festival also has the meaning of the first round night of the year.



  Today is the fifteen Lantern Festival on the first moon, and the Lantern Festival is also a day of reunion. After dinner, my sister and my brother, accompanied by an adult, went to the yard to look at the fireworks. As soon as he arrived in the yard, he saw all kinds of beautiful lanterns in his friend's hand. There is a rabbit lamp, a butterfly lamp, a goldfish lamp, and the beautiful goldfish lamp, like a living goldfish, swings its beautiful tail.


  The fireworks of the moment, looked upward, in the sky some fireworks bloom like the golden chrysanthemum; some like fireflies fluttering all over the sky; some like colorful gems; it is a beautiful picture!


  After seeing the fireworks, my aunt went home to us and my brother and sister to cook the dumpling.



  Today is the Lantern Festival, I am very happy, morning, crackling firecrackers woke me up, I got up to see, my mother bought me a lantern yesterday? My lantern can be beautiful, and the music, singing a song: good luck, I wish you good luck, good luck, happiness and love, I love you! I also ate a sweet and round lantern. Mother told me: according to the traditional Chinese folk, in the night of the Lantern Festival on this day, people start to spend thousands of lanterns, in order to celebrate. Enjoying the moonlight, like fireworks, flower lantern riddles, yuanxiao, family reunion enjoyable. So my mom and Dad promised me to see the lantern with my brother at night. I'd like to go now.


  I wish teachers and classmates happy Lantern Festival!



  Looking forward to the stars and the moon, we have finally been looking forward to the annual Lantern Festival. I said to my mother in the morning, "Mom, it's the Lantern Festival. Remember to buy me a gun in the afternoon." Mother said, "OK!" So, in the morning, I came to school cheerfully, and when I heard the class, I heard Mr. Zhang said, "today is the Lantern Festival. We have a guessing game in the afternoon. Who has guessed it, and the prize?" Just listen to the students and say, "come in the afternoon and come here in the afternoon!" And the other said, "the activity and the prizes!"... The students are all looking forward to the afternoon activities.


  Finally in the afternoon, with He Yuxuan guessing a wonderful story kicked off, many times I have to raise their hands, but every right person is not me, but part of it, I was very happy!


  After coming home in the afternoon, my mother had bought all kinds of artillery, and I was glad to see these cannons in the evening at last.


  This is my colorful lantern festival!



  From January fifteen to the Lantern Festival, go to the grave, fire, Hunan TV once a year the Lantern Festival, rich and happy!


  Late in the afternoon, we stepped up easy steps, stepped happy pace to the grave to the ancestors and the old woman. The ed small candles, back, look at a large grave, very beautiful, a golden sea. On the way home, all households have red lanterns on their houses, and small candles at the door, like decorating their own castles, especially good - looking. When we go home, we eat dumplings. One family sits on the sofa, and the news eats dumplings. It's very excited and happy. After eating dumplings, uncle took us outside the house to fire and explode. It was very happy. After playing, we went to see the Hunan TV's noisy Lantern Festival at Grandpa's home, because we all started school quickly, so mom called us home at 8:30 and went to bed. The fifteen first month of the Lantern Festival was in the past in happiness, happiness and happiness.


  This is the happiest time for me to make the Lantern Festival fifteen times in the first month. Because my uncle's bustling Lantern Festival is very busy, and my hometown is all cool and clear. The most important thing is that it makes me feel happy, happy and happy.



  Lovemaking! Clap!......" Early in the morning, I was a burst of crackling firecrackers awakened from a dream. I got up in a hurry and set off my firecrackers with my father. The Lantern Festival began in 2010.


  The Lantern Festival, people from all sides came to play a show, Xindian, to celebrate the festive season. This year is no exception, about eight o'clock, they heard the sound of gongs and drums Street sonorous: "thunk - a choke, choke, choke a boom boom choke choke!......" Time and time, sometimes urgent, and sometimes change the tune. Ah, the show has started!


  I hastened to pull my mother to the street, the 309 National Road is already a sea of people. A car floats slowly forward, floats behind the region of each unit, the township's performance, people dressed in festive costumes, some fan dancing, some knock on the drum, pick some flowers, some flowers and some play, some row, playing the dragon, twisting seedling song...... I was so fascinated that I didn't know who shouted, "look!" The donkey." I went to the west to see if the donkey team arrived, strange is the donkey are all dressed up to the nines aunt. They ran, the donkey yaotoubaiwei, neck under the bells jingling sound, people can not help but see a uproarious. I couldn't help but pull its tail, it actually turned the horse head toward me, scared I recoiled, made everyone laugh.



  Today is the fifteen of the first lunar month, the Chinese traditional festival - the Lantern Festival. On this day, we came to the street to watch the Lantern Festival, not yet, I found the streets have long been the sea of people. We look forward to the East, waiting, looking forward to the happy smile on the people's faces. Waiting for a wonderful show.


  At night, all families are eating reunion dumplings, firecrackers and fireworks, showing a scene of harmony and joy... As if to bring the whole earth to the color of the colorful littoral fireworks, the whole world is proud and unconstrained to release the heavy atmosphere of the festival! The fireworks seems to have resisted for a long time, as one falls, another rises, agglomeration in this festive season all can't wait to show it the most beautiful moments! Let people stop and watch, clap their hands and praise, forget to return, and be happy.


  After the lantern, looked up, the sky is full of fireworks, every kind of, colorful, some riotous with colour together with purple, red, gold, green and so on, some like some stars, like the sun, they are a bunch of fly to the sky, scattered on the earth. Although the fireworks are fleeting, but its bright but long life, bring people happy.


  In the evening, the adults were going home, but our little friends were still putting out fireworks.


  The people cry, we are unable to part walk home.



  In the 15th day of the first month of the Chinese lunar calendar of each year is once a year the Lantern Festival, the Lantern Festival is also known as the "spring festival". On the day of the Lantern Festival, the Spring Festival is really over. Every day, people will admire the lanterns, yuanxiao, lantern riddles, lion dance, on Gau. Every year the Lantern Festival, I will eat dumplings, and then the friends guess lantern riddles.


  The food in the Lantern Festival has been a long history in China. This kind of food was called "Yuanxiao", which was later called "Lantern Festival". Because they are round, so it represents one family reunion, and one family with happiness, and like a lantern in the same sweet stuffing. So the people of China are most eager for reunion, and people put this emotion into the food.


  Every year the Lantern Festival, streets and alleys are bright light. The lantern hanging around, a glowing red light path become colorful lanterns, looks very lively.


  The Lantern Festival is integrated with the traditional Chinese customs and customs. Let all people attach importance to the traditional culture of China, so that we can carry forward the traditional culture of China so that China can keep thousands of years of constant culture.



  The fifteen is the Lantern Festival, my family and I seven came around the entrance of the municipal government, the huge crowds of people, before the stalls have come here early, some people went to the countryside, some children riding on his father's neck, eating ice Tomatoes on sticks at this moment, look around, I heard someone knocking on the drum originally, the lion dance came, and stilt yangko dance, this is the, a lion ran from the ladder to the left, the other lion ran from the right, there is a man with a ball on top of the ladder, saw two lions, are competing to climb up the ladder to grab Hydrangea, very good-looking! I think these uncles must have eaten a lot of bitterness.

  到了晚上七点,我们从家早早的出了门,到西广场的西边看焰火燃放,烟花晚会已经开始了,烟花五颜六色的,形状千奇百怪的,这是,这些“流星”上了天空,又像流星雨一样落下来,有些烟花落下来就像瀑布一样,有的还好像一把把箭从天而降,这时,出来许多图形:一个笑脸、一朵朵花、一个小脚印······最奇怪的是 出现了一只只蝴蝶,它们就像真蝴蝶一样翩翩起舞向人们飞过来。

  At seven o'clock in the evening, we from home early out of the door to the west, the west side of the courtyard to see fireworks, fireworks party has already started, the shape of the fireworks riotous with colour, all sorts of strange things, this is the "meteor" in the sky, like a meteor shower and fall down, some smoke flowers fall down like a waterfall also, some seem to put out at this time, many arrows drop from the clouds, graphics: a smiling face, a flower, a small footprints --- the most strange is the emergence of a butterfly, they really like the butterfly dancing as a flying people.


  The night of the Lantern Festival is so beautiful this year, I will not forget the festival of our hometown - Lantern Festival!









