
2024-04-07 节日类英语作文


  介绍清明节的英语作文 1

  The tomb-sweeping day, is one of 24 solar terms in our country.According to the Gregorian calendar, it is in every year on April 4 to 6.The ancients attaches great importance to the solar terms.As the solar terms, ching Ming period is the most regions in our country, thousands of wooden fall winter has in the past, beautiful, apr, willow green, peach, vibrant called qingming festival.First, the throttle has close relationship with agriculture, farmers proverb says: "before and after the tomb-sweeping day, some melon seeds beans", it is a good season spring sowing.Second, the tomb-sweeping day is the day of ancestor worship and the grave.The tang dynasty poet tu mu did: "rains fall heavily as qingming comes, and passers-by with lowered spirits go.Restaurant where? Boy pointed apricot blossom village." Write the ching Ming festival special atmosphere.Grave, offer sacrifices to the dead mans a kind of activity.The han nationality and some minority are mostly in the tombs.

  The tomb-sweeping day ancestor worship, mourning the Chinese nation ShenZhongZhuiYuan, Kingston amity and the manifestation of filial and moral character.Since ancient times, tomb-sweeping day is not just the memory of their ancestors, to stand for the people in the history of the work, do good, people will remember him.On Thursday,I cherish esteeming mood, to the childrens palace to watch understand the martyrs deeds, for these great hero papercranes give their hands.Through this activity, I deeply felt more now our hard-won happy life, is a revolutionary martyrs for with precious life and blood, but also cherish the good times now, grow up to serve the motherland, become the backbone of the motherland!

  清明,是我国二十四个节气之一。按阳历来说,它是在每年的 4月4日至6日之间。古人很重视这个节气。作为节气,清明时期正是我国大部地区,万木凋零的寒冬已经过去,风和日丽,莺飞草长,柳绿桃红,生机勃勃故称之为清明。首先,这个节气与农业生产有密切的关系,农谚说:“清明前后,点瓜种豆”, 正是春耕播种的大好季节。其次,清明也是祭祖和扫墓的日子。唐代诗人杜牧的诗云:“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。借问酒家何处有?牧童遥指杏花村。”写出了清明节的特殊气氛。扫墓俗称上坟,祭祀死者的一种活动。汉族和一些少数民族大多都是在清明节扫墓。

  清明祭祖扫墓,是中华民族慎终追远、敦亲睦族及行孝品德的具体表现。自古以来,清明扫墓不光是纪念自己的祖先,对历史上为人民立过功,做过好事的`人物,人民都会纪念他。本周四,我怀着崇敬的心情, 到少年宫认真观看了解了烈士事迹,为这些伟大的英雄献上亲手制作的千纸鹤。通过这次活动,我更加深刻地感受到我们现在的幸福生活来之不易,是革命先烈用宝贵的生命与鲜血换来的,还要珍惜现在的大好时光,长大后报效祖国,成为祖国的栋梁!

  介绍清明节的英语作文 2

  The tomb sweeping day is one of the traditional festivals in China.On April 5th, people start to visit their ancestorstombs.

  Generally speaking, people will bring the home-made food, some fake money and paper-made mansion to their ancestors.When they start to honour their ancestor, they will light up some candles and incense, put some flowers around the tombs.

  The most important thing is to put the home-made food in front of the tombs.The food, also known as sacrifices, is usually made up with a chicken, a fish and some pork.Its a symbol of the offsprings respect to the ancestors.

  People believe that the forbears will share the food with them.The children dedicate the food and money to their forbears in order to show their love and caring.The young offspring will go down on their knees and pray for their ancestors.They can say their wishes in front of the tombs and the ancestors will make their dreams come true.





  介绍清明节的英语作文 3

  Qingming Festival is a traditional festival in China. On this day, people go to sweep graves, burn paper money, and pay respects to their deceased loved ones. Our family was no exception. My mother began to fold gold paper ingots at home many days in advance. On the morning of the Tomb Sweeping Day, our three family had breakfast early and set out to go back to our hometown to visit grandmas grave. On the way, we saw that the golden rape flowers in the fields were blooming brightly, and the air was filled with a sweet smell of flowers. People were burning paper money to worship their relatives everywhere. Soon we also arrived at grandmas grave. My mother and I began to place offerings. My father poured out the paper money and gold ingots we had brought, and then lit them. My mother was still chanting words without knowing what to say What? My father and I kowtowed to Grandma, feeling a bit heavy.

  After sweeping the tomb, we returned to Grandpas house. Grandpas house was also very lively today, and Uncle and Uncle were also back. Grandpas younger sisters, also known as my aunts, also came. The adults sat together and talked, while our children played games in the yard. Mom and two aunties were busy making dumplings for everyone. Soon, the hot dumplings were cooked, and the whole family gathered together to eat. After dinner, we bid farewell to Grandpa and returned to the city. On the way, I looked at the green wheat fields and the golden rapeseed flowers, and couldnt help but feel a bit nostalgic for my hometown. But I still had to go back to the noisy city. In this environment!



  介绍清明节的英语作文 4

  Qingming Festival is a holiday to express our grief. At this time, people will always miss their deceased loved ones and express our longing in various ways.

  In my hometown, Qingming Festival is a major festival second only to Spring Festival. On the Qingming Festival, the most important thing is, of course, to go to the grave and pay respects to our ancestors. The preparation of sacrificial items for going to the grave mainly consists of two parts: paper money, but food. Parents will buy paper money, incense, candles, firecrackers in advance to burn for their ancestors, as well as long paper strings cut from paper money, and hang them in front of graves to summon souls. Our hometown is called Hanging Green, which used to be made of yellow paper money. Now the style has changed, with various colors, mostly made of bright packaging paper. The food used for worship should also be prepared in advance, mainly meat. The regular ones are all our own cured meat. A large piece of cured meat doesnt need to be sliced, just cook it whole. With the improvement of living standards, the food for worship has also become more diverse. In addition to the traditional bacon, they usually buy a whole chicken or Red-Stewed Duck, and bring a bottle of good wine, a plate of fruit, a plate of melon seeds and peanuts, so that all the items for going to the grave are ready.

  On the day of Qingming Festival, the whole family moved out, and everyone divided their work and cooperated. They brought their sacrificial supplies and set off. Arrange food in front of the grave, incense candles, burn paper money, hang a green flag, then worship ancestors, and finally set off firecrackers. After a busy schedule, the burial was completed.

  This is the Qingming Festival in my hometown, which has both traditions and changes, but the nostalgia for our ancestors will never change.





  介绍清明节的英语作文 5

  The annual traditional festival - Qingming Festival has arrived, and every Qingming Festival, everyone will go to the grave to worship their ancestors. On the morning of April 5th, I arrived early with my parents at my hometown on Henglu.

  As soon as I entered the door, I saw my grandparents busy cooking. Grandma saw us coming and quickly took out pastries and Qingming fruits for us to eat. I chose a salty one and ate it big and big. In no time, I ate several Qingming fruits filled with bamboo shoots. After finishing, Grandpa picked up the tomb sweeping tools and asked us to go up the mountain together.

  The road on the mountain is narrow and steep, and both sides are overgrown with weeds. I walked vigorously towards my own cemetery with the help of my father. The azaleas on the roadside were in full bloom, and I asked my dad to give me some blooming flowers to put on the grave. In no time, we arrived at the tomb of our ancestors. Grandpa and Mom and Dad were busy, devoutly chopping grass and sweeping the floor at the grave. I saw my mother carefully sweeping the cemetery and rushed over to her, saying, "Mom, let me sweep!" My mother smiled and gave me the broom. I picked up a broom and continued to sweep on the gourd floor. After a while, I felt a bit tired and handed the broom to my mother again. I went to the side to pick up some pine cones and placed them in front of my ancestors graves along with the previously twisted azaleas. Then, I hung ribbons on the graves and set off cannons before going down the mountain.

  I hope our ancestors will live well in another world, and I hope all people will live in peace and happiness.





  介绍清明节的英语作文 6

  Qingming Festival is approaching, and people come to the cemetery with a sad heart. God seems to have seen through peoples hearts and wants to cry. The willow also hangs its head Ah。 Qingming Festival is really sad!

  Our family arrived at the cemetery with firecrackers, paper money... and a sad mood. As soon as I entered the door, I saw a sea of people and heard gunshots. I found a place and started sweeping the grave. Dad lit the candle and placed it directly in front of the tablet. After a while, dad picked up a clean towel and wiped the tablet seriously, making every word shine. Suddenly discovered a belt tied to someone elses monument. I thought it was strange, so I bought a red belt with the words "The sound is still there" and tied it to a stone tablet. Turns out this is to cherish our memories of our loved ones. Then, my mother burned the paper money and kept talking, hoping that the deceased loved ones would live well and wishing our whole family happiness! Finally, we bowed our heads.

  At this moment, I remembered Du Mus poem "Qingming": "During Qingming Festival, there is a lot of rain, and the pedestrians on the road are heartbroken. When I ask where the restaurant is, the shepherd boy points to Xinghua Village." This poem describes how it often rains during Qingming Festival, and the pedestrians on the road seem to have lost their souls. They asked the residents where there was a restaurant, and the shepherd boy pointed to Xinghua Village in the distance. On the way home, I thought to myself, "I must study hard and not disappoint the expectations of my deceased loved ones!"“




  介绍清明节的英语作文 7

  The customs of Qingming Festival are very interesting. In addition to emphasizing the prohibition of fire and tomb sweeping, there are also a series of customs and sports such as hiking, swinging, cuju, playing polo, and ing willows. It is said that this is because during the Qingming Festival, there is a ban on cold food and fire. In order to prevent cold food from harming the body, everyone comes to participate in some sports activities to exercise. On this day, I went to my dear grandmothers house and saw green wheat seedlings on the way. I asked in confusion, Mom, what is this?? Is it leek? "Mom smiled and said, This is a wheat seedling, not a leek! Haha... Dad laughed, Mom laughed, and even the little brother who didnt understand anything joined in the fun. Our whole family laughed in the car.".

  When I arrived at my grandmothers house, I affectionately called her grandmother, and she answered me. And what about Mom? My mother pulled me into the yard and asked me to carefully observe the wheat seedlings. I pulled up a wheat seedling and saw that the middle part of the seedling was different from the leek! There are several layers on the outside of the wheat seedlings, while on the inside, there is only a thin pole, and the leeks are wrapped inside and outside. When my mother asked me to observe, my dad and Da Da went together to burn paper money for my grandfather.

  Coming to my grandmothers house this time has taught me a lot of knowledge!




  介绍清明节的英语作文 8

  Qingming Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. It is not only a festival for people to pay tribute to their ancestors and remember them, but also a bond for the Chinese nation to recognize and return to their ancestors. The poem "Qingming" by Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu reads: "During Qingming Festival, rain falls heavily, and pedestrians on the road are about to lose their souls. By asking the tavern where there is a shepherd boy pointing to the Apricot Blossom Village." It depicts the unique atmosphere of Qingming Festival. People bring Qingming fruit paper money.

  Go up the mountain to sweep the tomb. On Qingming Festival, willow branches are planted on every households door to tell people that Qingming Festival is here. The most interesting ones are eating eggs and cutting hair. On Qingming Festival, you must eat eggs and put some scallions inside them. Because scallions and cong are homophones, putting some scallions in an egg is called "cong dan" or "smart egg". Also, on Qingming Festival, it is necessary to cut your hair. Cutting your hair will make you smarter, so people call it "smart head". Are you saying its strange or not.

  This is the Qingming Festival in our area, and I love the 2500 year history and unique Qingming Festival.




  介绍清明节的英语作文 9

  Every Qingming Festival, my dad takes me to pay respects to my grandparents. This year is no exception. Every year during the Qingming Festival, the weather in Guiyang is not very good. The sparse rain is falling, and I always feel that when it rains, I should rest indoors, read books, and so on. But I will still go to the grave with my dad. Take this opportunity to experience the refreshing outdoor atmosphere.

  The place where the grave is buried is always crowded. Everyone comes here with a nostalgic attitude towards family and friends, so it feels like there are a lot of people. It will also feel particularly lively. I learned about my grandparents from my elders. I have never seen them before, and I really wish they could love me more and see me grow up happy and healthy. Every time I think of this, I feel a bit sad. I will also see a little sister next to me who is also burying her family. She is also burning paper for her deceased grandfather. I silently said, "Grandpa wants to bless my familys health..." I also respectfully burned paper in front of my grandfather and grandmothers graves, just like her, praying for my family. I hope grandpa and grandma can bless everyone.

  After going down the mountain, my dad always takes me to the park at the foot of the mountain to sit on the swing. Dad always pushes me behind the swing, swinging it so high. I am extremely happy and can feel the gentle breeze brushing my face. My dad loves me very much. In terms of learning, he will be strict with me, and in life, he will also be meticulous towards me. So I am also very happy. I want to grow up happily and healthily, and let my dad see that I am happy. I think he will also be happy. We also need to let our grandparents know that their granddaughter is very happy.

  This year, we will go to the grave with our whole family again. The older brother of the second uncles family has also returned, and I think it will be more fun to go to the grave this year.





  介绍清明节的英语作文 10

  Qingming Festival, also known as Qingqing Festival, Xingqing Festival, March Festival, Ancestral Worship Festival, etc., is celebrated at the turn of mid spring and late spring. The Qingming Festival originated from the ancestral beliefs and spring festival customs of ancient times, and has both natural and cultural connotations. It is not only a natural solar term, but also a traditional festival. Tomb sweeping and ancestor worship, as well as outdoor outings, are the two major traditional customs themes of the Qingming Festival. These two themes have been passed down in China since ancient times and have continued to this day.

  Qingming Festival is an ancient festival of the Chinese nation. It is not only a solemn festival for tomb sweeping and ancestor worship, but also a joyful festival for people to get close to nature, go hiking, and enjoy the fun of spring. Dou Zhi Yi (or the solar longitude reaches 15 °) is the Qingming solar term, which occurs around April 5th in the Gregorian calendar. This season is full of vitality, with a decline in yin energy, and all things "vomit the old and embrace the new". The earth presents a picture of spring and scenery, making it a good time for youth outings and tomb sacrifices in the suburbs. The Qingming Ancestral Worship Festival has a long period, with two versions: 10 days before and 8 days after, and 10 days before and 10 days after. These nearly 20 days belong to the Qingming Ancestral Worship Festival.

  Qingming Festival is a traditional major spring festival, which involves sweeping graves, worshipping ancestors, and commemorating ancestors. It has been a fine tradition of the Chinese nation since ancient times. It not only promotes filial piety and family ties, awakens common family memories, but also promotes the cohesion and sense of identity of family members and even the nation. The Qingming Festival integrates natural solar terms and cultural customs, and is a unity of favorable timing, geography, and human harmony. It fully reflects the Chinese ancestors pursuit of the harmonious unity of "heaven, earth, and human", emphasizing the idea of adapting to the timing, geography, and natural laws.

  Qingming Festival, together with the Spring Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival, is known as Chinas four traditional festivals. In addition to China, there are also some countries and regions in the world that celebrate Qingming Festival, such as Vietnam, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, and so on. On May 20, 2006, the Qingming Festival declared by the Ministry of Culture of the Peoples Republic of China was approved by the State Council to be included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list. A little sister who was also burying her family next to her was also burning paper for her deceased grandfather. I silently said, "Grandpa wants to bless my familys health..." I also respectfully burned paper in front of my grandfather and grandmothers graves, just like her, praying for my family. I hope grandpa and grandma can bless everyone.

  After going down the mountain, my dad always takes me to the park at the foot of the mountain to sit on the swing. Dad always pushes me behind the swing, swinging it so high. I am extremely happy and can feel the gentle breeze brushing my face. My dad loves me very much. In terms of learning, he will be strict with me, and in life, he will also be meticulous towards me. So I am also very happy. I want to grow up happily and healthily, and let my dad see that I am happy. I think he will also be happy. We also need to let our grandparents know that their granddaughter is very happy.

  This year, we will go to the grave with our whole family again. The older brother of the second uncles family has also returned, and I think it will be more fun to go to the grave this year.





  介绍清明节的英语作文 11

  The traditional customs of Qingming Festival are rich and interesting. In addition to emphasizing the prohibition of fire and tomb sweeping, there are also a series of customs and sports activities such as hiking, swinging on the swing, and planting willows. It is said that this is because during the Qingming Festival, there is a ban on cold food and fire. In order to prevent cold food from harming the body, everyone comes to participate in some sports activities to exercise. Therefore, this festival is characterized by both the sorrowful tears of sweeping new graves, bidding farewell to life, death, and separation, as well as the laughter of hiking and playing. It is a unique festival.

  Tomb Sweeping and Sacrificing: Tomb sweeping and sacrificing during the Qingming Festival refers to the "respect for the times" towards ancestors. According to the long-standing customs and habits, in the old days, most people in Beijing would sweep tombs and offer sacrifices during the Qingming Festival. However, the sweeping ceremony was not held on the same day as the Qingming Festival, but on the "single" day near the Qingming Festival. It is said that only monks worship and sweep tombs on Qingming Day.

  Inserting willows: It is said that the custom of ing willows is also to commemorate the agricultural ancestor Shen Nong, who taught the people how to cultivate crops. In some places, people plant willow branches under the eaves to forecast the weather. As the ancient saying goes, "When the willow branches are green, the rain will be hazy; when the willow branches are dry, the sky will clear.". During the Huangchao Uprising, it was stipulated that the Qingming Festival would last for a period of time, with the name "Dai Liu". After the failure of the uprising, the traditional custom of wearing willows gradually faded away, and only the practice of ing willows continued to flourish. Willow has a strong vitality. As the saying goes, "If you plant flowers with a heart, they will not grow; if you do not willows, they will provide shade." Willow branches will live wherever they are ed into the soil, and every year they will be ed, creating shade everywhere.

  There is also a saying that during the Qingming Festival, Chinese people celebrate the three major ghost festivals of Qingming, July and the first half of the lunar month, and the new moon in October, when a hundred ghosts appear and seek revenge. People plant and wear willows to prevent the invasion and persecution of ghosts. Lius have the function of warding off evil in peoples minds. Influenced by Buddhism, people believe that willows can dispel ghosts and call them "ghostly trees"

  The Qingming Festival, also known as the "March Festival," is still popular today as a custom of mourning for deceased loved ones. Its also exactly the same as what I did on Qingming Festival!

  On Qingming Festival, crowds of people can be seen everywhere sweeping and burying ancestors. Worshiping them makes them miss their loved ones in their hearts... Some centenarians even miss their young deceased children. Its really heartbreaking!

  On Qingming Festival, I learned many truths and also learned many philosophical concepts about life. Our folk customs are the most worth learning!








  介绍清明节的英语作文 12

  April 4th every year is a traditional festival in China - Qingming Festival. Qingming Festival is a traditional festival and the most important festival for worshipping ancestors and sweeping graves. At this moment, every place will be shrouded in a faint layer of sadness, and my hometown is no exception.

  In my hometown, during the first few days of Qingming Festival every year, people are busy carving paper money and buying yellow paper and incense wax. The head of the family needs to gather all members of the clan for a meeting, during which they will decide which family will buy food and which family will buy sacrificial materials. After making a decision, everyone takes their own actions.

  On the streets, a dazzling array of sacrificial items can be seen everywhere, including incense, wax, paper money, and large skewers of paper... On the day of Qingming Festival, some elderly grandfathers and sturdy uncles bring the purchased large skewers of paper to hang on their loved ones graves. Hanging paper is to tie the skewers of paper to wooden sticks and them into their loved ones graves, meaning to "hang flowers" on the heads of their deceased loved ones houses. After hanging the flowers, one should bow and kowtow to the tombstone, praying for peace and blessings, and adding more wealth and honor.

  In my hometown, the graves of the deceased are mostly standing in the woods. People entered the forest and found a more spacious place to light a pot. Some people began to serve the food, while others burned incense, lit wax, and placed offerings in front of the grave. After all the work is completed, set off firecrackers, and the tribe members will bow and pray for blessings to their ancestors in chronological order.

  After praying for blessings, they gather for a meal in the family cemetery, which is probably the meaning of sharing meals with their ancestors. After finishing the meal, the clan leader will evenly distribute the remaining food to each household in the clan and take it home, meaning that the members of the clan will have blessings and share difficulties. After the crowd dispersed, people went to the graves of their loved ones to suffer and express their thoughts, prayers, and blessings.

  Although the dead are gone, the living place them in their hearts. On the Qingming Festival every year, people in their hometowns take out their memories of their deceased loved ones to air dry, expressing the blood thick emotions between family members.







  介绍清明节的英语作文 13

  Qingming Festival, also known as Qingqing Festival, is a traditional festival in China that dates back to the Zhou Dynasty and has a history of over 2500 years. Qingming Festival is a very important solar term at the beginning. As soon as Qingming arrives, the temperature rises, making it the perfect time for the Spring Festival. Therefore, there is a farming proverb that goes, "Planting melons and beans before and after Qingming Festival." Qingming Festival is also an important festival for ancestor worship and tomb sweeping.

  On April 2nd, which was also the eve of Qingming Festival, the teacher led our two classes in a neat line towards the Martyrs Tower in the park. By the time we arrived, there were already two schools waiting for tomb sweeping, and we were in the third row. We stood by the steps, waiting and practicing reciting poetry.

  Its finally our turn to sweep the grave. Our two classes lined up neatly and arrived at the bottom of the Martyrs Tower. I think the students and teachers standing under the Martyrs Tower must be feeling heavy. With a hint of sadness.

  The tomb sweeping activity began, and the small host praised the martyrs and then asked us to observe a minute of silence. At that time, the scene was very quiet, as if a needle could be heard falling from the ground. Each of us lowered our heads and closed our eyes, silently mourning for the martyrs who sacrificed their lives to protect our country. After the silence, our class presented a poem and recited "In Memory of the Martyrs" to the martyrs. In those emotional poems, they carry our respect and gratitude one by one. A heart of admiration. We dedicate our hearts to the heroic warriors who sacrifice their lives to protect our country. After our poetry recitation, we listened to the speech of Class 55. After finishing, we went to the monument to touch their souls

  Our happy life today was exchanged with their blood and life, so we should cherish our current life, work hard to learn, and make progress every day. We must inherit their fighting spirit of fearlessness and courage to move forward, and build our beautiful and harmonious home when we grow up.






  介绍清明节的英语作文 14

  "During the Qingming Festival, it rains heavily, and pedestrians on the road feel like losing their souls..." Every year during this solar term, we silently recite this poem by the Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu in our hearts to express our longing for our ancestors.

  On this day, we will come to the grave, place a bouquet of flowers, burn some paper money to express our longing and blessings for our loved ones, and silently pray for them in our hearts, wishing them to live happily and happily on the other side of heaven like us; At this moment, we cant help but think of the years they once spent with us, and those scenes seem to still be vividly remembered. Thinking of these, I cant help but shed tears.

  The scenery of spring in the distance caught my eye, with birds singing the sonata of spring. The peach blossoms and willows in the mountains, the golden rapeseed flowers everywhere, "tender buds blowing and leaves falling", and green tender buds sprouting. Everywhere was a scene of spring and the revival of all things. This was a season full of hope and blessings; During the Qingming Festival, let us not only reminisce about the past, but also have hope for the future. We should cherish life, make it more meaningful, and not waste such a beautiful life. We also need to have a new understanding of life, so that each day is full and fulfilling, so as not to regret ourselves and to be worthy of others.




  介绍清明节的英语作文 15

  During the Qingming Festival, it rained heavily, and pedestrians on the road wanted to break their souls. They asked where the tavern was, and the shepherd boy pointed to Apricot Blossom Village from afar. This is a poem written by a great Tang Dynasty poet about the Qingming Festival.

  Ancestral worship is a custom during the Qingming Festival, which falls on April 5th in the Gregorian calendar this year. Because Qingming Festival is listed as a statutory holiday in China, it has a three-day holiday, and I am quite happy.

  In the morning, after having breakfast, we set off to worship our ancestors. Along the way, we saw many people worshipping our ancestors, and even further ahead, there were crowds of people and vehicles crowded to the brim.

  We got off the car and walked up the mountain with yellow paper, candles, firecrackers, roasted pigs, fruits, liquor, and fragrant paper that our mother had prepared earlier. When we arrived at our ancestors graves, we saw that our uncles arrived one step earlier than us. Everyone is here. Following the usual practice in previous years, we first clean the house where our ancestors lived, then the burning incense and candles in front of the tomb, burn yellow paper, and set off a string of firecrackers. We then begin to kowtow and worship. While bowing, my mother muttered, "You must bless our family with peace and good health..." After the worship, we began to enjoy these delicious foods. At this moment, we feel that it is the happiest time. Not only is there delicious food, but it is also very lively here.

  When I got home, I asked my mother why she went to worship her ancestors. She said, "Worshiping ancestors is to let people pay homage to their ancestors, and more importantly, to let people know that people should not forget their roots." Oh, it turns out that ancestor worship means this.






  介绍清明节的英语作文 16

  When it comes to Qingming Festival, everyone knows that it is a traditional festival in China. On Qingming Festival, we have to sweep graves, go for outings, and even eat Qingtuan.

  This Qingming Festival, I returned to my hometown - Xiamen. My grandparents and aunt have all come to the airport to pick me up. We didnt go sightseeing, but went directly to the ancestral hall for worship.

  The sky also seemed to reflect the ancient poem of "rain pouring down during the Qingming Festival", with drizzle falling. The tomb sweepers lit incense for their ancestors, some were busy offering fruits and food, and some silently shed tears

  We arrived at our grandfathers ancestral hall and first presented tribute items such as chicken, fish, fruit, and green dough. Then our grandfather lit incense and gave each of us three sticks of incense. We paid three respects together in front of the ancestral tablet, then knelt down and kowtowed three heads to our ancestors. The next step was to burn paper money to give to our ancestors. There is a small stove specifically designed for burning beside the ancestral hall. We light the fire first, and then relay the paper money to burn. Grandpa keeps using a wooden stick to stir the fire, so that the paper burns clean. Standing on the side, I couldnt open my eyes due to the smoke. But Grandpa kept tinkering with it. Finally, its the stage of setting off firecrackers, and the whole family is afraid to light them. At this moment, Grandma volunteered to go up and light, with a crackling sound, so loud! Grandpa said, this is telling our ancestors that we have come to visit you!

  Qingming Festival is a holiday to commemorate our ancestors and history. I think on this day, we should not only commemorate our ancestors, but also the heroes who sacrificed themselves for the great cause of our motherland! So Qingming Festival is really a meaningful holiday!






  介绍清明节的英语作文 17

  On Qingming Day, I became a youth league with my dad and mom. Grandma said, "Every year during the Qingming Festival, every family would make a Qingtuan to worship their ancestors, which has become a custom.".

  Early in the morning of the Qingming Festival, my mother went to the food market to buy some wormwood, washed and mashed it, and then mixed the juice of wormwood and glutinous rice flour with noodles. The mixed noodles were green. There are also many types of fillings for Qingtuan, such as bean paste, mung beans, sesame, snow vegetables, bamboo shoots, and other fillings. We knead the kneaded noodles into thin strips, then cut the noodles into noodles, knead them into a soft mesh cake, and then put a spoonful of Red bean soup in it, gently wrap it with your hands, and gently knead it into a smooth ball, one by one.

  Its time to steam green dough! Mom poured most of the water into the pot, then placed the green balls one by one in the steamer, covered the pot lid, and started cooking the green balls. After about twenty minutes of steaming, the kitchen was filled with steam, as if it were in the clouds. Mom, as soon as you lift the lid of the pot, the fragrant taste becomes even stronger! Pick up the green balls one by one, place them on a plate decorated with small flowers, and bring them to the table. Dad, I, and my younger brother began to taste them.

  I picked up the green dough and took a bite. Wow, its soft, sticky, and sweet. Its really delicious! I never expected my skills to be so good. My favorite thing is to make a youth league!

  On Qingming Festival, while we were eating Qingtuan, dont think about the family members who left me. If they were still here, they could join us and have a bite of the green dough I made myself. How wonderful it would be!






  介绍清明节的英语作文 18

  Qingming Festival, as a traditional festival, is also a day for people to pay respects to their ancestors and go hiking. Today is Qingming Festival. My grandfather, mother, and sister and I went to Jinan to sweep the grave of my grandfather. My grandfather was buried in a cemetery in Jinan, and we got up very early, so we drove to Jinan Cemetery early in the morning.

  Grandpas tomb is halfway up the mountain, and we started climbing with a sad heart. Our grandparents also brought a lot of ancestral food and paper money. When passing by someone elses tombstone, I found a problem, which is that some names are carved with red pens, some names are carved with black pens, or some names are written in gold, and some names are not painted. I wonder if women use red or gold pens to paint their names, and men use black to paint their names. Later, we asked our grandfather and found out that black and gold characters represent death, while red or uncolored characters represent still alive. However, this tomb is a double tomb. Before we knew it, we had come to the grandfathers tomb. We first cleaned the grandfathers tombstone, and then put on the food we brought, including fruit, Dim sum, and dates. I bowed three times to the grandfather, and three times to the grandfather and grandmother. I saw that the grandfathers tombstone had his mothers name, but not on the grandfathers tombstone. Grandpa and the others began to light incense and burn paper. The flames were blazing brightly, and soon the ashes of the paper money rose into the air. I heard that this represented that the deceased ancestors had received it, and we were all immersed in sorrow.

  After the tomb sweeping was completed, when we went down the mountain, we found some tombstones with crosses engraved on them. I asked my aunt what was going on, and she said that it represented that the deceased was a Catholic before their death. She also told me that everyone should have faith and not do anything wrong.

  Today, while we are worshipping our ancestors, we have also strengthened our physical fitness and learned a lot of knowledge that is not available in textbooks. I think it has been very rewarding.





  介绍清明节的英语作文 19

  Qingming Festival is one of the 24 solar terms in the lunar calendar, which falls on the 108th day after the winter solstice. The traditional Qingming Festival of the Han ethnic group in China dates back to the Zhou Dynasty and has a history of over 2500 years. During the Qingming Festival, the temperature suddenly rises, which is a great time for spring plowing and planting. There is a saying that "before and after the Qingming Festival, planting melons and beans".

  On this day, during the Qingming Festival, when it rains heavily and pedestrians on the road feel like losing their souls... before the sun rises, if you pick some tender leaves of willow trees, dry them in the sun, and soak them in water, it will have a fire reducing and anti-inflammatory effect (you can try it at home anyway, the temperature has already risen and drying is also simple).

  Qingming is still the same, but this years Qingming is slightly different from the previous Qingming. There are two reasons.

  The first one is that, in general, this year there is no longer the rainy weather and the atmosphere of losing ones soul like in previous years. Without rain, not only does it not affect people, but on the contrary, it gives the younger generation the opportunity to go for a spring outing and the older generation the passion to climb high and see far. Just dont rain, its still so hot. How can I survive. I washed a pair of socks and didnt even twist them. They were directly placed in the sun and only dried in the afternoon.

  The second one is that we didnt go home, and we didnt go to the graves of our grandparents. Mom was supposed to go, but when we arrived at the station, we were also shocked and didnt plan to go home. We just waited at home for two hours with a large bowl filled with dumplings, and then we shared it with Mom. Its already cold, but Mom said, there are blessings from your grandparents inside! Alas, theres no way who can call Qingming Festival or Cold Food Festival. Lets eat it now!

  The Qingming Festival naturally has its benefits. All ghost films in cinemas are half priced, and even the haunted houses of those machines seem to be even more excited. As I walked in, my ears were filled with screams. Those who felt terrifying screamed even louder, while those who didnt feel terrifying screamed as well. Why? Create an atmosphere.

  "During the Qingming Festival, it rains heavily, and pedestrians on the road are about to lose their souls..."








  介绍清明节的英语作文 20

  Qingming Festival is a traditional festival in China, which originated from the Zhou Dynasty and has a history of over 2500 years. It is an important festival for tomb sweeping and worship. On this day, people burn incense and paper, hang green paper as a tribute to their ancestors and loved ones.

  Every year on Qingming Festival, our big family would go to the tomb mountain to burn incense, paper, and set off firecrackers to express our grief for our deceased loved ones. On the day of Qingming Festival this year, the sky was not beautiful, and it was continuously drizzling. The head of our Wu family sent several young people to the tomb mountain to worship. Let my mother and aunts cook at home again. In the evening, everyone divided into 8 tables to eat. After the meal was served, the chieftain picked up his wine glass and loudly said, "Everyone, fill up the first glass of wine and pay tribute to our deceased loved ones!" After speaking, people spilled the wine on the ground, and the aroma of the wine filled the air. I think those ancestors who love drinking have also tasted this mellow bar!

  A few days later on a Saturday, the sunshine was bright, and only then did our whole family go to the grave. At Grandmas grave, we respectfully took out fruits and cookies to offer in front of the grave, Mom lit incense, and Dad burned money paper. I knelt next to my dad, clasping my hands together and muttering to myself, "Grandma, weve come to see you again. Rest in peace, may your spirit in heaven bless us all with good health and all the best!" After I finished speaking, I was about to fly a kite, but my dad still knelt. He stared at my grandmothers grave for a long time and choked up, saying, "Mom, Ive come to see you. Are you okay? Are your feet still hurting? If youre still here now, thats great. Your granddaughter is in second grade. Mom, I miss you so much, and I often dream of you..." As I spoke, my dad cried sadly, and my mom cried again. Hurry up and comfort dad. After a while, my father stood up and said, "Children, lets fly kites." My younger brother and I came to an open space and put the kite in the air. The kite flew higher and higher, and in the end, it was so small that it was almost invisible. At this moment, dad took out scissors and asked us to cut the thread. He said, "This can eliminate diseases and disasters, and bring good luck to oneself."

  Looking at the kite that is about to depart, I think that if our ancestors or relatives are alive in heaven, they will definitely hope that we study hard and stay healthy. So, I will study hard and never let down the expectations of our loved ones living in heaven.














