
2022-12-19 节日类英语作文


  国际劳动节的英语作文 篇1

  May first is a Sunday. And it is the Labor's Day. My mother said to me :“Open your eyes!And look out of the window. What a fine day! Let's go to park,” So my mother, my classmate and I went to the park. We took some foods in my schoolbag. On the way to the park. I saw the blue sky with snow-white clouds. I saw pear trees and some apple trees and so on. Below the trees, there are several kinds of flowers. It's colorful, blue, red, yellow, pink, purple, orange and white. I saw some balloons and butterflies in the sky. I ate popcorn, cornflakes, banana and lollipop. They were wonderful.

  In the afternoon, we went to the zoo. I visited the birds, mice, cats, dogs, budgies, hamsters, rabbits and so on.

  May Day is my favorite day!





  国际劳动节的英语作文 篇2

  a wind and the calendar of the afternoon, me and my mother, cousin and the cousin yo dog to clean air, scenic geleshan play. small colorful flowers to welcome our arrival with a smile; xiaocaohu their small head out and waved to us. we enjoy the beautiful scenery while hiking.

  along the way, yo dog to hop to hop from time to time naughty and jumped into the water hole, the others have a muddy splash. we came to a rock and saw the beautiful, fragrant honeysuckle fill the fields. cousin cousin and i could not wait to pick up the pick pocket honeysuckle. pick a pick, and i was honeysuckle mixed with a bit of rattan, the foot-slip, fall down on. if my hand tightly grasped the honeysuckle vines and perhaps on to pieces of it. end mining flowers, the mother asked us: do you know what the benefits of honeysuckle it? cousin said: honeysuckle is shannon. cousin said: honeysuckle qingre, reduce pathogenic fire. i said : honeysuckle can also be down summer heat. her mother said: you are right, but the best place honeysuckle is native, does not appreciate other people's live.

  after the play, i not only enjoy the beautiful scenery, but also to understand the truth in life. ah really gain a lot.

  国际劳动节的英语作文 篇3

  I spent this holiday very quick, on the 1st may, we went to the zoo, there were crowded there, so many travelers coming from all over the country to have some fun during the holidays.on 2nd may, i visited my relatives with my parents, we had a great lunch together, the resturant were crowded as well.on 3rd may, we went to shopping in the mall, after the shopping we went to watch a new movie.

  All the other days lefti didn’t go anywhere, no only becasue i still have some homework,but also there were almost all crowded in everywhere!

  国际劳动节的英语作文 篇4

  Today is the "51" International Day school holiday. In the evening, my mother and I went to the park. My mother and I came to the park, to see the stage ablaze with lights decorated the park. Above and on both sides of the stage hung with red cloth banners mate, warm atmosphere, the original is to celebrate "51" International Day of the variety show, really sleepless night God! After a while, the party began. Actor began performing a few farmers, and many programs are mostly self their wonderful great! Audience laughter woven into a happy paradise. Time off so fast, a blink of an eye on the well, my mom with laughter and happy home.

  今天是“五一”国际劳动节,学校放假了。晚上,我和妈妈到公园去。 我和妈妈来到公园,看到公园的舞台布置得灯火辉煌。舞台的上面和两边都挂着大副红布标语,气氛热烈,原来是庆祝“五一”国际劳动节的文艺晚会,真是火树银花不夜天呀! 过了一会,晚会开始了。几个农民演员开始表演了,很多节目多是他们自编的精彩极了!台下的欢声笑语编织成了快乐的天堂。 时间过的好快,一转眼就做好了,我带着笑声和妈妈高兴的回家了。

  国际劳动节的英语作文 篇5

  May 1 is labor day, is the world labor people's freedom anniversary, is for us, is a long-awaited festival, is also in our winter vacation again after a long holiday, such a long holiday, and I can happily, free of the sent and dominate their own space and time.

  Before "May Day" holiday, I will discuss with mom and dad, "51" a long vacation, go to Shanghai, suzhou, hangzhou area, to the pudong district of Shanghai yangpu, east bridge, have a look, in areas such as the Oriental pearl appreciate the new changes in Shanghai since the reform and opening up; Visit to the Shanghai a big site of the communist party of China and other places to visit, to accept the education of modern revolution; To suzhou huqiu, such as the west lake scenic area walk, see the motherland the natural beautiful scenery of the jiangnan area; Go for a walk hanshan temple and suzhou garden, feeling the midnight bell to the passenger ship "the beauty of artistic conception, So, on the one hand, can relax the mood, relieve fatigue, on the other hand to see the world, expand their horizons, edify sentiment. But, unfortunately, mother work during the period of "May Day" for things to go out, in desperation, the original plan was broken by thoroughly.

  There is no way, I only go to zhongshan park with my father to play, on the road, I saw a lot of children playing in holding the balloon, I can be happy, dashed into the park, across the stone bridge, such as dad. In a short time dad came running, we together to play in the park for a long time, I think this work though not very good, but meaningful

  国际劳动节的英语作文 篇6

  May 1 is international Labour Day, on that day, we're going to use industrious hands to experience the joy of labor.

  May Day, I help my mother do the housework. I get up early, although still very trapped, but I today is to do the housework. I eat breakfast, began to work with a rag. My task is to make cabinet all clean again, I'm busy for half a day that the housework.

  My chest is too dirty, thick dust. I didn't wipe a cabinet cloth are not like the black. I wipe for half an hour, some dust or hiding in the closet wouldn't come out, I already tired panting, but I still insist, hard to wipe it over and over again, until the rub cabinet all about. Although the feeling is very tired, but looking at clean cabinet, my heart still feel very happy.

  In the afternoon, my father and I are in the small garden planted a few small GuaMiao strains. We used to hoe scarification, dug several pit, the small GuaMiao plant carefully. Look at these little GuaMiao, I thought: I have to carefully take care of them, let them thrive, early eat these kinds of fruits and vegetables by our own hands, it will taste very good.

  Although work is very tired, but work is also happy. With the hard efforts, the joy of harvest. Labor creates the happy, also created a better life for all of us.

  国际劳动节的英语作文 篇7

  Labour Day today, the teacher told us to clean the classroom, wiping tables, etc., the teacher told me to go sweep the floor, I pick up the broom and went to sweep the floor, I saw a lot of underground waste, I could not finish one scan, it is depressed, Many students come back, help me, and really thank them, I like them, they are my best friend forever, today's Labor Day, we swept very clean, the teachers and students in recognition of our teacher told the students We give our applause, very happy today, too, had a happy Labor Day.

  国际劳动节的英语作文 篇8

  "51" three days rest, mom and dad going to take me to the sun. I listened to a happily jumped three feet high. Because the top of the mountain is very cold. So have to wear more clothes, otherwise will be frozen.

  "Go!" I shouted, mom and dad laughed happily. We are talking and laughing all the way, don't know how happy. Almost opened more than two hours, the sun, because it is rainy day, the mountain fog is very big, we all can't see the road, so we have to get off, walk up the hill. Walking, I feel like a fly in the sky. After the former see bearer, see the car feel really sorry, even on the mountain, also can't see the scenery. Dad called back to the hotel, we set out again the next day.

  Didn't bright day, my father told us to get up to see the sunrise. We quickly wear good clothes to go to the top of the hill. The winding trail, like a snake. Got to the top of the mountain for a while. The top of the hill there are 35 power windmills, it is used for power generation. Under the wind blows, are turning up. "The sun is out!" I yell, everyone looked up and said: "really!" The sun slowly rose above the horizon, red like a egg yolks, next to the cloud became red. I looked at the distance of xiao yun, as "sea of clouds", really beautiful!

  国际劳动节的英语作文 篇9

  Last Saturday--April 28th, my classmates and I went to the park near my school. Can you guess what we did there?Not for amusement but to take part in a volunteer labour.

  We reached the park at nine o'clock. The whole class was divided into three groups. I was in Group Three.

  ach group had different tasks. Group One planted trees and watered flowers. Group Two was told to pick up litter left by the tourists and cleaned all the benches. The group that I was in wiped all the equipment in the Children's Playground. All of us worked hard.

  Before noon we finished working. ach of us felt a little bit tired, but we were happy because we had done a good deed.

  国际劳动节的英语作文 篇10

  The classmates, the word "labor" you must not strange! As long as the work, to learn. But for me, in my mind the most profound, dry is also one of the most awkward work, became the treasure in my heart.

  That is probably when I was seven years old, after dinner, I suddenly want to do household chores, at this moment, I suddenly saw the pile of dishes in birdbath, my mind suddenly jumped out of an idea: not, I will wash the dishes. So I say to grandma, "grandma, this time let me to wash the dishes". Grandma agreed. But I just picked up the bowl, stumped: should use something to wash dishes? I left pace, right look, I finally found a spiral brush, I thought: washing bowl with the stuff should be good. So I just take it began to wash the dishes.

  Began to wash the dishes, I'll put the bowl into the water, having some water, and then use the brush brush like shoe polish brushes off as it hit the bowl of rice residue. In dry for about half an hour later, I didn't wash all thumbs up three bowl and a dish. In the process of washing and nearly dropped the tray down and broken.

  Human material world, created a rich in labor also created the magnificent spirit world. No work, no civilization. Therefore, we should be an industrious people.

  国际劳动节的英语作文 篇11

  the expectant labor day arrived at finally,we cantake a break finally. the seldom several days holidays, i want to play a fully enjoy.

  the first day, i'm going to yiwu. i by train, setout from shanghai, by way of jiaxing and hangzhou. the scenery in the journey is very beautiful, there is many hills, but not how many waters, my happpy mood did not therefore suffer the influence, because i'm not to like the water very much, especially big river.

  keep in mind the strange and pleased mood, i arrived yiwu. the many people says, yiwu become famous because of small merchandise, i approve very much now, however the night that i like it. i live the neighborhood in hills, air is very good, but there is a lot of insectual. the sunlight is very strong there sevral days, usually in the daytime of time, i sleeping in house, the nightfall go to play. very quick a week passde by.

  the holidays be over, i felt not how happy, but i hope that i can to breathe the air on the hills again. expect the labor day of the next year.

  国际劳动节的英语作文 篇12

  This is the most unforgettable day for me - "May Day". I had a good time that day! Because my parents took me to the children's Park.

  When I got to the children's Park, I was even more excited. I'm thinking about what to play! After buying tickets, the first thing I played was water bowling. As soon as I entered the ball, there was peace around me. There was no sound unless you shouted loudly. The staff pushed me and the ball into the water. Suddenly, my whole body didn't feel very hot, but it was still cool! It seems that an air conditioner is on. This game is to exercise your climbing ability. I climbed in the ball and fell from time to time. After a while, steam evaporated from it. Now, I'm in trouble! There is steam in it. It's slippery when climbing. I always fall. When the time came, the staff immediately brought the "ball" and "let me out...".

  The second one is' canyon rafting '. It's exciting! But this ticket is also very expensive: 50 yuan per person. My mother and I sat on it and the boat started. OK, let's start! It's just under the bridge. The water is flowing fast. All the people on the "ship" shouted at the same time. After crossing the bridge, the "boat" was stumbling and bumped into the stone wall. The water grew old and high and ran into the "boat". When I got to the turning corner, I was even more frightened. The "ship" almost turned over. Now I was so frightened that I didn't know what to do. "It's finally over!" I said to myself. Now, I'm relieved.

  "Ah! It's half past four. Let's hurry home!" I said. Finally, I reluctantly bid farewell to the children's Park. This time, although I only played two games, I am also satisfied. I hope I can come here next time and finish all the games!

  国际劳动节的英语作文 篇13

  Labor creates a better life, labor obtains fruitful results, and labor brings happiness. It's may day again. I also take practical actions to celebrate this meaningful festival.

  That morning, my parents pulled me out of bed early. I was sleepy and said listlessly, "why?" Mother hurriedly packed up her things and said, "Feifei, mom and dad are going to work overtime. Just stay at home." Sleepiness was interrupted, so I had to get up. When I got up, I saw a mess at home, a mess on the ground and dust on the ground. It occurred to me that no one has cleaned the house for such a long time. Why don't I have a big cleaning.

  Work! I roughly cleaned up the messy books and clothes, wiped the dust on the table, and emptied the garbage in the trash can, ready to start mopping the floor. I filled a large bucket of water, picked up the mop and dipped some water into the bucket to drag the dust away. I dragged hard, and in the twinkling of an eye I was sweating, but I dragged it back and forth, and there were still footprints around. It turned out that where I dragged it, the dirty shoes would step on it. It had to wait until the year of the monkey to clean it? I lost myself in thought: what can I do? You can't fly and drag, can you? Ah, yes! I can clean my shoes and light my feet to mop them.

  After a while, my feet were so sore that I thought: is there no other way? I thought for a long time and couldn't think of any way. I sighed and said, "I thought it was the easiest way to mop the floor. Alas, it seems that I can only work hard for a while. I dragged it desperately for more than half an hour, and finally cleaned it, and the ground suddenly looked new. But I was out of breath and sweating. I sat on the sofa to rest, and then I found that I hadn't had breakfast and was hungry.

  This cleaning, I understand: labor is a seemingly simple thing, but it is not easy to do well. No wonder the old saying goes: go down the river to know the depth, taste the pear to know the sour and sweet. Watching myself clean the tidy room with my own hands, I feel happy. Although labor is hard, those who love labor are the most glorious!

  国际劳动节的英语作文 篇14

  Today is labor day. My mother took me to the street. Along the way, it was sunny in spring outside. Everywhere was green and the flowers were particularly bright. I walked all the way. There are endless streams of people and vehicles on the street. Various shops display various preferential signs, and people rush to buy them.

  Our whole family came to Daxing supermarket together. The door of Daxing supermarket is filled with all kinds of cosmetics. There is a 20% discount sign in front. There are a lot of people shopping. As soon as I entered the door, many children took the elevator there, and I also took the elevator. I stood on a grid and the elevator automatically sent me up. I went down and up and played and played.

  When I was tired of playing, I sat down in the next chair. When I saw a child eating hamburgers, I asked my father to buy them for me. A hamburger is made of two pieces of bread with a piece of chicken, a little cucumber and cream. Take a sip and it tastes great.

  My mother told me the origin of May Day, which made me understand that may day is hard won: it is the result of the unity and struggle of the proletariat and working people all over the world. We should cherish today's happy life, not play, but study hard.

  What an unforgettable and happy day it is today.

  国际劳动节的英语作文 篇15

  I usually spend may day with my family. This year's may day, a little guest from his hometown, named XXX, was just five years old. He was a very naughty and lovely little boy. For the first time, I worked as a small tour guide for him for X days as the host. Although I was busy and hard, we all felt happy and full.

  The first day of the holiday was sunny and sunny. Grandpa took me and my little brother to today's destination - XX science and Technology Museum. The little brother saw so many strange exhibits for the first time. He looked left and right excitedly, and kept asking "why". I volunteered to be a temporary commentator and answered him carefully. When we watch the global screen movies, he dances with excitement. I followed my mother's example and answered his "100000 whys" one by one.

  In fact, I am determined to be a knowledgeable little brother. I am not determined to be a knowledgeable little brother.

  The next morning, we came to XX amusement park. It was a sea of people! I played many games with my little brother happily, including super swing, crazy bus, Ollie water war, rotating nine headed bird and so on.

  To tell you the truth, I dare not play many thrilling projects, but when I think I am a big sister, I suddenly become much bolder and braver. In addition, I also learned to take care of others. My little brother has to drink water, go to the bathroom and eat. I have been patiently with him. At this time, I suddenly thought of my dear mother. When I was a child, my mother took care of me so carefully.

  Today is the last day of my little brother's family in XX. My mother and I carefully bought delicious XX specialties for them: XX roast duck and XX dessert. At noon, we reluctantly sent off our little brother's family.

  I had a very happy holiday. I was a tour guide for guests for the first time and learned to take care of others. It was a happy and different may day!

  国际劳动节的英语作文 篇16

  Labor Day is coming soon. I originally planned to play with my mother at this time, but my mother said there were a lot of housework waiting to be done, so I had to give up. Bored, I suddenly had an idea. Why don't I help my mother with the housework! Do what you say.

  I secretly drew a basin of water, took a rag and came to my parents' room. First of all, tidy up the clothes here, put the small sundries in the cabinet in order, and choose a prominent seat for the photo album. After almost done, soak the towel, wring it dry, and wipe the floor, cabinet and computer table of the room. Finally, I'll fold the quilt and dry it. Wow, I didn't even think that I could create such a beautiful room through labor, which was very warm in my heart. With a sense of pride, I repeated the above actions to clean my room. Ha ha ~ really, I don't know if I don't do it. I'll be surprised if I do it.

  In fact, if you really work, you won't feel so upset, but you will get a lot of insights in your work. If you complain like this, please think about your parents. My mother does so much housework every day, and my father goes out early and returns late. Aren't they more tired!

  Look at those model workers. Do they get anything from their work? No, they think that labor is very happy and happy. They think that only the results of their own labor are the most beautiful!

  I realized the hardships of labor on May Day. Labor is Guan Rong's. students, you can also help your parents do something during the May Day holiday! You know, they do these things every day for 365 days.

  国际劳动节的英语作文 篇17

  With the warm spring breeze and the warm sunshine, the annual May Day has come quietly. You must be keen to enjoy life. You can't stand it! So why not take advantage of this relaxing holiday to relax outside? I believe that the beautiful atmosphere of May day will leave a deep impression on you!

  Speaking of the characteristics of May Day, it is those dazzling commodities on the streets! There are all kinds of household appliances. They are really exquisite! Many famous big stores have put out attractive advertisements such as "May Day holiday reward" and "holiday commodity sale", so as to attract the attention of consumers. Small stalls are not willing to fall behind. In terms of ostentation, small stalls can't compare with big stores, but the price of goods can be cheaper! Therefore, many small stalls have advertised "buy one, add one" and "sell at a low price". Although they sell some miscellaneous small objects, they are very beautiful. With this alone, those small commodities have been favored by tourists. Coupled with the affordable price, it is the reason why ordinary small stalls can last forever at the festival.

  In addition to the different types of goods, there are also all kinds of people involved in business. There are migrant workers from other places, local fixed businesses, college students,... This fully proves that people's awareness of fine business and business philosophy are gradually improving. Looking at the crowded crowd on the street, I found that more people bought than sold. Among them, there are smart housewives, old people over 50 years old, fashionable and avant-garde urban youth, and naive and lively children... Look, people carefully select the goods they like and pick up one from time to time to ask the merchant for the price.

  May 1st - a lively day! As if the beautiful flowers are blooming for today, as if the warm spring breeze is blowing for today, as if the colorful flag fluttering in the wind is floating for today... Everything on the earth seems to have been agreed in advance, and we gather together on May 1!

  Look at the crowded square, which is full of festive atmosphere! People are smiling and elated. They use smiles to celebrate the working people's own festivals.

  国际劳动节的英语作文 篇18

  This year's may day, I had a very happy time, because I did a lot of meaningful things. Now let's take a look at what meaningful things I have done!

  On this day of May Day, we went to grandma's house. As soon as we entered the door, we found grandma and grandpa waiting for us inside the door. As soon as I saw grandma and grandpa, I ran excitedly and hugged grandma. Grandma said happily: "Haoran, why didn't you tell me to come and ask me to prepare." I'm sorry. Grandpa also said, "Haoran, if you want to say, I'll buy you steamed bread with black rice!" I blushed again and said, "it's OK not to eat. Anyway, I can eat if I don't eat. As long as I have something to do." Grandpa said, "I really have something to do!" I was so excited that I gave grandpa a hug.

  Grandpa told me: there's a lot of grass in the vegetable field. After dinner, I went there to work. Well, I nodded and looked very happy.

  After half an hour, we went to work in the field. I went up and pulled out a grass, which scared me to death. A bug smaller than the mouse jumped out and scared me to death. I hurried to other places to pull out the grass. I pulled it for a while and had a rest. Unexpectedly, something like a small bottle appeared in front of me. I looked close and scared me to death. I ran away again

  Finally, we are reluctant to leave. I am so happy this may day!

  国际劳动节的英语作文 篇19

  Labor Day is coming. Our school has a seven-day holiday. My friends and I are very happy.

  On the first day of the holiday, brother Yu was so naughty that it rained cats and dogs. I had to hide at home and didn't dare to come out.

  On the second day of the holiday, father-in-law sun came out, with bright sunshine and flowers in full bloom. My parents and I agreed to go to the children's Park and go to guazhu paste to see the beautiful scenery.

  When I walked into the children's Park, I saw the children playing with bumper cars, rotating chairs, swinging, playing hide and seek, and taking a plane... In the morning, I played in the children's Park and felt really happy and happy.

  In the afternoon, my family went to guazhu lake. I saw that the water in the lake was very clear. I really wanted to jump down and have a taste.

  On my way home, I saw beautiful roses planted by the roadside. I really want to pick them. However, the teacher taught us not to pick flowers, but to love flowers and trees. I took my hand back when I thought about it. Because I am a good student!

  When I got home, I told Grandma about the fun of the day. Grandma smiled happily, as if Grandma had played with us.

  国际劳动节的英语作文 篇20

  The international workers’day,also known as May day,is celebrated on the first day on May. There are more than eighty countries celebrate this festival since 1889. People may know that the worker’s day is about having a rest on that day,but most of them don’t know how this day comes from and the story behind it.

  In the late of 18 century,the cruel capitalists in order to make more money,they demanded their employers to work all day,but only paid them with low salaries. In America,the workers had to work at least 14 hours a day,sometimes,they even worked as long as 18 hours. Due to the unfair payment,the works knew that they had to stand up and fight for their rights,or all of them will die young. Then the workers started to go on strike,demanded that the reasonable working hours should be 8 hours a day. However,the capitalists did not pay attention to the workers’demand. The workers had to fight for their rights for themselves. On may 1st,1886,the United States and Canada’s worker unions got together to start the biggest strike. After that day,the law had passed the rules that the workers’working hours would be 8 hours per day. This strike had made a different. The worker did not need to suffer from the long working hours with low payment.

  The international worker’s day aims to memorize the spirit of brave and show our honor to the former workers. Because they had make great contribution to today’s happiness.

  Happy workers’day !






  国际劳动节的英语作文 篇21

  Today, my mother took me out to drive. Along the way, the happy stream sang a lullaby, which made me quickly fall asleep in the car.

  When I arrived in Baima Tibetan area, a prairie appeared in front of me. From a distance, the field is like a green carpet, and many unknown wild flowers are quietly in full bloom, which is particularly beautiful in the sunshine. The cattle on the grassland are eating grass leisurely, the horses are running heartily, and the chic wooden buildings that can be seen everywhere are even more attractive. It is said that the horses here are tame and can be ridden. So I pestered my mother and let me ride a horse. My mother agreed and let me ride a horse. On the way, I asked the uncle who led the horse to let me ride by myself. At first, the horse was a little disobedient, and then it adapted. On the boundless grassland, I rode my horse and ran fast. I was very happy!

  The next day, we went to Longyin ancient town in an County. That's the place to shoot Baochang Wang! Along the way, antique buildings led us to our destination like signposts. During the May Day holiday, it entered the game period. You don't need RMB to buy anything, but use a "coin" with different characters and patterns, which is the same area as RMB - guanjin coupon. Exchange RMB 1 yuan for 10000 yuan of Customs coupons. It is said that the customs coupons are coins of the Republic of China, with a large denomination. We also exchanged some. My mother spent 50000 customs coupons for a cup of tea. Next to the third sister-in-law restaurant, I saw a small shop making handmade ceramics. I spent 200000 customs coupons to play. At first, I was just a monk-in-law - confused. Later, with the help of my boss, I finally made a vase. How happy!

  After I came back from playing, I was happy to do my homework.

  I like may day and the feeling of being with my family.

  国际劳动节的英语作文 篇22

  On May Day, our school carried out may day cleaning.

  After the teacher simply divided the work, the students rushed to their posts like soldiers who had been enlisted. Some of them carefully scrubbed the blackboard with blackboard erasers and rags; Some take a big broom and sweep it carefully, even a little bit of paper won't let it slip through the net; Some seriously wipe the wall with a rag

  Everyone was scrambling to do it. It was a scene of great enthusiasm. I saw Hercules Xu taoze waving a big broom and finally sweeping some paper scraps together. Suddenly, a strong wind blew. The paper scraps could not withstand the attack of the wind and flew around like butterflies. Xu taoze felt helpless and looked at the scraps of paper flying foolishly.

  At this time, Zhang Yao, the little clever seat, hurriedly came to "reinforce". He took off his little white coat and covered it on the scraps of paper. Where's Xu taoze? The big eyes stared, inexplicably, and then suddenly realized. He picked up a piece of paper under his coat and put it under the mat with his hand. After a while, they picked up all the flying scraps of paper. I looked at the dust on the window and thought: these dust may not work with dry rags or wet rags. What should I use? I suddenly saw the handkerchief hanging on the wall. Why not brush it with a handkerchief first? As soon as I said I would do it, I held my handkerchief tightly in my hands and dusted it carefully. Sure enough, the dust fell one after another; Then, I first put the detergent into the basin, then wet the rag, wring it dry, and wipe it on the glass one by one in order. I think it must be very clean.

  But after doing so, although the dust was gone, water marks were left on the glass. I quickly brought the newspaper and wiped it carefully along the water trace. After a while, the water trace finally disappeared, and I breathed a long sigh of relief. After a while, with the joint efforts of the students, a clean and tidy The classroom appeared in front of me.

  Looking at the clean classroom, I didn't know where I was flying just now. I just felt so sweet in my heart! I love labor! I love May Day!









