
2022-02-26 家乡


  With the sound of the firecrackers, the shy spring girl is late. She lets spring messenger - swallows give everything: Spring is coming! All things in the earth danced cheerfully, the most exciting thing is that my hometown is. As the saying goes, "the one year is in spring". Spring is the season of all things recovered. When I came to the village, I saw that each household was happy, and a thick firecracker paper was laid in front of each door. Looking at it, just like a bright reddish carpet, at first glance, it is like a layer of red rose petals on the ground, beautiful! Into the village, every household is coming to each other, and the child is jumping on the country's circles, and the firecrackers are lifted. The village is everywhere. I walked to the village along the bright red firecracker paper. A bamboo forest showed in front of him. The careful spring girl does not forget to bring a continuous spring rain when they come to the world. She waved, "Tick the Tick", the spring rain softly stroked every tender bamboo shoot, and then quietly integrated into the dirt, nourishing bamboo shoots. The bamboo is full of water, and it has grown. In a few days, it has grown into a bamboo. "Sha sand sand, Sha sand sand", listening, this is the sound of their dancing; this is singing in the sound of singing; this is the greeting words of the spring, how beautiful, how happy! Going out of the bamboo forest, the small river of a curved curved stream is flowing cheerfully. "Hey,", "listening, this is a small river dances happy. Look, in the clear river, a group of small fish swim, leaving a few ripples. Come to the shallow boake, you can also see three groups of shrimps, five groups of happiness and play. There are regularly will will willow trees on both sides of the small river. With the arrival of the spring girl, the original light bare branches took a few tender green wickers, just like a beautiful fairy danced, unusual. Take the end of the stream, look at it, is a large paddy field. Farmland is all right, it is a group of mountain peaks. Looking forward, you can see or lighter new green. Spring hometown is beautiful! It is so energetic, it is beautiful and cute, I love spring hometown!












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